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Hall of Gaming 5: The 10 warriors - 5/14, CT


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
Today, although a small turn out, was ridiculously fun.
Small events are a blast when you have fun and just relax with everyone.
I hope everyone enjoyed themselves :)

On a good note, we may have Gamestop sponsorship at the next HoG! I met with a manager of a local Gamestop today and she was totally gungho about the whole idea. The next event will most likely will be in early or late July.

In the meantime, Mass Madness 26 is June 4th in Framingham, MA. Can't wait to see everyone there.

Shoutouts to the entire venue going to Five Guys after Low Tiers!

1: Mafia ($35.00)
2: Foxlisk ($15.00)
3: Andy
4: MattDotZeb
5: Yong
5: Spife
7: CK Meltdown
7: Crush
9: Diesel
9: Improbable

Low Tiers:
1: Spife $10
2: Mafia
3: MattDotZeb
4: Foxlisk
5: Crush
5: Yong
7: Improbable
7: Andy
9: Diesel
9: CK Meltdown

Boston Car vs Everyone
Mafia, Foxlisk, Diesel, CK, Andy vs Matt, Spife, Crush, Improbable, Yong
Winner Boston Car - $1 each

Matt vs Mafia
Matt, Foxlisk, Spife, Yong, Crush vs Mafia, Andy, Diesel, Improbable, CK
Winner Matt - $2 each


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
Crush - You'll be beasting everyone when you get more experience.

Diesel - Mario = Ganon Slayer

Mafia - Roy dittos are too much fun.

Aber - Hope that No Johns was fun. See you next time.

Andy - **** yo puff

Foxlisk - You're really good. We should play more.

MOP - I hate you

Improbable - Your marth has really good spacing. Thanks for helping my Mario practice :D

Spife - I love you

Yong - See you at MM. Hope you enjoyed today!


Smash Master
Sep 15, 2007
We lost 8 players to that tourny and
in ct travels to tournies in their own backyard. ****s' dumb.

Shouties soon, promise.


Smash Cadet
Dec 1, 2008
Fun playing, everyone. We got one-upped by New York yesterday, but I had a lot of fun and that's what mattered. I'm sure everyone else feels the same. Until next time!


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2011
Fashion Sense Back Room
mafia - had lots of fun playing against you. more marth vs peach next time

foxlisk - was fun doing teams at mafias house

andy - good job beating mafias fox with falco. playing your puff was very very very fun

mattdotzeb - never got to play you. thanks for making all stages legal for low tiers though lol

yong - against my falcon and marth the matches were very exciting + close until i started crushing you with falco :troll:

spife - fun games especially that link vs pichu match on big blue lol. i shouldve played puff in singles though

CK meltdown - fox vs falco was really fun in friendlies... until i went marth :troll:

Crush - great job in crews!!!!!!!!!

diesel - good friendlies especially that one match where you went fox lol.

improbable - nice job smash DI'ing every single one of my upairs and shine -> up b's lol. too bad we didnt get to finish that marth ditto.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
mafia - had lots of fun playing against you. more marth vs peach next time

foxlisk - was fun doing teams at mafias house

andy - good job beating mafias fox with falco. playing your puff was very very very fun

mattdotzeb - never got to play you. thanks for making all stages legal for low tiers though lol

yong - against my falcon and marth the matches were very exciting + close until i started crushing you with falco :troll:

spife - fun games especially that link vs pichu match on big blue lol. i shouldve played puff in singles though

CK meltdown - fox vs falco was really fun in friendlies... until i went marth :troll:

Crush - great job in crews!!!!!!!!!

diesel - good friendlies especially that one match where you went fox lol.

improbable - nice job smash DI'ing every single one of my upairs and shine -> up b's lol. too bad we didnt get to finish that marth ditto.
The key to reading crush's shoutouts:
Who he beat = :troll:


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2011
Fashion Sense Back Room
i put the troll faces there because when i picked those characters they suddenly started suiciding 2-3 times a match LOL and i beat diesel and improbabl in singles friendlies and took one match off mafia and andy in singles friendlies but those didn't really count because they weren't using their best characters for the matchup


Smash Journeyman
Jan 25, 2009
Bad-Haircut Town
Rofl. You beat my fox with your falco. You still got demolished by my ganon and falcon, crush.

Also, "shut your ***** mouth before I **** in it."

The Irish Mafia

Banned via Administration
Nov 19, 2008
cping you to Mute at a MDZ tourney
1: Mafia ($35.00)- Nicely done. Get back to work.
2: Foxlisk ($15.00)- Well, can't say I expected this. Good matches in tournament.
3: Andy- Your inconsistency killed me this tournament. 3rd in singles, 7 stocks in the first crew battle, then 3 in the next? :c I'm proud of you.
4: MattDotZeb- lol
5: Yong- Good matches in tournament. Come to boston. You make samus fun.
5: Spife- Lolololowtiers. Nice seeing you, man.
7: CK Meltdown- Nice sheik. Good work this tournament.
7: Crush- Slow your roll. Like, now.
9: Diesel- Not our best day here, but **** it, you were sick, and who gives a ****. We're ****** MM.
9: Improbable- You got way better. Nice work vs. Foxlisk, lol.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2011
Fashion Sense Back Room
Rofl. You beat my fox with your falco. You still got demolished by my ganon and falcon, crush.
I was talking about singles friendlies in the post. I was thinking in singles friendlies we only played three matches (dk fox and ganon) I only played your ganon in singles friendlies once and I 2 stocked you with 36 percent left with fox on dl and then in crews you 3 stocked me with 97 percent left with ganon on battlefield (I started the game with 3 stock but that doesn't really matter) but yeah you're right I forgot about playing against your falcon but I don't think I got demolished I only remember the first game on fd when I played fox and had you at 1 stock 121 percent iirc then i suicided with dair off the right side of the stage


CK Fusion

Smash Rookie
May 15, 2011
Boston, MA

James: Nicely done. Get back to work. ****in' Ginger. <3
Foxlisk: Thanks for the ride. Also, sorry I lost to you in the tournament. It won't happen again :p.
Andy: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Matt: I hope you had some good luck with your newfound friend.
Yong: Same as I said to Foxlisk, but replace tournament w/ crew battle.
Spife: 5 Guys was fun.
CK Meltdown: You seem familiar? Have we met?
Crush: You're quick. I liked your tech skill. But what do you mean by "Until I went Marth"?
Diesel: MM. Be ready.
Improbable: Hopefully that thing with Spife and the snorkel doesn't actually happen. Spife seems like a nice guy.
$mike: :[[


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2011
Fashion Sense Back Room
Crush: You're quick. I liked your tech skill. But what do you mean by "Until I went Marth"?
It turned from most exciting match into most boring match because it was basically me hanging on the ledge and you dash dancing and occasionally suiciding/convincing me to go on the stage and then comboing me before I returned back to the ledge lol



Smash Master
Feb 8, 2011
Fashion Sense Back Room
o looook, diesel got his first rival.

how cute.
Rival crush appeared!
Rival crush sends out fox!
Diesel sends out ganon!
Fox uses spam lasers!
But it failed!
Ganon uses down throw!
Its super effective! The foxes persim berry lets it tech left!
Ganon uses stomp! Its super effective!
Ganon uses fair and edgeguard! Its super effective!
The foes fox fainted!
Ganon wins!
Rival crush was defeated!
Pokemon trainer diesel obtained $4!



Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2005
Rival brookman appeared!
Rival brookman sends out fox!
Diesel sends out ganon!

Begin turn #1
Fox uses spam N-air!
It's super effective
Ganon uses poor grab range!
But it failed!
Ganon uses ~10 frame jump animation
Ganon was shined off stage in his jump lag.

end turn #1
fox 323 hp (100%)
ganon 900 hp (80%)

begin turn two
ganon 900hp (80%)
fox 323 hp (100%)
fox used waveshine!!
it's super effective!!
Ganon is fully paralyzed!!



Smash Master
Sep 15, 2007
Crush - "Who's Crush? That's Crush? Wait, who's Crush? Why's he taking so long BEFORE THE MATCH? Is this kid THINKING about the match up and stages? Oh****oh**** he's mad technical!" Was pretty much what was going through my mind. Keep at it and you'll be beasting pounds in no time.

Diesel - we played like once, and you just hit me a lot >: get'chu next time boyo

Mafia - lolololol 7th game in low tier gf, lolololol MY CAMPING ON MUSHROOM KINGDOM 2,

Tom - eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Andy - also didn't play like at all >;

Foxlisk - You should have had that set, I was nervous as **** =_= we'll mm next time for sure, but i'm not gonna mm your link, like ever. That was the gayest I've ever played

Improbable - hoboy, dat bracket ****

MattDotPlanetZebes: a pleasure seeing you, and ****** your mario :p

Yong - I got raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaped, mm? At least I didn't think link was a good idea this time lulz

Falco - you a dumb, dumb sonuvabeetch

Five Guys - so good in my mouth

shout outs to crews and low tiers, mad fun, thanks matt <3
shout outs to them peeps who went to no johns, boo </3
gots to play more peeps next time
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