Pretty much copy pastaing a majority of my last post. Hosting another smashfest this Friday at 6pm.
I've been in this scene for awhile (check out dat join date), so if you know me, then you're invited. If I don't know you but you are interested in coming, then you are invited as well. You can ask anybody in the scene who's been around for awhile, and they'll let you know I'm cool. I'd like to see how much interest there would be if I were to host this type a thing every two weeks or possibly weekly.
8322620373. Shoot me a text if you're coming so I can get a head count/I can give you the address. Also, please bring set-ups. I have one complete set-up and an extra monitor.
Rules for Stiltz Fest:
1. No shoes in the apartment. Leave em at the front.
2. Don't molest my roommate's dog.
3. I will be a jerk and eat food from my fridge in front of you. There are food places nearby.
4. If you don't RSVP ahead of time and show up at my apartment, I may or may not let you in depending on my mood.
5. I really hate having to say this but I've been to far too many gaming fests. Don't steal my stuff, my roommate's stuff, or anybody else's stuff. It won't be tolerated. Also, please shower and brush your teeth.
6. I don't mind alcohol, but don't get obnoxious. I'm 25 and my beer pong/waking up in a puddle of my piss days are over.
7. I'm a nurse. Yes, I will save your life if it needs to be done. No, I won't look at that sore/wart on your **** for you. Go to a doctor.
Let's have fun.
EDIT: In case you're concerned about distance, I live at the intersection at 288 and 6 10 near the medical center.