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I just want to make you... smile!! -- A POSITIVE Brawl Thread


Smash Ace
Sep 7, 2006
I love these boards. I visit them daily, and I enjoy interacting with other Smashers. But I have to admit, almost 70% of the threads and comments posted are all negative towards Brawl. We're all fans of Smash, but for some reason, we focus on our doubts more than our hopes. If it's cool with everyone, I'd love to have a completely positive thread about Brawl. In here, post a few words of wisdom to keep everyone anxiously waiting for what will be the greatest fighting game of all-time. I'll go first. ;)

We've all lost track of the roots of Brawl. Remember when this game was first announced? (And ol' Iwata said we'd have it a year ago? XP) Remember when Sakurai sat in the audience and said "WTF, rly?" Then do you remember, shortly after, the birth of the first Brawl website? I certainly do, and looking back on it, they're all completely good memories.

Check this out, guys. We're all so worried that Brawl, overall, might not live up to the hype, right? Maybe it won't be competitive enough, maybe it won't be balanced. In all this debate, we really only need to remember one thing. Let me take you back to the launch of the Brawl website, and Sakurai's words of comfort. (I really don't feel like Internet Archiving the old site, so the following isn't the official quote, but rather a summary.)

Sakurai stated that he, himself, was extremely nervous about Brawl, because Nintendo had placed him with a development team he had never been with before. However, his doubts were quickly cleared when he found out the development team he was working with were GIGANTIC fans of Melee, themselves! With over 10,000 matches on their memory cards, Sakurai no longer worried about their experience with the game. They played matches on their lunch breaks, before and after work, and anytime they had a spare minute. Keep in mind, they had absolutely nothing to do with the original development of Melee, so they were just insane fans.

Now, let's disect this for a second: Sakurai's development team has over 10,000 matches played in their office. Most of us don't have 10,000 matches played on our personal memory cards, let alone where we work! These guys must have defined what it means to be a hardcore gamer. Did they know how to shffl and Wavedash? I'd certainly bet money on it! (Those crazy kids probably invented it!)

How on Earth can we possibly have doubt about Brawl, when the people who are MAKING the game are the biggest fans of Melee? With over 10,000 matches, there's simply no way Brawl won't be every bit as competitive (if not more) than Melee. And as for Sakurai? He's his own biggest fan. (I wouldn't be surprised if he turned out to be a trophy. =P) Remember: He made Melee. He is the man responsible for this website. He, in essence, is our video game savior.

In short, I implore you all to sit back and take a look at the overall progress of Brawl. Things will get added, things will get removed. But no matter what, it will be an incredibly good game. I hope everyone keeps a positive attitude about it (at least in this thread), and I invite everyone to receive a hard *ss-whoopin' by me on February 10th. :psycho:

Post your own thoughts. Long live Brawl.


Other Board Member Posts:

Youkai Master:
I'd just like to point out that SSB64 came out in January 1999 and then SSBM in November 2001, that's less than 3 years between each game (34 months). Now look at just how vast of an improvement Melee was from the original, and of course I'm sure that development didn't start right away after SSB64 came out.

Brawl is coming out on January 2008, more than 6 years after SSBM (74 months), and we know development started on mid 2005. So what I'm getting at is, if we got such a massive improvement and additions in such a short time between games, imagine what we'd get in more than twice that time... Near perfection could be reached, and the most epic Nintendo game ever would be made...
Neo Samurai:
...Brawl has done everything I've ever wanted that was within reason. I havent been let down by this game once.
Now this is what people need to remember, the game is in good hands. End of story.
Every time they update the dojo someone somewhere feels like they won the lottery for having that feature they wanted put in the game. The way I see it, the longer they delay the game the more chances we all have of winning the lottery.
I say nuts to the whiners and nit pickers, Brawl is going to be the greatest game of all time!
When I first saw the very first trailer of Brawl, I **** my pants. By that time last year I had gotten back into Melee, because my friend discovered this board and we were learning all the different techniques and building up our game.

I must of watched that video over 9000 times.

Now I would like to ask you all a question. In the entire history of video games, has a game ever had this much depth? Seriously...we've already seen a billion things in anticipation for Brawl, and it's still months away! We have seen new stages, items, characters, assist trophies, pokemon, music, game modes, techniques (basic and advanced), adventure mode, collectibles (stickers, trohpies, CDs) and so much more. Did this even happen with Halo? I mean the transition between Halo 2 and Halo 3 didn't seem that big. Yeah Halo 3 has amazing next gen graphics, new weapons, new items, and new stages...but other then that it was Halo 2 copy and pasted. Everything felt the exact same...and even the story felt very cliche. We've seen what Sakurai can do. He took a game like SSB64 and made it into Melee. It felt extremely different....almost like a new game.

And now we will have Brawl.

Was there ever any other game that had a blog about it while still in development with this much information about a single game?
Its not a delay its a "Smash Bros. Perfection Program"
Shigeru Miyamoto:
A delayed game is eventually good. A bad game is bad forever.
Al Calnos:
Brawl will be epic, groundbreaking, and loads of fun. It won't just be awesome, it will be awe inspiring. And come release, the gaming world will change for the better.
This is exactly the reason why I put so much time into podcasting every week - because of the incredible, mind-blowing game that Brawl is sure to become!
How can anyone ever be disappointed with Brawl? It's super smash, over the internet. Nuff said.
Sure there were a few flaws with Melee, but that didn't stop tons and tons of people playing it for many many hours with many many friends.

No doubt Brawl will be the same, but on a higher scale :)
Can't believe I forgot about the development team. When I read that the first time I was pleased that we'd be getting a game made by people like us, the fans.

When I saw the first trailer I really shed a tear of joy. I was so happy lol. I was upset about the delay like everyone else but eventually I got over it. There'll be games to tide us over in the mean time. If you remember Twilight Princess got delayed as well. When it finally came out we had the revamped Twilight Realm that helped give the game its marvelous feel. Not to mention the Wii version as well as a polished game.

In Melee there were things that had to be taken out due to lack of time. (Ganondorf's sword, FE stage etc). No doubt this was going to happen with Brawl being released Dec 3rd. Now the developers have time to sort through what almost didn't make the cut. Thanks to the delay we'll probably have better characters, stages, options, and even possibly gameplay modes and more. You gotta stay positive in times like this.
Dacvak speaks truth, as well as quoting truth! I'm glad there are more people on this board other then myself who were not fazed by the delay, It is merely the Brawl Perfection Program. Expect to see a game in which every stage is one we want to play. Expect fair characters, where every fight will be different! Imagine Taking on familiar and new bosses alike next to your best friend as you blast your way through the Subspace Emissary! Just think of all the different modes, the game will never get old. Tired of Standard Smash? Put your reaction time to the test as you try to spot your enemy as you battle as invisibles, or make it look awesome as your physical forms are gone and you are now also flaming entities? The possibilities are endless!

Edit: Sticky this thread. Seriously.
"Sakurai has made this out to be the fans game. And it's getting better and better with each day. This is going to become the Smash Fans Dream game."
the only reason why i got a wii is cause
1. Brawl
2. Corruption
3. Twighlight Princess
4. Galaxy

this thread should be stickied
Al Calnos:
I agree! Come on mods, we need are daily reminder of being happy. :)
I have no doubt in my mind that Brawl will be a great game. To this day, the first trailer gives me goosebumps just thinking about it and also thinking of all the possibilities of newcomers is exciting. If they need time to do some polishing, add stuff, or whatnot, then it's alright with me. I'm just happy that we've had a lot of information on the game, which was something I really wanted when it first came out. I look forward to each weekday morning, in order to see what new information is being released for Brawl. It'll be a hard wait, but I'll find someway to keep myself busy until they perfect Brawl for all of us.
I have absolutely no doubt that Brawl will be the greatest game i've ever played (and possibly ever will play for the next 10 years) in my 17 years of living on this earth.

Down with the naysayers!

Up with the Positive threads!
DJ Jack:
Brawl will own all other '08 games. Guaranteed.
Master Peach:
Such an amazingly awesome Thread!! There's been so much doubt about Brawl, and how it will turn out.

Smash 64. The first of the series, got major attention right away (at least for me.) When I first played it was such an awesome game that I never stopped playing it over those years when I was young. At that time I never knew how popular the game was.

Super Smash bros Melee. I remember when it was Christmas, I was shopping with my mother for my first GCN game. (Luigi's Mansion.) I then noticed in the store they were showing trailers from Melee. I said "Oh my GOD!!! I have to get Melee!!!!" I didn't get Melee until after a couple of months, but was I glad. The greatest fighting was in my hands. To me from back then to now, I still think without a shodow of a doubt that Melee is the Greatest Fighting game of all time.

Super Smash bros Brawl. Now with Brawl coming out I could never be more excited. I know from the first Trailer I saw of Brawl that this game would greatly surpass Melee and take it's title of best fighting game. I really feel that brawl Brawl will be perfect in all ways. When brawl comes out I don't think I'll be able to drop the controller ever again. This game shall rule. It shall crush all the others (Except Halo 3. That game is just as addictive as Smash is XD.) Brawl is Melee's successor without a doubt.

Those who doubt Brawl doubt, doubt themselves, and the Genius of Sakurai.
Super Smash Bros. 64 is like a bad cartoon, crappy graphics, fake effects, utter crappy noise, bad music, wierd characters, amazing DI, and cartoony effects moves, and characters all in one. And for that, it f***ing rocks MAN! It's sheer legendary classical game, that I'll keep playing post Brawl, post Super Smash Bros. 4, 5, 6, 7, and 2,000. I'll play all of them constantly. Super Smash Bros. for the win, FOLKS! :)
Never doubted Brawl since I heard bout the dev team's Melee record. They're just as crazy as us.
And Sakurai luvs his fans. He is not letting us down.
Everyone should think of all the suprise characters that are going to be released in Brawl that we don't even know about... like BALLOON FIGHTER FTW!?!!!
Magically Enhanced Hobo:
I actually felt the need to make a profile for this thread...

Anyhow, as it just so happens, February 10th is my birthday. So, I suppose that in a sense, Brawl getting pushed back was the best thing that could happen for me, not only because this delay means that the game is being perfected, but because now there is absolutely no reason I can't get it the day it comes out. Also, with two extra months of updates, I doubt there's a secret character we won't know about when it finally launches.

Some of my best memories growing up have been playing Smash with a large group of friends (nothing hardcore, just good ol' item matches), and I have no doubt that this game is going to be the highest pinnacle in video games this decade. Be patient, friends, because a great game is worth waiting for.
I never knew that, I mean 10,000 matches? Using the ssd mode to get G+W (like 200+ matches) I still only have 2000 ish, maybe 2500 now on my melee.

Ill admit this: I had my fears, my doubts. One of my friends refuses to look at dojo out of fear, thinking that it won't live to its hype. I can now be guarenteed it will, and that it will surpass its hype 200%!

This thread has made my day, and will keep me happy until next year when Brawl comes out and we find so many things that we did not expect. Brawl will be amazing, no doubt.
...I do have optimism for this game. Super Smash Bros. is one series (maybe the only.) series that has never disappointed me in anyway.
This is awesome. I knew that Sakurai couldn't mess this up. I honestly think he is paying attention to the Smash community. Oh, and Sonic, but thats no big deal. ^_^ (F*CKING SONIC!!!)

Can a mod please sticky this?
With such obvious amounts of heart and soul being poured into Brawl, that's absolutely no way it won't be an epic game that surpasses anything we've ever played before.
kirby fox:
I've been with Nintendo since the NES, and I'll been playing until I can't play anymore. Long live smash.
Brawl is definately my most anticipated game so far, I don't think I've ever been so hyped for a game ever, and it's only gonna escalate as the next few months pass. Sakurai has already blown my expectations out of the water, and the game can only get better! Can't wait to see what's left in store for us in the upcoming updates, and what's still left to be discovered in game!
Brawl is going to be the BEST FREAKING GAME EVER MADE EVEN AFTER 9000 YEARS. Get that straight, cos the SSB series has got the best fighting mechanics as well as crossovers I've ever seen. Uber graphics+battle mechanics+everyone's favourite characters beating each other up = PURE WIN.
This game is going to be a miracle in a box. A phenomenon so great that Jesus would bow to it! (Caution, do not try to make Brawl walk on water, Nintendo wont cover that)
...This game will not even compare to melee.
Although all of my friends have been extremely mad at Nintendo for delaying brawl again but to be honest i don't care that much since its going to be the best game ever. And I want that game to be the best game it can be so when i show it my Microsoft friends i can say behold the game that owned Halo.
I'm predicting Super Smash Bros. Brawl will be very popular for (maybe) two decades if the next-gen console is not released yet.
This thread is just what the doctor ordered.

Seriously though due to speculation on these forums about various characters that people believe should be in brawl I've tried several games I doubt I would've normally. Since Brawl's announcement I've tried Kid Icarus, Warioware, Metroid: Zero Mission and Super, Joy Mech Fight, Mach Rider, Ice Climbers, Phoenix Wright, Drill Dozer, Earthbound, SMRPG, Chrono Trigger, as well as some others. So all I have to say is thanks brawl for causing such heated speculation to encourage me to try these truly great games.
Brawl will be the best videogame ever. Better than GTA, Halo, Tekken, or any other good game you can think of.
Not wanting to be negative but this might cause serious robberies and crimes.
The Xbox 360 just plays games... the PS3 plays games and researches cures to disease.

But Brawl?

Brawl is guaranteed to bring about world peace!
there, there, no worries we all know smash is cool, but Brawl will turn out to be beautiful game
there, there, no worries we all know smash is cool, but Brawl will turn out to be beautiful game
The very first Smash bros. was one of the most oddest fighting games out there and Nintendo had a small choice weather to release it to America.

That may of been the boldest choice Nintendo ever made.
Because if SSB never came to America we wouldn't have Melee and Brawl.
which are the best games ever for each system.
Brawl will be fantastic. And god I remember that ssb commercial on tv hahaha that thing is hilarious.
World peace through constant fighting... I know theres a joke in there somewhere but I can't quite pull it out.

I've been in love wth smash since I caught a tiny, one-paragraph article about it in some game magazine, mentioning the N64 game had just been released in Japan but looked doubtful it'd arrive here.
Brawl Melee 64:
This thread is...beatiful..*tear..

I had accually forgotten about the team making brawl, what with their 10000 matches and all (stupid me), but now that I was reminded, I cant wait ^^

Brawl will be the greatest game of all time!
Venus of the Desert Bloom:
This game is just going to be amazing. Melee will still be awesome but it will overshadow it.
Brawl will be so epic, it will even turn Jack Thompson into a gamer.
Byron X:
Brawl will be so EPIC, that it will have its own sports league!!!!


Sprigginz Caldo:
At least Brawl doesn't have competition for game of the year in '08. ^_^

YAY FOR THE DELAY! That means we'll have to work harder to discover our advanced techniques.
Concerns of brawl's ending result? Now there, such a matter should not be so. If such a game can get fans obsessed with visual candy alone (on a system where graphics are low key) I say that's one heck of a game. But this only ignores the great musical talent, time overhaul and dedication thrown and shoved in this tight package. How can Brawl being in it's 2nd year in development be beat by a one year rushed Melee. Such is never so.

Game developers must envy Sakurai and his role in this game. This game will hit the border where the original Super Mario Bros left off and go beyond. Such a game has put the developer on the map, brought much publicity to Nintendo, and the game isn't even out! BRAWL WILL BE AWESOME!
Button Smash:
I didn't know Sakurai was working with a team of hardcore smashers. (10,000 matches was the best info) Now, I don't have to worry and look on the bright side. I can enjoy Brawl 10 times more than Melee. I'm already obsessed with Melee, sometimes thinking about it in class, going to sleep, and in my private time. Haha. How else do I develop my mindgames?

Waiting for Brawl to be my next best game.
The moment I saw that stage entrances were brought back to Brawl any worries I had concerning the game dissolved.
If the developers took the time to reintroduce something as trivial as stage entrances back into the game, I can't imagine what they are going to the rest of the game.
I'll say it even though it's been said a million times here: It's so nice to have a positive thread about Brawl. It's getting a little annoying seeing people flamed just because their view on techniques or the game is different. It'll be a relief once the game's been out for awhile, and all the "OMG YOU CAN'T DO THIS CERTAIN MOVE ANYMORE!!!" and similar are dead and forgotten.

People need to remember Brawl is a new game made by huge Smash fans(I didn't know that until this thread, holy crap). It is NOT Melee 2.0. I'm excited to play a NEW game with a NEW feel, and to see all the new tricks and techniques people come up with. It is going to be an awesome experience. Hands down.
I remember when I first played the original Super Smash Bros. I loved my N64, I loved it to death. I had just gotten back from surgery and my mouth was killing me, so my dad decided to go out to blockbuster and rent a game for me. My brother had heard of this mysterious "Smash Bros." game and decided dad should get that, so he did. My bro and I popped in the cartridge, and off we went for what felt like hours. The really amazing thing was, once I took a break from playing, my mouth didn't hurt anymore!!! SSB64 literally took away my pain! It's a Christmas miracle!!!

And then came the Gamecube. At first my brother and I were convinced that we were never going to be able to get one due to money and stuff. But then June came around after our birthday, and we finally did it. We bought a GC, an extra controller, a memory card, and our first ever game... Super Smash Bros. Melee. And boy, what a start. It was an epic game, with more characters, more stages, more EVERYTHING.

And then the first trailer for Brawl... and I literally wet myself. it look amazing, and what was more, it was scheduled (supposedly) for the Wii's launch XD! We all know now that is far from true, but every time a new update goes on the site, it's like a fresh start to my morning. Especially when we get absolutely epic updates like, I don't know, SONIC THE HEDGEHOG. SOLID SNAKE. ONLINE. The list goes on and on people.

There may be doubts among others, but I personally believe this will be one of, if not the single GREATEST Nintendo game ever released. We haven't seen innovation and scale like this since Ocarina of Time was released for the N64.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl will be an epic, addictive, wonderfully produced peice of gaming history, and I'm honored to be able to say that I'll be gaming with it for a long time to come once it comes out.

This is an awesome thread, I wonder what Nintendo/Sakurai would think seeing this.

Brawl really is one of the forces that helps keep gaming alive. Without Super Smash Bros., thousands of controllers around the globe would slowly begin to collect dust.
bowser king:
this thread is amazing its about time people realized that brawls isnt no ordinary game its the greatest game in the history of video games, the third game in the series we have grown up with and loved they wont wreak brawls cause they know where depending on them.Hope this thread dosent die out .BRAWLS FOR EVER
One of the things that made me feel good about the game recently was that the nintendo guy demo'ing the game in the recent videos seemed to be enjoying himself more than the journalists who had never played it before. He really sounded like a hardcore fan himself, talking about "item-purists" and whatnot. In the case of some other games it seems like the journalists are the excited ones and the developers are the jaded ones (not to say they weren't excited, but they did seem pretty quiet).
This topic really shines up. :) But really, I've been thinking a bit like that. They won't screw it up, I just know it.
Every time i see a new vid on brawl I am totaly blown away at how awesome it looks every time. The gameplay seems to be coming along nicely.
This thread inspired me to unsubscribe from all those "hey what if Brawl sucks" and "wavedashing ARGH!!" threads.

I'm breathing much more easily now.
I was sitting in a rocking chair when I saw the 1st trailer for brawl, I got so excited I tried to jump up but knocked the chair over breaking it to pieces, suffice it to say I didnt get any sleep that night due to an high level of excitement.
The day sonic was announced Buzz and I skipped all of our classes to be on the boards. :p
I cannot wait for this game...I've played smash from the beginning and have hoped for thrid party characters and now they're in. I didn't expect sonic, but i knew he had a chance and now that he's in its gonna be so much more exciting for me. Sonic the Hedgehog was the first video game i played as a kid and i can't wait to play as Sonic in Brawl.
i saw the new DK video from the SSE. it was awesome. =) i didn't really like Diddy before, but seeing him pull out his poppers and toast those Bullet Bills John Woo style really upped my interest in him. =)

i felt his hero factor. =)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 22, 2007
Man, just remembering about those insane Melee fans gets my hopes back up :)

They would have noticed that some characters are better than others, and they will be noting these things down, and letting other developers know that other characters need to equally balance the rest.

Just thinking of it makes the game sound so much better :)


Smash Cadet
May 31, 2006
Austin, TX
i couldn't agree more, our game is in good hands, I'm actually thrilled it was delayed again, get it right guys. I think its probably just people being human, focusing on every little thing trying to figure out if whatever will be in the next smash, its also exactly what Nintendo wants you to be doing :)

I had no complaints from Original(64) to Melee. I still play both.

I doubt I will have any this time either. I can't freaking wait.:psycho::psycho::psycho:

great thread!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2007
Californiia, USA
Wow. You know, I had actually forgotten about that piece of info. Thanks for raising it.

Personally, having worked as a QA Tester at Namco, I've found out that dev teams and testers are NOT brain-dead morons like the gaming community assumes, but intelligent people who are actually competent at their jobs. If Sakurai's brought hardcore Smashers onto the team, I have full confidence that they know what they're doing.

po pimpus

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2004
oklahoma city
Great Thread

First off, let me start by saying this:


This is exactly what the Brawl section has been needing. Something, ANYTHING positive towards the game and its development. I could never understand where all the negativity was coming from, when its obvious that so much effort is going into Brawl.

The people working on this game really care for it as much as any other Smash fan, and are taking great care to ensure that Brawl will be all it can be. I think part of it is that most hardcore players (myself included) sometimes hold unreasonable or unrealistic expectations of how this game should be played, which skews their opinions of how it should be developed.

Nevertheless, as a game, Smash has NEVER disappointed me, and I don't expect any less of Brawl.

Melee completely blew us all away, I'm sure that Brawl will be able to do the same.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2006
This thread is very refreshing after having to listen to people continuously post their doubts and dislikes about the game. Thank you.


Smash Cadet
Mar 29, 2007
that's OVER NINE THOUSAND matches played!
...sorry, somebody had to say it :p

I completely agree. The Brawl boards really seem to only contain topics like "petition for brawl demo", "oh noes, delay!", and "WAVEDASHING!!! IS IT IN???" lately.


Smash Ace
Sep 7, 2006
I'm glad you all like this thread. I wasn't sure how it was going to go, actually. Remember, I just made one positive point about Brawl. I'd love to read a bunch more. If anyone has anything cool to say about it, post it. =D



Smash Rookie
Mar 12, 2002
I am glad you made this. I rarely ever post unless the thread deserves a response, an this one did. I have not doubted once that Brawl is going to be amazing. Yeah I remember that little piece of info (about the crazy development team and their worn down controllers). Anyway, thanks for the reminder, the only reason I am anxious is because I bought the Wii for Brawl, and until now basically I have been playing Melee on my Wii. So yeah I haven't really used my Wii for anything other than something I could have played on the Gamecube.

Youkai Master

Smash Apprentice
Nov 13, 2004
Hmm, I'd just like to point out that SSB64 came out in January 1999 and then SSBM in November 2001, that's less than 3 years between each game (34 months). Now look at just how vast of an improvement Melee was from the original, and of course I'm sure that development didn't start right away after SSB64 came out.

Brawl is coming out on January 2008, more than 6 years after SSBM (74 months), and we know development started on mid 2005. So what I'm getting at is, if we got such a massive improvement and additions in such a short time between games, imagine what we'd get in more than twice that time... Near perfection could be reached, and the most epic Nintendo game ever would be made...


Smash Ace
Sep 7, 2006
I'm gonna try and make a collection of all the different positive thoughts and edit them onto the first post. Thanks for the input, Youkai. =D


Neo Samurai

Smash Rookie
Feb 11, 2004
Florida State University
Keep in mind, that generally the negative nancies are simply a vocal minority. In general its a lot easier to say something negative. Although so far Brawl has done everything I've ever wanted that was within reason. I havent been let down by this game once.

Here here to the positive thread!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 7, 2007
now this is what people need to remember, the game is in good hands. end of story.


Smash Rookie
Oct 3, 2007
College Station, TX
Every time they update the dojo someone somewhere feels like they won the lottery for having that feature they wanted put in the game. The way I see it, the longer they delay the game the more chances we all have of winning the lottery.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 30, 2006

When I first saw the very first trailer of Brawl, I **** my pants. By that time last year I had gotten back into Melee, because my friend discovered this board and we were learning all the different techniques and building up our game.

I must of watched that video over 9000 times.

Now I would like to ask you all a question. In the entire history of video games, has a game ever had this much depth? Seriously...we've already seen a billion things in anticipation for Brawl, and it's still months away! We have seen new stages, items, characters, assist trophies, pokemon, music, game modes, techniques (basic and advanced), adventure mode, collectibles (stickers, trohpies, CDs) and so much more. Did this even happen with Halo? I mean the transition between Halo 2 and Halo 3 didn't seem that big. Yeah Halo 3 has amazing next gen graphics, new weapons, new items, and new stages...but other then that it was Halo 2 copy and pasted. Everything felt the exact same...and even the story felt very cliche. We've seen what Sakurai can do. He took a game like SSB64 and made it into Melee. It felt extremely different....almost like a new game.

And now we will have Brawl.

Was there ever any other game that had a blog about it while still in development with this much information about a single game?


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2007
Quite agreed.

Also, from how Sakurai brings us updates you really see that he is trying his hardest on this game.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 29, 2007
I, too, find myself thinking what could go wrong with Brawl and focusing on the parts I possibly might not end up liking in Brawl, and forgetting all the goodness that Brawl is trickling with. However, I still think that almost all of the doubting Thomases will still end up buying the game and playing it like it was the last video game on this planet! Atleast I know I will. :) I've probably never waited for a game with such eager as I've waited for Brawl, and I'm 100% confident it won't be in vain.

Al Calnos

Smash Journeyman
Jun 11, 2006
Nowherespecial, Arkansas
The topic starter should put that Miyamoto quote in.

Brawl will be epic, groundbreaking, and loads of fun. It won't just be awesome, it will be awe inspiring. And come release, the gaming world will change for the better.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2007
First time I read this and you're right we need to cheer up this game will be Amazing.
(Best Post Ever!)


Smash Journeyman
Aug 26, 2007
how can we worry about fans screwing up our game? well... because a fan... would want to make there favorite character as insanely powerfull as possible... i may be wrong... i may be right... but it looks to me that meta knight might be that so called powerfull one. im not trying to be negative at all by the way... and i have hihg hopes for brawl.. i beleive this game will exceed our expectations


Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2007
how can we worry about fans screwing up our game? well... because a fan... would want to make there favorite character as insanely powerfull as possible... i may be wrong... i may be right... but it looks to me that meta knight might be that so called powerfull one. im not trying to be negative at all by the way... and i have hihg hopes for brawl.. i beleive this game will exceed our expectations
Masahiro Sakurai is not an idiot and wouldn't let that happen.

MetaKnight might just be user friendly and besides that this is why they have demos so if someone turns out God like they can tweak it/him/her.


SiNiStEr MiNiStEr
Apr 18, 2006
im surprise none of my quotes is up there. but good thread i hate hearing negative things about BRAWL as well.



Podcasting Pro
Jun 13, 2007
Lake Orion, MI
This is exactly the reason why I put so much time into podcasting every week - because of the incredible, mind-blowing game that Brawl is sure to become!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 22, 2007
Sure there were a few flaws with Melee, but that didn't stop tons and tons of people playing it for many many hours with many many friends.

No doubt Brawl will be the same, but on a higher scale ;)
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