I think the NDAA is much more serious than any of the Internet bills. I'm not concerned about the effect of the actual bill, but the fact that it could become a pass for many more uncanny bills. "oh since we have this now, we can now add this". People are just gonna rebel harder and harder. The last thing anyone wants right now is more riots on the street and innocent people (I've read about a lady who was detained and she was just passing by an Occupy rally) literally innocent people being hurt or detained. That may make me sound paranoid, but I also could be extremely tired of the ongoing police brutality and innocent murders that's been going on for years. Bros must understand America would not be what it is today (all of its citizens and immigrants, etc) if it wasn't for its freedom to the people. Theres really no country like ours and now look, we've been holding our piss since 2001 and now we're on the brink of ****ting our pants
This isn't the first bill to be passed in American History that has this kind of scope. Nor is it the first bill to be passed that is unconstitutional and directly infringes on our rights. The whole reason the NDAA was passed without too much fight put up against it is because an NDAA has passed for the last 49 years. It was not going to be stopped or held up for too long because of what the bill's primary function is-- it is the defense budget.
There are still some
checks in place (and precedent) to stop this sort of thing. I don't have too much to say about the latter except, "that's always happened, read between the lines on each case." Sure, many of the Occupy Protests were not treated very well by the police, but there is plenty of footage of them being asked to leave places where they are now allowed to protest... then when they stay, they are detained. There are videos of lines of cops doing nothing but keeping the peace as these protesters screamed and antagonized them just because they were the police. Both sides aren't clean, and I wouldn't doubt for a second that some police did some wrong.
As for rioting... do you really think we're that close? Economically we are recovering at least a bit, which reduces the risk exponentially. I definitely agree that some changes need to happen for the future... but what exactly do you want the government to do? Not even the so called conservatives are willing to swallow the hard pill and address future issues by scaling things back now. Each citizen is becoming comparatively poorer but everyone wants to live beyond their means and people are pushing for more socialized programs without understanding really how these programs work and what it would mean. So it is possible we see unrest in the future if America hits another bad recession, but when times are looking up, don't count on it.
And America has been "holding its piss" for much longer than 2001.
yes it is. each one of these bills represent the gov getting their hand farther and farther into the cookie jar(our lives). your buddy gea openly said a few pages ago he would rather see the guy who passed that very bill for another 4 years than to have someone like Romey. So if you would, turn your hatred/anger towards Liberal Gea the Peach main from southwest of Houston Tx. He alone got obama into office.
Congrats, something very similar was done by the Administration prior to Obama.