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How to **** Sheik with Ganon

Bizzarro Flame

Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2005
San Francisco
First you grab Sheik
and sniff her neck

Then you

As you have already known and experienced, Sheik is a pain in the **** to beat, especially with Ganon. I am dedicating this whole thread to beating Sheik. First of all, let's start off with Tipman's wise words.

Taken from Tipman's post:

Each character can potentially take huge percents if the initial hit is right. Stomp to grab can be a fierce opener on Sheik but the main focus needed to be successful in this match up is staying ground based. Sheik's jump is a lot faster than yours but luckily her short hop is trash. Using angle up ftilts can contend with any of her short hop aerials. Crouch canceling her hits is key at low percents. Chain grabbing her is simple. Follow the DI but if it is behind you, you need to jump cancel grab. Escaping her chain grab is pretty simple once you understand it. It is best to DI in front of her. Alternate between hard and light DI's. This would force Sheik to either run forward and grab or walk forward and grab. Not one of these option covers both DI's so if she misinterprets the DI or hesitates you can jump out. In the air uair is best vs Sheik if she is facing you. Her fair is very fast and has huge range. Fortunately when Sheik is above you she is very vulnerable. Hitting her out her second jump will put her on the defensive so play your cards right and watch for needles as she tries to find a way to land. Learning a strong ground game and not being compelled to only use your aerials will make this match a lot easier.

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
Oh i want to mention, the rules for Loosh vs Bzoo MM was sheik can't chain grab (but ganon could).


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
Loosh, I just watched some of your matches. Here's a few tips

1. Work on those maximum-length wavedashes, they come in handy for spacing in this matchup (and many others). Your wd game isn't bad but I think if you work on increasing the length it will really help your spacing game.

2. I saw you missed a few jc grabs when chaingrabbing, and a few times it looked like you had hit dash too soon (while you're still in your dthrow animation). Imo, the best way to guarantee success is to stay focused on your character while you dthrow and use your peripheral vision to monitor your opponents DI. I do this and it allows me to dash+jc grab out of dthrow as soon as possible (when necessary).

3. When Sheik is recovering and you hog the edge forcing her to land on stage, grab is a great option (although your use of dair on the first stock on rainbow cruise was perfect since sheik was at kill%). Ledgehop+grab is very fast and completely invincible when executed immediately from grabbing the ledge. If Sheik up-b's toward the center of the stage, ledgedash+grab. Remember dthrow leads to a free grab (another dthrow) up until 90, then you get a free aerial (or smash attack at 80-85). If you are near a lower platform and Sheik is around 55-60 she might land on the platform, just be patient and punish the tech (instead of doing an immediate aerial). In that situation uair covers all options, but obviously it is more beneficial to land a fair/bair (or dair at low%).

4. When Sheik is being gay on the ledge, don't let her lure you in too close. You're just asking for trouble. Keep a relatively safe distance and wait it out. Try to mindgame her into thinking it's save to recover then bair (or fair) her.

5. When Sheik is waiting for you to recover with up-b and you know that dsmash is coming, walltech to bair is a good option (I saw you used it at least once) but it is not guaranteed. If Sheik times the dsmash right she can knock Ganon out of any walltech option. If you encounter this just do a normal ledgetech to up-b.

6. Pick and choose your down-b's and side-b's very carefully in this matchup as they can often lead to a free grab for Sheik.

7. Try your best to DI away at low%

Maybe more later. Just keep at it, your Ganon isn't bad at all, you could've easily won all those matches.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2007
Dekalb, Il
Ahh! Awesome advice :bee: Thanks Ace. I was eager to hear some.

3. If you are near a lower platform and Sheik is around 55-60 she might land on the platform, just be patient and punish the tech (instead of doing an immediate aerial). In that situation uair covers all options, but obviously it is more beneficial to land a fair/bair (or dair at low%).

Maybe more later. Just keep at it, your Ganon isn't bad at all, you could've easily won all those matches.
As far as punishing tech options go when Sheik techs on a platform above me, is it viable to full hop and waveland on the platform (waveland in place/straight down onto the platform) and punish her tech on the platform from the same platform?
Or should I just wait under her, and punish her tech from below?

Thanks again for watching those and your advice.


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
As far as punishing tech options go when Sheik techs on a platform above me, is it viable to full hop and waveland on the platform (waveland in place/straight down onto the platform) and punish her tech on the platform from the same platform?
Or should I just wait under her, and punish her tech from below?

Thanks again for watching those and your advice.
It's easier to do it from underneath. I usually play it safe. At this percent I wouldn't worry about anything fancy, just make sure you get in a hit and knock them offstage if possible. Most of the time I wait under sheik so I can uair a getup (since you have to be fast). If they getup attack I fair, if they roll I usually fair or bair. If she's at kill% I might try a usmash. If she doesn't tech either sh uair (either immediately or whenever you think they won't be ready for it) or just wait it out and punish.

definately in the wrong thread to be asking for advice silly.
Renth is right, next time try Linguini's thread or Ganon vs.


Smash Ace
Sep 24, 2008
Toronto, ON
Just wait under, and wait for him to do something and Uair him. If its obvious he's going to go somewhere, waveland the platform and grab -> combos.
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