Gotem City Vigilante
You and I both know Fox usually has enough options and opportunities to run away and laser for 2-3 seconds (DL, PS, FD) and stop before he's cornered. Not everyone does it right, but it's definitely possible. They can get around Ganon, and if they find a hole in your neutral as you're closing the gap they can go straight to punish mode. That's why pressuring properly is so difficult and important. I agree that Fox players who know the matchup are more aggressive, but there aren't that many porkchops/colbol/syrox/ryan fords out there.I played nearly everyone ya but i disagree that players run away more in this meta. If they actually still play with that strat then Ganon becomes better because they corner themselves willingly. The better players take every opportunity they can right now + a lot of them can 0-death you pretty easily if you dont have good defense.
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