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Grab your tinfoil hats! Paranormal & Creepypasta thread.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
I really don't believe in paranormal stuff or things like the Illuminati conspiracy.

I do, however, like a good ghost story. I'll probably check in on this thread every once and a while to see if any spooky tales have been posted.

Jon Farron

✧ The Healer ✧
Dec 8, 2009
My mother has a very paranormal childhood with a bunch of witchcraft, sorcery and other occult stuff... her mom was literally a witch. :l

Lol I used to think the things my mom said about her childhood was just trying to make it interesting, but after talking with aunts and uncles, it was all true. O.O (except one aunt who blocked out all memories of the abuse and pretends none of it never happened)

Telekinetically tossing objects, occult rituals in secret old "abandoned" places, demonic presences and possesions, etc.

Her mom was an herbalist, psychic, astrologist, fortune teller, and idk what you call it professionally, but you went to her and paid her to perform a spell of protection, or to cause someone to fall in love with you, perform a spell to make someone sick etc.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
The closest I've ever had to a supernatural encounter was that time I dated a girl who was really into the occult my senior year in High School.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
I'll start off with THIS:

Massive amounts of children going missing in specific forests throughout the US, Government specifically keeps it quiet.

(Picture of clusters. Personally have BEEN to the one in Oregon. It's true that they keep the disappearances so quiet)
I've never heard of this until this thread popped up, but I doubt it's some sort of Government conspiracy or anything supernatural. IMO if this is actually happening it's most likely criminal organization setting up traps for human trafficking.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I've never heard of this until this thread popped up, but I doubt it's some sort of Government conspiracy or anything supernatural. IMO if this is actually happening it's most likely criminal organization setting up traps for human trafficking.
Human trafficking VIA national forest/parks? I don't believe most of these are Paranormal, but they're definitely being covered up (Government Cover Up) and some of them do sound very Fairy/Bigfootish. I listened to about an hour and a half of this. It's peculair, but some cases are more "paranormal" than others.

Personally I never experienced Ghosts and things of the like until last Halloween, and ever since. Before I start off, I would like to say there has been about six paranormal experiences in my house that me and either of my two roommates simply could not explain rationally. I was there for three of them. I'm often in between my house in Portland, and my mother's in my hometown.

Experience Type: Ghostly/Poltergeist.

I heard about the "One man hide and seek game" via the internet.(Long story short, the game involves trapping a spirit in a doll, and then hiding in your hoouse with the lights off, and having it "seek" you) So, a few days pass after learning about it, and I gather my supplies. The date I happen to have the free time to play the game was Halloween. The rules say it must be played between Midnight and Three AM. Time rolls on by, and it's time to start the game. I walk over to the tub where you're supposed to drop the doll in. Well, my ex roommates dogs were in the hallway between the bathroom and my room, tied up. These dogs are completely sweet, and always docile. BUT, not as I was walking to the bathroom. They began savagely barking, and growling at me. And from behind me I hear this popping noise and I hear my roommate yell. He shouts the TV just turned on (Another part of the game) and so I have second thoughts. This spirit is obviously with us. These dogs want to tear this doll up, and everything seems to be happening as it should. On top of that, it was the night that the view between our world and the other side is the weakest. I "cancelled" the game incorrectly. I ripped the doll up, threw it in the dumpster. The paranormal activity hasn't stopped.

Skip forward two months, me, the shouting roommate (Let's call him Lion), and my best friend (Seal) all move into the same ancient apartment building, but different floor, and different room obv. Me and Seal are in her room, her boxes are still littered across the floor and stacked upon one another. We're standing about six feet across from a box that's full of her shoes. (What can I say? ***** LUH SHOES) Out of the corner of my eye I see the box violently shake for about two seconds. You can hear the ruslting and movement. I look over at Seal, who was facing the box the entire time, and she looks at me with the "DID YOU JUST SEE THAT?" Face. We later are told by our building manager that we're not the first people to complain about paranormal disturbances in this specific apartment.

Fast forward AGAIN to February, and me and Lion are about having a party night. We're alone in the kitchen, and we've just downed our first two shots of HRD (WE CHEAP) Vodka. We set the glasses down, and both go for a sip of chaser. As we're sipping our soda, we both blatently see the kitchen towel lift about a foot and a half off the table as if someone picked it up by pinching it like it was nasty, and fall back down. There was a moment where it was literally hovering in the air. I look over as him, and we both start to get that crazy "OMG HAHAHA WTF MAN?!" giggles. I tell him we're gonna drink like we never saw that and forget it ever happened. He agrees, and we got wasted.

Haven't had anything quite as irrefutable as this happen while I was home, but, there has been other strange events. Those could be for another time though.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Human trafficking VIA national forest/parks? I don't believe most of these are Paranormal, but they're definitely being covered up (Government Cover Up) and some of them do sound very Fairy/Bigfootish. I listened to about an hour and a half of this. It's peculair, but some cases are more "paranormal" than others.
You never know. Last semester I was taking a writing class and a number of other students did presentations of human trafficking. You'd be surprised where abductions happen.

Personally I never experienced Ghosts and things of the like until last Halloween, and ever since. Before I start off, I would like to say there has been about six paranormal experiences in my house that me and either of my two roommates simply could not explain rationally. I was there for three of them. I'm often in between my house in Portland, and my mother's in my hometown.
I won't believe ghosts and the like until something paranormal happens to me, I don't mean any disrespect if you believe in that kind of stuff. In my experience, however, people who want to experience paranormal phenomenon will create scenarios in which their mind can easily fool themselves into being scared (I.E. ghost hunting at night).

In video game terms, it's a lot like playing a horror game. If you let yourself get anxious then the game will frighten you while if you just laugh it off then it won't even phase you.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I can't make you believe me, but it's not like I was walking around in the dark screaming at every noise. These all happened in very well lit areas, right in front of my eyes. All of them within 10 feet of me, in the place I live. I was sober for all of them, with the SLIGHT exception for the last one, just because I did take a double shot minutes before the third one happened.

I know you need to experience it yourself, so just wait. It's bound to happen sometime.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
There was a place near where I live that WAS considered one of the most haunted places in the US

Before I was born, it was used by a cult to sacrifice children to some kind of evil god

Before that, it was an asylum that burnt to the ground

However, during my time it was a great place to take a girl and make out

(I never got to though, but I got close. Girl was too scared)


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Unfortunately, it got demolished a couple of years ago and they built some king of stupid thing in it's place.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
There was a place near where I live that WAS considered one of the most haunted places in the US

Before I was born, it was used by a cult to sacrifice children to some kind of evil god

Before that, it was an asylum that burnt to the ground
That's bad news. Kinda crazy how the seemingly most powerful magick/paranormal forces tend to spawn from dark things. I would go there, but I think I've already attached a spirit to myself as is. I'm currently looking into getting a djinn. Looking to find a friend / guardian for my spiritual travels.



Jon Farron

✧ The Healer ✧
Dec 8, 2009
That's bad news. Kinda crazy how the seemingly most powerful magick/paranormal forces tend to spawn from dark things. I would go there, but I think I've already attached a spirit to myself as is. I'm currently looking into getting a djinn. Looking to find a friend / guardian for my spiritual travels.
If you're looking for a spiritual guardian, you're looking in the wrong place.

And was that a real phone call? If it was.. O.o o.O


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
If you're looking for a spiritual guardian, you're looking in the wrong place.

And was that a real phone call? If it was.. O.o o.O
I'm doing it regardless. #Djinnslaves

And I doubt it. I have another short, good one:



Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Spooky stuff.

Also, while we're talking about Creepy Pasta anyone here play the SPC Stairs game?
What is it?

I've cast a few circles in my day, and played One Man Hide and Seek, but nothing really big. Whenever I cast circles we never tried anything. Just played Ouija.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Walking down stairs. The most horrific thing imaginable.

Don't miss a step, you could trip. Mwahahahahahaha!!!

Make sure to hold on to the railing


Smash Apprentice
Mar 7, 2013
There's some kind of screamer at the end apparently, cardboard hands reaching at you and game suddenly crashing. Oh well.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
There's some kind of screamer at the end apparently, cardboard hands reaching at you and game suddenly crashing. Oh well.
It's not really a screamer, just hands grabbing you and the game crashing.

The game tends to be pretty hit or miss for most people. I guess it boils down to if you think the game builds tension or if it just wastes your time.

Chronodiver Lokii

Chaotic Stupid
Aug 11, 2009
I dont know how I feel about paranormal stuff (i have anxiety issues, so I avoid stuff that might set me off like the plague)
I'm from Ohio. I live an hour from the Mansfield Reformatory (Shawshank, anyone? Also, home of one of the most famous Halloween attractions in the area) and about 3 hours from Ohio University (aka most haunted place in the state/probably country/I almost went there and I'm so glad I didnt holy crap)

My friend worked in the Reformatory for their haunted house as one of the 'innmates'. His job was to sit in a cell and chase people with an old, chainless chainsaw.
He was sitting around, waiting for a group to come through when he suddenly saw a guy walk by. My buddy was in a cell, so it took him a second to go out and check stuff. Note: he is so anti paranormal its funny. He did reports on paranormal stuff and debunks it and whatnot. Anyway, he decided to see what the guy was doing, thinking it was either a lost patron or a fellow actor. When he looked out, no one was there. It was a long hall, so my friend would have seen the guy. And he didnt run, because you could DEFINITELY hear footsteps on the old, probably concrete flooring there.

Ohio is mad sketchy with this kind of stuff @ x @


Smash Apprentice
Mar 7, 2013
I dont know how I feel about paranormal stuff (i have anxiety issues, so I avoid stuff that might set me off like the plague)
I'm from Ohio. I live an hour from the Mansfield Reformatory (Shawshank, anyone? Also, home of one of the most famous Halloween attractions in the area) and about 3 hours from Ohio University (aka most haunted place in the state/probably country/I almost went there and I'm so glad I didnt holy crap)

My friend worked in the Reformatory for their haunted house as one of the 'innmates'. His job was to sit in a cell and chase people with an old, chainless chainsaw.
He was sitting around, waiting for a group to come through when he suddenly saw a guy walk by. My buddy was in a cell, so it took him a second to go out and check stuff. Note: he is so anti paranormal its funny. He did reports on paranormal stuff and debunks it and whatnot. Anyway, he decided to see what the guy was doing, thinking it was either a lost patron or a fellow actor. When he looked out, no one was there. It was a long hall, so my friend would have seen the guy. And he didnt run, because you could DEFINITELY hear footsteps on the old, probably concrete flooring there.

Ohio is mad sketchy with this kind of stuff @ x @
Is he sure it was a totally humaun body? When you're not paying attention, a random shadow can be mistaken for anything.

Chronodiver Lokii

Chaotic Stupid
Aug 11, 2009
He saw a person walk slowly by, enough that he should have been able to catch em
Could have actually been a person
I'll never know cuz i wasnt there/avoid spooky places

heck, i dont even know if I believe him
but he doesnt believe in the paranormal, so it was weird to hear that story from him

Jon Farron

✧ The Healer ✧
Dec 8, 2009
For those with a smartphone, there's an App called "Ghost radar" and it's totally freaky! (free btw) if you suspect anything unnatural in your house try it out :p

So last night me and my sister were trying it out and there was a dot in our kitchen by the refridgerator and the app started listing words, all of it was foods in our refridgerator. O.o

Then this morning I grabbed a paper plate to eat breakfast on, then the app said glad plate. I was like what? Then I realized the brand of the paper plate was Glad! O.O

App has 4 1/2 stars on Apple App store... here's reviews on Amazon for the skeptics :p


Jan 10, 2007
Ah, this is the thread I've been looking for, I actually had in mind to start a similar thread but good thing I found this first

I find conspiracies, occult stuff, parapsychology and other similar things extremely interesting, I don't know why. I've always taken them in as mere "information" which could be potentially true although not likely. I've found that approach to be the most entertaining. I rarely even watch movies because I find the stuff/books on the internet regarding these topics much more interesting :D Sometimes I try to "strain" my brain when I start to believe in a conspiracy to look for information that " " "debunks" " " these theories.

Lately I've been reading books about alien civilizations, I believe strongly that our species of only one of thousands intelligent species in the universe, this is very much because of the sheer number of Earth like planets in the milky way galaxy alone. I also believe that we as a species have hardly begun our biological and social evolution, that's why almost every intelligent species in the universe is way ahead of us in the development, hundreds of millions of years. When you consider that it suddenly isn't that hard to understand why there haven't been a mass-exposure of foreign aliens, it might be similar to us trying to explain ants about our societal system & technology for a species much more evolved from us to contact us.

That being said, there is a lot of weird stuff going on, such as

-seemingly endless references to foreign species & technology in several peoples' historical records (Bible for example contains references that can be interpreted as concerning aliens)

- Black government projects & research

- Abduction experiences reported by thousands yet thousands of individuals, not to mention other types of counter

- UFO sightings (the phenomena itself is a proven fact, the real question is what is behind it), as well as the research done in this area

- Cattle mutilations, foreign implants etc.

You don't just disregard all that, you can, and should, always find natural explanations but the cruel fact is that the reason for the existence of all this weird information is simply that a lot of stuff goes unexplained, things that really demand an explanation.

(Funny thought, imagine massive alien disclosure happening tomorrow. Then imagine the mass hysteria it would inflict on our primitive religion-driven species, all religious institutions would collapse in an instant, it would not be pretty)

I also find the illuminati theory very compelling and interesting, in some way all conspiracy theories are inter-related in together form a very peculiar worldview which can be disturbingly oppressive. As with all conspiracy theories the catch is always that there's too much actual factual information but what you've already discovered leaves you wondering. I find the theory of illuminati, the global conspiracy theory, extremely probable but very difficult to prove. For example I expect micro-ship implants to become the global standard at some point in the future because it's happening right now, although slowly. Not to mention such technology would make a lot of practical sense.


If the "ultimate conspiracy theory" is true, then I would say I admire the genius of the system these people have created, a global inescapable prison)

If everyone is interested in Illuminati and spiritual "new-ageish" stuff then I highly recommend reading the following link, it's a really good read. Basically this person appeared on a conspiracy forum called "Above Top Secret" and claimed to be a member of the Illuminati saying that he would stay for a period of time and answer people's questions, his answers are interesting to say at least.


At this point I would like to mention that reading too much conspiracy theories can be dangerous to your mental health, it can make you anxious, depressed and extremely paranoid. That's why I recommend to anyone reading conspiracy theories and other "heavy" information to take breaks and do things "in the real world" to keep themselves sane. I've met several people who have serious mental health issues (schizophrenia) who are very much into conspiracy theories, it's very similar how some people who have mental issues can be extremely religious (no offense to anyone). Not to say that reading such stuff causes schizophrenia and other such sicknesses but exposing one's fragile psychological construction of reality to such stressing information is risky.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2012
Slenderman series. That is my stuff! Well that and most psychologically thrillers and disturbing horrors and concepts that get me interested. I blame my exposure to The Twilight Zone, Donnie Darko, Goosebumps and Ghost Hunters. Anyways, for Slenderman you should check out:

EveryManHybrid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JS7GZhNb7eM
MarbleHornets http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wmhfn3mgWUI
TribeTwelve http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBpDRPlPR4I
DarkHarvest00 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwWf7vLvQn8

I actually got a little paranoid after watching them. One day was walking with my friend at around 9 at night and almost flipped my **** when I thought I saw Slenderman...twice. I'm caught up with the others but I still need to watch DarkHarvest00. First entry gave me incentive though!


The Depraved Optimist
Jun 23, 2012
San Marcos, Texas
This thread is what I've been looking for! I loves me some spooky stories. Heres my favorite CreepyPastas.

The last man on earth aspect of this is too cool.

A neverending haunted house that gets worse each room

I've been thinking about compiling the best creepypastas, the ones that aren't videogame related because in the future no one will get the references, into a document to archive them since some of them have become pretty hard to find, and the precious images related to them are slowly being 404d.

Anyway I don't believe in anything supernatural anymore. Some scary things happened to me that went unexplained for awhile but I eventually figured them out.
Like one time my empty closet shook once as a loud thud hit it from the other side, I was getting changed and was ass naked when it happened. For some reason I put aside my fear of being ass ***** by a house intruder and hurriedly put on some shorts and a shirt and ran the f#$@ outta my house. Later I figured out that whenever I close the front really hard and trap alot of air inside the house, the air pressure or whatever inside the tiny closets of my tiny mobile home can't contain it and get pushed out. Causing the loud thud noise as the air tries to escape.
Kinda disappointed to find out those shows on the history channel about ancient aliens and psychic detectives were bullsh$#.

I learned an odd fact about sheep recently.
The owner of a nearby ranch was telling me how sometimes he'd wake up to find his sheep totally mutilated.
He explained to me that sheep's muscles are so ripped, that whenever they get really stressed (like during extreme texas heat in a muggy barn) they start flexing, and they can flex so hard that actually blow their intestines out both ends and die. Kinda like how a guy with anger issues starts foaming out of the mouth or has a heart attack. Not sure if its related to cows found dead in crop circles though.

There is one thing that I never understood though. When I was really little, like 4 or 5, during extreme lightning storms, tickle me elmo or some other electronic childs toy would turn on and move and talk. I mean it would do this anyway if ya pressed the button. Maybe it was just that the batteries were dying. I have this electronic zapdos toy from mcdonalds under my bed that goes off some nights and scares the sh#$ outta me every time.

I remember that from the age of 3 (yeah I can remember back pretty far) until I was 10, I had only nightmares, if I dreamed at all. I really like to hear about people's scary dreams. I had so many recurring ones that I'd just laugh at if I had em now XD


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
I'll keep this short.
I went to the Philippines to visit my (now late) grandfather when I was in 6th grade because he was in the hospital with TB.
I went down to the bathroom of our rented apartment one night because I had to use it.

I was electrocuted by the light switch. Not only that, but me doing that managed to short the power for the entire apartment complex. Oh, but that's not it. There was an unknown source of laughter and cackling coming from all around me. Needless to say I was scared ****less and ran back upstairs with my tail between my legs.

For nearly the rest of the visit, I was sick. Couldn't eat because my throat was terribly sore the whole time.

Eventually, it got bad. My mother sent me to visit my great aunt, a sort of a religious spiritual "healer" lady.

Long story short, she held a candle under a plate, saw markings on the plate, and said "Ah. I know what you've been doing in there now. This tells me."
I was a sixth grader who was being bullied by my own puberty and hormones. Take a wild guess.
It freaked me out. What if she actually knew?

Strangely enough, I felt better the very next morning.

To this day, I have no idea how any of that happened.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Well, if you were being electrocuted, it's not very surprising your senses got confused and you heard something that wasn't there


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Man I should take better care of this place. I'll start updating with posts more often ~


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
Well, if you were being electrocuted, it's not very surprising your senses got confused and you heard something that wasn't there
Yeah, but I was young and it freaked me out.
I like barring my logical side from explaining things that happen to me when I was younger because logic makes stories boring.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I think at this point in my life, it's time to finally sit down and tell my full story. I've told pieces here and there on /x/ and Smashboards, but I've never written it out, in it's full dots-connected state. So I'm going to attempt to do so, right here.

My story starts mid Setember 2011, when me and an older cousin moved in together. I had moved from a rural Oregon town, and her from Las Vegas. We got an apartment together in Portland so we could both go to school. I was 18, and she was 25 at the time. Our apartment was a small two bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom hole in the wall. It was created in the early 50's and has a lot of charm to it, despite it kind of being ****ty. After about a year of school, and a ****ty break up, I had ****ed up so royally one semester that I just thought it would be best to take a break from school, get my emotional **** together, and go back when I was more buckled down and ready. At this point in time, it's about Mid-March, and the only true friend I have left in the city was Seal. Seal and I had been friends since Elementary school, but she moved away late our high school year and blah blah blah. Long story short, we're both broken hearted from recent break ups, and all we got is eachother and our two (really near by) ****ty apartments. Besides spending every night drunk as **** off of ****ty flavored smirnoffs, and resorting to Long Distance relationships with people we will never meet IRL, we got into witchcraft. Magick, Spell casting. Whatever you'd prefer it be called, we got into.

Seal and I first started small. We bought an Ouija Board from Powells. We looked up how to cast safety circles. Salt, chalk, sage, the internet, and an ouija board is what we armed ourselves with. We grounded ourselves through a process of meditation before every adventure into Ouija land. We would first draw a pentagram on my floor. After that was done, we would make a circle of salt around us. Then, we put an element at each end of the pentagram. A candle, a glass of water, a plant, and some soil. At the top we left it blank (because how can you manifest wind?) and put our alter. An ouija board, a lion figure, and a computer were what adorned our alter. from here we would say our chant while casting the circle. After doing this all, we would finally sit down and play. It was like we became a magnet. The planchet was electric. you could feel the energy on it. This heavy, not neccisarily negative, force would pull it to each answer. Seal and I had played with this thing many times before, but after successfully creating this enviorment I can't tell you how different the planchet's movements felt. They weren't these "did we do that?" slow, shaky movements. It moved with intent. Before playing part of our ritual was commanding all negative, and hateful entities to leave the area, that we invite the goddess and god here, only positive entities may interact with us, this is our space, ect. So what we seemed to meet was nothing too sinister. Some trickster ghosts, a zozo spirit, and a supposed angel by the name of Alm watched over me. All fun and games.

I look like UTTER ****, but that's what happens when you have no one to look good for, and you become a co-dependent recluse :p

Well, me and Seal sort of fell out of touch with the spiritual side of things, after I started to get eerie feelings at night after playing. Both of us just heeby jeebied ourselves to the point that we couldn't stand to look at the ouija board anymore. boom. Into my closet it went. Six months pass, two new healthy relationships bloom, I'm in Seattle every other weekend, and that part of us is far from our mind. My cousin I was staying with (We'll call her Dunny) started dating this **** of a coke head who pretty much wanted me out of the apartment. At the same exact time, my cousin (He'll be called Jev) was trying to get some legs in Portland so he was staying with me. He was mine, and Seal's age, and we all had a strong friendship triangle that dates back pretty far. We all (including Seal) were getting pushed out our own front doors by different people, so we worked damn hard so we could share an apartment in the same building.

About a month before we all left our old apartments is when I made my big mistake. Halloween was coming up and I had learned about one man hide and seek. In hindsight, this whole ritual is absolutely basic necromancy. To take control of the dead. And, that's exactly what I did.

Here's what I used:

Me and Jev were alone in the house, with Dunny's two dogs tied up in her room. It was past midnight, and the game is meant to be played between midnight and three in the morning. This was also halloween night. I chose the best day to play the worst game. Pretty much the ritual involves you pulling out the stuffing of a doll, filling it with rice, fingernail clippings (yours), and sewing it up with red thread. Rice attracts spirits in Japanese culture, so they're drawn into the doll. The fingernail clippings are said to give life to the doll, but I really think it's something that ties the spirit to you. And the red thread represents the viens and blood of life running through to doll. The rest of the ritual never made sense to me, but it's how you play it so I did it. You drop the doll in the tub and say "Im going to count, you hide". After you do this and the doll obviously doesn't move, you come in, stab the doll with a knife, and release the spirit to find you. You also need all the lights off, and your TV on. Jev was pretty frightened. He was down, but he didn't want to take too much part in it. So I planned on doing this on my own. Immediately after I released the spirit from the doll, my tv makes this weird noise, like it's being turned off and on. I hear Jev scream "Alex, STOP PLAYING THIS GAME!", and the dogs are barking after all the commotion. Jev bolts from my room into the hallway where he sees me standing with this "wuttheactual****"-dumbfoundedly-scared-look on my face. Dunny's dogs are going insane, trying to attack the doll in my hands and I have no clue what to do. So I end the game (incorrectly).

That was enough. No more, the end. I started sticking to /x/ for all my paranormal thrills. I had had enough personal experience for a while. The trio of little witches move in together and right off the bat, **** isn't right. We knew the apartment we were moving into has had complaints about being haunted in the past, but nothing really prepares you for undefinable illogical happenings RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. The new apartment was too small for us, but we didn't have much of a choice, and we all don't mind the close quarters really. Every room was everyone's room, and we all had our own spaces to sleep in, so it worked out. My bed fit perfectly in this cool walkin in closet. I had all my posters up in there, some room to put my video games in, and a sweet black light. It ended up being a pretty sweet room. Jev took one room's hideaway bed, and Seal took the other. I was helping Seal unpack when the first incident happened. We were having a normal conversation in her room, when out of the corner of our eyes we see a box of shoes, shake. Rapidly. It wasn't just me. We both just looked at eachother like "What... the actual ****?!". A few months down the road me and Jev were home alone while Seal was with her Boyfriend. It was a drinking night, and we had both taken our first shot in the kitchen. We sit our shot glasses down, and kind of just zone out, and let the booze soak in. And not more then two feet from us, we watch this red hand towel we had kept out in case of drunken spillage floats up into the air. As if someone was to hold it between their pointer and thumb. After a few seconds, boom. Just falls to the counter.

It's funny, in these types of situations you can't almost help but laugh out of nervousness and mild excitment. And we just looked at one another like we were kids again about to get in big trouble, but you just couldn't help but giggle. I just said "I wasn't the only one who saw that right?.." and he giggles and says "n-no!". We mutually decide to just drink and not think about it. Well, me and my boyfriend break up about three months after this, and we were together for eight months. My longest relationship, first love, ****ed me up rull bad. I end up staying home in my hometown for the summer (Where I currently am). The months before the break up, all paranormal **** seemed to have died down. In the weed closet (A closet with a window in it we've desginated smoking to) we've heard clothes being shuffled on the rack, but nothing too crazy. We've all came to the conclusion that whatever it is living in the house takes residence in the closet. We also think our copious amounts of smoking only adds fuel to the paranormal flames. I recently went back to my aparment for the weekend a few weeks ago, to catch up with my best friends. My third best friend Tiller lives down here, but her and I are on edge with eachother recently, and I just miss Jev and Seal. Plus, one of my exes wanted to hang so I wanted to get some nookie. They had recently gotten two kittens, Louis and Gaia.

My roommate tells me that whatever dwells in the closet is becoming extremely more... real. Jev tells me that one afternoon, him, the cats, and Seal were sitting in the living room just having a good old time talking on the couch. All of the sudden they hear the closet door slam open. Both of them grab their respective kittens, and hold on in sheer terror. "THUD"... "THUD".... "THUD".... "THUD".. they hear go from the closet to the door that leads to the living room. At this point they're bundled into eachothers arms, tearing up out of pure, primeval fear. In this moment they hear crunching.. this THING is eating the cats food.. and as soon as this happens Gaia leaps from Jev's hands and pounces at the door. The thing stops eating, RUNS (thudding back) to the closet and SLAMS the door behind it.

I was in utter fear. I don't know why or how this could have happened. Was it the game I played that halloween? Has it always been there? Did I do this? I have come to the conclusion that it's not my doing, because that spirit/demon is/would be connected TO ME because of the game. I've also been battling a mysterious shadow figure semi-frequently at night lately. All of it happens during sleep paralysis episodes. (Something I've suffered from for many years) Normally I wouldn't think anything of it, but usually the episodes are of various things. Aliens, demons, angels, ghosts. Ect. Lately, it's always this shadow being I'm struggling to defeat. I have a feeling if whatever I released on halloween is interested in me, IF it's still around at all. The entity in my apartment is a completely seperate thing.

I went back to my apartment last weekend to hear this final incedent I have to report to you. Jev was sleeping in his room with the cats, home alone. When he hears this evil laugh, come from the kitchen. Him and the cats both look over towards it, and a second later... CRASH! a glass smashed to the floor.

At this point I've gotten back into magic. I'm looking to strengthen my positive energy, and keep a strong front for my apartment when I move back there in a few weeks. Meditation, circle casting, and getting in touch with various dieties are a few of the things I'm trying to do to ready myself for the inevitable 2- 8 months I know I'll be in that apartment. None of us know our next move in life, which is a major reason why we're still there. And, it's a convenient location.
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