Mission Brief - Xandanbourg
Points Awarded - I want to thank Ronnie Cordova (Ryker) and Shane Starker (Evil Eye) for putting on a little show for everyone while we waited to break into teams and start our missions. To show I'm serious about rewarding players for ingenuity, creativity and contributing to the roleplaying aspects of the game, I'm awarding each of them one point towards MVP. Congrats guys! Keep it up.
X Team Mission Brief
The players headed into Xandanbourg will be known as X Team for obvious reasons. That team consists of:
Leader: Lumox
Garth Blackburn
Trent Washington
The Raven Team will have their OWN THREAD. DO NOT POST IN THIS ONE IF YOU ARE ON THE RAVEN TEAM! Your thread is incoming.
Let's jump into the mission!
It wasn't long after the teams were divided that the hulking superhuman guard returned and ushered them off to prep for the mission. They were fed, geared up and loaded into a jet bound for the German/Xandanbourg border.
Lumox reviewed the manila folder with the mission details from Chilon.
Objective: Infiltrate the northern mountainous region of Xandanbourg by crossing over from its border with Germany. Discover the nature of this ultimate weapon, collect evidence and transmit it back to the SHC.
Precautions: You have no official cover or connections to the SHC. The plane you are traveling in belongs to the Swiss Air Force and has been quietly procured for this mission under covert operations. It will deploy you just over the border if possible. Once you off the plane, you will have no protection from criminal or military prosecutions. You will not be acknowledged if you are captured. Evade detection at all costs and destroy this paperwork once you've read and memorized it.
Authorizations: You are authorized to use lethal force against confirmed Echelon targets or Xandanbourg military personnel who engage you first. Avoid civilian casualties. Do not intentionally engage military targets, especially with lethal force, unless your safety is in jeopardy.
Equipment: You have been given a special transponder that is rigged to a powerful microbattery. Just one use will cause it to burn out, but it can transmit through any known scrambling or jamming technique known to the SHC. Once you have obtained proof of either Echelon's identity or the nature of this ultimate weapon, transmit that information immediately. You may choose to carry the transponder yourself to delegate it to another member of the party. Do your best to keep it safe.
You are also being equipped with MREs to sustain you for any troublesome trek through the Xandanbourg mountains and single canteens with purified water. You will need to seek out water sources to keep those refilled as you travel through the region. It is spring in Xandanbourg, so the mountain passes still have snow but the valleys should be warm enough to navigate safely.
Target: The mysterious earthquakes seem to be emanating from a mining town just to the south of the Xandanbourg Mountains. Approach the town with caution and look for evidence there before moving on.
The plane rocked gently from turbulence as Lumox finished reading. The plane was fast and the mood tense, so conversation had been sparse during the flight. Of course Garth was entertaining himself by turning his teammates conversation into the sounds of bodily functions, so that impeded conversation as well. A single SHC employee was piloting the plane, with the rest of the team buckled into seats in the fuselage, a little above the bay doors where a truck might have been loaded on an official drop mission. But as he already knew, this was no official mission.
Suddenly the turbulence rattled the jet much harder and the X Team all responded with yelps. Moments later it happened again, only this time it was accompanied by whizzing sounds.
"We are under attack!" screamed the pilot from the front of the plane. "Four Xandanbourg Air Force jets have intercepted us."
The plane suddenly veered hard to one side as the pilot dodged an incoming assault. With four jets on the attack, the single carrier jet, however light and maneuverable, would not last very long in the air.
"Have we crossed the border yet?" Lumox yelled to the front of the plane, hoping the team could just ditch now and take their chances.
"MAY DAY, MAY DAY" the pilot was yelling into his radio. "This is Swiss Air Force Jet One-TWO-NINER-NINER-TANGO. We are under fire from Xandanbourg forces. Please respond!"
Now's your chance to play X Team! Jump into action and good luck!