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I need advice on Ganon (Vids included).


Smash Champion
Mar 23, 2004
Portland, OR
Yeah, so I've always had trouble with Ganons, probably because I try to challenge his fair and uair with my aerials, and so I need some advice on how to better play against him. I actually lost to Gimpyfish's Ganon at the last TANG (Oregon bi-weeklies) mainly because of some poor edgeguard spacing and really don't want to lose to it again. So yeah, instead of explaining my style and such, here are 5 videos from a month ago, where I narrowly beat noobking's Ganon, and the videos of me v Gimpy are up now, so look for those to further critique.

Please note that at the time against Noobking, I was experimenting on how good shffl'd fairs are on Ganon so that's why I was spamming them like crazy, and I don't really do that so much anymore (I don't think). Also, I realize I was like amazingly ******** with my charge shots for one reason or another, so that doesn't need pointing out (unless you want to poke fun at me or something).

So yeah, here they are:

Noobking (February)

Match 1 - Fountain of Dreams
Match 2 - Final Destination
Match 3 - Yoshi's Story
Match 4 - Pokemon Stadium If you only watch one match, watch this one so you're impressed.
Match 5 - BattleField

Gimpyfish (March)

Match 1 - Dreamland
Match 2 - Final Destination

My goal is to not lose on Yoshi's Story against Ganon anymore and make it look like what happened in match 4.

Oh yeah, if anyone has any suggestions on how to best come back from really high up off the stage that'd help a lot. Right now I still do stupid stuff like dair and just get hit back off. My affinity for falling dairs is probably one of the worst parts of my game actually.

And then if anyone wants to point out specific combos Ganon does to me and tell me how to get out of them that'd be like too amazing and really helpful.


Dread Phanna
Apr 3, 2006
Before watching the vids, here are pretty much all my thoughts about this match-up, for your or anyone's benefit:

Thank goodness Samus only has to overcome Metroids, Ridley, Mother Brain, etc. in the games, because if she had to fight Ganondorf, it would be impossible. I despise this match-up, and if I had to fight as many Ganons as I do Sheiks and Captains, I'd fear it more than those two.

My understanding on how to approach this match-up is on the ground, spaced back. Ganon wins in the air, period, if he's playing right. Sure if you have a Ganon that spaces too close and starts a move too late, you can punish with aerials, but I'm talking about good Samus-rapers here.

My Samus strategy is very aggressive, and I'm often right up on peoples' shields, which is the worst idea possible against Ganon, whose shield-grab owns Samus, and who has a roll which is ten times better, and can up-b a shield-campy Samus. Not to mention his jab.

I think against an aggressive Ganon, spot-dodge should actually be used. I try to avoid spot-dodging or rolling with any character, but Samus really does have a nice spot-dodge, and if used to avoid an aggressive attack, then followed up with a down-smash, can frustrate your opponent.

So I think Samus chill outside Ganon's short-hop aerial range, and wavedash / dash-dance around in between tilts. Uncharged blast is nice since Ganon can't clink with it like he owns her Missiles. Putting a bomb between you can't hurt, but also doesn't terribly help unless you're trying to SWD or grab.

Edge-guarding Ganon isn't terribly tricky, thank goodness. If he has enough height, watch for his midair then down-b, and try to punish it with a missile. When he has to up-b, follow him with a nair. Standing back and passively trying to get an up-tilt edge-guard is fine if he's high enough to land on the level, but if he's sweetspotting, it's a bad idea since pro Ganons will wall-jump tech then immediately up-b again, catching you with it. It's a pain.

So dance outside Ganon's range, if he stays back as well, aggitate him with uncharged blasts and missile cancels. When he's staying grounded for extended periods of time, throw out a grab, especially if you drop a bomb between you two and he's still in his shield. If he approaches, up-b from shield or wavedash back tilt or spot dodge down-smash. Ganons hate being down-smashed, since they can't boot recover. Missile and nair edge-guard, with possibly an up-tilt at the end.

I only jump after Ganon jumps; jumping near Ganon before he does is a sure way to get knocked off the level, and against the best Ganons, be killed at any percent. I try to charge my blast, since it's a great tool in this fight, especially since you can shoot it above Ganon and have him jump into it so much of the time.

In this match-up, combo'ing is very difficult, so one of my favorite start-ups is dair, up-tilt, dsmash (if the edge is behind me), or dair, up-tilt, fsmash (if the edge is in front of me). This only works from low percents when he won't get knocked anywhere from the dair or up-tilt. Missile spam is a good stall, but is only a stall, but it's a great way to make Ganon come to you, and then space a nair to punish his attempt at punishing you.

Having Ganon on a platform above you is GREAT. I love it. Fair his shield, it'll push him pretty far, oftentimes off the platform to get hit, which you can follow up with a falling uair, and then a jab-tilt or something. Up-B isn't as great a tool in this match-up as it is in some others, since Ganon can pretty much just up-air you as soon as you're done hitting him with it. If you are going to up-B, make sure you don't decide which way to DI until you see where he's going.

Recovering is difficult, just try to stay as high as possible so you can lose height to avoid him but still make it to the edge. If he's standing far enough back that you can't hit him but he can still make it difficult to get back on the level, edge-hop uncharged blasts at him until he moves back or forward. If he moves forward, feel free to edge-hop fair, up-b him, re-grabbing the edge. Watch out for his short-hop back-air, since it owns edge-hopped blasts and attacks. You want him to face you, since his fair takes longer to come out. Save your grapple, and rising grapples only work if your opponent doesn't know to just forward tilt at the edge to knock you out into oblivion. Just try to sweet-spot the edge with up-b, and if the Ganon can up-air edge guard you effectively, change up your timing with the one grapple. If he screws you, that sucks, but such is this match-up.

All this said, I consistently lose to highly skilled Ganons. I'm thinking carefully now, but in the match-up, I just lose concentration and get frustrated. This is why the single most important tip in this match-up is that Samus needs to keep her cool throughout the entire match. One slip-up and you'll get knocked hard, and if you slide down a slope of agitation, guarantee a loss.
Comments/feedback on the videos you posted:

He missed some easy punishes on Samus, but generally played a solid Ganon. You exploited his shortcomings will with aerials, especially nair and uair. Fair worked sometimes, but I especially liked it when you used it while retreating aerially.

Don't missile or missile cancel if Ganon is close enough to fair you, which he will do, going through anything you happened to have shot.

Spot-dodging against a Ganon on the ground is a bad idea, since his jab and grab are fast enough to negate any lag from missing you while spot-dodging. In general, if you can jab Ganon's shield, you're standing too close to him. Do one maybe, then wavedash back and forward tilt, or up-tilt if he likes to spot-dodge.

Hitting Ganon's shield with aerials is a bad idea unless you can land behind him, but even then, he can jump out and aerial you. In general, you should always keep back from a shielding Ganon. Down-tilt works great against one though, just stay back far enough. If he wave-dashes at you in shield, down-tilt again, it'll keep pushing him too far back to shield-grab you.

Your use of running off the level then midairing back to blast, aerial, or waveland attack was good. I like that you can mix it up, I hadn't thought of that before. I must say that your use of this to fire your fully charged blast became predictable though.

If you knock Ganon out, keep in mind that oftentimes it would be better to fire a standing missile than to jump and fire one, since the standing one is more likely to connect with his down-b.

Do you intentionally rising grapple close enough to the level that you just fly up without grappling? At first I thought it was a mistake but you did it frequently, and I saw it could have benefits.

You have a pretty nice game vs. Ganon, and he definitely knows the match-up.

Things I most appreciated that I'll try to add to my game vs Ganon:
• Run-off, jump back wavelands and blasts.
• Shffling fair after he's performed an attack and is landing.
• Intentionally grapple-cancelling against the level while rising grappling

As a general note, your wavedash distance is almost always perfect, just wanted to kudos you for that. I think if you threw in edge-hopped blasts that it could help rack up some damage while upsetting your opponents game. Wes' strategy of running up and bombing off their shield could be very useful in this match-up, consider trying it, especially if you can pull off wavelanding back and seeing what he'll do to punish it. For the long-term, you could consider adding shield-dropping through platforms, pivoting, and crouch-cancelled dashes to your game. I also sometimes uses bombs Mike Nasty style to interrupt their recovery when I can't think of anything else to do. In fact, now that I think about it, I didn't see you use a single bomb on the level, and very few while recovering lol - not that that's bad, just an observation.

So I enjoyed the fairs, but consider down-tilting in more cases, and you were very sparse with grabs and bombs, which I know can both be punished, but they can also be sprinkled in with great effectiveness, especially when used together. Also, your missile spam on levels like Pokémon Stadium worked greatly to your advantage, but you missed opportunities for missile spam on other levels like Battlefield. Try my DJC trick if you haven't heard of it, I think you'll like the results (video).

And I know you know this, but just general advice for any Samus: Don't roll or upsmash. Don't attack or roll-up on a platform when your foe is directly beneath you.

As an open-ended question: Why do we mid-air after we get knocked across the level? I constantly find myself doing this, in order to 'recover faster' it feels like, but I can't conceptually understand how jumping further above the level could speed it up at all. Is it just a lazy un-tumble before we fast-fall and waveland, or does it actually give us the ability to horizontally DI more? I ask because I saw you doing this, and I know I instinctively do the same, and I had forgotten this question until now. Fake edit: Now that I think about it, I do the same thing when I know I would have died otherwise, so I guess it burns off some horizontal momentum, which makes it worth the time to fast-fall the height we gained to recover faster overall.

And as one last side note, I actually enjoyed that the audio got in front of the video at times, because I could hear the punish that was coming. Almost a good exercise, to be able to better anticipate the consequences of an action.

Having finished writing this post, I must say it came out to be rather lengthy. At least it's in paragraphs of ideas, so I guess people should skim over it if nothing else.

Really enjoyable videos, I loved watching them, and definitely got some new and fresh ideas to try out. Hopefully my feedback provides some as well for you.


Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2005
Im sorry phanna im sure it was a great post but 222222222 much reading for watty.

For the record what im going to say even though some might disagree Joe Bushman is in my crew so and i mean no disrespect by this My ganon practice is prolly better than urs lol.

I read the first part of phanna post and watched one of videos and what phanna said is true the match is ridiculously hard. Forward airs do work, and Aftermath what u said about you wanting to win on yoshi story is possible, the matchup there is very good.

Ganon is big and slow, yoshi story is small, so what u do is play defensive and platform missile cancel. Shoot missles because ganon cannot do anything the stage is so small its hard for himt o move around. When he takes the top platform go with an up air forward air combination to counter that. That alone should win you the match on yoshi story.

Other stages where platform missile canceling is not possible use forward airs, and forward tilts. You need to pick ur spots to attack. Try and force him to jump, do a fast fall missle while advancing so that u can jump immediately from there if he sheilds land and pick your attack, if he neutrals it sex kick or try and forward air to pop him off the ground to a sex kick. Or if he jumps forward air him. Do not keep advancing with attacks becasue a good ganon can DI away and punish u

Throws im sure u know this but he will throw down most of the time and DI away to try and get away from the up air, but if he is going to hit u DI toward him so the hit doesnt kil u at high percents.


Dread Phanna
Apr 3, 2006
For the record what im going to say even though some might disagree Joe Bushman is in my crew so and i mean no disrespect by this My ganon practice is prolly better than urs lol.
No my Ganon practice is limited to Crom, Riot, Linguini, and others. I didn't have the pleasure of fighting Tipman before he quit; I only saw him **** all over Wes. I'm certain you have better Ganon practice than me, and I'm envious for it. I know my post was long, but I put a lot of though into it, so my hope is that good Samus' like yourself will scan it over time and give feedback to help us all.

And at Cra$hman: I agree his charged-shot method become redundant to the point of prediction, but I think the general idea is excellent to throw into the mixup. At least for me, since I've never employed it as such.


Smash Champion
Mar 23, 2004
Portland, OR
Thanks Crash.

New vids up of me v Gimpy, I guess I still use shffl'd fairs.

Watty, the thing about being in one place is that Ganon's uair is amazing, and that's what gives me the most trouble on Yoshi's. If you watch the third match you can see what I mean, but I will try your advice next time I play a Ganon.

Phanna, thanks for the in-depth post, I'll try to tweak those components of my game, especially spot-dodging and where I land from aerials. To answer your questions though, I'm not sure whether I meant to do the rising grapple to close, I usually either do it when the person isn't edgeguarding or to try and get them to think I do it a bunch, then sweetspot it randomly and edgehop a fair when they are going to attack. In that case I'd say I was just having fun. As for double jumping after I get hit way off the edge, it's just I get bored and want to tap a button, but you'll notice in the new matches I just do a bunch of uairs instead of jumping, since I'm pretty sure that it doesn't make a difference on negating momentum if you jump or not.


Banned (62 points)
Jul 11, 2005
Edmonds, Washington
was this made specifically because of me? awwww thats so sweet ^_^ haha

uhh i mean... dont listen to these guys, you should like... roll more. that beats ganon... yep. roll spamming will beat ANYTHING as samus. >_>

(i think he bought it! LOL)


Smash Lord
Mar 18, 2006
Winter Park, FL
A couple of times in the vids I noticed you were going for smashes and uptilts against ganon's recovery when edge hogging would have worked. On FD ganon has nowhere to go while you're holding the ledge and his upB has some nice lag when it lands. Durring that lag (and depending on how far he is from you) you can do a number of things:

1. Waveland fsmash
2. Waveland ftilt
3. Ledge hop dair to backair (not positive on the percents)
4. Waveland grab
5. Ledge hop nair / bair if you feel you don't have enough time for the other ones

I don't think I'm very good against ganons and don't have the experience Watty does against like Bushman. The few ganons I have played (riot, linguini, crom, noucles) while they **** me over all, when I get them off the edge they're usually dead.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
Ok first off...I was going to write out a long in-depth post about ganon..but phanna already did that and I really agree with everything he said so I am going to quote some really important things to remember from his post and add some of my own advice in there. I love playing Ganons. This is because my brother mains Ganon and I have played every Ganon main in texas and know the match-up really well. But I usually pick fox not samus. This is because Ganon vs samus is a very hard match-up for samus..especially if you are not used to playing them. The samus needs to make very little mistakes while the ganon has more room to breath.

My understanding on how to approach this match-up is on the ground, spaced back. Ganon wins in the air, period, if he's playing right. Sure if you have a Ganon that spaces too close and starts a move too late, you can punish with aerials, but I'm talking about good Samus-rapers here.

I only jump after Ganon jumps; jumping near Ganon before he does is a sure way to get knocked off the level, and against the best Ganons, be killed at any percent. I try to charge my blast, since it's a great tool in this fight, especially since you can shoot it above Ganon and have him jump into it so much of the time.
These two are VERY important to remember. I cannot STRESS how important it is to be careful of jumping around a ganon. Let him jump first. Really. In your videos you would missle cancel and then follow and jump and sex kick. Gimpy would then fair you. Sometimes you traded hits..but that is better for the ganon. Wait till he jumps first before you sex kick. Also you might consider coming in with an uair after he jumps.

You really need to keep your game against Ganon ground orientaed. I liked your samus but in this match-up you were in the air WAY too much on your own accord. Fair does work well on ganon but he usually punished you with his spacing. You need to stay on the ground more and f-tilt more. Try following your missles with a ftilt and if he jumps then uair him and FF a missle or jump again and sex kick if you can.

Also, try shooting a missle at Ganons head then following it. That way you will hit him if he jumps..short hops that is and he probably will..because thats what ganons do. Remember he is always going to be approching in the air and you need to use that to your advantage. Try to outspace him when he fairs. SH backwards and MC. Wavedash up and ftilt. Jab crouch jab crouch..but not too much just to pressure his shield a little. You could also try wavebombing it. Also after you ftilt him try dash attack. If he can shield you will usually go past it so you won't be shield grabbed. For the most part I find this usually hits ganons though. Many Ganons will jab after their fair so that you cannot punish them. With Samus you can wavedash back then dash attack which will outprioritze their jab..it might not and they might clank it could be you just have to time the dash attack well in accordance with his jab.

Things to remember:
1. Stay spaced back and approach from the ground...not the air.
2. Make Ganon jump first.
3. MC as high as possible so that the ganon cannot jump over your missle easily.
4. Angle your ftilts high to knock ganon out of his air attacks
5. If you get grabbed you are going to be down thrown into an uair so DI accordingly.

I think thats all you need help with and I hope I helped.

Edit: Ahh I forgot something!!!!
I never saw you ledgedash!!! When you are hanging on the ledge try ledgedashing into your shield or a jab..It works almost every time but don't be predictable with it.


Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2005
I have read everyones sugestions but i noticed it in the few vids i watched but more from personal experience dont jump after getting hit. I always get hit with a fair and think that i will jump and fair him back. At times it works other times it doesnt and I get hit with the fair. The problem is that I have wasted my second jump. This means that all i have is grappling the ledge. Which if u mess up on then ganon will likely reverse upair u. This leads to death.

Terrible explaination for use your second jump wisely.

I dont have much advise for how to get around it but I think every samus player knows that samus prefers to be on bottom. You let ganon be on bottom alot in the match in YS. We all know thats a bad thing. Not too much advice on how to get around it. People gave advice on getting up from the stage already but I would say just stand up and dsmash. It catches people off guard.

I couldnt tell much of your DI but I would suggest DIing away from ganons Fair at LOWER percents. Everyone is scared of ganon and thus will DI toward him with the first fair. But at low percents you want to get away and get to the gorund. Or atleast get on level ground with him.

Someone mentioned using bombs to put in his way. I have never felt safe with bombs. Ganon just eats through them when I used them. Might just be my bad luck. I would recomend bombing his sheild. Either running up to it and laying a bomb on it or when u are comming from on top and u are worried about getting sheild grabbed.

The last thing I noticed was possibly being a little more patient. Mainly waiting out techs. I have a friend who is great about punishing techs and spot dodge. I look for moves that will cover up the length of the spot dodge, like peachs dsmash. But there was a nice combo u had at the end of the last match on Bfeild but u missed the fsmash. Generally you know to expect techs from upper level players. I struggle with it my self but if u can wait out the tech that fsmash would have landed.

Anyway really great samus dooood.


Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2005
Thanks Crash. Watty, the thing about being in one place is that Ganon's uair is amazing, and that's what gives me the most trouble on Yoshi's. If you watch the third match you can see what I mean, but I will try your advice next time I play a Ganon.

aftermath, the point of doing the missile cancel on the platforms is that he cant up air u becauase u will never be above him as long as u dont mess up the missles, hes to big and the platforms are spaced perfectly for missle canceling so juss spam at him untilt hey hit and once they do keep shooting the desired effect is that it iwll carry him off the stage., so he only can break them slowly advance, (if u see him doing that homing missile him) but he can only come from above and when he does up air him.

On other stages don't rush in, u can play aggressive but don't try and guess what hes gonna do. Example would be if u think he is gonna jump so u forward air hoping to catch him, it works at first but if they catch on they can punish u.
It is a really hard match up, but I feel I am so good on Yoshi Story that i actually counter pick ganons there


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
somebody get the mods to delete this thread before ihavespaceballs finds it!!! :laugh:

uhh i mean... dont listen to these guys, you should like... roll more. that beats ganon... yep. roll spamming will beat ANYTHING as samus. >_>
quoted for truth!!! grr!!! :laugh:


The Designated Hype Man!
Jul 3, 2002
Warner Robins, Georgia
Now, I'm not a Samus player, nor am I a ganon player, so what I have to say may not be relevant at all.

But the main idea of what I want to say has pretty much been ran into the ground.

The way I see (or rather, saw this matchup in the video) is samus, who has good power with range (through projectiles) vs ganon, who has good power.

Now, granted does have good range, if you're speaking "hand to hand", but from what I know and what I saw, he's pretty much left 3 options when you start going at him with missles.

He can either

a) run at you to get into range to attack
b) move away from you at to get out of YOUR range (which would in the end be worse for him)
c) dodge/block until you come to him.


Now theoretically speaking, I'd imagine that a perfect samus world would be if A worked without fail, but (no offense) you showed what CAN happen if you only use projectiles.

But you showed more of what happens if he does C.

What I'm saying is, more often than not, you kinda ran to him. Now, I know as well that you do that melee, nor any fighting game for that matter, works in a perfect world for your character, you're going to have to give up your advantage sometimes.

The problem I saw is, you often spent too much time "messing around" in Ganon's range.

There was one video (i think it was on Kirby64, mighta been FoD) where you jumped on a platform and spotdodged like 4x. Why not move, especially if ganon's not swinging at you? I understand you dont wanna get hit with the u.air, but standing around got you hit with the f.air instead.


As for wanting all your matches to be like the PS match, i think it's possible, but that's because I dont really know 1 thing about Samus.

The reason why PS worked in my opinion is not specifically because you were missle spamming, but because you were using your moves and staying out of ganon's range. (Oh dear god I saw more missles that round than in a **** game of Missle Command)

I honestly dont see you being able to do that on Yoshi's Story for say, just cause of the size of the stage. Other than that, as long as you have some room to stay away, I dont really see why you cant stay away and stay at the tip of your range.


On a positive note, you did space stuff nicely. I liked the spacing to most of your aerials, and you did a good job setting yourself up for the most part. More often-than-not you actually DIDNT get rewarded for your work, whether it was because ganon got lucky or predicted you, but he was able to avoid your setups.

I personally wouldnt change what you did for those, but would either try to come up with safer options, or dont use so many of THOSE options (those being the dangerous ones).


Again, I dont play samus, nor do a play ganon, but in a nutshell, I saw you hanging around in his range too much, and that's where ganon turns into a beast. D:

Mr. Ganondorf

Smash Journeyman
Aug 26, 2004
Hanford, CA
My friend ZivilynBane actually dropped Samus as his main and switched to Doc mostly because he couldn't beat my Ganon with her. So it's definitely a hard match. DSF is also kind enough to play Samus against me to give me Samus practice, so I have some experience with this match. I didn't have time to read everyone's suggestions, but I'm sure almost everything that needs to be said has been said, so I'll be brief.

Samus v Ganon is basically an edgeguarding war. Ganon's recovery is ***** by everyone, with walltechs being the only way to live most times. You know what to do there. However, Ganon is very good at ****** recovery himself. Try to go extreme: either extremely high or extremely low and don't come down with dair like you said cuz at best you'll trade hits which is still better for Ganon. If you don't go high or low, he can easily drop bairs and reverse uairs to kill Samus. Even worse, Ganon might just jump out and fair you if he can so don't allow it!

Also, don't ledge hop, ledge dash or jump from the ledge unless you're sure you'll be alright. Ganon's favorite thing to do when you're on the ledge is stand there and wait to shffl a bair on you. Ledgedash is plry the lesser of evils because if you can keep the invincibility you can dsmash, jab or shield before he hits you. I'm not sure how Samus' ledge dash works, if she keeps invincibility that long or what so that's just speculation. Also, time spent in the air is better spent on the ground. Ganon's uair is utter rapsies! One up air leads to another so don't get hit (lol genius advice). But srsly, tilts, missiles and bombs are your friend. Bombs especially get frustrating if used well. Uncharged shot is good too cuz ganon can't jab them like he does missiles. I don't think he can fair thru it either, but it wouldn't surprise me. Don't spam missiles if he's in range for fair, cuz Ganon will do it if he can. Also on DI'ing the dthrow which is pretty much all he'll use. I'd suggest DI'ing behind at low percents to avoid uair but DI up to avoid bair at high percents, cuz that usually spells death. But I'm not sure, so don't take my word on it, I don't even play Samus! That's all, good luck on conquering Gimpyfish's Bowser, I mean Ganondorf :)

LOL that didn't turn out too brief at all. Sorry, but hopefully you find it helpful.


Mar 16, 2007
Basically, all the good stuff on Ganon has been said, but I have one bit of advice:

Do not use wall-grappling as your primary recovery move every single time. It gets really predictable. Samus has one of the most variable recoveries in the game so it should not be predictable. Use all of your recovery options semi-randomly in order to throw off your opponents timing or make them wonder what they should do next.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2006
Sunnyvale, CA
so i watched the pokemon stadium one. and crashman was right. you did use your charge shots rather lamely. 3 times you did the same thing and all three times you missed terribly. you should prob mix it up a bit.

oh yeah and i noticed when you start comboing ganon, you get a little carried away and you tend to chase, going for highlight reel type stuff. But then ganon double jumps and you eat a fair. dont chase, but **** aftermath, you are one fast and tricky samus, my idol.

hugQ Cortex

Jun 20, 2006
El Monte, California
My friend ZivilynBane actually dropped Samus as his main and switched to Doc mostly because he couldn't beat my Ganon with her. So it's definitely a hard match. DSF is also kind enough to play Samus against me to give me Samus practice, so I have some experience with this match. I didn't have time to read everyone's suggestions, but I'm sure almost everything that needs to be said has been said, so I'll be brief.

Samus v Ganon is basically an edgeguarding war. Ganon's recovery is ***** by everyone, with walltechs being the only way to live most times. You know what to do there. However, Ganon is very good at ****** recovery himself. Try to go extreme: either extremely high or extremely low and don't come down with dair like you said cuz at best you'll trade hits which is still better for Ganon. If you don't go high or low, he can easily drop bairs and reverse uairs to kill Samus. Even worse, Ganon might just jump out and fair you if he can so don't allow it!

Also, don't ledge hop, ledge dash or jump from the ledge unless you're sure you'll be alright. Ganon's favorite thing to do when you're on the ledge is stand there and wait to shffl a bair on you. Ledgedash is plry the lesser of evils because if you can keep the invincibility you can dsmash, jab or shield before he hits you. I'm not sure how Samus' ledge dash works, if she keeps invincibility that long or what so that's just speculation. Also, time spent in the air is better spent on the ground. Ganon's uair is utter rapsies! One up air leads to another so don't get hit (lol genius advice). But srsly, tilts, missiles and bombs are your friend. Bombs especially get frustrating if used well. Uncharged shot is good too cuz ganon can't jab them like he does missiles. I don't think he can fair thru it either, but it wouldn't surprise me. Don't spam missiles if he's in range for fair, cuz Ganon will do it if he can. Also on DI'ing the dthrow which is pretty much all he'll use. I'd suggest DI'ing behind at low percents to avoid uair but DI up to avoid bair at high percents, cuz that usually spells death. But I'm not sure, so don't take my word on it, I don't even play Samus! That's all, good luck on conquering Gimpyfish's Bowser, I mean Ganondorf :)

LOL that didn't turn out too brief at all. Sorry, but hopefully you find it helpful.
Wow Brandan, I wish I had read that before you ***** me in tourney today >_< Oh the irony...Very nice post.

I just thought I'd bring this thread back to life in case anyone has new information on this match-up. I'm curious to know how much you guys have improved in this match-up, especially Aftermath, Phanna, Watty, etc... Maybe HugS, Wes, Dyna, or any knowledgeable Samus player for that matter, can share their thoughts, too. I still need a lot of work in this match-up, and reading new, recent posts of it would be awesome.


Smash Champion
Jun 15, 2006
Chicago area
Well, when I talked to wes about this, he told me to axe kick and down tilt(??? can't get it to work, supposed to hit his feet before he hits you) ganon when he fairs. He also said that he powershields arials, which would seem unrealistic, but watch his match against mofo or zang, and watch how well he powershields attacks.

Other then that, pretty much what I would say is basic spacing and other basic samus tactics.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 29, 2006
Fresno, CA
one tactic that really helps me when i was recently playing a ganon is to wd back a little and shield his shffl'ed fair making sure you're out of his grab range, and when he goes for the jab following it, pivot a fsmash. it seemed to work every time


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Delta B.C. Canada
was this made specifically because of me? awwww thats so sweet ^_^ haha

uhh i mean... dont listen to these guys, you should like... roll more. that beats ganon... yep. roll spamming will beat ANYTHING as samus. >_>

(i think he bought it! LOL)
lol oh yes, well just make him wall tech and he will be SO PRO, he will reverse natural B!

thats how to pwn gimpys ganon! lawls


Smash Cadet
Nov 7, 2007
Madison WI
A problem with Samus (or so I've come to see from my game play, it may not be true) is that being hit up really sucks, as will become an easy KO. What I do, and it works beautifully, is when I'm falling, I'll set a bomb right infront of my opponent. As they hit it, I fly behind them and shoot them with THE LASER!!! It looks great and often KOs.
You should give it a trY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!11!!1!


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2006
Tempe, AZ
This is why the single most important tip in this match-up is that Samus needs to keep her cool throughout the entire match. One slip-up and you'll get knocked hard, and if you slide down a slope of agitation, guarantee a loss..
This is applicable to any and all Samus matchups and one of the greatest reasons to why I loose some games. Samus isn't high or top tier, if you aren't in 100% then you are going to start missing. Some tips I use to keep my cool is to:
-Talk to my opponent
-Make weird noises or substitute my own during the match
-Sing a song with lyrics that reflect fight at hand.
-Make up utterly ridiculous johns such as global warming johns

It's about having fun, and I try to keep it that way. I really start to notice when I'm loosing it though, and that's when I take a break for a while, or try to crack a smile.

BTW, I'll watch your videos when I'm done finishing up a mysterious final that popped up out of no where.
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