Ok so i just got back from a tournament in Oklahoma. It was called OH SNAP 5(80 people showed up)! Legan( THE best link in world, imo) was going to show up so i asked him to team with me for low tier 2vs2. Our name was "Our Zair is longer than yours"
Maybe its just because we BOTH main low tiers or maybe its cause we are the BEST in each of our fields or whatever but all i can tell you is i CANNOT UNDERSTAND how we did the things we did. What im about to tell you is slightly obscene and it may cause brain trama so please watchout when you read the following:
1. Legan is SO good he told me "dont be afraid to hit me, do what you gotta do" This means he was able to take damage from me(in the case that i accidentaly hit him) AND the damage from the foe. This guy is THAT MUCH of a badass.
2. We won our first match and lost our 2nd(it was my fault, i was getting in his way). We then decided to cut the ****, start MOLESTING anybody who was in our line of sight and climb to grand finals. We lost to Dojo(falcon)+ Lee Martin(ike) in grand finals. They were close.
3. Team combos: Samus grab, grab release, Legan D-AIR! Samus Dsmash, Legan D-AIR! Samus Zair, Legan zair, Samus zair, Legan zair, ROFL!
4. Team help! Like as Legan was about to die, he threw a bomb in the air, and as i was being attacked by the foe, the **** bomb came down and hit him which then lead me into nailin the foe with my charge shot.Other times, i saw that legan couldnt make it back to the stage, so i would run off and UP+B him and give his extra jump back while i auto latch onto the stage. The team work we had was seriously AWESOME!!!!
Over all, Samus(me) built up the damage while Link KOed. Since samus is SOOOOO heavy and can play MEGA defensive, i was stock tanking which(in the long run) gave the KO machine(link) extra stocks if he needed it. OUR number one CP was Halbert an we NEVER lost on that stage. As a samus player(who would never pick halbert) i am going to rethink that stage after teaming with legan. Long story short, link+samus is a BEAST of a low tier team.
PS: i have videos of our MM and our team fights. They will be up in the coming days.
PSS: Me and legan went 1-1 in pools. He beat me in bracket and i beat him in our MM. This guy is INSANE. I cant see anyone else being a better link than this guy.