Ocassionally, probably more than any other SE character in the west (though practically unmentioned in Japan, where Dragon Quest gets pretty much all of what little SE rep support there is), but nowhere near Rayman levels who was oddly one of the most popular 3rd party picks on western miiverse.
Honestly Rayman was probably the only kinda obvious read from Miiverse that hasn't made playable, Konami has the normal Belmont/Snake/Bomberman split and with notably (but not extraordinarily) less support SE have the Slime/Geno/Sora/Black Mage split... KT only get Ryu Hayabusa and Activision only gets Spyro, but they get mentioned less than the Gokus, Shreks and Wreck it Ralphs that litter the servers anyway, so they're barely worth mentioning.
Rayman actually makes a lot of sense to include in some way to respond to fan requests... Geno less so, as he's probably overall less popular than Slime on Miiverse right now (though it's really too close to say with confidence).