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How do I beat snake on battlefield?


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
So, last night I played with the second best snake in texas for like 4-5 hours straight (Pozerwolf). At first he beat me consistantly but about after an hour the matches started looking like this:

I would always beat him on FD.
I would always lose him on BF.
We went about even on Yoshis and SV.

I could not ever beat him on BF. I think I beat him once there.

My problems:
- It was really hard to get nana set-ups. The nanas make the nades explode and he is amazing with nade spacing.
- I took tons of damage trying to get back on the stage. He actively used C4/nades/usmash to make an impossibly hard wall to get by. He lets me grab the edge, but he has an answer to everything I try to do to get back.
- I just can't seem to ever control BF like he does. I find myself struggling very hard to get a positional advantage.

I had no problems keeping nana's out, but he nullified my useage of them. He would either have a nade in my face when I threw them, or he would just catch them.

He always stayed a perfect distance away from his c4, so that aporoaching him is impossibly hard.

Help please??? >_<.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
BF is a bad stage, as you know. You have to take risks trying to get every banana. Knowing that chances are the next banana is going to be difficult to get, you have to almost KNOW that this naner will be useful and hit and lead into something. Once you have gained a bit of control, pull another one. Be more creative recovering, you probably know but the monkey flip kick goes through the up smash, so keep that in mind. The peanut pop gun also pushes you away when charged which might help evade something. You can do single dribbles away from the grenades, if you're having trouble landing the nanerz use dribbling for mindgames and spacing. You can't just dish out nanerz at him and hope they will hit, you have to KNOW like I said. Snake outranges you in pretty much everything so you need the nanerz to approach, if you miss one and he gets it, you're doomed. You probably won't control the stage for very long since the snake sounds pretty solid on BF, it's more of a thinking, patient game for you. Don't be aggressive or too offensive, you need to think as much as he does. You can monkey flip if you ever are afraid about landing near the C4, and if you say that he is always perfect distance away from it, you shouldn't be monkey flipping into his ftilts or jabs in that case. I hope that helped somewhat, but snake will always be tough on BF and stupid stages.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Yo Couch
it actually took me a while to be able to beat anyone with diddy on a stage with platforms. it's kind of a tough thing to learn. one thing i recently learned was the z catches off platforms, which is really nice. use your peanut gun after naner pick ups and before throws sometimes to keep pressure and make them forget about bananas. if he throws a non cooked grenade throw it back. see if he tries to strip it. if he does, he's vulnerable. if he doesn't, cook it and throw it back. try ledgehop> airdodge to get past every snake's annoying edgeguard. you can follow that up with a roll. if you have a banana you can glide toss during the roll or even ledgehop a naner throw>fast fall onto stage> fsmash. to get a banana out you can >b away from the stage, jump back, naner throw, ledgehop airdodge the naner and DI back to the edge, and do what i previously said. if he has a mine near the edge, rolling by it will not hit you and it will go off. if you expect him to c4, or trick him into it, you can punish. ledge >b goes through mortar. take advantage of any laggy attack he uses on the edgeguard.
next, remember that bananas can be used for NOT ONLY combos, but for stage control and defense. if necessary, you can play defensive from the edge. sometimes just a tap down off the edge> up b back for invincibility can buy you some time and think out what to do. SH nana throws to go over grenades or try my new combo: full hop to d throw banana on their head, then z catch it on the way down, throw it at them again, and follow up. lastly, because youre on BF, remember that if you dodge the hit-up-into-real knockback part of the mortar, the second part of it isnt likely to hit because of the platforms. his tilt range shouldnt be a problem if you effectively use your bananas. if he's holding your banana, try to trick him into using it and take that to your advantage. say SH to z catch and throw it back.


Smash Master
Jun 6, 2006
^ i approve on what they said :p..

and as for approaching, if they see you carry a banana peel go for the side b kick, it always lands, i also have that snake that catches my bananas so this can counter it.

and you don't always have to go in with bananas, you can just chuck them and make him grab them or just land on his face...its really easy for you to grab them and not so easy for snake...so you can play catch with him, even with his grenades.
If he knows how to space grenades and cook em good, just shield them, he cant pressure you only with grenades :O...

if hes staying away, you stay away, its not like you HAVE to approach him, shoot peanuts :D...

As for Snakedashing, you can always try and go for the grab, cause its BF, and the mortar might hit the platform instead of the lower part of the stage, so just try it...:D...

you dont always have to be aggressive :D


Smash Journeyman
Jun 23, 2008
On the edge a semi safe thing to get up is jump down jump up fB. Then do the up and youre high enough to safely pull out bananas. If you fBB he'll just drop a grenade and roll away as you hit it. I didn't know pozer played brawl at all haha.

FYI this is only good for a little bit then you have to mix it up cause snakes so godly.

The reason the stage is bad is because Diddy is a momentum character and if he cant get bananas going(cause he gets punished getting one off a platform) he doesn't have much... rushdown Diddy hits grenades constantly : /... and snake punishes really well on that stage with C4's on platforms and punishing the **** out of you for landing above him.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
Good stuff. Anyone else?


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2007
New York, NY
Try to stay out of tilt range unless you have a lot of banana pressure going on, or you could get knocked away and then Snake will start setting stuff up.

Throw uncooked grenades back in unison with whatever bananas you have for long range pressure.

The issue with battlefield for Diddy is that bananas flip up onto platforms after hitting and tripping people. This can be solved by using aerials to pick up bananas if your opponent is close to them (for offensive purposes), air dodging to grab them if there's a C4, or z grabbing them if you just want to quickly grab them.

I don't have a lot of experience with good Snakes, but I think that Diddy's throws will become an important part of this matchup. If you throw Snake, you stop his camping momentarily, and then chase after him with bananas / peanuts so that he can't get a good flow going. It's even better if you can get him on a platform, because then banana combos become ridiculous (they have very little room to evade bananas, and you can just pull them from the bottom platform, not to mention many combinations of moves, some of which can send Snake off the stage).

I guess the most important thing in any matchup against Snake is to get him into the air. Diddy's ground game is very good, but his air game is too, and Snake's is slow. If you get him into the air, make sure there are bananas near where he is going to land (or one in your hand), and do your best to trick him into air dodging on the way down (a peanut probably won't do it but might rack up damage, an aerial or getting under him to use a utilt is probably your best).

I'd say the main idea is
1. Avoid Snake's tilts and keep track of what parts of the stage he controls.
2. Get him in the air, this will make it easier for you to build momentum.
3. Once you've done this, keep the pressure on.

Obviously you can't keep up pressure for the whole match, but ideally that's a perfect game for Diddy.

Oh yeah, Dsmash or Fsmash should be saved as a killer. Snake is pretty heavy. Gimping his recovery can work too, Diddy is very good at gimps.


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2008
Sleepin on the clouds.
Actually battlefield isnt that bad of a stage for Diddy. Just don't jump into the **** as Azen would say. space with your bananas let him fall into them. if you can't glide toss them at him leave them on ground for set ups so he can fall on them himself. that's what i usually do to beat Snakes.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
The best way I find to deal with Snake on any stage is to camp him back. His grenades are easy to dodge, and you can even throw them back if he doesn't cook them. Pull out some bananas and try to stay out of range of his mortar slide, or if he does throw bananas at him. Don't charge him or you will be tiltified, don't attack unless he is slipping on a banana or what I like to do is normal side b him, so if he trys to shield to Ftilt you, you grab him, but if he side steps unleash the kick to get knockback on him.


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
I always try and control nanas. And Fairing platform nanas nets more positive results than z catching them/other methods.

Just camping center and be patient till you have the nana set up you want.
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