Smash Lord
I think that's a thing, it's hard to do but I remember getting it recently on someone, killed them at around 60% or 70% iirc. Feels good.Oh yeah about using double jump to turn around, I think it can make Bair > Fair into a combo, which most characters can't do (Marth is the only exception that comes to mind).
Anyway I'm wondering what to do when I'm a stock behind. Going rushdown makes it really easy to get kills, but it's a lot harder to do that when your opponent can play defensive all they want. Should I just play the same as I would against a defensive player?
Regarding coming back from behind, it kind of depends on the player and character you're versing. Like if they're hyper aggressive that's an easy shield>downB but if they're ultra defensive, then that's a lot harder. :/ It's especially hard when people say "Don't fish for the kill, let it come to you" when you're versing someone like a Fox or a Diddy or a Sheik and the %'s just getting out of have to figure out how to catch them off guard while playing the normal game, I think.
Not a fun situation for Yoshi to be in
Also keep egg lay in mind as it works great when rushing people down, even if it doesn't directly lead to a kill it still unsettles them somewhat.