Smash Ace
The prompt was "Bill Gates comments that computers are "helping us build communities." In what ways has technology strengthened your sense of belonging to a community? In what way has technology undermined notions of community?"
Here is my response:
"Bill Gates only mentioned community building a little bit in the reading. Most of it was about progress, inventiveness, and inspiration.
I definitely wouldn't be part of a Super Smash Brothers gaming community if it weren't for technology. Without the technology to develop programming, pixels, computers, or anything of the like, there definitely wouldn't be a gamecube or any video game.
No Super Smash Brothers to have created an almost underground community of smashers that host tournaments and open their house to dozens of people that they may not even know, just to enjoy this game. No one steals anything. Everyone follows the rules and respects the door fee/entry fee. Smashers let other out-of-town smashers stay at their house while waiting for the day of the tournament.
I have been to tournaments where people have flown in from foreign countries to compete and see old friends from past tournaments, of course they are picked up from the airport by smashers. Everyone's watching grand finals whooping, hollering, and laughing over the shenanigans and awesome combos that the finalists are pulling. Inside jokes fly that only we would get like "That ain't Falco!" We hold friendly crew battles that pit the east side of town or even nation against the west side. Then after the tournament, we all just go to IHOP after and eat and just enjoy the late late night.
Facebook and texting may have made communication more widespread but it makes communication less personal. The Gamecube and Supers Smash Bros Melee however, a technology that doesn't come with internet connectivity has created a close community across the globe."
Here is my response:
"Bill Gates only mentioned community building a little bit in the reading. Most of it was about progress, inventiveness, and inspiration.
I definitely wouldn't be part of a Super Smash Brothers gaming community if it weren't for technology. Without the technology to develop programming, pixels, computers, or anything of the like, there definitely wouldn't be a gamecube or any video game.
No Super Smash Brothers to have created an almost underground community of smashers that host tournaments and open their house to dozens of people that they may not even know, just to enjoy this game. No one steals anything. Everyone follows the rules and respects the door fee/entry fee. Smashers let other out-of-town smashers stay at their house while waiting for the day of the tournament.
I have been to tournaments where people have flown in from foreign countries to compete and see old friends from past tournaments, of course they are picked up from the airport by smashers. Everyone's watching grand finals whooping, hollering, and laughing over the shenanigans and awesome combos that the finalists are pulling. Inside jokes fly that only we would get like "That ain't Falco!" We hold friendly crew battles that pit the east side of town or even nation against the west side. Then after the tournament, we all just go to IHOP after and eat and just enjoy the late late night.
Facebook and texting may have made communication more widespread but it makes communication less personal. The Gamecube and Supers Smash Bros Melee however, a technology that doesn't come with internet connectivity has created a close community across the globe."