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How do you beat the most awesome character in the game?

Ike's Biggest Fan

Smash Apprentice
Jan 7, 2008
Following Ike's travels through Tellius and beyond
Yes, I am of course referring to Ike. He is hands down the coolest addition to the brawl roster. He's my absolute favorite character, and I love to play as him.
I can't main him! I got too used to young link and Marth in melee, and I can't get a grasp on slow characters!
So while Ike is my favorite, My mains are Marth and Toon Link.

But onto the point...
My friend is a real intense Ike mainer. (Yeah, I'm Jealous)
And i cant beat him! Ike is just too unbeatable! Marth's counter can occasionally keep him safe, but when he swings back, he misses because ike's massive Ragnell hits him from so far!
I can hardly projectile spam with toon link, because his projectiles come out so slowly. Ike's jab combo is like impossible to get out of, His side b is alllmost too fast tio dodge, and the super armor frames in eruption keep me from air striking him! (which is like toon links specialty) Thatnks to Aether, he's impossible to edgegaurd. And thanks to his side b, its nearly impossible to know his bulky figure off without him just dashing back to the stage.

So what's the deal?
Is he just too great a character to be beaten?
Or can someone give me some strategies on beating my favorite character?
please and thank you


Smash Lord
May 29, 2007
Brooklyn, New York
Metaknight, Zelda, DDD, Snake, Kirby, Wolf, Marth and Toon Link(to name a few) seem to have no problem fighting Ike....atleast if you know what you're doing. The problem to me is you seem like you don't know what do against Ike's move. He's nowhere near the best character in the game and no it's simply not because his recovery is gimpable as hell... Theres more to it than that ofcourse. What you wanna try to do is learn how to fight Ike. And yah"aaa" is pretty much inescapable but who's to say you should be getting hit by it...just play smart, but then again that's just generic n00b info right?

And also why would Eruption keep you from doing anything as a TL player?!..once a player starts eruption that's your queue to position yourself right outside the hitbox(which takes some experimenting as the visuals in that move are tricky) and counter as soon as he lets go. I find it's extremely easy to trick an Ike player into letting the charge go if you just fake him out..they have no choice but to let go since they think you're gonna hit them out of it before the SA frames kick in. The only real move you should be scared of is really upsmash, fsmash and bair. As predictable as they seem..you sidestepping, or rolling could cause your death due to the slowness of the move..and as for backair....well just don't hit Ike's back while he has his shield up, quite simple really.


What the hell is this thing
Jun 27, 2006
Brooklyn, New York
Uh. Don't be dumb and run into Ike's smash attacks? Lol.
Play Ike smart. Know your character's range and know his.
Punish his laggy moves with throws or cheesy tactics that makes Brawl suck.

Toony should have NO problem obliterating Ike off of the map.
Projectiles > Ike.
Fast characters > Ike
Strong moves that come out fast > Ike

And try to have Ike come to you.
You don't want to approach an Ike that's not brain-dead.



Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Okay, seriously, I love Ike too, I've loved him ever since he was announced in the Dojo, I've loved him ever since I played Roy in Melee and fantasized about them fixing him and making him suck less.

But...he is not that good. If you apply any mindgames at all and stop running right into his attacks - guess what! - you don't get hit by them.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2007
Ansonia, CT
I like Ike too, but you're blinding yourself from the truth. Ike loses to people with fast moves and projectiles. I'll even say that Mario could give Ike a run for his money.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Mario can.

At the very least he can get in before the Super Armor in most of his attacks with a quick running attack or Dtilt/Dsmash, or he could even Cape it. Mario's got lots of capabilities.

Ike's Biggest Fan

Smash Apprentice
Jan 7, 2008
Following Ike's travels through Tellius and beyond
Mario can.

At the very least he can get in before the Super Armor in most of his attacks with a quick running attack or Dtilt/Dsmash, or he could even Cape it. Mario's got lots of capabilities.
wel my biggest probem getting prjectiles out with toony is that his arrows are kinda slow, thereby easy to dodge/block, the boomerang comes out after a long animation, leaving me open, and the bomb can be caught
thanks for the advice people, but go easy on me, im a FE fanboy, not a smash master.

speaking of which, MiraiGen.
the redhead in your sign isnt roy.
that's eliwood, roy's father


Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
Ike is so **** easy to gimp, it isn't funny.

People shouldn't hold him in regard as the best or among the best.



Smash Cadet
Apr 24, 2008
San diego(socal)
Honestly even though I love Ike and I play well as him I have never had trouble beating one, my advice is just to learn your friends strategy and to get the timing for dodging all Ike's attacks down after that almost every one of his attacks leaves him open.


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2005
Chicago, IL
Marth and Toon Link rock Ike hardcore. Just F-air combo with Marth or B-air combo with Toon Link and then spike at the end.


Smash Cadet
Apr 15, 2008
New jersey
ok.. i use ike hardcore so i know all of his weakness's depending on how good of a marth user you are try this combo on him

final destination- map

ike must be at 0-25% damage

Small Jump with marth, foward A, Foward A
KEEP him SMALLJUMP juggled with this
do it one more time, and end it with a Foward smash.

it works amazingly well if u can pull it off, just dont hope he gets the chance to sidestep, if he does u did it wrong.

does that combo make sense?

(if not i can try and put it in better terms)


Smash Cadet
Apr 15, 2008
New jersey
just some help

ok.. i use ike hardcore so i know all of his weakness's depending on how good of a marth user you are try this combo on him

final destination- map

ike must be at 0-25% damage

Small Jump with marth, foward A, Foward A
KEEP him SMALLJUMP juggled with this
do it one more time, and end it with a Foward smash.

it works amazingly well if u can pull it off, just dont hope he gets the chance to sidestep, if he does u did it wrong.

does that combo make sense?

(if not i can try and put it in better terms)

Ike's Biggest Fan

Smash Apprentice
Jan 7, 2008
Following Ike's travels through Tellius and beyond
Well you can all stop picking on me now. I've finally found the cure. Since Marth didnt have the real force i was looking for, and toon link's projectiles left me open for punishing, i experimented with wolf.
Wolf did the trick.
And it's important for you all to realize, this is one heck of an ike player.
and im familiar with the concept of dodging dude, but when your roll is the exact length of ike's sword, it doesn't always do you much good.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 12, 2008
Well you can all stop picking on me now. I've finally found the cure. Since Marth didnt have the real force i was looking for, and toon link's projectiles left me open for punishing, i experimented with wolf.
Wolf did the trick.
And it's important for you all to realize, this is one heck of an ike player.
and im familiar with the concept of dodging dude, but when your roll is the exact length of ike's sword, it doesn't always do you much good.
i'm pretty sure he means dodging in place to avoid the sword

and i feel sorry that you had to succumb to wolf. ):


Smash Apprentice
Apr 23, 2008
L2Projectile Spam, you shouldn't be having problems, Toon Link's projectile game is AMAZING, pull out bombs in the air or throw the boomerang, then quickdraw an arrow when you hit the ground, jump again, throw the bomb and quickdraw an arrow again when you hit the ground. (quickdraw is shooting it right before you hit the ground which takes away the bow frams and basically shoots it ridiculously fast) if you stay mobile while pulling bombs or throwing the boomerang by short hopping it in a direction, he shouldn't be able to punish you

Ike's Biggest Fan

Smash Apprentice
Jan 7, 2008
Following Ike's travels through Tellius and beyond
L2Projectile Spam, you shouldn't be having problems, Toon Link's projectile game is AMAZING, pull out bombs in the air or throw the boomerang, then quickdraw an arrow when you hit the ground, jump again, throw the bomb and quickdraw an arrow again when you hit the ground. (quickdraw is shooting it right before you hit the ground which takes away the bow frams and basically shoots it ridiculously fast) if you stay mobile while pulling bombs or throwing the boomerang by short hopping it in a direction, he shouldn't be able to punish you
FINALLY somebody explains quickdraw!
I'm not fantastic with all too much of techniques or advanced tech


Smash Rookie
May 1, 2008
So Cal
I have problems against Ike too... But I think my biggest problem is that I can't dodge correctly. With my wireless internet there's like an 1/8th of a second of lag, so EVERYTHING I do takes just a split second too long to happen. :( I have to anticipate everything early or i get fsmash'd
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