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Honestly now...

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Smash Champion
Aug 31, 2007
turn around....
Link to original post: [drupal=1251]Honestly now...[/drupal]

We are a community right?
People often refer to the "smash community" here, am I not mistaken?

Doesn't any community strive to be good, or ideal to say the least?
So wouldn't an ideal community consist of people who are friendly, kind, and open minded?
Intelligence is a necessity, true, but not 100% required to have a good community. For the purpose of balance, there will be people not as smart, thus the smarter ones help out, give friendly advice, future reference, yada yada. Overall, we stick together.
True this is a competitive community, but the competition is supposed to be healthy, aside form the wins and losses, we stick together, learn, and evolve, thus making us more suitable to welcome in the newer members of our ever expanding community, it's an upward spiral of help, support and kindness.

To-****ing-bad swf is nothing like that

I mean, it tries to be, but it ultimately fails. There are too many people, of just about any ranking, who just make swf look like a cesspool of jerk-offs and hardasses.

Now I'm gonna name any names, per rule of swf, and I would like to clarify that I am speaking in a general sense and not passively targeting any specific person, I assure you.
Some people are helpful, some people are kind, some are productive, but most of the members here just doesn't give off the charm of a good community.
I can see that some of these people are perhaps better to hang around than to reply to on a bbs to, but doesn't that just make swf a bit too esoteric?
It just seems like no one is ever going to like you--not that I want people to like me, but you'll be kind, friendly, and helpful to those that you like, you don't have to be their "bestest buddeh eva", but you know, it doesn't kill anyone to be nice. I see new people all around, get bashed, shunned, and made fun of, because they misunderstood something, and people actually dare to blame them for not knowing. Sometimes there are things that aren't as obvious to others and although some learn by it naturally, (most) others don't, but there no productivity at all. And a cold personality may make you feel cool, but honestly now, will it kill you be give some sort of kind advice instead of the contemporary bland--
"This has been discovered before"
"This won't work"
or (personal favorite)
"Don't get hit"
That's not being productive, and it barely counts to be helpful.
Because the world will collapse into itself if you take a second out to say--
"Someone found this out before, but kudos on the effort, keep it up, you may be the one to discover something big"
"This is too situational and probably won't work on a human opponent, but you're heading the right direction, finding new tactics to use against your opponent"
"Maybe you should reconsider your defensive strategies, shielding works great can you can punish bad spacing with a shield-grab. Rolldodging becomes too predictable after a while, make sure to do it scarcely. Sometimes a healthy physical retreat can help"

"Don't get hit" is seriously the stupidest piece of advice I've ever read for a video game. You make it sound like they're getting hit on purpose, and I'll lose respect for anyone who says that to someone who needs genuine help with their defense strategies.

Another thing that grinds my balls is all the flaming.
Let me iterate that nothing I say here is likely to change anything, I know this, but ****, some people's brain and reasoning just shuts off for an undisclosed amount of time and they enter flame mode.

Even if it's deliberate flame bait, it doesn't warrant you to flame. If you're angry, take it out on a punching bag or a squeeze toy, there's no point in bad mouthing someone for your own satisfaction, that just gets you infracted, and will more than likely not satisfy your rage. But aside from flamebait, if someone just says something that you don't agree with, or if they believe something that you don't agree with. If you differ in opinion, that's perfectly fine, but don't shove your opinion down their throats like it's bone-fide fact, if you disagree with someone on something, thats fine, but keep a cool head, going off would just make you look out of control and overly-sensitive--not good to represent an ideal community.

It's one thing to be a jerk with someone who knows you, you'll be casual, paling around with your buddy, thats okay, everyone does that, inside jokes may spark some ignorant controversy, but misunderstandings will always come around every now then, they can be easily resolved, but there's no good reason to act like a jerk with a new person, or one who isn't as smart as you.

Does that, like make people feel big or something? Picking on a not-as-smart-as-you person for not knowing as much as you?
It just seems like a different opinion or disposition is just going to spark ugly faces. Granted there are still kind, helpful and productive people around here, but not enough to make you look back in fond memory of being here in swf.
I can only be as helpful as I can be, but that doesn't help, does it?
One person can't do much, and the nicer ones are commonly looked past.
Oh well.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
Waoh...nice rant buddy. I know whatcha mean,
P.S. I ♥ the word Cesspool. basically describes a hot spring.

Hive Mind

Smash Journeyman
Aug 24, 2008
Cesspool, I believe, is a toilet.

And all the elitists and idiots that come through here really kill the community. We need an ethics test.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
And all the elitists and idiots that come through here really kill the community.
Agreed, it would be nice if we had a way to get rid of the scum like that. It's a shame that there are people like that who would go in a ruin a could-be excellent community. On Smash Boards we all see awesome people, but we also see some not-so-awesome people. Perhaps, if we're lucky, all of the not-so-awesome people will go to a Halo forum or something.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 8, 2008
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who feels this way.

Why must we be so tactless when it comes to discussion or conversation? :(


Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2008
Yea smashboards can get under the skin a bit sometimes, but remember its a HUGE community, and people are only human. Its not gona be a tight knit lil group where everyone is really really friendly. Not saying I don't agree with you, just saying with so many people its just natural to have low points and high points about our community. People aren't perfect, they get moody and irritated and impatient, its usually nothing personal, and people learn to just brush it off.

Its always great to improve on that stuff, but like I said its still gona happen, just brush it off and don't worry about it. People are gona be people.

Just keep trying to be a helpful friendly person, even if it only makes a little bit of a difference, its still a difference.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2007
Personally, I'm irritated by the community as a whole.

You are right, but as mzinkk9 has already said, the community is way too big for it to be absolutely perfect.

And these posts don't really help, because the jerks will avoid these kinds of threads and the elitists disregard them as they are obviously superior to the rest, the "noobs".
Oh and the newbies to the forum? They won't notice the thread unless of course they stumble upon it per chance.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Seattle, WA
I agree with a lot of what you said, but you do need to understand that "Don't Get Hit" is legitimate advice.

Sure, you hear that and you think "What!?" No, it doesn't tell you what to do, and if someone is looking for simple advice like "Don't rolldodge too much" that's fine. But sometimes, it's just a matter of not getting hit. They're not doing anything inherently wrong like rolldodging a ton, they're just putting themselves in harm's way. Once someone says that, the other person needs to consider "How can I not get hit?" And you have to come up with your own defensive strategy. I can tell you what are some good approaches for Marth, how to Ken Combo, or something along those lines, but I can't tell you what to do in a match. I can give you a piece of advice for not getting owned by Falco's lasers, but aside from these tiny bits of advice, sometimes you just need to think for yourself.

"Don't Get Hit" is just a way of saying "Think for yourself." Because everyone knows not to get hit, but few make that their goal. Most people focus on doing crazy combos or something like that. You should go into a match trying to win, and if you don't get hit, it's pretty hard to lose unintentionally, am I right? That's why "Don't Get Hit" is real advice. It's giving you a different goal to keep in mind than just going crazy berserk on your opponent.

But I definitely agree that people can be nicer here. A better community would encourage more people to join, but you do need to realize that this is a place for information and not a social group. Because of that, people will be people. And some people are huge jerks. That's kind of a part of life, unfortunately. We can't change people from being jerks, but what we can do is call them out on it. If someone acts like a jerk, quote it and say something about it. If SWF is going to get changed, that'll be the way. Just let them know that sort of behavior isn't acceptable anymore. It's not going to be mods that'll change this, it'll be the community.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA
I'm sure people act like that because they have to put up with it every other day, and it gets annoying.

"Someone found this out before, but kudos on the effort, keep it up, you may be the one to discover something big"

People prolly get sick of typing this out every day, so they just say.

"This has been discovered before"

As for "don't get hit", take it and find out how to use it. People on SWF don't know who you play, so they don't know their playstyle. They can't tell you to plank to avoid laser spam, or just run with a fast character to avoid pokes. You have to figure that out for yourself.


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
If you want people to pretend to be friendly to you, go to AiB...and I'm not saying that in a way to sound like a jerk either.

Every place has jerks and stuff, and although it isn't fair for them to drag down the reputation or image of a site, it has to be that way. I know of communities with 5 people and 1 person just feels the need to be a complete idiot. Surround yourself with good people, and if you are nice and respecful to people you will get noticed.


Smash Lord
Feb 3, 2008
Aurora, Illinois
Discoveries: You wanna talk about killing the community? Stuff like this: "ZOMFG, NU AT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!", and it ends up just being some way to turn around slower or its something that was discovered at the BEGINNING OF BRAWL'S TIME, then yeah, its going to get really ******* annoying and some form of a backhand is needed.

Flaming: There will always be flaming on any forum, period. Get used to it or GTFO.

Picking on not as smart people: Whoa whoa WHOA. We don't pick on people that aren't as smart. We pick on those that decide to mess with everyone else THINKING they are smart, but end up saying something dumb. We have guides around here and "Quick Question, Quick Answer" threads for a reason: to raise the intellegence of smashers that come around here. Someone who decides to think they're all that and say something like "HURR DURR, DDD'S CHAINGRAB DOESN'T WORK AND YOU'RE WRONG, HURR DURR"...need I say anymore?

"Don't Get Hit": Dude, this is the most valuable piece of information you will ever receive in Smash. If you get hit, how can you win? Keep up with the times!

General: I know ranting about something gets stuff off your chest, but will it really change anything? Honestly.

Deleted member

This reminds me so much of Foxpower+.

I agree that "don't get hit" is stupid. If no one got hit, we wouldn't have competitive Smash.


Smash Champion
Aug 31, 2007
turn around....
Wait, I'm sorry, but I'm sure I already said that I knew that nothing I said in that rant was going to change anything.
So why are people telling me this like I'm not already aware of reality?


Scourge Cheerleader
Dec 8, 2001
Hate Nirvana
People on the internet are jerks.

But yeah, while I agree with you, I'm closing this before it turns into a flame fest....and you know it will.
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