Smash Lord
Yeah, yeah, I know. Amazing. This time it's going to be Melee and Brawl, maybe even a little bit of ssb64 if you want. 
Post if you want to come, hell, bring a friend or two. And Korn better come to this shiz so he gets his videos...
I have a good sized basement, so unless I get like 30 people, there's not going to be a problem with space. I have 3 TVs, all in perfect working order (i bought a new mini-tv). I do not have Brawl. If someone wants to bring Brawl, that's fine, we'll dedicate a setup to it. If you're going to bring Brawl & a Wii or Melee & a Cube, let other people (aka me) know by posting!
I will have at least one setup dedicated to Melee. I have one TV that cannot take anything but RF signal, and I don't have a Wii RF adapter.
If you bring a TV, you can dictate what goes on it. It can be anything from SSB64 to Tetris, I don't really care. This doesn't mean that you can steal setups from other TVs, though, so if you plan on bringing a TV bring your own setup as well.
Everyone, please, bring money for food. I can't supply enough money to pay for 2068571430687 large pizzas >____> ($5 would be the best amount to bring)
My address is:
I'm in the larger white house on the very left where the road ends.
You should call me when you're close to my house because it can be hard to hear knocking on the door when we're in the basement and there is talking/smash/controller clicking going on. For people who need to keep their car someplace, I suggest parking on the road before you turn into Cambridge Court. It's named Ranger Road. Basically everything is dedicated to the owners of the houses inside the court.
My cell number is XXXXXXXXXX.
Call me if you have problems finding the house or if you have any questions and can't reach me another way. You can get me on AIM, my screen name is "samaster6".
The smashfest will be taking place on June 28th from the hours of 12:00 PM (noon) to 12:00 AM (midnight).
Post if you want to come, hell, bring a friend or two. And Korn better come to this shiz so he gets his videos...

I have a good sized basement, so unless I get like 30 people, there's not going to be a problem with space. I have 3 TVs, all in perfect working order (i bought a new mini-tv). I do not have Brawl. If someone wants to bring Brawl, that's fine, we'll dedicate a setup to it. If you're going to bring Brawl & a Wii or Melee & a Cube, let other people (aka me) know by posting!
I will have at least one setup dedicated to Melee. I have one TV that cannot take anything but RF signal, and I don't have a Wii RF adapter.
If you bring a TV, you can dictate what goes on it. It can be anything from SSB64 to Tetris, I don't really care. This doesn't mean that you can steal setups from other TVs, though, so if you plan on bringing a TV bring your own setup as well.
Everyone, please, bring money for food. I can't supply enough money to pay for 2068571430687 large pizzas >____> ($5 would be the best amount to bring)
My address is:
I'm in the larger white house on the very left where the road ends.
You should call me when you're close to my house because it can be hard to hear knocking on the door when we're in the basement and there is talking/smash/controller clicking going on. For people who need to keep their car someplace, I suggest parking on the road before you turn into Cambridge Court. It's named Ranger Road. Basically everything is dedicated to the owners of the houses inside the court.
My cell number is XXXXXXXXXX.
Call me if you have problems finding the house or if you have any questions and can't reach me another way. You can get me on AIM, my screen name is "samaster6".
The smashfest will be taking place on June 28th from the hours of 12:00 PM (noon) to 12:00 AM (midnight).
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