It's really not quite that simple though. How do you weigh the impact of one series of tests against another?
You would compare the Baye’s factors.
Also one other thing to think about: how can you use Bayes to determine the gravitational constant? If we assume that outcomes are equally likely, then without any evidence the gravitational constant's prior distribution would be uniform on the entire real line - which is a contradiction since this would result in probability density 0 everywhere.
You should stop when you say “if we assume that.” Show me that the assumption is correct before you continue. Science is about testing our assumptions, not about letting them go unexamined.
The fact that the speed of light is constant was not known in Newton's time, yet it was one of the things that inspired Einstein's relativity. Do you disagree?
At first glance, I found that it was verified almost two decades after relativity was accepted, but my source could have been in error. Do you have a source for when the speed of light being constant was tested? However, this is irrelevant since the “counterexample” of Mercury at the time shows that your claim, that one counterexample is sufficient to overturn or invalidate a theory, is false.
Celestial movements. Day and night.
In fact, if we take our frame of reference to be the Earth, then it is the case that the sun revolves around the Earth
I don't know what you mean by "already known at the time" btw. The point of a model is to summarize what you already know - it has to fit in with past observations.
The point of science is to test your ideas, and that includes your models. If you include what you know into the model, which you would have to in order to make the model consistent with the available data, you can’t then test the model to see if it is accurate against that same data. What you have just shown is that the geocentric theory did not make any successful predictions, making it not scientific. I think you are proving Alt4’s point that you don’t know what science is.
You can make a model that fits any set of facts. Suppose I roll a die and the outcome is 1, 4, 5, 2, 4, 2, 1, 4, 5. Is there a pattern there? Can you model that pattern? For every possible outcome, the answer to both of those questions is yes. For the above outcome, the pattern is 1, 4, 5, 2, 4, 2, 1, 4, 5. If we were to roll the die again, this model would predict the sequence 1, 4, 5, 2, 4, 2, 1, 4, 5. However, it would not pass many tests, and those that it does would be on par to chance. This would be a very poor model. The only way to see if you have a good model is to make predictions and to verify those outcomes (i.e. science). When astronomers tell us that a comet is going to be visible on a certain night at a certain time based on physical law, that is an example of a good model being applied. Model predicts, prediction comes true, model's accuracy goes up.
"Predicting" something that has already happened does not test the model, which makes it not scientific. This is why unfalsifiable theories have no value; they make no predictions since they are consistent with any outcome, which means that they can’t be tested, which is the means we use to evaluate our ideas. This explains why even though some explanations are equally consistent with the data, that some are better than others. Those that are tested and pass those tests are better than those that were never tested in the first place. An unfalsifiable theory is akin to saying that the pattern to the series of rolls is the series of rolls, consistent with the data, but of no scientific value.
Let me attempt to summarize:
Science is the process of formulating theories and seeing if those theories match up with the evidence. There are certain theories, like the theory of God, that are unfalsifiable - they will match up with any observation. Now, according to science you cannot rule this theory out. No statement can be made about it.
Science is the process of testing your hypotheses, not about seeing if they are consistent with the evidence. If the latter were true, then science would be flooded with ad hoc explanations. However, that is not the case. Many statements can be made about an unfalsifiable theory. Because it makes no predictions, it can’t be tested, which is the method that we use to evaluate our ideas. It follows that ideas that go through this process are more probable and therefore more preferable than those that have not. Just because two theories are consistent with the facts does not mean that they are on equal footing. This merely supports the parsimonious principle that we should avoid ad hoc explanations. Making your theory fit the data after viewing the data makes it ad hoc and therefore needs to be tested in order for it to have any credibility.
The only way I can see that being true is if you are adopting some form of utilitarianism, in which you could scientifically measure the effect of actions on the well-being of conscious beings, or something like that. I firstly don't think that utilitarianism is true, but anyway the debate over utilitarianism would be a philosophical debate.
Yes, a form of utilitarianism. I’m not sure how much of a debate one could have other than semantics. You could also challenge the philosophical underpinnings of geology in the same fashion. This is exactly what I said earlier, that there is no more philosophical debate to be had that doesn’t apply to any other field of science. I don’t find this debate on semantics to be very interesting, which is as far as I can see is the philosophical debate between moral theories.