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Hades, The True Lord of the Underworld for Smash Switch!

Sean Wheeler

Smash Lord
Aug 23, 2013
I take back what I say about Hades well I think he should take Dark Pit slot. Dark Pit could be Pit Alt if unless Dark Pit is going to have some move sets changes and the bull final smash. Hades a way better villain than Dark Pit honest truth. I see Medusa being a assist trophy she could turn player into stone. Viridi on the other hand likely playable character because of the Mii Costume the problem her her chances is the Rest Bomb stage uh. But I want Viridi and Hades in smash 5. Sakurai should not be afraid to add more of his characters I mean Sakurai create smash bros so I dont see the big deal.
Dedede had a cameo in the Dream Land 64 stage, right? The Reset Bomb stage wouldn't hurt Viridi's chances. Especially since we don't know if the Reset Bomb stage would return on the Switch.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 11, 2018
Montreal, Canada
I support. Definitely one of my favorite villains in Nintendo history, but also in gaming as a whole. And I wouldn't care about "Sakurai bias" (which isn't even a thing) at all if it were to have Hades in the game.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2014
Add me to the supporters list! I'd really love to have him! Even though his chances may have been dashed a bit by the supposed lack of newcomers this time around, though there's always the chance to be a Palutena Echo. (YES, it is possible!) or a Palutena semi-clone that replaces the jab and tilts with punches and kicks instead of staff twirling, which would be much better for him. None the less, I'm a fan, add me to the support list!
Aug 1, 2013
Add me to the supporters list! I'd really love to have him! Even though his chances may have been dashed a bit by the supposed lack of newcomers this time around, though there's always the chance to be a Palutena Echo. (YES, it is possible!) or a Palutena semi-clone that replaces the jab and tilts with punches and kicks instead of staff twirling, which would be much better for him. None the less, I'm a fan, add me to the support list!
In terms of an echo fighter, I could see him as a slightly faster and a bit more combo heavy Ganondorf clone. Of course I want him to be a unique fighter instead but if being an echo fighter is the only way he would be playable then id take it. Beggars cant be choosers. That being said, I hope they have Hades of course and also King K Rool so we can have a good amount of villains on the roster and Ridley is a good start. I dont see him getting in as one of the few newcomers they have to add but hey there is always dlc. Either way, I try to be optimistic.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2014
In terms of an echo fighter, I could see him as a slightly faster and a bit more combo heavy Ganondorf clone. Of course I want him to be a unique fighter instead but if being an echo fighter is the only way he would be playable then id take it. Beggars cant be choosers. That being said, I hope they have Hades of course and also King K Rool so we can have a good amount of villains on the roster and Ridley is a good start. I dont see him getting in as one of the few newcomers they have to add but hey there is always dlc. Either way, I try to be optimistic.
I agree, and yeah I think K. Rool and Simon Belmont are the two most guaranteed as smash characters can be right now.


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2018
Man I so want Hades in smash ultimate but I think Sakurai might add Medusa realistically because Medusa has the most appearance in KI games it sucks I wish I could have Hades and Medusa in smash ultimate because I never play KIU I do wish there was a switch port but I love the personality and their designs. Hades should be in smash ultimate he will be the Bowser of KI, I know Sourcegaming bring up the fact that Sakurai dont like spoiling fans when I look a Shulk Final Smash with Mecha Fiora it gave me idea that Sakurai dont care about spoilers anymore plus Xenoblade Chronicles is a old wii game it will be could if Hades was in the roster its going be oblivious that Hades is villian like Ganondorf or Ridley allot people cant play KIU because its rare and 3DS is dying I know people going to say Nintendo is supporting the 3DS and they claim its not dead but the upcoming games were announce arent heavy hitters might it well make Switch your focus. And I love hearing Hades voice the main reason why I want Hades is because he's a troll and I want more villains support.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 9, 2017
Wow. I’ve spent so much time on steam forums I forgot what a real discussion is like. Really, as a dark-purpleish death-obsessed powerhouse character, he really isn’t more than a stone’s throw away from being included as an echo for Ganondorf. At the most, I would say he would be included as an echo for C. Falcon. TBH, what the game needs is to start moving back to intuitive yet technical movement mechanics, to speed up the gameplay as well as to draw a greater line between Comp and Casual. Anyway, that’s just my take on it.

John Dylan Smith

Banned via Warnings
May 1, 2018
West Chester Township, Butler County, Ohio

And By that! I mean I more playable villains in the Smash Ultimate Roster!

Also! If they should bring back The Plautena's Guidance Codecs back! They should also possibly see about having Hades as one of the possible commentators and **** talking about the other characters (Kind of like the Hades Misguidance Youtube videos ZeldaUniverse made a while back)!
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Smash Cadet
Jun 17, 2018
I hope Ridley is a sign of things to come. Smash could use more villains, and Hades is one of my favorites.

The Lord of the Underworld has my undying love, support, and soul.


Smash Cadet
Aug 11, 2018
If Hades isn’t playable I really hope he’s at least a boss, now that boss battles are confirmed. I want him to show up in this game in some form.

Wyvern 0m3g4

Smash Cadet
Aug 17, 2018
Lost in Thought
Switch FC
"Now wait just a minute!"

With that out of the way, I'm hoping I can join in on the support for Hades as a newcomer to Super Smash Bros. Out of everyone I'd like to see make it in, Hades is definitely my #1 choice (followed very closely by Medusa, in case Hades is unfortunate enough to not make it in.) As I've already pointed out in the Medusa support thread, I'm appreciative that Brawl made me aware of Kid Icarus in the first place, as without that awareness, I would have never bothered with giving Kid Icarus: Uprising a try in the first place. And now because of that, I have my all-time favorite Nintendo villain, and favorite video game villain to boot (what's more, Hades has become one of three of my favorite villains in fiction / media.) So I just HAVE to support the lord and master of the underworld. :grin:

Honestly, I'm a bit relieved, and very pleased to see I'm not alone in supporting Hades, as I rarely, if ever, see anyone else suggest Hades as a fighter in Smash Bros. It's to the point where I feel we're definitely a minority when it comes to possible newcomers, which usually gets me down every so often, but I still try and keep some hope that possibly one day, "Sakurai bias" or what have you will give Hades the chance he deserves. I swear though, I can't begin to explain how in-depth I went into trying to justify why Hades could work as a fighter back when the Smash Ballot was still a thing. lol I recall going so far as to rely on implications given during both KI:U and SSB4 game-play, and the animated Medusa short as my defense for why Hades wouldn't be too big for Smash. So yeah, Hades essentially became my Ridley / K. Rool I guess. XD But enough rambling...

Long story short, I wanna see Hades get in, darn it. If I put my mind to it, I may be able to think up an interesting move set for him. Though at the moment, I'm thinking he may possibly play as a mix between Captain Falcon (speedy and strong) and Zelda / Palutena (using a large abundance of mid to long range magical powers,) though I'm not sure if that would be too broken or not. :ohwell: Just an attempt to incorporate the plethora of potential Hades has shown during his boss fights I suppose. I'd love to know what anyone else thinks of this combination. Likewise, does anyone else feel like Hades' Final Smash could be the OHKO attack he was charging in his final fight with Pit? (The one that was interrupted by Medusa's head-smashing punch?) Now that we have Bowser's Final Smash allowing for characters to appear behind a stage, and even grow larger than the stage itself, I'd love to have Hades' Final Smash be given the same treatment; just that instead of a powerful punch that knocks opponents into the screen, he unleashes a powerful, wide laser blast from the third eye on his head which can easily launch unwary opponents.

Heck, if anything, thanks to Ridley's tail attack (the one that can KO a fighter right on the stage,) perhaps Hades' Final Smash could be an instant KO if it manages to hit an opponent too. Though I'd personally want to tweak the width and possible control of the Final Smash so that it doesn't become a cheap and broken move. I want playing as Hades to be fun, and for him to not be widely despised due to being too powerful or anything of the sort.

Anyway... guess that's more than enough to show how much I want Hades involved in Smash Bros, huh? Seriously, simply having his leitmotif as BGM for Palutena's Temple is not enough for me. If anything, it hurts me more, since it's a constant reminder that this is all we ever got of Hades in the last game. Urgh...


Smash Rookie
Aug 19, 2018
Smash is going through a villain craze at the moment. And Hades is the perfect candidate for Kid Icarus’s final rep. Plus he is one of, if not Nintendo’s best villains XD
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Smash Rookie
Aug 19, 2018
"Now wait just a minute!"

With that out of the way, I'm hoping I can join in on the support for Hades as a newcomer to Super Smash Bros. Out of everyone I'd like to see make it in, Hades is definitely my #1 choice (followed very closely by Medusa, in case Hades is unfortunate enough to not make it in.) As I've already pointed out in the Medusa support thread, I'm appreciative that Brawl made me aware of Kid Icarus in the first place, as without that awareness, I would have never bothered with giving Kid Icarus: Uprising a try in the first place. And now because of that, I have my all-time favorite Nintendo villain, and favorite video game villain to boot (what's more, Hades has become one of three of my favorite villains in fiction / media.) So I just HAVE to support the lord and master of the underworld. :grin:

Honestly, I'm a bit relieved, and very pleased to see I'm not alone in supporting Hades, as I rarely, if ever, see anyone else suggest Hades as a fighter in Smash Bros. It's to the point where I feel we're definitely a minority when it comes to possible newcomers, which usually gets me down every so often, but I still try and keep some hope that possibly one day, "Sakurai bias" or what have you will give Hades the chance he deserves. I swear though, I can't begin to explain how in-depth I went into trying to justify why Hades could work as a fighter back when the Smash Ballot was still a thing. lol I recall going so far as to rely on implications given during both KI:U and SSB4 game-play, and the animated Medusa short as my defense for why Hades wouldn't be too big for Smash. So yeah, Hades essentially became my Ridley / K. Rool I guess. XD But enough rambling...

Long story short, I wanna see Hades get in, darn it. If I put my mind to it, I may be able to think up an interesting move set for him. Though at the moment, I'm thinking he may possibly play as a mix between Captain Falcon (speedy and strong) and Zelda / Palutena (using a large abundance of mid to long range magical powers,) though I'm not sure if that would be too broken or not. :ohwell: Just an attempt to incorporate the plethora of potential Hades has shown during his boss fights I suppose. I'd love to know what anyone else thinks of this combination. Likewise, does anyone else feel like Hades' Final Smash could be the OHKO attack he was charging in his final fight with Pit? (The one that was interrupted by Medusa's head-smashing punch?) Now that we have Bowser's Final Smash allowing for characters to appear behind a stage, and even grow larger than the stage itself, I'd love to have Hades' Final Smash be given the same treatment; just that instead of a powerful punch that knocks opponents into the screen, he unleashes a powerful, wide laser blast from the third eye on his head which can easily launch unwary opponents.

Heck, if anything, thanks to Ridley's tail attack (the one that can KO a fighter right on the stage,) perhaps Hades' Final Smash could be an instant KO if it manages to hit an opponent too. Though I'd personally want to tweak the width and possible control of the Final Smash so that it doesn't become a cheap and broken move. I want playing as Hades to be fun, and for him to not be widely despised due to being too powerful or anything of the sort.

Anyway... guess that's more than enough to show how much I want Hades involved in Smash Bros, huh? Seriously, simply having his leitmotif as BGM for Palutena's Temple is not enough for me. If anything, it hurts me more, since it's a constant reminder that this is all we ever got of Hades in the last game. Urgh...
Couldn’t of said it better myself. And to be honest I’ve been seeing a lot of Hades support over the last couple weeks ;)


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2018
Smash is going through a villain craze at the moment. And Hades is the perfect candidate for Kid Icarus’s final rep. Plus he is one of, if not Nintendo’s best villains XD
Hades is one my most wanted characters and he will be so so so perfect for smash ultimate. Hades needs to happen I bet my money KI will get another character.

Wyvern 0m3g4

Smash Cadet
Aug 17, 2018
Lost in Thought
Switch FC
Couldn’t of said it better myself. And to be honest I’ve been seeing a lot of Hades support over the last couple weeks ;)
Embarrass Daww, you flatter me. Thanks a ton, Loki4Laughs! Also gotta say, you chose a great avatar there. lol Always found it fitting Hades would calmly sip something (perhaps souls?) while doing... something I guess. Perhaps plotting how to make his comeback before it's another 25 years. Thank goodness he hasn't lost his sentience after his fight with Pit. Now let's just hope he gets his body back. I'm dying to unleash the Devastation Ensemble on unsuspecting fighters. Just for laughs, maybe I'd use it on Pit first, in the hopes he gets sent skyward and screams "I NEVER LEARNED HOW TO REEEEEAAAAAAAD!!" lol
Aug 1, 2013
I really have to check on this site more often. Anyway, I always had an idea that they may try to cater towards more villains with Smash Ultimate, that seems to be the case right now. Not only is that something i’ve wanted for a while now, but it is the exact thing Hades needs to actually become playable. While I don’t think he has an amazing chance or anything, this has certainly gotten me more optimistic.

If this new mystery mode does turn out to have something to do with spirits, I can definitely see Hades having a role in it. Maybe that would give him an excuse to be playable as well or atleast a boss but I would obviously much rather get him playable.


Smash Rookie
Aug 19, 2018
This game so far has been about two things, “villians” and “fanservice”. Even though Hades is quite popular, unfortunately he doesn’t fit in the category of “fanservice”. However, when it comes to smash’s main series villains, there is only a hand full left, which are both well known and popular enough for them to use. Such as...

Skull Kid (Zelda)
Porky (Earthbound)
Hades (Kid Icarus)
Black Shadow (F-Zero)

Unfortunately his chances of getting in are around 45-50%. Which probably doesn’t sound great, but at least he’s got a shot ;)

Wyvern 0m3g4

Smash Cadet
Aug 17, 2018
Lost in Thought
Switch FC
:facepalm: I keep forgetting about the strong focus on villains so far. That's certainly something for me to latch on to, in case I need a pick-me-up. And while I agree that it seems Hades has a very slim chance of getting in, I do want to still fight for his inclusion nonetheless. I mean, I've been hoping since the Smash Ballot; I may as well not give up now.

If he were to show up as a boss fight, that'd be pretty cool too, and it'd be a good compromise in my eyes. Though still, my biggest dream of all is to play as him. That would just be too awesome for words. :love:
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Smash Rookie
Aug 19, 2018
My overall wish is to have him playable, however like you said, if Hades being a boss is the only way for him to be in this game, I’m fine with that :)

That being said, when hades “died” in uprisings story, Sakurai brings a lot of attention to his revival. I sort of doubt all that foreshadowing was for him to be a boss character in smash. I would assume it would be for something a little more grandiose, like and eventual sequel or an inclusion in smash.

Also if this new game mode is some kind of boss battle mode, I’d prefer they use someone like Twinbellow (Cerberus) as kid Icarus’s boss. As they would probably use patty piranha as Mario’s, and not use the spot on potential character ;)


Smash Rookie
Aug 20, 2018
I definitely support the lord of troll and sass ! He'd probably become my new main, and just seeing him in Smash would be great.


Smash Cadet
Jul 20, 2017
Just dropping in to say that I support Hades. Seems like a unique, charismatic and interesting villain with a lot of moveset potential!

Sean Wheeler

Smash Lord
Aug 23, 2013
Well, if Dracula's a boss and The Devil is an Assist Trophy, I think Hades could be a playable character.


Smash Cadet
Sep 1, 2018
I am in full support of Hades. He knows it's an injustice that he's only been in one game. Don't make him wait 25 more years for a sequel.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
Hades I'd rather prefer and feel like he'd be better suited as a boss especially being you can just imagine all the quirky quotes he says to whatever character you're playing as and the fact spirits are involved which he devours. Much prefer Medusa. More history having appeared in the first game and is female Nintendo villain.
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Smash Rookie
Aug 19, 2018
Hades I'd rather prefer and feel like he'd be better suited as a boss especially being you can just imagine all the quirky quotes he says to whatever character you're playing as and the fact spirits are involved which he devours. Much prefer Medusa. More history having appeared in the first game and is female Nintendo villain.
It’s true we don’t have a female villain yet, and even though Medusa does have a bit more history. I just think that Hades is the series main villain, and should be the series’s villain representation :)
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Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2018
Houston, Texas
I would like to see Hades, Medusa, or Viridi get in as the new Kid Icarus rep, so he has my support.
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Smash Rookie
Aug 19, 2018
I think we’re getting to the point that we have to hope that our lad Hades makes it in as dlc.

But to be honest, I’m getting to the point that I’d love it if he was the main villain of “Spirits Mode”. That way even if he’s not in this game, he’d bound to become well known enough to be in the next one ;)


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Holy ****, how have I not supported Hades yet? This beautiful ************ was born for Smash.
Aug 1, 2013
I think we’re getting to the point that we have to hope that our lad Hades makes it in as dlc.

But to be honest, I’m getting to the point that I’d love it if he was the main villain of “Spirits Mode”. That way even if he’s not in this game, he’d bound to become well known enough to be in the next one ;)
Yea even seeing him in story mode as the main villain would be awesome. I don’t think there are that many characters left so I doubt they would put him in over other characters but you never know. Really I just want him to be in there in some capacity especially after the huge missed opportunity to have him in Palutena’s guidance.

Speaking of things becoming well known, how amazing would it be if they ported or remade Kid Icarus Uprising for the switch? I mean a sequel would be even better but it would still be awesome.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
I support Hades but not the way you guys might expect it.

I'm hoping he's an recurring antagonist in Spirits as among the masterminds behind the whole story (With the actual Big Bad sulking in the shadows) having hired :ultbowser::ultbowserjr::ultganondorf::ultkingdedede::ultkrool::ultmewtwo::ultridley::ultwolf:, Medusa (As the leader) to collect spirits for him and he's a boss you fight from time to time again throughout the story.

Ganondorf eventually though betrays Medusa like how Hades did in Uprising and he soon decides he wants to lead but Bowser doesn't trust him and soon all villains are split into two teams with both managing to convince others to join them.

Team Bowser: :ultbowserjr::ultkrool:, Medusa (Bowser convinces her that she can trust him unlike Ganondorf and she also wants revenge on him for betraying her)
Team Ganondorf: :ultmewtwo::ultridley::ultwolf:

:ultkingdedede: on the other hand though is really on no one's side and does things on his own similar to August in Asura's Wrath.

Meanwhile Hades had also hired :ultdarksamus: and :ultwario: as well but they work more like mercenaries then anything so similar to Dedede aren't on anyone's side.
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Smash Rookie
Aug 19, 2018
Yea even seeing him in story mode as the main villain would be awesome. I don’t think there are that many characters left so I doubt they would put him in over other characters but you never know. Really I just want him to be in there in some capacity especially after the huge missed opportunity to have him in Palutena’s guidance.

Speaking of things becoming well known, how amazing would it be if they ported or remade Kid Icarus Uprising for the switch? I mean a sequel would be even better but it would still be awesome.
A port of KI: U would be an absolute dream come true. I actually played it again recently, and I’d love to see the Hades fight in HD XD
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Aug 1, 2013
A port of KI: U would be an absolute dream come true. I actually played it again recently, and I’d love to see the Hades fight in HD XD
Really all of that game would be amazing in HD. Especially that fight lol. Imagine firing mega lasers at people in HD. Plus I would probably put another 200 hours in lol.

Sean Wheeler

Smash Lord
Aug 23, 2013
If he was the final boss of Spirits mode, why not make him unlockable when you complete the story?
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