Sonic's SE Intro
Sonic is running through Forest hill at a tremendous speed, in front of him is a star jump pad, he bounce of it straight up, He lands on Emerald island, and runs into the cave housing the chaos emeralds.
Sonic: You rang...
Knuckles turns from a panel by the emeralds
Knuckles: Sonic somthings wrong, the energy levels of the universe are being distorted, extra mass is falling into our universe, just look at what i found.
Knuckles holds up a Koopa,
Knuckles: Sonic we need to find out where this disturbance is coming from or reality will unfold
Sonic: thats all, come on i thought you had a challenge
Knuckles: Listen to me, i would go myself but i need to monitor these reading from the master emerald, If you take the others that should give you enough power to reach one of the breaches.
Sonic flies out of the island as super sonic towards a purple breach in the sky, as he flies though he is violently shaken, he reaches the other side, he turns back to blue and the emeralds are scatterd far and wide,
Sonic: Knuckles is not going to be happy.
Soinc falls gracefully into the trees