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Help with an NC Brawl Ruleset


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2006
statesville/boone NC
Alright, as some of you know Sengin/ASU gaming club is hosting it's second decent sized tourney http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=245777 shameless hype.

Anyway, I'm helping him run this and since he's not particular with brawl it's prolly gonna fall to me on this. while running through some older to more recent NC tourney threads found some variations in rules; so I decided to create a thread to where I could get some input from the community on what they thought of those rules. I'm looking for opinions on standing infinites, ledge grab count, stage list tweaks, and anything else off the top of you head.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 8, 2008
At my computer, making you lose The Game
Anyway, I'm helping him run this and since he's not particular with brawl it's prolly gonna fall to me on this. while running through some older to more recent NC tourney threads found some variations in rules; so I decided to create a thread to where I could get some input from the community on what they thought of those rules.
http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=230481 I personally believe the SBR Ruleset is a good place to start. Most of the rules there are used in NC's Brawl tournaments anyways. As for the opinions you're looking for, here's what I think.

I'm looking for opinions on standing infinites,
This mainly applies to DDD and to a lesser extent Marth. Most people who main the characters affected by these should know how to get around whatever sets it up. It doesn't really make the matchups much better, however. I personally don't take a side on this issue, but if my main were affected by something like that, I would be asking for a ban on it.

ledge grab count,
Definitely necessary. IMO, 50-60 is a good number.

stage list tweaks,
Really touchy subject for a lot of us. Most of our rules are pretty standard, but this is where things get debatable. Some of us, like me, prefer an open stage list with stages such as Rainbow Cruise and Norfair as counterpicks. Others, like Omni, prefer a conservative stage list, focusing less on stage advantages and more on neutrals. There are good arguments for both sides of this. In the end, it's up to what you feel is best.

and anything else off the top of you head.
Rules about ties and suicide endings (Bowsercide, Kirbycide, DDDcide), etc. is all I can think of. Good luck with this.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2006
statesville/boone NC
well it's just that we vary alot here in the state, 50 or so ledge grabs is often used alot. but mk (for example) can still air camp and plank you and get by with 30 or so ledgegrabs, so i figure a much lower number around 40 or so like what they did at evo or the next billfest is running 35 (i think). i don't think it'll cut out planking completely but it'll force them to be way more cautious about it the lower the number is and thus reduce the amount of planking.

stage lists are a lil odd. alot of regions don't run norfair anymore, but we do. and bill is adding pictochat to his next billfest. i just wanted some opinions on if people preffered a more conservative list or a drastic list. i might wait till after billfest to see how his played out, i know i plan to make good use of all the walls pictochat opens up for chain grabs and dtilt locks.

and standing infinites are banned at some and legal at others. imo banning a standing infinite isn't going to make a large difference in the match with the exception of luigi vs ddd.
my arguement being that of the characters ddd can standing infinite, the best of those characters is dk, but he's still pretty screwed by the small step cg. luigi is the only one who actually benefits drastically from that particular infinite ban. there's also the infinites on the edge which add wolf, bowser, and ddd into that mix. bowser can be small step'd and wolf supposedly can with insanely strict timing, and ddd is a null argument being a mirror match. if anything a standing infinite ban has it's biggest effect on a grab release performed on wario, which i believe is open to a few people if you catch wario out of his second jump on the ledge, which is absurdly unlikely to happen. i'm certain there's others that i didn't bring up which could tilt a discussion one way or the other.
i suggested it be banned at the last tourney we hosted, but i don't think it made a difference or has in any recent tournies to my knowledge.

and normally the suicide rules are consistent, any suicide move that ends the match results in a win for the performer of the suicide move. unless they escape before they would have died to the move.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
here is IMO the best ruleset for brawl:

- 3 stock
- 8 minute
- no items
- team attack on for doubles
- best 2/3, all finals are 3/5
- can't choose a stage you already won on
- time out = stock, then %. if % is exactly tied, 1 stock lightning grudge match. no sudden death ewww
- MK's Infinite Cape = BANNED
- if you suicide kill your opponent with ganon/kirby/ddd/whatever for the last kill, you get the win
- no stalling
- 35 ledge grabs/match
- any one of your matches may be recorded by anyone...no johns
- IF you're playing on a modded wii, if your opponent doesn't like the textures/music whatever that's on there, they may request to take the SD Card out and play without custom hacks and you must comply
- stage striking for first match w/ 1 ban per player. you ban after the first match ends

Final Destination
Yoshis Island
Lylat Cruise/PS1 (only pick 1 for stage striking)

Lylat Cruise/PS1 (whichever you didn't pick)
Castle Siege
Frigate Orpheon
Jungle Japes
Rainbow Cruise

everything else

Infinites shouldn't be banned...imo.

Shady Penguin

Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2008
North Carolina
I have a bit of a radical idea for neutral stages.

I think the only neutral stage should be Smashville or we should just run stage-striking the way Omni does it.

I really don't like the idea of Battlefield and Final Destination being "neutral" when they can very clearly give significant advantages in certain match-ups. They get counter-picked as is anyway.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2006
statesville/boone NC
i know they run alot stricter stage list in japan compared to what we do

me and sengin talked about trying stage striking
and a lightning grudge match stingers ?_?
sudden death is dumb, but lol

what do you guys think about the extended cape glitch?
i know alot of times this thing gets sneaked in. if you're caught you're dq'd/lose the match/slapped on the wrist? thoughts?


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
1 stock match ftw

i mean you already played the 1st match and it was EXACTLY tied, what else are you supposed to do


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2008
Raleigh, NC
Jungle Japes
This stage hasn't been legal at major east coast events for a long time...


ECRC Official Brawl Ruleset:
Match Rules - 3 Stocks - 8 minutes.
Format - Double Elimination. All matches will be 2/3, with all finals being 3/5.
Seeding - Pools & Brackets will be seeded by skill level.
Items - OFF
Doubles - Team Attack will be on -Life stealing is allowed
Advanced Slob Picks - will be used during all Brawl events:
First match is a blind pick, where the competitors will tell their character to a judge, and proceed.
The Loser of the first match will then pick the next stage, then the winner may choose his character. After, the loser will choose his character and begin.
The same will happen for the third match, if forced.
Dave's Modified Stupid Rule will be in effect. No player may pick a stage he's won on during one set.

* No stalling (via ledge or otherwise). Any infinite chain grabs must be ended after 300% has been reached as to prevent excessive stalling. Avoiding a reachable position of combat to purposely run the timer is stalling.
* Standing infinites are banned only when used to stall.
* In the event of a dispute, controller ports, colors, and stage strike selection order will be determined by Rock-Paper-Scissors.
* Planking is banned , meaning if the timer runs out whoever have 50 or more ledge grabs will lose the match.
* Your controller, settings, and name tag are your responsibility prior to the start of the match. Always check you are using the correct settings and everything is working BEFORE a match is played. If a match is to be restarted due to controller functions or incorrect settings, it must be agreed upon by both parties.
* Any action that can prevent an in progress game from continuing (i.e., freezing, disappearing characters, game reset, touching the equipment, etc.) will result in a forfeit of that match for the player that initiated the action. You are responsible for knowing your own character, and will be held responsible for triggering one of these effects or any conduct preventing the match from finishing.
* Metaknight’s Infinite Cape glitch is banned.
* If a player successfully ends the match with either Bowser or Ganondorf’s over B attack by suicide, then the player who initiated the move wins. If a player ends the match by swallowing with King DeDeDe or Kirby, and it counts as a tie the player whom initiated the swallowing wins. Unless the character breaks out prior to death and is shown winning the match. In which case, that stands as the correct result.

The Mage's DQ rule is in effect:

2 Minutes Late -- Warning
4 Minutes Late -- Loss of first match of set
6 Minutes Late -- Loss of set
No use of stalling tactics may be used.

If clarification is needed ask Solid Jake , Omegablackmage , or Dazwa.

Each player will be awarded one (1) stage ban of his/her choosing at the beginning of each set.

The Stage list can and will be altered up until one week before the event. The current list reads as follows:

Neutral: (FLYBS)
Final Destination
Lylat Cruise
Yoshi's Story

Counterpick Stages:
Delfino Plaza
Frigate Orpheon
Battleship Halberd
Castle Siege
Rainbow Cruise
Pokemon stadium

Banned Stages:
Everything Else
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