updated our calendar! Im not sure when im having our next smash event, but im gonna add HOBO 10 because i plan to attend it, which means there is a car going which means its time to RSVP your seat.
I'll take 3 extra passengers, 4 if someone wants to share their seat with my TV. As of now, gas money will be 10$ for 1 passenger, 9$ for 2 passengers, 7$ for 3 passengers, and 6$ for 4. Which means it would be to your advantage to fill the car.
Btw if someone else wants to drive and take their vehicle instead then that will be cool, but no gaying out once you say you can, DRIVING IS A COMMITMENT MEHHHHH!!
IDK if we are gonna catch a fest on Friday night and crash in houston or if we are gonna head out on the day of the tourney and return that day. I'll know in plenty of time for you to adjust your schedule though, don't worry.