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HyperEnergy + Allied Presents: MoN Results!!!!Congratulations to Ksizzle @ Genesis


Smash Master
Jul 31, 2008

1. Allied (Kirby)
1. Kai (Diddy,Sonic) lol
3. Blackanese (GaW)
4. Cisab
5. Doom (<3)
5. Cross
7. V8
7. Ophelia
9. HyperEnergy
9. Rob
9. Knightmare
9. John12346
13. Horus
13. Gh0st
13. Bobbino
13. Rhyme


1. Kai + HollaAchaBoy (Diddy + Olimar)
2. Cisab + Blackanese (D3 + GaW)
3. Doom + Rhyme (GaW + Kirby)
4. Eric + Horus
5. Cross + Knightmare
5. Allied + HyperEnergy


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2008
Yeah first post

Anyway good tourney. Hopefully you guys will get more people next time and hopefully there won't be mix ups with pay outs next time. But still good stuff. I'd definitely go again if I'm free when you host another one

Edit: Shoutouts later


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
Good stuff to K-Seezy-Cuz at Genesis. Got what, second seed?

I'm still at this, Allied and Hyper's little brother playing Tales of Symphonia and I'm about to PTFO.

Kai we started making mad Simpson's references after you left. Sadface.


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2008
Plainview, NY
This tournament was mad LOLtastic. I kinda am starting to despise brawl. I didn't play very well but i had a fun *** time playing Melee with my d00d Hab and rhyme. TOOO GOODS!! Blackanese had me dyin as usual in laughter...

Shoutouts later! BTW i heard KSizzzzzzzzzzle is like rapin eveything in sight. I just got word he 3 stocked Ally in a mm! and also 2 stocked that Puerto Rican peach who ever that is! KEEP IT UP!!!


Sonic main since 08'
Mar 15, 2008
Debug Menu
This tournament was mad LOLtastic. I kinda am starting to despise brawl. I didn't play very well but i had a fun *** time playing Melee with my d00d Hab and rhyme. TOOO GOODS!! Blackanese had me dyin as usual in laughter...

Shoutouts later! BTW i heard KSizzzzzzzzzzle is like rapin eveything in sight. I just got word he 3 stocked Ally in a mm! and also 2 stocked that Puerto Rican peach who ever that is! KEEP IT UP!!!
SOOO much fun playing melee today with you, hab, and allied.


Kaiber Kop

Smash Master
Feb 3, 2009
Allied- Good stuff Allied. You're a beast! :bee:. Btw, can you add Sonic near my name? I used him just as much as Diddy too. Thx for hosting the event

Blackanese- Fun stuff in doubles man. It's always good having cool people at tournies :)

Cisab- Nice matches in singles and doubles. Game 1 was how DDD vs sonic usually goes for me but game 2 was a complete mind **** XD. 3rd was scary close. gg's :)

Doom- We practiced all that time and never even had to play each other :laugh:

Cross- It was great meeting you. You're a cool person and have a really good marth. I hope I see you at more stuff, just not on my side of the bracket XD.

Ophelia-:( I don't have an ego. I just troll players who do :). I'll stop if it bugs you though.

HyperEnergy-Thx for having us all over and throwing the event. It was fun and very much appreciated.

Rob- I was rooting for you vs ophy. No worries though, you'll get him next time lol. Nice meeting you.

Knightmare-Fun stuff in melee. We should play each othr more often.

Gh0st- Good seeing you like usual Javi. We should get more matches in next time, but camping is the main thing for diddy in that matchup.

Rhyme-Fun games in doubles.

Hab- you made the references after I left? Horrible timing lol. I'm glad we met, you're a cool person.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 13, 2009
1. Allied (Kirby)-you were pumped...good ****
2. Kai (Diddy)-great matches as always, you showed me alot budday
3. Blackanese (GaW)-didnt get to play you but your wes impersonation was great...."looks like we restartin the match son"
4. Cisab-didnt get to play you but i saw your matches with kai...nice d3
5. Doom (<3)-rofl at beating ophy..di johns?
5. Cross-didnt get to play you
7. V8-rofl at beating your brother
7. Ophelia-maybe there was a di mess up idk, but place higher next time where you should be
9. HyperEnergy-take the murderway
9. Rob-....i cant believe i lost llol
9. Knightmare-didnt get to play you
9. John12346-???
13. Horus-i think youre getting the diddy matchup down. slowly but surely
13. Gh0st- i will place higher next time
13. Bobbino- play moar
13. Rhyme- didnt get to play you


Smash Master
Jul 31, 2008
For all intensive purposes Kai completely sandbagged vs me he felt i should win doesnt count ^_^


HollaAchaBoy: "I just played 13 hours of melee and it felt like nothing... f*cking disgusting"
XD glad you stayed the night for some melee fun

Kai: Thanks again for everything man i couldnt of done it without you

Blackanese: haha we definitally gotta play each other more soon ^_^

Cisab: Wow your a beast! great guy

Doom: <3

Rhyme: <3

Cross: lol ur a cool guy glad u came

Ophelia: lol fun times at melee

Knightmare: LOL QUAD DAIR TO KNEE <3

John12346: nice seeing u again good friendlies but my 2 week old diddy shouldnt beat you =P

To everything else especially hyperenergy good **** today


Smash Journeyman
Oct 1, 2007
Montgomery, NY
Alrighty, time for some shoutouts. =)

Kai - Nice job winning doubles and singles. It's always fun to have you around. Oh yeah, and I have to thank you and your partner for helping out with running the tourney and helping out with those venue fee shenanigans. I really appreciate it.

Blackanese - Wow, you're as good as people say you are lol. Glad you could make it.

Cisab - Good stuff beating me and Allied in doubles and taking fourth in singles. NYC sure knows how to **** lol.

Cross - Those were some intense friendlies we had. I hope to see you again if we hold another tourney; I had a lot of fun playing with you. =)

Doom - I bet my sisters and mom are glad you came lol. I can certainly say the cookies were a success. ;p

Knightmare - That sure was a close tournament set we had. If you didn't do all those accidental side Bs you could've beaten me. =/

John12346 - Lol, Peach dittos are surprisingly fun. ;p Can't wait to play you again.

Rhyme - I'm glad I was able to set up a spot for melee. Playing melee with you, Knightmare, HAB, Allied, V8, Horus and Ophy was a blast.

HollaAchaBoy - You went 13 hours straight playing melee. I can't imagine how sore your hands must feel. Also, next time we play, I'll make sure my Peach is twice as annoying. =)

And lastly, to the guy who beat me in winners, I'm really glad I got to play you. I learned so much from our second and third matches. I'm not gonna get three stocked next time lol.

So yeah, turnout ended up half decent, even though we expected a million other people to show up. And I really need to apologize to everyone for problems with the prize money. I think I learned what not to do and so the next tourney will be 100 times better. I'm glad people came to this, it was super fun. =)


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2008
Well I'm kinda late with these, but oh well.


Allied: Good stuff, you **** ;) Anyway fun tourney, hopefully more people come next time. I didn't get to play you though so hopefully I can next time.

Kai: Hey why did you get money? I beat you friendlies. :p Anyway it was nice meeting you. I still can't stop thinking that you sandbagged me with Diddy but I still lost too your Sonic. Hope you play you again.

Blackanese: **** 2 stocked me in tourney. gg's. I love your trash talking btw.

Cisab: Knocked me out of loser's. Good ****. That D3 is too good. I'll definitely figure out the DDD matchup in case I play you again.

Doom: gg's playing you in tourney doubles. Hopefully I can play you 1v1 again next time.

Cross: Ummm.... Yay best tourney singles placing.

V8: Didn't get to play you.

Ophelia: Didn't get to play you.

HyperEnergy: Again good tourney. Good Lucario and those friendlies were really intense. Hope to play you again sometime.

Rob: Were you that Pikachu? Anyway if you were good job knocking us out of doubles.

Knightmare: Hey we teamed up for doubles and could have done a lot better. Still good time teaming with you

John12346: Didn't get to play you.

Horus: Were you Spam? Anyway your Pit is ridiculous with arrows. GG's in singles.

Gh0st: Didn't get to play you.

Bobbino: See above

Rhyme: gg's man. That Samus was sick and I loved our set. I'll try to pick up Ike again so next time I won't be totally blown out. Nice meeting you.


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
So this Smashfest was godly. Everyone should know this because while everyone was on Genesis' **** we were having a blast in literally the middle of nowhere. I got there at like 2:30, started playing Melee, took a break at like 7:00 to get food, came back for more Melee and didn't stop playing til about 4:00 AM. SO BEAST!


HyperEnergy - Thanks for hosting this, ma doo. It was so good to have a proper chillout Smashfest at someone's place. Your place, by the way, is mad nice. I mean, it's a development so it should be nice, but that wallpaper in your bathroom is godly. And with Armada, it looks like this was the weekend of fruit-named whores in Melee. Peach is SO GAY! My god I just wanted to go Jack the Ripper on her whorish uber-priority as
s all effing night. Good games, though, man.

Allied - Thank you SO MUCH for the pick-up and drop-off. I was getting all scared when I saw like two whole parking lots. Your Pontiac is kinda scary and I lolled at how Frank caused it to crash into a tree. You're learning Melee it seems, and that's always good. Good stuff getting first in singles. WE KNOW YOU BEAST, SON! And who was that dude with you who picked me up? Also, Tales of Symphonia.

Eric (HyperEnergy's pre-pubescent brother) - That was your name, right? Good stuff, man. You definitely get the jist of Falco's shine dair combos, but that Marth has GOT TO GO! Seriously, if I ever see someone quadruple F-Smash again, I'll think of you.

Doom - Saw you for a second. Good stuff.

Kai - Nice to finally meet you, man. Mad Simpsons pronz. Mad Elebits. MAD GOOD ISHT IN TEAMS. Olimar + Diddy ALL DAI! MAD SCARY KID AT THE PLAYPLACE IN MCDONALDS!

Knightmare - You know who you should learn in Melee? Ganon. He's SUCH A BEAST! It's always fun playing you, man. I remember something really epic happened with you in Melee that day but I forgot what it was?

Rhyme - Stop anti-tier-whoring in Melee. It's frustrating when my Mewtwo loses to your Pika. (Or I think that's how it happened?) Also, COME TO CT some day, nyugga, you live close enough! You and your fedora and peach fuzz and crazy blue fishnet armwarmers.

Leo!!!! - I bought two drinks and two meals and gave you a bag of chips. Hey, you asked for the cheapest thing. And I threw away half that Subway sandwich on Monday anyway. Lawls. Play MELEE!!!

Blackanese - Doo-doo Talk Championships needs to happen some time soon.

Ophy - Melee all day. Mad fun games with you. Learn to moonwalk, MA DOO!

And that should be it. We should do it again some time.

Max Ketchum

Collegiate Starleague Smash Director
Dec 9, 2007
New Jersey
Ksizzle (since the joke is over now) - I still love you, even if you're a little ditching *****. <3

Kai - Why do you **** DDD so hard?

Blackanese - Funniest man alive, with the absolute best mindgames. I'm upset that I was ONE match from making money because of you. Robbing little boys... ):

Leo - Good games. Shame I got hit by a gordo and died at 77. Your Dedede is so weird!

Doom - Meh.

Cross - Holy ****, you really surprised me. You're very smart and talented. You said you live in Ramsey? You should come by my dad's house when I'm there next. Like I was saying, he lives in Rochelle Park. Hit me up on AIM/MSN if you're interested.

V8 - wtf at little kids taking over this game. Got mad potential.

Ophelia - Die at 58 to my dsmash more.

HyperEnergy - Thanks for hosting this and not making me pay venue fee. Hot sisters.

Horus - Good games in singles. Your Pika's not bad, just repetitive. Also, the character sucks. ):

Gh0st - We didn't talk. ):

Rhyme - I am legitimately upset that you got last place. Like, first I went home and had tears pour out of my eyes, then I wrote a suicide note. As a true testament to my depression as a result of your placing, I then pussied out of killing myself and wrote this post so I could express to you how awful I feel.

Step it up. <3 We all know Samus is too good!
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