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creepy true stories, and heres one;
For almost my entire life I've lived in this suburban town on the outskirts of Brisbane. It isn't a
terrible area but it sure as hell isn't an ideal area to live in. Despite there being a lot of families it's known for having a lot of shifty characters and at one point a known pedophile lived here.
In this town there are about two or three blocks of houses that have been abandoned. According to my mother this is because about a decade ago there was supposedly a large development planned for right behind these blocks where there is acres of woodland. For whatever reason the development didn't happen, the woodland remains, and the houses remain abandoned because at this point they're dilapidated.
On a Friday afternoon I was staying the night at my friend Emily’s house, so I went to her house straight after school. She didn't live too far from the abandoned houses so we decided to invite our other friends Mia and Leah over to go exploring.
We left almost immediately after we’d gotten back to her house and I’d had enough time to dump my overnight bag in her room, so it was about mid afternoon. We left as soon as possible so that we could get back in time for dinner. At the beginning of our exploration there was not much to see except some graffiti on the walls, some smashed windows, etc. I don't know what we thought we were looking for, or what we thought would be cool to find, but we kept looking through all the houses.
On the second block we came to a house at the end of the cul-de-sac that had a bit of a driveway to walk up. We weren't quite sure what we were walking into because there were overgrown trees covering the house. If we had seen the house initially I’m almost positive that we would have been too scared to venture up there. I understand that in hindsight it was stupid for us, four young girls, to go wandering alone and what's worse was that this house was extremely secluded and backing onto the woodland. Classic eleven/twelve year olds, we weren't thinking about the danger.
Up the driveway there was a very dilapidated two story house and behind the house was a shed. It looked so creepy and if anything I would compare it to the likes of the house in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Honestly, it was so spooky that it looked like it came from a horror movie. Still, we were not deterred and decided to check the place out. When we opened the door and entered the house we were bowled over by the stench. It smelt so strongly of death that my friend Leah ran out of the house to go vomit in the garden.
The three of us that remained looked around and noticed that a lot of what we assumed was the original furniture remained in the house but at that point we didn’t think that it was being lived in as the door was unlocked and the rest of the houses in the area were abandoned. There wasn't anything particularly interesting as we wandered through the first floor other than how it felt like we were being watched. For whatever reason we shrugged that feeling off and continued.
At this point I had grown bored of the house and decided I didn't want to check out the second floor so I met Leah, who was waiting outside, and we decided to explore the shed at the back. We walked around the side of the house and tracked through the overgrown backyard grass to the shed. While we were walking through the grass I remember noticing that it looked as though there was a path of trodden down grass heading towards the shed but I didn't think much of it. I must have thought that it was a path made by an animal or something.
The first thing we noticed when we entered the shed was that coke bottles, about seven or eight of them, were hung from the ceiling by yarn and containing what appeared to be teeth and blood pooled at the bottom of each bottle. Leah pulled one of the bottles down to inspect and confirmed that it contained teeth. I quickly scanned around the rest of the shed and noticed that there were red patches, what I can only assume was blood, everywhere. We looked at one another and hightailed it out of there to get our friends and leave.
When we got back to the house Emily and Mia were walking down the stairs. They said something about wanting to leave, too, because they heard weird sounds upstairs. They were taking their time walking down the staircase because it looked rotted and dangerous, and as they were about halfway down Mia’s foot went through one of the stairs. When I raced forward to help her I felt a funny feeling and saw something at the corner of my eye that made me look to the top of the staircase. That’s when I noticed that there was a man peaking his head around the corner and watching us. The other girls must have seen the shocked look on my face because they all looked to the top of the staircase and started screeching.
Mia quickly pulled her foot out of the stairs and we all started running out of the house, down the driveway and to the middle of the street where we stopped for a second to catch our breath. After about two seconds we looked over our shoulder to see that the man was racing down the driveway after us. This was the first time we got to get a real good look at him and he looked TERRIFYING. He was unkempt and, I swear to God I’m not exaggerating, there was blood all over him. On his face, through his hair, on his shirt and jeans; EVERYWHERE. We were all sobbing at this point which made it very hard for us to runaway but we kept pushing on for two more blocks until we made it onto the main road. It was at this point that the guy stopped at the bottom of the main road and started yelling the name of our school at us. We were confused for a moment before realising that we were still in our school uniforms.
We ran the rest of the way back to my friend’s house which took about ten minutes because we were going the longest way possible to ensure that we had lost the guy. Emily insisted that we don’t mention anything because if we did then her parents would never let her leave the house again, so we kept our mouthes shut. We arrived to school on Monday terrified that the man would turn up and get us. After a few days went by with no disturbances we put it at the back of our minds.
On the following Friday my friend Mia left the school via the back gate, which enters onto backstreets, and she was greeted by the man. She ran back into the school and to the administration where she stayed until the police arrived. Myself and my friends then had to go down to the police station to give statements about what happened the previous Friday. They went to the house where it happened but he wasn’t there and he left no evidence that he was living there, although they did find the coke bottles of teeth along with some bloody tools in the shed. For the next month there were police stationed at the entrances of the school as the school day begun and as it finished. He was never found but from that day until the day I graduated I often felt as though I was being watched as I arrived and left school each day.
I’m disappointed he was never caught and I hope wherever he is, he isn’t anywhere near me.