Voice of SmashCentralOfficial
Your logic is so flawed. First of all, no one (not even myself) said that they "should be hidden". Second of all, if you DO NOT KNOW that they exist and someone for example L-Cancel's online, YOU WON'T NOTICE. I highly doubt that if you've never seen L-Cancelling or JumpCancelGrabbing before in your life, you won't notice when someone does it to you online.I agree, most AT's should be there.
But why don't you think they should be accesible so people won't feel cheated online? By losing to something they have no clue about. All I'm sugesting is to include AT's in the games tutorials or manual. That is my main point I am argueing. Why do you want them to be something hidden instead of something integrated in the game that feels as a big part of it, just as much as using A+forward to perform a smash?
Make them something most people who play the game know about. Then if they master them or use them, up to them. But they won't feel cheated when losing vs somenoe who does. They will see they lose because that someone masters and/or uses the better. Best scenario this will get even more people using them and playing better. A bigger scene of descent players, even thou it might not effect pro's, since there is a huge gap between the two. AT's are a big part of the game, it's only natural that all palyers should be informed of their existence.
Well, to go with my L-cancel argument I mean that it should be automatic. Since it is something you ALWAYS want to do (and it's not hard to do as skill goes), why even have a button for it?
Making L-Cancelling automatic is the worst argument I've ever heard. Every characters aerial animation would then be automatically different. The characters are designed the way they are for a reason, even every single frame of their animations is put there for a reason (to make things look fluid and proper).
You're contradicting yourself. "Casual won't know that these things exist" ...but then they'll feel cheated when someone uses something they don't know exists against them? The "casual player" won't even recognize the other player is using some technique like lcancelling. You're overexaggerating by saying someone can recover 2x faster. That doesn't happen. Characters don't get some crazy ability boost like Wario's Final Smash or something. It sounds like you yourself a casual player, don't take offence to that.Casual won't know that these things exist and will feel cheated loosing to somenoe that can recover 2x times faster and someone that flies out of the stage alot shorter then them. Even with the exact same characters. So just make remove the AT's that give almost no game depth but makes for alot more complexity. They will atleast not feel cheated by something "hidden" or similar. Then everything will be peachy, for both us and Casual players!
Maybe even more players will se that the game has a depth and go deeper, even join us here on smashboards! =)