I believe you. And I'm sorry.
If you've got information that could clear a playerslot, then I want to hear it. Especially when his claim, play, and this roleblock garbage is making me want him so dead it hurts.
Lets look at his claim in detail.
Clarence, Commander Stryker's Assistant #2, Town Sidekick.
Incredibly minor character. In a game as small as this I find it hard to see that as a legit flavor, much less as an important of a role as a backup (more important than a VT at least).
Now what I CAN see it as is a neat little safeclaim.
In short, I am a VT until a "Commander Stryker" gets killed/is unable to perform his/her duty. Then I will step in to take their place.
Fine from a claim point of view, but from a flavor point of view it is NASTY. Consider if you will the actual events of Gigabots. Commander Stryker DID die, and he DID have a successor. Only issue here was it wasn't desk grunt #2 (he was too busy being dead, but even if he HAD lived through it I find it incredibly far fetched that he'd be chosen to fill his shoes). No, it was HIS SON, PHOENIX WHO LITERALLY DID THE THING JOHN IS CLAIMING IN HIS ROLE.
Internet issues, might need to mobile for a bit of tonight.
'Also conveniently my internet might be spotty so don't expect me to be able to actually answer questions'
What lucky timing!
I agree. I don't rely on meta at all. I try not too. They burn me up inside.
Biceps, what do you think of Murderbush claiming commander stryker earlier on?
Also, I don't know anything about the flavor. ;-;
I'm surprised he hasn't claimed MORE stuff by now. Null until he says otherwise.
@Ninja in short, John's made himself into a totally unconformable until this dude dies slot.
And Oh my god Dietz just cuz you're commander stryker doesn't make him town, it makes him accurately guess a character -________-... How'd I know that? Cuz you're not slick.
Gord you beautiful *******. Just because there's a backup certainly doesn't mean its definitely town.
In fact, allow me to suggest a new flavor for John.
Super Government Computers. Any of the three. You know, the ones who worked to overthrow Commander Stryker and take control of his stuff?
Or hell, what about that asian business man? He did the same damn ****.
John is still scum and we're still lynching him today, UNLESS JD has some crazy super compelling ****.