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Hay gaiz here mii awt


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2008
Dance to express, not impress!

So I was watching this and the realization hit me.

You know the reason that most pro melee-players like melee? and the reason most pro-brawlers hate melee?


You know what I noticed about this video? There were almost like no over the top combo. Anything more than 2-3 hits and it's done. and these are FALCO DITTOS. The easiest character in the game to combo WITH AND ON. It should have been a 1 minute match.

Instead, it was a either A) a series of pokes or B) 2-3 hits and then done.

Sooo Melee..... It's almost like Brawl, eh....?

Melee's still better :3


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
I love how you first try to assume why Melee players dont like brawl (and pro brawl players dont hate melee wtf) and then try to use ONE MATCH to justify a generalization.

Great thread.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2008
Dance to express, not impress!
I love how you first try to assume why Melee players dont like brawl (and pro brawl players dont hate melee wtf) and then try to use ONE MATCH to justify a generalization.

Great thread.
extreme generalization. I think Shiz and Zhu's whole set went like that though.

Besides, i was referring to the "Youtube Brawl community" i gues you could call it that says Melee is just a stupid aggro-fest and Brawl is a thinking man's game.

Listen, I could honestly pick out every video that didn't have 0-deaths but that'd be long and tedious and I don't have the patience for that. 0-deaths are pretty rare, unless the video is between people of vast skill differences. Or a combo vid

Still, I like seeing you guys' reactions


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
Why do you think a game has to have huge combos to be good?

Sf4 isnt loaded with combos, and its still amazing. Probably the best fighter out right now (in terms of balance) and DEFINITELY EASILY EASILY the most popular.


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
extreme generalization. I think Shiz and Zhu's whole set went like that though.

Besides, i was referring to the "Youtube Brawl community" i gues you could call it that says Melee is just a stupid aggro-fest and Brawl is a thinking man's game.

Listen, I could honestly pick out every video that didn't have 0-deaths but that'd be long and tedious and I don't have the patience for that. 0-deaths are pretty rare, unless the video is between people of vast skill differences. Or a combo vid

Still, I like seeing you guys' reactions
So are you satirizing melee players who hate on brawl, or do you really think Melee and brawl are similar in that regard? Because you're saying lots of videos dont have 0-deaths. LOTS of videos DO HAVE 0-deaths. BTW 0-deaths happen in brawl all the time as well if the players are good.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2008
Dance to express, not impress!
So are you satirizing melee players who hate on brawl, or do you really think Melee and brawl are similar in that regard? Because you're saying lots of videos dont have 0-deaths. LOTS of videos DO HAVE 0-deaths. BTW 0-deaths happen in brawl all the time as well if the players are good.
I think they're similiar in that regard. Brawl is more exciting than people think. And Melee is alot less dumb aggro than people think. Getting a good read for an entire stock in Melee is just as fun as getting a 0-death techchase with CF in Melee.


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
I think they're similiar in that regard. Brawl is more exciting than people think. And Melee is alot less dumb aggro than people think. Getting a good read for an entire stock in Melee is just as fun as getting a 0-death techchase with CF in Melee.
0-death techchases with Falcon are pretty fun.. lol


Smash Journeyman
Dec 10, 2006
newnan georgia
extreme generalization. I think Shiz and Zhu's whole set went like that though.

Besides, i was referring to the "Youtube Brawl community" i gues you could call it that says Melee is just a stupid aggro-fest and Brawl is a thinking man's game.

Listen, I could honestly pick out every video that didn't have 0-deaths but that'd be long and tedious and I don't have the patience for that. 0-deaths are pretty rare, unless the video is between people of vast skill differences. Or a combo vid

Still, I like seeing you guys' reactions
ehhhhh its kinda dumb for you to say brawl is a thinking mans game opposed to melee being all about aggressiveness....the mind games in melee are SOOOOOOO much more complex than in brawl because there is such a thin margin for error, on top of being at least decently technical, you have to have the mind games for it also. you cant just go fly around air dodging 3 times in a row like you can in brawl. in melee you have to think on your feet...i can play brawl and beat respectable players in that game while im drunk out of my mind...but in melee if im slightly off physically or mentally it becomes such a challenge to even do my close to my best.

brawl is fun just to play with people who arent good at melee, thats literally the ONLY reason i ever play it...i play it with my friends who never got technically skilled at melee.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
im just gonna get this out of the way now. Brawl is a boring slow *** game why people play it i'll never know.

K Thanks Bye

10 Melees

F Zero

Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2009
To say something on topic, you are right when you say melee does require thinking like brawl. Unlike brawl though, there is very very little time to do so. You are forced to make split second decisions that could decide an entire stock (at a high level of play).

After getting hit at medium percent, do I DI up to survive a kiling move, or do I DI away to avoid a few more moves from hitting me?

Melee is just too fast to think about everything you are going to do, especially when you play a character as fast as C. F. I've programmed my fingers to do what I need to. I see my opponent, and just react instinctively, and pull out a move that I had not thought about using. It just came out. Alot of things are automatic in high level play, but when fighting an opponent better than (or as good as) yourself, you have to do alot of thinking to try and outsmart them in order to get your combo starter (whatever it may be: f-air, d-air, grab, etc.) in. While lengthy or powerful combo's can give you a huge advantage, they don't decide every match.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2008
Dance to express, not impress!
It seems like you guys are assuming that I was insulting Melee.

I was moreso calling out the "youtube Brawl community"(that's what I call it) on the fact that they think Melee is just all combos with no thinking. When you're watching the two best players of a character with basically AUTOCOMBOS ON HIMSELF, you would think that you would just see nonstop combos. That match was pretty much just spacing and nothing more than 2-3 hit links with good reads afterwards.

I have nothing against Melee. It's my fave smash game.

Did I mention that the Flying Battery Zone Remix in your combo vid is TANK as hell, F Zero?
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