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i need Fl's help.


Smash Hero
Sep 11, 2005
Kissimmee, Florida playing melee! (f*** brawl, th
I like how Brian told the one person making sense in this thread to shut up...once again hurting himself in it.

It's good advice...you should take it. If you keep getting punished for doing the same things, then you should switch style to punish what they are doing to punish you. Always watch your opponent...not yourself.
just cuz i told him to shut up doesnt mean i didnt hear what he said. and no duh, who doesnt look at the opponents character. i always watch my opponents character, that doesnt change the fact that i lose with falco cuz i cant properly control him throughout the game. when you see an opening or a mistake, you have to go in and punish, but if you constantly mess up the punishing because of a lack of tech skill, it doesnt matter. everytime i talk about this subject , people assume i am some dumb noob and they say "mindgames>tech" . no duh, but you still need tech just as much, mindgames are just greater cuz they have a greater range of application.

lambc0ck says that i am a noob and that my logic is stupid cuz he thinks that i believe that " if your tech skill is perfect, nothing else matters and you will always leave." that is, in fact, false. what i do believe, and have been stating this whole time, is that even if you are very smart and observe your opponent, you still need to be able to move around the stage, and perform all the various moves and attacks, to attack and punish your opponent. this should be obvious, cuz there is no point in watching your opponent and seeing his mistakes, if you dont intend on attacking or punishing him.

BUT, if you constantly mess up when you try to attack and punish, you will fail. you will lose. and you will not go far in this game. if my tech skill was as good as shiz's or lambc0cks, then all of my mindgames and smarts wouldnt get wasted.

its last stock. on fd. im falco and my opponent is fox. i jump in the air towards fox. i am falling right in front of him, as i land, i decide to waveland away, knowing that falling in front of him will cause a reaction such as attempting a grab. i go for the waveland, but i mistime it. i do more of an airdodge away than a waveland, so i have extra lagtime. i did fake out the fox, and he let go of his sheild. my mindgame was successful, i now had to perform the punishment side, the "tech" side if you will. but wait, the extra lag that occured bcuz of my lack of tech skill caused me to gain extra lag so the fox ended up hitting me off the stage killing me.

did i just lose cuz of weak mindgames, or sucky tech skill? i would say tech skill.

now what if in a lot of games you were always getting punished because of tech errors, regardless of the positive situations your mindgames set up?

would you say that you could win a lot more and be better overall, if your tech was near perfect? i would

but people just say im a noob cuz "mindgames>tech skill" oh wells




Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2007
orlando, near Kissime. Vistas
actually hungry is good because It's easy for jiggs to punish and is not very technical, so all of his mindgames are easy to execute and he plays well. In my opinion mingames >=< Technical You could have the best mindgames in the world yet not be technical and you will nearly always lose. An opponent can mess up but if you can't go in and punish them for it then the fact that you made an opening goes down the drain. Likewise if you have no mindgames and are only technical, well you're kinda like a computer and make yourself predictable and open and don't know when to punish or even how. Juan i think is a great testament to this because he has no secondary. He plays smart with all characters but sometimes even when he makes an opening he can't punish with doc or marth or whoever. He is technical to a certain extent and that's why he can still play well with secondaries but not extrordinary. His jiggs is good because he has exelent mindgames and jugglypuff is easy to operate meaning you don't have to be technical. He even sais so himself, all i need to do is L-cancel, and I can win. (he ocassionally forgets to L-cancel ^_^)


Smash Legend
May 28, 2007
Orlando, FL (walking distance from the Loop)
actually hungry is good because It's easy for jiggs to punish and is not very technical, so all of his mindgames are easy to execute and he plays well. In my opinion mingames >=< Technical You could have the best mindgames in the world yet not be technical and you will nearly always lose. An opponent can mess up but if you can't go in and punish them for it then the fact that you made an opening goes down the drain. Likewise if you have no mindgames and are only technical, well you're kinda like a computer and make yourself predictable and open and don't know when to punish or even how. Juan i think is a great testament to this because he has no secondary. He plays smart with all characters but sometimes even when he makes an opening he can't punish with doc or marth or whoever. He is technical to a certain extent and that's why he can still play well with secondaries but not extrordinary. His jiggs is good because he has exelent mindgames and jugglypuff is easy to operate meaning you don't have to be technical. He even sais so himself, all i need to do is L-cancel, and I can win. (he ocassionally forgets to L-cancel ^_^)

Yeah that's all true, i was must making sure.



Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
I try but Ive given up on using y and i can do it consistently with up I dunno why its just easier that way
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