Can EQ even 5HKO Kyogre? I always like Hitmonlee to take lead Kyogre. It's actually a deceptively good lead. Two Close Combats put Deoxys-e into Rapid Spin KO range. It also outspeeds most lead Kyogre and 2HKO's with Close Combat while being immune to Thunder Wave and living a Surf (with Focus Sash). Non Scarf lead Darkrai switch out a lot too, thinking I'm scarfed. It just can't do much to Bulky Psychics other than Sucker Punch. I know Hitmonlee might not be the best Uber lead by any means, but it's a good anti-lead and shouldn't be overlooked.
For most other Kyogre I just use a specially defensive Bulk Up Dialga or revenge kill it with Jolteon. (Another pokemon who's pretty underrated in uber)
OMG, Terry, only scrubs run U turn, Pursuit, Bullet Punch, Super Power. Good players obviously use SD, Bullet Punch, Roost, HP Dragon. You forgot about Bullet Punch, btw. I think it OHKO's almost all non-babiri Ttar variants. Tyranitar can be a bit tricky, though. If you Bullet Punch, you risk a switch to Magnezone, if you superpower/U turn you risk Fire Blast/Punch, rare as they may be. With all the scarftar running around it's pretty safe to come in and U turn right now, though.