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How would you remake Super Smash Bros.?


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
This is not a thread about making new character move sets. There's already a place for that. This is more about the choices you'd make if you had any part in the development of a Super Smash Bros. game. This could include the next installment if you wish. You may come up with ideas on who you'd like to see in the next game, and you may also come up with new features in the game, as well as previous features that you think would be a good idea. So tell me what you'd add if you could. This includes:

  • Characters
  • Control settings
  • Palettes
  • Techniques

There are other ideas that could be brought to my attention, I'm sure. Don't hold back and let your imagination run wild. If there are any other add-ons I could place in the list above, let me know. I might throw those in as well. That said, here are a few ideas that I have of my own.

I feel that there are too many characters in the current Super Smash Bros. game. I understand that a lot of people like a lot of characters. I even played King of Fighters XIV recently and there are a lot of characters. Having a lot of characters and a lot of content doesn't necessarily make something great, but if it's present and the game is already enjoyable, then who am I to complain? Getting back to the characters, my idea I've had for some time since Super Smash Bros. Wii U was released is the reduction of characters, the return to simplicity. Of course, I'm sure the results I have in my mind may also contain numerous characters.

Here's how I see it. There are a lot of Mario characters and in this new Super Smash Bros. game, there have been a lot of additional Fire Emblem characters. Let's go down the list for Mario first, and then Fire Emblem.

  • Bowser
  • Bowser Jr.
  • Dr. Mario
  • Luigi
  • Mario
  • Peach
  • Rosalina & Luma
  • Wario
  • Yoshi

That's nine characters from the Mario series. Nine! I could add Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong, simply because Mario first appeared in Donkey Kong, but the games have branched off since, so I'll leave you with that list. I think it's funny people complained about too many Fire Emblem characters when we see that Mario beats them. They just happen to be second place in terms of characters from the series.

  • Corrin
  • Ike
  • Lucina
  • Marth
  • Robin
  • Roy

If I had my way with these lists in the next Super Smash Bros. game, I'd get rid of Bowser Jr., Dr. Mario, and Rosalina & Luma. As for the Fire Emblem characters, I'd get rid of all but Marth and Ike. Wait a minute, though. Don't think all has been lost. I'd at least have the possibility of returning characters based on the amount of characters who'd already be present. I would really cut down on these characters, however, leaving instead the protagonist of the series and the antagonist. These would be of utmost importance before anything else could be considered. Here's how it'd look and you will notice a pattern.

  1. Mario
  2. Bowser
  3. Donkey Kong
  4. King K. Rool
  5. Link
  6. Ganondorf
  7. Samus
  8. Dark Samus
  9. Kirby
  10. King Dedede
  11. Fox
  12. Wolf
  13. Charizard
  14. Blastoise
  15. Captain Falcon
  16. Black Shadow
  17. Ninten
  18. Giygas
  19. Marth
  20. Medeus
  21. Pit
  22. Medusa
  23. Luigi
  24. King Boo
  25. Diddy Kong
  26. Klubba
  27. Zelda
  28. Agahnim
  29. Chozo Warrior
  30. Sylux
  31. Meta Knight
  32. Dark Matter
  33. Falco
  34. Andross (original form)
  35. Pikachu
  36. Mewtwo
  37. Jody Summer
  38. Samurai Goroh
  39. Ness
  40. Pokey
  41. Lucina
  42. Grima
  43. Lady Palutena
  44. Hades

Pretty much, my list would consist of 24 characters, all of which are protagonists and antagonists. There would be 24 more unlockable characters. There would be four extra characters not of Nintendo origin, but have been on Nintendo consoles. Currently, I have no idea who those would be.

This is really more of my brother's idea, so I'll give the credit to him. His idea is inspired after F-Zero GX/AX where you can choose the color of your vehicle. While you'd have a preset of colors, you could make a custom kind and save it as you wish. This would allow players to see what their favorite characters or their mains would look like in a different color. No Ice Flower color for Mario? No problem! Just change the white, long-sleeved shirt to a light blue. Want to see Link in pink leggings? Knock yourself out! What? No Power Suit color for Samus? Let's change that! I think a lot of people would have fun with altering colors. We have custom stages and custom move sets. Why not custom palettes?

Feel free to share your ideas!
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Smash Lord
Nov 3, 2007
United States
Just curious as to why you would get rid of Rosalina, when she's one of the most original fighters in the series?

In terms of characters, I'd make everyone from Smash 4 return EXCEPT for, obviously, Dr. Mario, Dark Pit and Lucina. My newcomers would be:

1) Toad
2) Paper Mario
3) Dixie Kong
4) Cranky Kong
5) King K. Rool
6) Ridley
7) Peppy
8) Slippy
9) Sceptile
10) Inkling
11) Callie
12) Marie


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
If I could remake Smash Bros? Firstly I would put in an Adventure Mode.

It wouldn't have to be as complex as Subspace Emissary, but I just hate the fact Adventure Mode just wasn't included this time around. Perhaps I'd even make the next Adventure Mode almost like an RPG where you could actually earn experience and level your characters up; however I'm not quite sure that would feel right in Smash. Then again we already have Stat boosting stuff, don't we?

Next, I would of included a Ranking System to For Glory. It not only would of helped with the Match Making in terms of finding someone on your skill level, but it would of made it much funner in my opinion. I would of loved trying to climb the ranks and see how high I could go. I would of loved trying to maintain that rank. It would of made me want to play the game more and try much harder to improve.

What they have now is just.... Disappointing to say the least. I just don't see why they didn't think it was a good idea.

I would also bring back Board the Platforms because that was a very interesting Mini-Game in the N64 version.

I would probably also fix the reporting system as well. While they did at least make an attempt at it, it was a very poor one. People can avoid being reported if they just leave the room before the next match (you can't report something they haven't done yet after all), and there's also the fact someone can report you for any given reason. It's why so many people are complaining about Smash Hell/Ban Land. A lot of people are just really good, and they are getting punished for it. The reports aren't moderated, so what's stopping it?

I wouldn't know how I'd fix the report system; however I feel like if it was better there would be a lot less salt being thrown around.

As for character additions? Honestly this is gonna be a matter of everyone's own opinion so I won't say who I will add and who I remove. I would probably add in more characters though but not too much to the point it becomes a little insane. If we have 58 now and if we don't count the DLCs, that's 51. So I would say 60, or 62 would be a good bet for the next roster, with room for DLC characters.

As for techs or additional things? WELL WE COULD ALWAYS ADD TRIPPING BA-nah I'm just kidding. That was a terrible decision.

I'd probably include Momentum Cancelling again, because it allowed light weight characters like Mr. Game & Watch to last a little bit longer in battle, especially if done correctly. Honestly that[s really all I can think of at the moment, but I'm sure other things can be added.
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Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Speculative threads aren't allowed in the Smash Wii U section, so it has been moved to the NintenZone.


Smash Champion
Apr 15, 2014
the attic I call Magicant
If you don't mind, a couple of criticism to your character list.

Cutting down Mario. While there are many Mario characters, all of them are unique and have a reason de etre. :4mario::4luigi::4peach::4bowser::4yoshi::4wario2: are the most iconic Mario characters, :4bowserjr:is unique and he is a bad guy, :4wario2:is not a good person either, :rosalina:is shoe-in, but she is unique and popular. Smash players may not like:4diddy:, but he is an iconic character and compliments:4dk:. What's more, If K Rool were here, Diddy would seem missing. Same with removing :4zelda:. She sucks, but she compliments :4link: and :4ganondorf:, :4tlink::4sheik:are extras but their Smash popularity cannot be denied. Real talk here, Metroid really is :4samus: shooting stuff. She is fine alone, :4zss:is a nice extra. :4metaknight: used to be a bad guy, qualifies for the "antagonist" quo, and once again, compliments:4kirby::4dedede:. StarFox is a mess and I have to agree here. StarFox is really:4fox:and company, :wolf:shouldn't been cut. But like :4sheik:, :4falco: has Smash popularity. Why in Hell did you remove :4pikachu:? I don't like him but he is by far the most iconic Pokemon in history! :4charizard: is in for that reason too. I think you shoot yourself in the foot here, Pokemon has no antagonists. You coul say :4mewtwo:, but he is more of a misundertood lab test devoid of humanity. Pokemon really is a mess when it comes to characters, it is about the most popular ones :4greninja::4lucario:. :4jigglypuff:is pure tradition.:4falcon:works alone, if porting old Ganon's moveset to Black Shadow was the idea then I accept it. Ninten? Why the change? :4ness: looks exactly the same and is way more recognized and beloved. :4lucas: is very beloved too. MOTHER has no consistent bad guy. Medeus? He is a freaking dioxasine purple dragon! The problem with FE is the same as Pokemon, there is no consistency in cast and it's who is the most popular (:4corrinf:was shoehorned, but:4feroy::4myfriends::4lucina::4robinf: are EXTREMELY popular). Aside from :4marth:, the only characters who appear in more than 2 games are Tiki (every Akaneia game and Tokyo Mirage Sessions) and Anna (every FE game except Gaiden). Those girls are not antagonists. Tiki is a good girl brainwashed for 1 chapter in Shadow Dragon, and Anna may be a greedy vixen but she isn't evil. FE has good villains, but none are repeated or interesting enough for Smash. No :4palutena:? Big mistake. :4darkpit:sucks and I would gladly delete him from Smash. :4olimar:works alone. Also, no :4villager::4duckhunt::4littlemac:? These guys are iconic Nintendo characters, they should be in. :4gaw::4rob::4shulk::popo: are more obscure and niche, but they are unique and loved (even if they chainthrow to death :icsmelee::popo:). :4wiifit:and Miis are gimmicks, but they are interesting at least.

I think reducing the roster is a step backwards in the development of Smash Bros. This game was meant to be fun for everyone, and having a huge cast helps to make it the more fun to play. 64/Melee gets really boring after a while because the rosters are very small and limited. And the quest for antagonist really doesn't work if the characters suck, but I respect it.

But then again, I am the weird guy who supports Ayumi Tachibana. *(Who?)* Exactly.

I'd probably include Momentum Cancelling again, because it allowed light weight characters like Mr. Game & Watch to last a little bit longer in battle, especially if done correctly. Honestly that[s really all I can think of at the moment, but I'm sure other things can be added.
No, that disease of a mechanic made everyone live forever.

EDIT: If I added characters:
K Rool
Ice Climbers
Ayumi Tachibana (LOL)
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Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I'm not sure why both protagonists and antagonists have to be included and only them.

This is unfortunate for series that don't really have a villain (:4olimar::4gaw::4duckhunt::4rob::4wiifit::4littlemac::4villager:) but it also forces in some really odd characters like Giygas (who wouldn't work), Blastoise ( though Blastoise would admittedly be a cool character) and Bulbmin (who are good guys mind you, labeling them as antagonists is flat out wrong). You're forcing yourself into a corner here.

It also ignores most of some series that have revolving protagonists and antagonists (:4cloud::4marth::4ness::4shulk:) if you only have to pick just one. Why should we be limited to just Marth and his villain if there are 10 games without them?

Why are some extremely iconic and important characters left out like :4luigi::4peach::4diddy::4yoshi::4zelda::4pikachu::4lucario::4metaknight::4falco:,etc when more obscure villains get a pass? I understand the desire for more villains (heck I support K.Rool/Ridley/Dark Samus etc.) but sometimes the heroes are just bigger deals. It's like, if I'm making a Disney Fighting game roster, I'm not going to leave out Goofy or Donald just because I need Tarzan or Lilo and Stitch villains instead. Most series have more notable heroes than villains and the roster here really proves that. I'd pick :4feroy::4lucina:or:4corrin: over Medeus or :4palutena:over Medusa any day because they're simply more memorable. They left bigger impressions on more people.

Regardless, I'm not sure what I'd do at this point. I'd add more characters for sure and minimize cuts. I'd bring back the Smash 4 style trailers but I'd buff up single player modes big time. Preferably stuff like individualized Break the Targets and Board the Platforms. I'd like a separate boss mode as well.

For my list of characters all I'll be relatively realistic and only add ten.

1. Inkling
2. King K. Rool
3. Isaac
4. Ridley / Dark Samus / Sylux
5. Wolf
6. Snake
7. Impa
8. Chun - Li
9. Tails
10. Simon Belmont

That with no cuts.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
Just curious as to why you would get rid of Rosalina, when she's one of the most original fighters in the series?
She's boring. I see nothing original about her. Really, you could say anyone is original.

If you don't mind, a couple of criticism to your character list.
I don't mind at all.

You could say any character is unique or have a reason for being, but that's honestly not good enough to have them.

I also did mention at the beginning that I wouldn't refuse the possibility of having additional characters. If there was an addition of 24 characters, then that would be 48 characters total, which while is a lot, is not as much as the current roster. Luigi, as far as I'm aware, really has no significance, but people might consider him a necessity, so I wouldn't mind having Luigi on the roster, but I'd still maintain a protagonist/antagonist formula. So the additional would be King Boo, the antagonist of Luigi's Mansion and Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. Or it'd be Yoshi and the antagonist, Kamek. Either way, you have unique characters who have a reason for being.

As for Diddy Kong, I didn't say I wouldn't have him. He's the second most important character after Donkey Kong, just like Luigi is after Mario. They're like the side-kicks of the protagonists. I also like Diddy Kong. He's a fun character and I like him more than plenty of other characters on the current roster. Of course, I'd expect to see another antagonist. Maybe Klubba. Anyway, you kind of get the gist. I was pretty sure I mentioned that I wouldn't refuse the possibility of adding several other characters. I think it's funny that you think Samus is fine alone, even though there's been more lore added since Metroid Prime.

My removing characters has nothing to do with not liking them. And I already said Pokémon don't have any antagonists and that there's only rivalry between the trainers, not the Pokémon themselves. Take careful consideration on what I said before assuming that I shot myself in the foot. As for Ninten, he's the original Mother protagonist. The fact that we got Lucas instead of Ninten is stupid. I never understood why so many people were obsessed with Lucas. Ness would be an addition, but then so would Pokey. I'm not honestly sure why there is contention here. It's my opinion. It's my idea. You're free to make your own.

I'm not sure why both protagonists and antagonists have to be included and only them.
Because that's my idea. I'm not stopping you from having yours. Besides, diversity and equality. Everyone gets one of each.
This is unfortunate for series that don't really have a villain (:4olimar::4gaw::4duckhunt::4rob::4wiifit::4littlemac::4villager:) but it also forces in some really odd characters like Giygas (who wouldn't work), Blastoise ( though Blastoise would admittedly be a cool character) and Bulbmin (who are good guys mind you, labeling them as antagonists is flat out wrong). You're forcing yourself into a corner here.
Not really, because I don't find any of those characters worth playing. Giygas would be small. This would be based on Giygas as portrayed in Mother, not Mother 2. I don't know anything about Pikmin. I never found the games interesting, but if there aren't any antagonists (I'm not sure why Bulbmins would eat Pikmins), then I'd just remove Olimar for someone else.

It also ignores most of some series that have revolving protagonists and antagonists (:4cloud::4marth::4ness::4shulk:) if you only have to pick just one. Why should we be limited to just Marth and his villain if there are 10 games without them?
Because Marth is the original. He also has his own anime. I wouldn't bring back Shulk. I'd see no reason to.

Why are some extremely iconic and important characters left out like :4luigi::4peach::4diddy::4yoshi::4zelda::4pikachu::4lucario::4metaknight::4falco:,etc when more obscure villains get a pass?
I never said I'd leave out Luigi, Diddy Kong, Zelda, Pikachu, Meta Knight, or even Falco. I'd see no reason for Peach if I was limiting each series to four characters. Lucario was just a replacement for Mewtwo. I never found any reason for him. As for obscure villains, obscure to who? And who were Marth and Roy? Who was Ness? People weren't familiar with these characters until Super Smash Bros. revealed them.

I understand the desire for more villains (heck I support K.Rool/Ridley/Dark Samus etc.) but sometimes the heroes are just bigger deals. It's like, if I'm making a Disney Fighting game roster, I'm not going to leave out Goofy or Donald just because I need Tarzan or Lilo and Stitch villains instead. Most series have more notable heroes than villains and the roster here really proves that.
I don't see how that's comparable when Goofy and Donald are their own characters and not necessarily part of Mickey Mouse like Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Bowser Jr., and Wario are to Mario.

I'd pick :4feroy::4lucina:or:4corrin: over Medeus or :4palutena:over Medusa any day because they're simply more memorable. They left bigger impressions on more people.
Medusa was the antagonist in Kid Icarus for the NES and Game Boy. Palutena honestly was obscure by comparison.

1. Inkling
2. King K. Rool
3. Isaac
4. Ridley / Dark Samus / Sylux
5. Wolf
6. Snake
7. Impa
8. Chun - Li
9. Tails
10. Simon Belmont

That with no cuts.
Impa would be pretty cool. I could see her replacing Sheik. Simon Belmont definitely deserves an appearance. My brother and I have been wanting to see Simon in Super Smash Bros. for a while now. You have some good choices here.
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Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I see nothing original about her.
She is the series first and only puppeteer character. She essentially brought a whole new gameplay style to Smash that hadn't been done before.

As for Ninten, he's the original Mother protagonist. The fact that we got Lucas instead of Ninten is stupid.
It's because people actually like Mother 3 and Lucas. They really don't like Earthbound Beginnings and its seen as the weakest of the trilogy. Even back then, Earthbound trumped it. Plus Earthbound actually got a western release back then, so it was at least worldwide at a time when people didn't know what was being released in Japan (this changed around 2002 or so.

Not really, because I don't find any of those characters worth playing. Giygas would be small. This would be based on Giygas as portrayed in Mother, not Mother 2.
That wasn't Giygas. That was Gigue who later become Giygas but since Giygas is literally just evil, Giygas wouldn't work.

I don't know anything about Pikmin. I never found the games interesting, but if there aren't any antagonists (I'm not sure why Bulbmins would eat Pikmins), then I'd just remove Olimar for someone else.
Or just keep Olimar.
Because Marth is the original. He also has his own anime.
But he's also ancient. I'm not saying we should remove Marth, just that by himself, he's not a good showing of his series. It's like including George Washington but not Lincoln, there were other things worth looking into.

I wouldn't bring back Shulk. I'd see no reason to.
  • The Xenoblade series has both critical and fan acclaim.
  • The series is contiuning forward with plans for a third.
  • Shulk was a very popular request and has a high use rate.
  • He is the only character in the series that can change stats at will.
I'd see no reason for Peach if I was limiting each series to four characters.
Then don't. No series has an arbitrary limit.

Lucario was just a replacement for Mewtwo. I never found any reason for him.
This is factually wrong. Both Lucario and Mewtwo were planned for Brawl. Mewtwo was even next in line. It was actually Jigglypuff, Wolf and Toon Link that beat him.

Moreover, they both work just fine in Project M and Smash 4. It's not like they ever took each other's roles in gameplay, presentation, tone, etc.

As for obscure villains, obscure to who? And who were Marth and Roy? Who was Ness? People weren't familiar with these characters until Super Smash Bros. revealed them.
I said MORE obscure.

More people know Mario than Bowser.
More people know Link than Ganondorf.
More people know Samus than Ridley.

It's something every series is affected by. The main hero stands out more than the villain.

Marth is more well known than Medeus. Roy than his villain, etc.

I don't see how that's comparable when Goofy and Donald are their own characters and not necessarily part of Mickey Mouse like Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Bowser Jr., and Wario are to Mario.
Wario has two series.

Luigi has his own series.

Peach had her own game.

Just like Goofy and Donald, they've all had their own successes. But people still relate them back to Mickey/Mario because they are still with them. Both in brand and content.

Medusa was the antagonist in Kid Icarus for the NES and Game Boy. Palutena honestly was obscure by comparison.
Medusa made no appearance in the Game Boy game whatsoever.

Regardless, this is ignoring that Uprising exists.

Impa would be pretty cool. I could see her replacing Sheik.
I don't want Sheik getting replaced.

I want Impa as her own character.

Simon Belmont definitely deserves an appearance. My brother and I have been wanting to see Simon in Super Smash Bros. for a while now.

I will say I think a lot of your choices boil down to what you know and what you don't know and by extension, what you like and what you don't like.

That's fine at the end of the day, but when making a roster its important to include things that may seem lame to you but awesome to the majority.

For example...

I don't like Animal Crossing. It's boring. I get sick of it real quick... :4villager: But I'd never remove Villager from Smash because its really important to a lot of people (a **** ton considering how well it sells).

Gotta make as many people as happy as you can man.
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Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
Swampasaur, you have your opinions and I have mine. There's no reason to get bent out of shape. You can disagree, but it's what I'd do if I was part of the team or had a say.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2008
It's because people actually like Mother 3 and Lucas. They really don't like Earthbound Beginnings and its seen as the weakest of the trilogy. Even back then, Earthbound trumped it. Plus Earthbound actually got a western release back then, so it was at least worldwide at a time when people didn't know what was being released in Japan (this changed around 2002 or so.
If I recall correctly, Mother was going to be released in the US, but because the SNES was on the way, that never happened and they just went with EarthBound instead. I'd say EarthBound Beginnings is the weakest of the trilogy because the game itself is dated to the point that nobody really wants to grind the heck out of gaining experience points. I played the first Mother game and completed it. The story is good, but going through the game itself is an extremely tedious process.

That wasn't Giygas. That was Gigue who later become Giygas but since Giygas is literally just evil, Giygas wouldn't work.
Giegue is Giygas in the same manner Pokey is Porky. Giegue said he'd return to earth, and in EarthBound, he did. The last boss you fight in EarthBound is just Giygas contained in the Devil's Machine after Ness and his friends go into the past. I wouldn't say Giygas never had a human form since he did in Mother, so I could see him being a character in Smash, though, he'd probably look similar to Mewtwo.


Smash Rookie
Aug 30, 2016
I think you may need a refresher on character importance. First and foremost what gets a smash character in are the following reasons

1: Already in a previous smash game (Lucas, Roy, Mewtoo)
2: Upcoming game for the sake of advertisement (Fates, Xenoblade WII U, Wario in brawl)
3: Fitting placement/3rd party partnership (Sonic, Ryu, Pacman, I guess MM, Bayo)
4: benefits the popularity/diversity to said game series (wolf, mewtoo)
5: Retro call-backs (Also pac-man, G+W)

Now thats out of the way, I would like to say each character has a specific reason to be in smash. Nintendo/HAL While not being perfect (Doc, Lucina, D.Pit, Snake, etc) has had a good history of hitting theit mark for roster selection. You say you want to get rid of luigi? The guy has his own year AND is a veteran since 64 sooooo no. No peach? She practically makes up the mario bunch while also appealing to female demographic (where 75% of the roster aren't just guys). They not only made her fun to play, but appealing to people soooooo no. You say yiu want King K Rool? By that logic add Tockman and Fawful. K.Rool while being iconic has only been the antagonist 5/8 times in the major DK games and again "appealing" to more people as they mostly played Country returns and tropical freeze rather than Dk64. Like Waluigi, he's displayed as a trophy so keep it that way. Bottom line of what I'm trying to say is this: They wouldn't just put characters in the roster just because they like their face (for promotional profit maybe but who blames em?), it's because of what they do and how it diversifies the roster. Right now if you can take out all clones, duckhunt, and think how unique each one is. You got King of Koopas, Legendary hero of time, Star fox Leader, Angel hunter (I think that's what bayo does), Legender fighter (ryu) Hero King Swordsman, King of the Jungle, Hero of Dreamland, The face of pokemon, and so on. Rethink your decision on the roster, as that's why atleast I get excited about smash. Options.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
A ACDG I didn't know my opinion could cause so much controversy. You can talk about who is iconic, who is popular, who has a reason for being in Super Smash Bros., who is unique and/or original. I could get a list of characters who would fall under these, but by that point, you'd have a roster that is absurdly large. More characters doesn't make a game great. My roster would have at least 48 characters, which is more than enough. There are characters who could be introduced who have not been before, but a large list of a roster makes it more difficult to make a tier list and match-up charts. Then there would be diversity with my list.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
- Make Melee's roster less reliant on clones.
- Change Brawl's physics to be faster with more options for advanced play. Not exactly like Melee, but still competitive.
- Cut certain characters to have more time to focus on play testing and polishing.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
I expanded on the extra unlockable characters I'd have. I have four spaces open, so I'm not sure who would get those four spots, but possible non-Nintendo characters.


Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2013
Just curious as to why you would get rid of Rosalina, when she's one of the most original fighters in the series?

In terms of characters, I'd make everyone from Smash 4 return EXCEPT for, obviously, Dr. Mario, Dark Pit and Lucina. My newcomers would be:

1) Toad
2) Paper Mario
3) Dixie Kong
4) Cranky Kong
5) King K. Rool
6) Ridley
7) Peppy
8) Slippy
9) Sceptile
10) Inkling
11) Callie
12) Marie
Oh, characters people actually want; how novel.

Sakurai: "You will not be getting any of those". Okay, I see Captain Toad and Inkling as very likely.

There is going to be some point where they run out of crappy characters and have to start using the ones people want.

Anyway, if we're talking NX, this will just be a port (with all DLC included), and we'll be lucky if we get one or two new characters (the two I mentioned would be nice).

My days of hoping for Ridley and K. Rool are through.


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2010
If it's a remake of the original Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo 64, I would only use content and other aspect prior to 1998/1999.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 17, 2017
First off I would make rules of how characters can join like
1. They must be video game characters.
2. The series must have good games or at least one good game.
3. Their design must fit in a Smash Bros game
4. They need Moveset potential.
Then the characters themselves. I'd say I would start with all of the original 12 along with Bowser ,Peach, Zelda, Marth, Pit, Sheik, Mewtwo, Inkling, Sonic, Pac-Man, Megaman, and Sora. Then I would expand on the roster with Decidueye, Lilac(Freedom Planet), Arle, Cloud, Lloyd, Ryu, Mr. Game and Watch, Diddy Kong, Geno, Roy, Palutena, Rosalina and Luma, Bowser Jr, Ridley, Lucas, Female Corrin, Male Robin, Sukapon, Young Link, Ice Climbers, Duck Hunt, Waluigi, , Shulk, Mii Brawler, Mii Swordsman, Mii Gunner, Mii Mage and Mii Scythe wielders For gameplay it would be like SSB4's but you can have an option to turn on Wavedashing so the game can both be causal and competitive. For modes there would be Classic Mode, All Star Mode, 8- Player Smash, and Adventure mode with the Original Mario Bros 1-1, Zelda II's Final Dungeon, Kirby's Adventure DreamLand, Sonic The Hedgehog Green Hill Zone, Megaman 2 Wily caste 1, Pokémon Stadium, Kingdom Hearts 1000 Heartless battle and Metroid's Brinstar ending with Giga Bowser. You can unlock Mr. Game and Watch from Adventure mode. There would also be mini games like Break the Targets, Board the Platforms and etc. For online I would have For Fun and For Glory. For fun would have items on and omega stages and For Glory would be the same but it has 1-1, no items, and Wavedashing turned on. Finally I would have Amiibo support and make every character viable and they have their own unique traits. After the game releases and six months later I would get permission from Nintendo to open the Smash Ballot and I would pick 10 winners from the Ballot. They most likely would be Shantae, Bayonetta, Shovel Knight, Banjo and Kazooie, King K. Rool, Ray-Man, and etc, and release them as DLC with new stages and new Mii costumes like a Sora costume for a Mii Swordfighter.

I would also allow Mod Support.
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Speaking of "Mod" support, do not double post. Just edit your own posts. Verbal warning to all. I don't want to have to warn or infract posts if I don't need to. :)


For remaking, I'd make sure every single franchise except 3rd parties to have more than one character is possible. F-Zero, for instance, has way too many plausible choices.
The A.I. would be as smart as Brawl/4/64, instead of being boring in Melee.
Fun stuff like the Red Shell would never have been removed.
The actual single player mode(classic) will always have 3 mini-games; Break the Targets(unique to either the franchise or the character, depending how big the roster is), something unique but fun(like Board the Platforms and Grab The Trophies were), and Race to the Finish(which can evolve throughout time like it did in Melee by incorporating BTP into it).
All recolors for characters will have actual real changes. Namely, yes, they have to have more than crappy boot/glove changes.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2015
I guess I will talk about all of them (shortly and may add on to this later, for now only doing characters and some stages)
64: I would literally change nothing

Melee: I would change some characters and stages.Stages I would remove: Venom,Rainbow Cruise,Pokefloats,Mushroom Kingdom1 and brinstar depths. Replace with a fire emblem stage and shadow moses island (can't think of anymore atm, may add more later)
Characters I would remove: :roymelee:, :gawmelee: maybe,:pichumelee:, :younglinkmelee: and :drmario:. Replace with Snake and Banjo. Also declone ganon

Brawl: I would and wouldn't change it. i would because brawl was pretty bad but I wouldn't because I am a pm fanboy and would want pm to still exist. So for changes i would remove:snake: :gw: :rob: ,Banjo from my melee changes, and :toonlink:. I would replace them with Isaac, Lyn and Waluigi. For stages I would remove Rainbow Cruise,shadow moses island, hanenbow, mario bros, 75m,mushroomy kingdom, mario circuit and the pirate ship. I would replace them with a bowser stage, paper mario stage, kongo jungle(can't think of anymore atm, may add more later)

SSB4: I would remove :4bayonetta:/:4bayonetta2:,:4cloud:/:4cloud2:,:4darkpit:,:4lucina:,:4miisword:,:4miigun:,:4miibrawl:,:4wiifit:/:4wiifitm:,:4villager:/:4villagerf:,:4tlink:,:4ryu:,:4duckhunt:,:4drmario:. I would replace them with Waluigi,Isaac,Lyn,Ridley,King K Rool, and a grass type starter. For stages I would remove mario ciruit brawl,75m,skyloft,woolly world,gamer,palutena's temple,great cave offensive,pac land(maybe some more can't think of any others) and replace them with a bowser stage, paper mario stage, kongo jungle(can't think of anymore atm, may add more later)
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Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005

Tag Team: Tag-team option in stock mode. You can select a new character per stock. Each character switches to the next in line when killed or you can switch the character manually. The character uses a special tag-team attack before going to the next character and the former character goes to the end of the line.

Shield Tiers:
Some characters like Sheik get a weak shield. Then there is a medium and heavy shield. Most characters get a medium shield.

The Smash Nerd II.0.

Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2016
Evans, Georgia
I guess I will talk about all of them (shortly and may add on to this later, for now only doing characters and some stages)
64: I would literally change nothing

Melee: I would change some characters and stages.Stages I would remove: Venom,Rainbow Cruise,Pokefloats,Mushroom Kingdom1 and brinstar depths. Replace with a fire emblem stage and shadow moses island (can't think of anymore atm, may add more later)
Characters I would remove: :roymelee:, :gawmelee: maybe,:pichumelee:, :younglinkmelee: and :drmario:. Replace with Snake and Banjo. Also declone ganon

Brawl: I would and wouldn't change it. i would because brawl was pretty bad but I wouldn't because I am a pm fanboy and would want pm to still exist. So for changes i would remove:snake: :gw: :rob: ,Banjo from my melee changes, and :toonlink:. I would replace them with Isaac, Lyn and Waluigi. For stages I would remove Rainbow Cruise,shadow moses island, hanenbow, mario bros, 75m,mushroomy kingdom, mario circuit and the pirate ship. I would replace them with a bowser stage, paper mario stage, kongo jungle(can't think of anymore atm, may add more later)

SSB4: I would remove :4bayonetta:/:4bayonetta2:,:4cloud:/:4cloud2:,:4darkpit:,:4lucina:,:4miisword:,:4miigun:,:4miibrawl:,:4wiifit:/:4wiifitm:,:4villager:/:4villagerf:,:4tlink:,:4ryu:,:4duckhunt:,:4drmario:. I would replace them with Waluigi,Isaac,Lyn,Ridley,King K Rool, and a grass type starter. For stages I would remove mario ciruit brawl,75m,skyloft,woolly world,gamer,palutena's temple,great cave offensive,pac land(maybe some more can't think of any others) and replace them with a bowser stage, paper mario stage, kongo jungle(can't think of anymore atm, may add more later)
I did some Rosters like that.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2013
I'm only able to think of what I'd change in Smash 4.

The roster I would have chosen would likely upset a lot of fans.
Everyone from Brawl plus :4feroy::4mewtwo::4villager::4wiifit::4megaman::4littlemac::4greninja::4palutena::4pacman::4bowserjr::4duckhunt::4mii::4ryu: stays.

:4sonic::4ryu::4megaman::4pacman::4greninja::4wiifit:would have been the DLC characters

9 characters I wouldn’t keep (who would instead be represented in some other minor form like Assist Trophies or Mii Costumes) would be replaced by these literally-whos:

The more basic changes I would have made
Would add:
  • Marjora’s Mask moon as one of Kirby's stone forms
  • Blanka and Goombella as Assist Trophies
  • Ms. Pac-Man, Dry Bowser, and Punch-Out DK as Alt. Costumes
  • Klobber as an enemy/item
  • Master Hand’s Smash 64 Battle Theme
  • the Ho-Oh Battle Theme from HGSS and PWT Final Battle Theme to any Pokémon stage
  • a Game & Watch Gallery Medley track with remixes of the Modern style songs
  • the Pac Rainbow track to the Pac-Man Stage
  • a Rhythm Heaven Stage, with the GBA Remix 5 song as one of its tracks
  • Gangplank Galleon, Lor Starcutter, something from Mario Party (possibly Waluigi's Island), and Bowser's Castle as new stages
Would exchange:
  • :4kirby:’s Ultra Sword for Cook.
  • :4mario:'s FLUDD for the classic tornado
  • :4luigi:'s Luigi Missile for a move where he propels forward using the Poltergust (the only real change is the animation)
  • :4zelda:'s move properties for anything that could make her less predictable
  • :4pacman:'s grab for one that has much less end lag
  • :4tlink:'s moves for new ones that are based more on concepts introduced in his games.
  • some of :4wario2:’s moves for ones based more on concepts introduced in Wario Land & Wario World.
  • :4dedede:'s Dedede Burst for a Masked Dedede form.
  • the Sticker Star parts of the Paper Mario Medley for anything from PM64 or TTYD.
  • the Paper Mario Stage for a stage based on the TTYD battle stage
  • the GB Dream Land stage for a GB Tetris stage.
  • the Grande Finale track for a remix instead of a direct port
  • the Great Cave Offensive track for a remix strictly based on the Sub-Tree theme
  • the Target Blast mode for the classic Break the Targets, using unique stages like Melee and 64
  • obviously Gaur Plain, Midgar, and Umbra Clock Tower no longer exist, and Isaac, Ray, Starfy, and Lip get their own home stages instead.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 19, 2016
I'm going with the logic that what really matters and what is most convenient is to have is deserving (by importance), relevant, and recognizable characters. Why not requests? Because any character, if well designed and chosen, can become a highly wanted character. Look at Wolf, the most hated character during Brawl, now an extremely wanted character due to his moveset and deserving nature as Star Fox's villain/rival. Besides, all the requested characters are recognizable and important enough to be in this Smash even if they are a little obscure since we are getting closer to only having obscure one offs as choices.

Moveset potential also doesn't matter because it is the little differences that make you choose one character over another.

With this in mind, here is my Smash 5 roster!

- Toad (Mario) - We do have main Toads, so it's stupid to not include such an iconic character.
- Pig Ganon (Zelda)*
- Dixie Kong (DK) - Playable character in most DK games since her appearance. Although she does not have the track record of Cranky Kong, her being playable so much really adds to her screen time.
- King K. Rool (DK) - It is important to have some characters that are popular, and given K. Rool's extreme importance and iconic nature, it's only a matter if time before he returns.
- Inkling (Splatoon)
- Spring Man (ARMS)
- Ridley (Metroid)
- Tom Nook (Animal Crossing) - Animal Crossing should've had this guy in Smash 4. It sells amazing.
- Isabelle (Animal Crossing)
- Waddle Dee (Kirby)

Now to fix representation

- The weird veterans (Jigglypuff, Roy, and Sheik) that are minimally important to their series but clearly deserve to be in are now Smash reps. This is because they are deserving and recognizable strictly through Smash.
- Cut Dr. Mario, Lucina, and Dark Pit
- Replace Ganondorf with Pig Ganon. Pig Ganon appears in far more games than Dorf (Ganondorf appears in 6, including remakes) and was revived in Breath of the Wild and Link Between Worlds.
- Captain Falcon, Game and Watch, R.O.B., Duck Hunt, and Little Mac are next to each other as Retro characters on the roster but have different logos
- Yoshi is a Mario rep.

The engine should mimick Melee but also have a mode that simplifies the game even more than Smash 4 for beginners. As little skill possible without removing what's outlined in the How to Play video and taking away from fun.
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Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
Neat. My thread ended up being moved to the General Discussion for Smash on Nintendo Switch. Anyway, let's consider the Nintendo franchise. This list will only include games developed, published, and owned by Nintendo. This also includes second-party companies. I will also mention the names of characters already present in the Super Smash Bros. series.

  1. Animal Crossing (Villager)
  2. Balloon Fight/Kid
  3. Brain Age
  4. Chibi-Robo!
  5. Custom Robo
  6. Donkey Kong (Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong)
  7. Duck Hunt (Duck Hunt)
  8. Eggerland
  9. F-Zero (Captain Falcon)
  10. Fire Emblem (Marth, Roy, Ike, Lucina, Robin, Corrin)
  11. Game & Watch (Mr. Game & Watch)
  12. Ice Climbers
  13. Kid Icarus (Pit, Dark Pit, Palutena)
  14. Kirby (Kirby, Meta Knight, King Dedede)
  15. Legend of Zelda, The (Link, Zelda, Sheik, Ganondorf, Toon Link)
  16. Legendary Starfy, The
  17. Mach Rider
  18. Metroid (Samus, Zero Suit Samus)
  19. Mother (Ness, Lucas)
  20. Nintendo Wars
  21. Nintendogs
  22. Panel de Pon
  23. Pikmin (Olimar)
  24. Pilotwings
  25. Pokémon (Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Charizard, Greninja)
  26. Punch-Out!! (Little Mac)
  27. Splatoon
  28. Star Fox (Fox, Falco)
  29. Super Mario (Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Peach, Bowser, Dr. Mario, Wario, Rosalina, Bowser Jr.)
  30. Xenoblade Chronicles (Shulk)

If one character per series was present, that would constitute 30 characters total. I'm sure I'm missing many more, but this Is enough. There are 46 characters listed who are in Super Smash Bros. Here are the list of games that I don't see ever happening, but I could be wrong.

  • Brain Age
  • Chibi-Robo!
  • Eggerland
  • Legendary Starfy, The
  • Nintendo Wars
  • Nintendogs
  • Pilotwings

The rest who weren't listed, I believe can become playable characters in Super Smash Bros. Anyway, if there are 46 characters, imagine reducing some characters from the series. Going down the list, I could see Roy and Lucina being removed, leaving only Marth, Ike, Robin, and Corrin. That becomes 44 characters. Removing Toon Link makes the roster consist of 43 characters, and discarding Greninja makes it 42 characters. In fact, Mewtwo and Charizard could be replaced for the current Pokémon generation. Drop Dr. Mario and that's 41 characters. I didn't drop certain characters because I know how people can be. Even so, with 41 characters, that gives the developers at least 14 new playable characters if they decided to restrict the character options to 55.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
They're 2 of the most iconic and popular Pokemon of all time.
What reason is there to cut them?
Greninja is currently the most popular Pokémon. It appears fans want to see Decidueye. (This was the Pokémon I was going to select if I owned the game, and I'm one who picks water-types every time. I was fascinated by the cross between grass and flying types. Also, my son loves owls.) I don't think being an icon, let alone being popular is enough to warrant one for staying. After all, there are a lot of popular and iconic characters, so who decides which one to go with? The one with the most votes? The one with the largest demographic? The fact that Greninja is the most popular Pokémon and fans want to see Decidueye tells me that if I was developing the next Super Smash Bros., I would introduce those two new characters.
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 14, 2014
at some point in any fighter ya gotta get a core group and then go with it, or try the sf3 route and upset your whole ****ing fanbase by not including ryu and ken



Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2007
I would put ways to safely pressure opponents and many different approach options. Either put L canceling in or adjust the auto canceling window on aerials to where it activates when hitting the ground after your aerial comes out.

So basically, nothing like smash 4.
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Smash Ace
Dec 28, 2017
Dark Pit, Lucina, and Doc would obviously go, as would Ganon, replaced with a non-terrible Ganon. Besides that, I'd take out Sonic, Jigglypuff, Toon Link, and WFT. In terms of additions, Bandana Dee and the aforementioned non-terrible Ganon.

While I'm not sure exactly what stages I would add, what I am sure of is that all stages would be smaller to make camping harder.

Mechanics stuff
Rolling would be a bit slower, but not Melee slow, and airdodging would be just as fast, but have less invuln at the end so reading airdodges is easier. Besides that, a big change I'd like to make would be that you can walk out of grounded attacks on the first actionable frame, rather than having to wait for the attack animation to end completely, and remove the acceleration time from walking so you can start walking at full speed. All this would be in service of making walking a more useful movement option.
I'd also make it so you can cancel the initial dash animation by crouching sometime around frame 8, so that better burst movement options exist while not being Melee-level. Lastly, I'd keep most of the hitstun mechanics from Sm4sh, but make hitstun completely uncancelable on certain moves to allow them to start and extend combos more effectively and also make it so the hitstun cancelling window is later. Also, I'd make SDI automatic so you don't have to mash and otherwise remove mashing, changing single-button mashing to just holding that button, and stuff like grabs would just last less long. Also shield regen rate would be much lower to reduce the efficacy of platform camping.
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Smash Master
Jul 15, 2013
The Basement
Greninja is currently the most popular Pokémon. It appears fans want to see Decidueye. (This was the Pokémon I was going to select if I owned the game, and I'm one who picks water-types every time. I was fascinated by the cross between grass and flying types. Also, my son loves owls.) I don't think being an icon, let alone being popular is enough to warrant one for staying. After all, there are a lot of popular and iconic characters, so who decides which one to go with? The one with the most votes? The one with the largest demographic? The fact that Greninja is the most popular Pokémon and fans want to see Decidueye tells me that if I was developing the next Super Smash Bros., I would introduce those two new characters.
Greninja's the most popular Pokemon and Japan, and that was at the hype of Greninja's popularity with Ash-Greninja. You could say the same about Lucario in 2006. I'm sure Greninja will stay popular for years to come but nothing will ever come close to Mewtwo and Charizard's popular. You go to any elementary, middle, or high school from any decade since Pokemon was released, and 90% of the kids, regardless of age, social group, or any other status will know about these two Pokemon.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
Greninja's the most popular Pokemon and Japan, and that was at the hype of Greninja's popularity with Ash-Greninja. You could say the same about Lucario in 2006. I'm sure Greninja will stay popular for years to come but nothing will ever come close to Mewtwo and Charizard's popular. You go to any elementary, middle, or high school from any decade since Pokemon was released, and 90% of the kids, regardless of age, social group, or any other status will know about these two Pokemon.
Super Smash Bros. comes from Japan, so it only makes sense. I don't know why nothing would ever come close to Mewtwo and Charizard in terms of popularity. After all, it's already occurred in Japan.


Smash Champion
Jan 8, 2014
As numerous games with transferable rosters. Smash Brothers Red and Blue.


Smash Hero
May 27, 2019
Waiting for Latias and Latios to get a theme
Switch FC
I have ideas.
If smash was to be rebooted.
1. Cut the roster down. Sm4sh and ultimate's rosters were too crazy. Cut them down to only the most important characters. Add a small amount of newcomers.
2. Cut stage amount in half. Add a few new ones.
3. Cut assist trophies. One summoning item gets the match more intense enough.
4. Have a smaller number of items.
5. Bring back trophies. Make them easier to collect, and just scrap challenges and event matches completely.
6. Focus on fun gameplay, limit down the large amount of modes, and just keep a few things from the vault, home run contest, all-star, and classic modes.
7. Get rid of all the fancy techniques. Make it easy for everyone.
That's all I have to say.


Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2013
I have ideas.
If smash was to be rebooted.
1. Cut the roster down. Sm4sh and ultimate's rosters were too crazy. Cut them down to only the most important characters. Add a small amount of newcomers.
2. Cut stage amount in half. Add a few new ones.
3. Cut assist trophies. One summoning item gets the match more intense enough.
4. Have a smaller number of items.
5. Bring back trophies. Make them easier to collect, and just scrap challenges and event matches completely.
6. Focus on fun gameplay, limit down the large amount of modes, and just keep a few things from the vault, home run contest, all-star, and classic modes.
7. Get rid of all the fancy techniques. Make it easy for everyone.
That's all I have to say.
I know it's a meme, but I would honestly just remake Melee at this point; it had the perfect amount of content. Don't alter the gameplay mechanics, just remake with better visuals, add online, etc. Add Wario and Dedede and maybe a new story mode that would be a cross between Adventure and Subspace.
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Smash Ace
Feb 22, 2014
1. All echo fighters and :ultdoc: would be in the game as alternate skins. Not going to bother with behavior changes other than voices.

2. Not create any stats altering mechanic like stickers or spirits

3. keep adventure mode short enough to beat in one sitting with about 7-10 stages but allow multiple routes that lead to new stages/bosses for replayability.

4. create an option in stage builder that allows for a "break the targets creator" and make them assignable to specific characters of the user's choice to be used during classic mode

5. Keep Classic mode the way it is but add in a break the targets stage and end it with Master and Crazy Hand. (Possibly a new secret boss as well reserved for the highest difficulty.)

6. Less items in the game

7. create a punish mechanic for heavy projectile use that increases vulnerability time if the attack is repeated too often in one stock.

8. create more defensive options

9. After all of that is said and done... focus on nothing but adding new characters for base game and then DLC


Smash Lord
Dec 26, 2013
Sakurai: "You will not be getting any of those". Okay, I see Captain Toad and Inkling as very likely.

My days of hoping for Ridley and K. Rool are through.
Damn, someone liked this post from 2016 today lol.

I really thought Captain Toad was gonna be a shoe-in in this game. :ohwell: A character who's been decently requested forever, is pretty important and has his own franchise now with a unique moveset.
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Smash Champion
May 10, 2017
I really hate the sound of "Reboot" I would just call it its own sequel and announce to fans to have no expectations. If I were in charge of continuing Smash after Ultimate, the first thing is to give it an original end slogan like Melee or Brawl. :chuckle: I would title it (Super Smash Bros. Hand as another word for Shenanigans). The game would be a reference to the Leprechaun, clovers would act as a item to allow using a hit immunity as you taunt, handicapped, Shield buff or grab buff and the new Final Destination stage would be Kirby themed with a background rainbow, pun for Kirby. Haha I would bring back Adventure Mode, Home Run Contest, Trophies, Coin Smash and Event Matches and title it Hand Events.


Cranky Kong
Doc Louis
Skull Kid
Dixie Kong
Samurai Goroh
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Smash Hero
May 27, 2019
Waiting for Latias and Latios to get a theme
Switch FC
Damn, someone liked this post from 2016 today lol.

I really thought Captain Toad was gonna be a shoe-in in this game. :ohwell: A character who's been decently requested forever, is pretty important and has his own franchise now with a unique moveset.
I think Toad should be in. A normal toad. He's one of the most major Mario characters ever.
Also, I think brawl had the right amount of content.


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2019
I've came up with a few, but My main choice is to start the remake similar to the first game

Roaster: :ultmario::ultdk::ultlink::ultsamus::ultyoshi::ultkirby::ultfox::ultpikachu::ultluigi::ultness::ultfalcon::ultjigglypuff::ultbowser::ultkingdedede::ultmewtwo::ultmarth: (aka what the first game roster was originally going to be)

I came up with a few more, but if you want to look at them, see the smash reboot page for the roaster.
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