I just hate stadium so much. It's such an absolute nightmare vs fox lol, so much space for that fvcker to run around and the low ceiling to boot. Add in the lack of a top platform, which is SO important for spacing (at least IMO) and I can't even begin to appreciate it transformation-free.
... Then there are the completely ******** transformations which ONLY benefit fox and no other character, except for ganon at like one part (which a competent player won't even go near) and you have my least favorite stage.
Grim, you're right about battlefield. I think I prefer yoshi's because I suck total @$$ at edge guarding spacies LOL, so that aspect doesn't even really matter to me. I just like the quick kills where edge guarding is unnecessary.
On another note, I love that the FL ganon scene is back. Linguini and Tipman are playing again, Spidey is coming out to big house, ACE is down there droppin knowledge bombs, and Ian is climbing the ranks so quickly. I'm really gonna try and make my way down there at some point. Tip and Linguini, I haven't played you guys yet, you're both on my hit list