You must find your own path to the future.
Hmm, understandable, but I have a different interpretation. The nopon are intelligent enough to understand death, as you pointed out, but their take on it seems different from humans/homs. I think that because of how common death is among their race, with nopon often being eaten, and because of their closeness to/with nature, they are used to death and accept it as a natural process.I dunno, I wouldn't say I'm Riki's biggest fan. He has his funny/cute moments, but his character really rubs me the wrong way sometimes.
I mean, come on. When Melia's father is run through and dies in her arms, all Riki cares about is food. Really? I don't care that the Nopon are written to be childlike. Even a child should know better. And the Nopon damn well have a grasp of death, so it's not like he doesn't understand what just happened. That scene really turned me off from Riki's character, I'm sorry. I don't begrudge people who like him, but I can't bring myself to.
Just my take.
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