...I see this topic getting messy after your last post.
There is probably also peer-reviewed literature for the gay-gene argument.
Let's not use ''probably''s. There either is or there isn't. Show such literature or don't make silly claims.
The gay gene is bullcrap because we know environmental factors influence sexuality.
Rubbish. I don't think you understand the topic at hand to have reached this conclusion. Let's take a look at a more ''neutral'' condition.
Schizophrenia is a neurodevelopmental disorder. There is very good evidence genetics plays a role. However, in identical monozygotic twins you will not find a 100% concordance rate; it is only 40%. Yet if we look at dizygotic twins the concordance rate is just 15%.
Genetics clearly plays a role here. However you might wonder how that can be possible when identical twins do not suffer the same disease! This is because genetics merely provide a
predisposition or vulnerability to go on to develop schizophrenia. Environmental factors such as abnormalities during pregnancy or malnutrition or marijuana are implicated. There is also good reason to believe that psychological and social factors play a role too. For example, stressful life events or suffering discrimination may precipitate the development of schizophrenia. However this is understandably more difficult to prove. Clinical experience from most doctors imply that psychological and social factors are important though. It's famously noted that Africans who stay within their own country have a lower incidence (normal) of schizophrenia than first generation Africans who migrated to America.
You see, studies looking into homosexuality have found similar results (though the %s involved are obviously different to schizophrenia). There is extremely good evidence genetics plays an important role; the mechanism is appears to be the same. Genetics provide that predisposition. However, just because there are environmental and psychological and social inputs does not mean that this state is reversible just like schizophrenia. Homosexuality is most likely neurodevelopmental.
I think people have shown you studies already but if not, I've provided very good, neutral sources in the past and I'm more than happy to dig them up for you. But let's also use a little common sense: sexuality cannot be purely psychological; even the simplest and dumbest of animals are attracted to the opposite member of the sex and this would indicate something more is at play (...unless they are homosexual lol).
For example, many gays (not all) lacked a male role model in their childhood, I even personally know of plenty of people who this is true for.
Secondly, people change their sexuality at different stages of their life. There have been gays who have converted into hererosexual Catholics, and there have also been married men who have turned gay in middle age.
I'd daresay that men who ''turned gay'' in middle age were always gay. They've been living a double life because of the pressure exerted by society. Also, there are people who are bisexual so the idea of ''changing sexuality'' isn't so difficult for them because they never actually changed.
Your first claim doesn't mean much, for reasons I have explained above. However, it is a common stereotype and I don't believe there are any statistics to corroborate your claim. There are lots of men raised by single mothers that are straight! Anecdotes are not satisfactory for several reasons: the ''statistics'' you provide are inherently inadequate and you may be unintentionally ignoring people that go against your hypothesis. Additionally, if you think about it it wouldn't be that surprising for a gay men to have poorer relationships with their father on average - they never fit the role their fathers wanted them to. Correlation =/= causation.
I think it's worth recognising that there's more than one reason for a person's sexuality and reasons are different for different people - pointing to one small portion of a group and extrapolating beliefs from their actions would be unwise.
There have been tribes in the past where obesity was considered sexually attractive. The fact that virtually an entire tribe can consider the same thing attractive, which we no longer consider attractive shows that sexually is nurture not nature.
What we find sexually attractive in a gender is different to the gender we find sexually attractive.
I don't see how the gay gene fits in to any of this. Trisome 21, or down-syndrome, as you would probably all know, is a chromosome defect, it's biological, and it affects everyone at around the same time. It makes no sense then that if there is a gay gene, why people turn gay at different ages, for different psychological reasons, that it can be converted and why all forms of sexuality have psychological reasons.
I hope my post answered your question. And that bolded underlined statement bothers me because we already had this discussion earlier. Do not make such stupid statements unless you are willing to back them up with evidence. There is absolutely
no evidence that any form of therapy can ''cure'' homosexuality. In fact many of the ''studies'' from the organizations you allude to do not even meet the most basic principles of the scientific method. If you quote one, I guarantee I will break down its methodology and expose the terrible piece of ''science'' it is.
Did you know many of these organizations actively pursue former ''success'' patients and threaten to take them to court if they attempt tp speak out about how these therapies never worked? This is the true nature of these organisations which is why I act so harshly when people bring them up.