Claiming that God is "non physical" is not a better argument. It's a worse argument, since there's nothing indicating that a "non physical" being could even exist, or what that even means.
I'm guessing you're not familiar with the cosmological argument, based on this statement.
What philosophy have you read? How could you not know what the cosmological argument is?
Which is not Catholocism.
You need to be specific then which Christian denomination you're reffering to.
No, it doesn't crush my point, because the possibility that other people may have thought of that before is irrelevant to the fact that the reason many people believe it today is in response to current scientific knowledge.
Lol what?
Where is your evidence of this?
The Church has always maintained God is not physical, no Catholic philosopher has ever said God as physical.
Again, show me evidence of the Church declaring God is physical.
The Bible does depict God as a physical being. The fact that most modern Christians don't believe the Bible has nothing to do with what the Bible says or what the people who wrote it believed.
We know that the people who wrote the Bible didn't mean for it to be taken literally. Do you even know how the Bible was formed? By the Catholic Church, who have never taken it literally.
Seriously, what theology have you actually studied?
Again, show me the evidence.
It doesn't matter. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all taught that God was a physical being, and the only reason many modern Jews, Christians, and Muslims believe otherwise is in response to science discrediting their holy books.
This is laughable.
Again, show me evidence of Catholic physical notions of God.
Even early Islamic philosophers, were neo-Platonists and occassionalists. Neo Platonists believe nothhing physical exists, yet you're saying that they believed in a physical God lol.
So, in other words, it's a meaningless term.
I don't get what you mean...
You'd have unblock your ears first.
If you actually want to have a God debate with me, apply to join the proving Grounds in the debate Hall, this is not the palce for a debate like that.
No, most theism had not always maintained that. Most of the gods worshiped through out history have been depicted as being physical beings.
No, that's mainly polytheism.
Again, show me evidence that physical Gods were worshipped in western civilisation.
Drugs, prostitution, and same sex marriage are all illegal. A 17 year old who takes a naked picture of themselves is considered a child pornographer for the rest of their lives. Meanwhile, the government is allowed to take money from gays and atheists and give it to the Boyscouts(who discriminate against gays and atheists), and social security, which is a government enforced pyramid scheme, is legal. Our current laws are based on us trying to find a middle ground between the fascism of the right and the socialism of the left.
Drugs is considered harmful to society, not saying that's right, just that's the perception. Homosexuals are getting successes in certain places, like having the gay adoption bill passe din Australia.
Regardless, this is detracting from the point of this conversation.
Please explain what a non physical being is and how you know one exists.
Some theists won't consider God a being. Again, the cosmological argument proposes that the contingent nature of physical beings necessitates the existence of a self-necessary, and tehrefore non-physical, first cause.
That's just summing it up quickly. But for someone who claims he's read philosophy and theology, you sound awfully uneducated in these matters.
The evidence that the church has changed its notion of God is the Bible. The Bible says God is a physical being, so any Christian who believes otherwise has changed the original Christian definition of God. [/QUOTE]
Have you read any theology?
The Church has never interpretted the Bible literally. And no, the no, the Church isn't conflicting with the people who put the Bible together, it was the church who put the Bible together.
Tell me, what philosophy and theology have you actually read?
If you want to prove a point, why don't take a prominent God argument (which you should know of if you've read philosophy and theology) and refute it?
Also, you're yet to show me this evidence that the Church thought God was physical.