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ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI

1. Ally :snake: :metaknight:
2. Junebug :lucario:
3. Lain :metaknight: :popo:
4. Sparta Kick :snake: :metaknight:
5. Oblivion :snake::falco:
5. Rabbi Nevins :metaknight:

15 entrants.

I sincerely hate what the metagame is now. I have a few things I'd like to say but they can wait until the results thread I guess.


ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
Reverse Mains did not happen because I broke even on venue/even if I had extra money Lain held up both tournaments a ridiculous amount. I dont entirely blame him but...well I have a few announcments to make in the results thread that'll cover this and a few other things.

Doubles was 7 teams:

Ally and Junebug took 1st
Lain and Bowyer 2nd
Tech Chase and Sparta Kick 3rd


Rabbi Nevins

Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2009
East Lansing, MI
if you're referring to our set I apologize. I hate brawling like that but I play whatever pace my opponent sets. every other set I played smart aggro because that's how my opponent did. I hate timing out, it makes me feel ****ty.



Smash Hero
Dec 18, 2006
Land of the free
Honestly, if you choose to play as IC you have to expect people , especially :metaknight: to play like that against you (this goes to all ic players)



Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2011
Ann Arbor, MI
Really fun tourney for sure, but disappointed reverse mains didn't happen *cough cough lain*

Get those videos up Marco, there were some intense sets saved.
Mar 2, 2011
Ann Arbor, MI
I can kind of sympathize with lain though, when 2 different T.O's are running 2 different events in 2 different locations it gets really hard to synchronize matches. Idk I think a lack of communication between the brawl/melee sides were a large factor in the lateness of the tournament. Tech said he'll adress his concerns in the results thread so why not leave this for there?

Besides that super long wait this was a great smashfest tournament. Lot's of great sets were played... if my math is good I have 10 sets recorded. Ally and Junebug were mad chill to be around

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
You don't have to apologize for playing to win. How could I logically be mad at you for that? I'm just honestly sick of it though because that's all everyone does to me. I got timed out twice by Ragequaza last tournament..Gio tried to time me out last tournament, you timed me out once and attempted to in another game... And the only way to avoid it is to play even gayer in response? Thats 5 games in two tournaments... That's not fun at all. I guess if I want to win, I just have to play MK or someone and play even gayer. Screw it. I just wont make it fun anymore. Lesson learned. Results thread when I get home from work.

And Hot_ArmS it isn't even when I'm just ICs. It happens when I'm D3 as well. Honestly, its my fault for constantly johning about terrible the MU is and then attempting to do it anyway. Oh well I just wont put myself in that position again. I guess I have to sell my soul if I want to stop losing to MKs.
Sep 30, 2010
yo it doesnt matter that i tried to cuz i got ***** lol

i still have never timed someone out or been timed out

if you hate timeouts, it's only logical that you start playing 64. the only smash game without them. 64 da bess :yeahboi:


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2009
Ann Arbor, MI
nah 64 can be just as campy. especially since every character has 0-death. melee is pretty cool most of the time


¡Me gusta tejer!
Feb 22, 2010
Richmond, MI
I can kind of sympathize with lain though, when 2 different T.O's are running 2 different events in 2 different locations it gets really hard to synchronize matches. Idk I think a lack of communication between the brawl/melee sides were a large factor in the lateness of the tournament. Tech said he'll adress his concerns in the results thread so why not leave this for there?
The problem was there where multiple 20-30 minute smoke breaks. And when say we asked rob about it he said he sent him over to use because we asked. Both us and melee communicated between tournaments VERY well in my opinion. Granted there could be better communication but it's hard to always be on the same page with another person who in in a different room.

Not to mention we had to DQ goddy because he just straight up left without telling anyone. Seriously if you are leaving the venue it would be nice to let atleast someone know so they can tell the TO's. Not to mention leaving the venue and planning not to come back.

Overall the tournament was pretty fun.

Shoutouts in results thread.

What's The Point

Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Plymouth, MI
Honestly Tech, it might be how you play, not your opponents. You were involved in five timely games by three different people who normally don't have time out games. I haven't played you in a while but people tell me you camp and don't approach at all, so as Marco said your opponents respond appropriately.
Sep 30, 2010
yeah i only tried to time tech out when i noticed there was 20 seconds left lol, i wasnt going for it from the start. i was just trying to play safe then 7 minutes went by...

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
Kevin, I don't have a choice in the MK MU. Approaching with DDD means getting *****. I AM notoriously campy but I have never attempted to time someone out. But I get what you're saying. My playstyle is about to get 10 times more homosexual.Thats all it means.

Anyway expect results thread up this evening around 8 or 9 before my usual sunday night bar adventure.



Smash Grimer
Aug 16, 2005
Ann Arbor, MI
I can kind of sympathize with lain though, when 2 different T.O's are running 2 different events in 2 different locations it gets really hard to synchronize matches. Idk I think a lack of communication between the brawl/melee sides were a large factor in the lateness of the tournament. Tech said he'll adress his concerns in the results thread so why not leave this for there?
There was no problem in communication between the Brawl/Melee rooms. Several times I told Lain to go back to the Brawl room because they needed him there, and several times I was told by Tech that he sent Lain over to the Melee room. And almost every time, he took a smoke break instead of actually going to the room he was supposed to play in.

You can't just enter four events, take multiple half-hour smoke breaks, lie to the TOs about where you're going, and expect not to get DQ'd.

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
Okay we're going to discuss this here so we can keep the results thread clean.

I popped over in the Melee room several times to stay in communication with Robin.And we found out he had lied to us both. If there is anything I felt we did wrong it was being too easy on him. I am sick and tired of this **** personally. Lain has been taking advantage of my kindness during these events for a while now. I was more willing to let them slide because he wasn't doing too much harm. But when you hold up two doubles tournaments for HOURS its absurd. And real talk Bowyer was two seconds away from getting thrown out my room, talking **** to me. Im usually REALLY understanding about these things, however I feel like I was being played and its not happen again. I am now using Mage's DQ Rule specifically for Lain. If I dont hear anything from him or an explanation beforehand then oh well. I dont care if he takes smoke breaks. I care when I spend hours trying to pin him down and then I finally do and he takes off again and lies to me about this location and intentions. All I wanted was for him to do Loser's Finals and Grand Finals if he beat me and SK. TWO sets and he could have one less thing to worry about that. He completely ignores my side of the tournament and uses Rob's as a scapegoat. I didnt want to look like a **** and DQ him for playing 4 events but...he needs to talk to me. He didnt do that for me. **** that ****. We're supposed to be friends yet he puts me in this scenario he knows I dont to be in. I HATE doing this but I am absolutely sick of this and I'm not playing games now. Honestly, I need to stop caring so much about everyone else.

Mar 2, 2011
Ann Arbor, MI
Thats 5 games in two tournaments... That's not fun at all. I guess if I want to win, I just have to play MK or someone and play even gayer. Screw it. I just wont make it fun anymore. Lesson learned. Results thread when I get home from work.

And Hot_ArmS it isn't even when I'm just ICs. It happens when I'm D3 as well. Honestly, its my fault for constantly johning about terrible the MU is and then attempting to do it anyway. Oh well I just wont put myself in that position again. I guess I have to sell my soul if I want to stop losing to MKs.
You're playing D3, do you know how gay/boring it is for 80% of the cast to have to fight your character? Back to what Hot Arms said, when you play a character that is known for super gaying characters out... you should expect to get gayed out yourself. Like if you were playing :gw: or something maybe I'd feel bad... but like you cant pick D3 then complain about how tournament sets are boring.

O and I'm sorry for what I said earlier I was in the wrong and didn't really know what I was talking about it seems. Referring to the post that Gifts/Juggleguy quoted
Sep 30, 2010
yo i dont really like it when people completely blame the matchup for a loss. people give no credit to MK players at all lol. you guys act like if someone picks MK against you then you automatically lose without playing the set or something.

in summary, rabbi ***** and hipster chicks are amazing

:yeahboi: :metaknight: :yeahboi:

next tournament i enter im gonna unleash my secret weapon on the world so no char johns :denzel:
Mar 2, 2011
Ann Arbor, MI
To be fair, MK does hard counter a decent amount of characters... and if to people of around equal skill play and one of them mains a character that hard counters the other... well its kind of clear where I'm going with this.

I do agree that it's not an instant loss, but its a remarkably difficult up hill battle

Rabbi Nevins

Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2009
East Lansing, MI
WTP took the words from my mouth. Im sorry tech but the way you play demands me to play annoyingly, im not smart enough at the game not to. Like when us mediocre mk players play against d3/ICs who are playing a no approach game, im forced to camp and play safe. If I were judge good then sure id run in and style on you :yeahboi: but im not that good (although I think i got a little style in on our 3 min match <<<<3333 ). Okay MK is not the character who starts the camping OBVIOUSLY. Are mk dittos campfests? No. When an mk is playing a character who can grab you and get a kill from JUST THAT im pretty sure I dont have the option of playing super aggro.

I didnt know the D3 matchup and everyone i asked said camp. And ive seen jon play aggro on you and get beaten too many times. Your playstyle capitalizes on mistakes big time and youre AMAZING at it. If you learned how to bait me better you would be really really **** at the matchup. Before our match I was even going to say how much better youve gotten and how apparent it is. Play wario or something more aggro if you want to play a less boring match.

Blaming matchups is getting old, its not the matchups or the characters. Its brawls insane shield/dodging mechanics that force the metagame to evolve into an extremely campy time out fest. Its not melee and it never will be. Regardless of who is a banned character or what techniques are banned.
Mar 2, 2011
Ann Arbor, MI
Gio weren't you the one complaining about how DK's infinite grab release is a really gay mechanic after losing to duck?

Clearly Smash64 isn't the answer to gay mechanics. Please take your whack *** game to some other thread ;o

Rabbi Nevins

Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2009
East Lansing, MI
Kirby is the best for lower level play. But his moves are comparitively easy to di out of and he is too predictable. Pikachu is broken. Dat up B breaks him out of combos


ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
I'm not going to discuss my whole saltiness anymore here. Its honestly several things. I'm angry about my work situation (Gifts saw a glipse of it Friday), I'm really frustrated about yesterday in general. The "Lain" thing, the low turnout, losing the way I did. Its pent up stress causing me to post the way I am now. I'm not mad I lost to Marco...he has gotten better and I respect that. I did mean it when I said "Good ****" before I stormed out. Its just that character that stands in my way constantly.

But anyway I am taking a long break from this game. I need to focus on other things and refresh my mindset. I've already alerted the BBR RC I'm taking a hiatus. Still undecided on attending BAMF. Gifts is trying to get me to go so I can prove myself. We'll see. But yeah I'm done discussing me being saltier than a bag of chips. The other issue..we can still discuss.



Smash Master
Jul 13, 2006
8623 Hickory Drive, Sterling Heights MI 48312
At the least tech I think you should finish the bamf series and also still try to get on the pr before your break. If you have the bamf you'll have a pretty good standing to compare yourself to when you return

(Which I hope will be not so long)



Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
I realize this is kinda beating a dead horse, but in the only tourney match we ever played, Tech. Both our games went to time, and neither of them was my fault. You literally wouldn't get anywhere near me, even when you were down a stock with 30 seconds left. If you are willing to play like that, please don't complain about other players doing the same thing. Especially if you are using the same character I was when you did it to me.

I know that sounded a bit harsh, and I do feel for you, as I've had people do that stuff to me. I also agree with you that you should enforce the Mage's DQ rule. As should the rest of MI and Midwest tourneys.

Good **** to Marco and Oblivion btw! You both seem to be improving fast, can't wait to play you guys again when I get back!

Also, good **** to Junebug showing what MDVA can do. Why were you at an MI tourney tho? =o

ZTD | TECHnology

Developing New TECHnology
Jun 13, 2010
Ferndale, MI
In our match it was different. I just had no idea what to do against ICs at the time and I always lost as Snake and we both know how ******** that MU was as D3. Plus that was 6 months ago....much has changed then. Well some things. I'm not comfortable playing aggressive at all. Its just not me. Not sure how to remedy that tbh. Especially when I main a purely defensive character. If I'm always prone to being the victim of this kind of thing then I guess I really need to re-evaluate how much further I want to go. Or if I want to play as humanly possible. Oh well I guess.



ignite the fire
Mar 6, 2008
Tech as your friend I want you to know that I respect your decision when it is final. I know that real life comes first and if you need to leave because of that I will miss you. It sucks watching someone who has practiced so hard to become good just quit. You have proved so much to MI that getting better means hard work and dedication that I'm finally realizing that I'm done ****ing around with 10 characters.

I hope for the best for you and I hope that you will come back. It will suck seeing a great player and friend leave if you do.
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