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Help me not suck...


Smash Champion
Mar 15, 2008
Western Mass
Did some friendlies with Emmy online tonight and she recorded 'em. I used DK in most as I just picked him up a few weeks ago and he needs alot of work, it's hard to adjust to slow and strong when you play Sonic constantly. But I figured since there's actual footage of the big pile of Dren that is my Sonic you guys could probably tell me where my problems lie and what I need to work on.

I know my gimp game needs work. The people I regualarly play with are... not the best to learn with and at tourney's I tend to stick with what I know and play it safe. I'm gunna change that soon though... need to get more creative.

Sub Question: Does Jab Jab Grab work with Sonic? Or is it just Jab Grab? Random thought came into my head while fighting a Snake recently.

Nair goes through mortar. SHFFNair leads to AAA combo. So I baited the Snake into a mortar slide, and caught him with it. Just wondering if extending it to Nair > Jab > Jab > Grab > Pummel xtimes> Dthrow would have worked out well. Might have surprised him into an early UpB or something. At the very least it's a decent counter to mortar slides.

Anyway, vids, she only posted two that had me as Sonic. So here they are(Yes I am Ace.)


Be harsh. Be extremely ****ing harsh.

I have a strange playstyle, I think. Like, I feel I don't use his speed enough and I abuse spindashes WAY too much. Bad habits from playing casual friends too often I guess.


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
You roll too much and you get punished for it.
Your spin-dashing is only "abusive" in the sense that you use it as an approach from very far away making it extremely easy to dodge or counter attack.
Your off the level game was really weak, mostly due to your poor spacing but sometimes you didn't choose the right attack. Like, you can try for a homing attack when he's really high above you.

I didn't notice that you grabbed him too much which was confusing to me. It seems like you'd rather go for a spin dash or something than a running grab.

Also, your aerial game was non-existent. You didn't short hop anything and you didn't even use your uair once.


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2008
Tijuana, México
Be Harsh........ You Suck... Jk......... You need to stop rolling as much and u need to stay on ur opponent's #$$ more


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2006
London, England
These matches look pretty laggy to me, so I don't think I can give a good indication of what to improve on.

I'll assume that lag makes you... do things.


Smash Champion
Mar 15, 2008
Western Mass
She uploaded two more.



As for my lack of an air game, and not Uairing. Lucario's Dair is amazing. And Emmy LOVES to use it. While I should be pushing for my Sonic to be a little more fearless by way of creativity, I have alot of trouble meeting Lucario in the air because of Dair, and is seemingly quick ariels that always tear me apart.

Like, you can try for a homing attack when he's really high above you.

That's ony thing I do alot, but not as often to Lucario. I've been punished by them moving and Dairing me. And since it hits up, I've actually been killed for trying it at a really bad time.

Part of that is my less than awesome, aka crappy, spacing in general.

I do tend to spin from to far. Need to mix it up. I'm to reliant on them chasing me into the air for an easy Bair I think.

Memphis, is calling myself bad a john now?

edit: And dear god yes do I roll too freaking much. I noticed that watching the video's alot more than just when I get punished in match for somereason. And than today playing people I couldn't stop mentally yelling at myself for having such an incredibly bad habit.

Stupid casual play for years. Lots of roll, attack, roll, attack, roll stuff goes on with my non tourney friends that I've picked up from them. I really really need to just stop.


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
New videos seem to be the same thing. Same exact problems.

Uair can punish Lucario's dair when they try to spam it (baiting it is easy). I'm also fairly certain that it can out-range it if you space it right. The only thing I've never been able to out range once it goes is Ganon's and DDD's down aerials.

And I don't think you need to worry too much about Lucario counter-attacking your homing attack. You can switch up the time a bit by not canceling it on occasion. But more than that you should be hitting Lucario's face, so the dair shouldn't be able to reach you.

Too much rolling and too much spin dashing from far away. You realize the problem with the spindash is that it commits you somewhat. You basically need to either attack them or jump with it once it's going; so, it's very simple for your enemies to counter-attack you out of it.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2005

Here are the rest of the Sonic dittos, only my Sonic is a big huge pile of WTF. If anyone wants to comment on my Sonic, go ahead..

Anyway, the main things I notice from playing you:

1. Too much rolling. Ever notice how you eat a dsmash or fsmash most of the time when you try to roll from the position right in front of me? Only reason you don't get smashed more is because I'm fairly newbie at punishing that kind of stuff. Try walking away instead, it'll give you more options and is much less punishable.
2. Why do you only seem to use the spin dash when I'm at one end of the screen and you're all the way at the other? And when you do the spin dash, you also go for the same attacks out of it. That makes you more predictable.
3. The thing with an air game, you have to be careful when going in the air vs. Lucario. Not so careful that you're afraid of going in the air at all. But careful in the sense that you have to watch your spacing so you don't get a d-air to the face.
4. You didn't need to put a huge paragraph of emo before your videos. That's my job, for my videos. :p


Smash Champion
Mar 15, 2008
Western Mass
I didn't even realize there where any other sonic vids. My mistake.

And paragraph of Emo = My Bad.

Thanks for the advice and pointing stuff out though. Appreciate it.

EDIT: To people trying to help, like Twinkle Toes

I apologize if I sound like I'm making excuses . I don't mean to be that way. Just this weird thing I have that I have to try and explain everything. Can't help it.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 28, 2008
One Thing That Helped me so much that Improved My sonic Was just playing a bunch of matches without any specials (except upB, It's kind of necessary). It really improves pressuring.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2005
Also I mentioned this before, but in case you forgot:

Stop doing d-air -> roll. Seriously. If you d-air and miss and don't cancel it midair, the most I can hit you with is a jab or grab. If you d-air, miss, and then roll backwards, I can fsmash you out of it (and have done it a bunch). If you cancel it midair there's even less reason to roll backwards, since you can shield or dodge. The only thing I can do then is punish the general landing lag everyone has (2 frames or so, where every character can't do anything after they touch the stage), and that would require you to miss horribly, and me to start the move early.

Also someone else mentioned this, but stay on my *** more. If you can get within range to hit me, there isn't as much that I can do which is fast enough to compete with your moves.

tl;dr version: Stop rolling away from me for no reason.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
wassup emmy, man i really wish i could have played you b4 i left RI, but w/e

back on point

you should really read tenki's guide on spindashing, it made my game way sick.

there are very few reasons you should be spinnning from any more then 4 character lengths away
recovery, pits arrows, punishing charged smashes, that kind of thing.

If you trying to come up with a better approach, SH f-air and SHFF u-air, work very well. also, one of my best approaches is to run to right outside of their attk range and side b. than you take advantage of the high priority (which might be invincibility, since i repeatedly went right through wolf blaster with it and the blast shot went through me and kept going) and folo up with an up air, spring up air/ homing attk.
you just need to work on approaching well since its so hard in this game


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
memph, I've seen you use "no johns" for months now and still have not been able to figure out wtf you mean by it.
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