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Genesis Results and Shoutouts - Full Results and Payouts UP

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Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
APM in melee vs APM in SC? getraped plz.
the fact that it takes 3 button presses to wavedash or 4 buttons/clicks to queue up a marine isn't what i was referring to at all

and if it was, all that would suggest commentary-wise would be an endless stream of "he jumps, he airdodges backwards, he runs forward, he jumps, he airdodges backwards"


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
There was a thread about that somewhere, and people calculated APM in matches. I don't think it ever really broke 250.


Smash Ace
Sep 28, 2008
Fort Lee, NJ / Cornell University - Ithaca, NY
Then you thought wrong. Absolutely no comparison. And yes I play on b.net, US@West though.
IIRC, the average APM of a professional Melee player is between 200-300 Actions per Minute. For a Professional Starcraft Player like Flash, it's around 400-500 Actions per Minute for the first 3-5 minutes since they can spam hotkeys and such, but after 5 minutes, players slow down to about an average 250-350 actions per minute. It's not up by too much. I play on East, but I'd make a US.West Account to play you. I love Starcraft, it doesn't lag that much or pretty much at all unlike Wi-fi. Anyone else want to join in? We can do some 4v4 BGH or Hunters :).


Smash Ace
May 26, 2005
wow lmao i just tried name searching for the hell of it, and so many people had something to say about my matches versus armada in pools.

yeah there was lag the first match, but i had to play through it as well. it wasn't like extreme plasma tv lag or anything, but it was somewhat noticeable. i just thought i was bit off since i hadn't played for a really long time. the main reason i was even there was to write an article about genesis.

if anything he just adapted to my style the more we played in the next two matches which resulted me in getting 2 stocked then jv 4 stocked. if he's Europe's best player, is that really that much of a surprise? either way i had one good round and that's it. no johns


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2004
The first thing I want to say is thanks for all of those that put this on -
official Tournament Organizers and those that assisted. It could not have
been done without you and as such, you deserve the most. Sheridan, Nealdt,
Germ, SideFX, Zoap, and I know I'm forgetting people but those just come to
mind. But especially the likes of Nealdt, Sheridan, and Zoap - those guys
have been organizing for years. Thanks. I really don't care about much
anything else if you guys are having a hard time running the tournament.
Thanks. Sorry if you guys got stressed out at any time (securing the venue,
if you guys had financial setbacks of any kind, if it took a lot of your
time and physical/mental resources, if you just wanted to give up,
etc.). That was the best tournament I've ever been to. That made my

The tournament was of great quality. I have no complaints - there were
enough setups to get our freak on, the venue was spacious, places to hang
out, restaurants all over the place (you hit the spot with In-N-Out), just..
no complaints.

The best part about the tournament was simply watching other pros play. It
was really great to see Taj, Mew2King, Mango, HugS, Germ, Zelgadis,
SilentSpectre, Lunin, Bob$, Armada.. (you know I could just go on and on)..
ALL IN THE SAME PLACE, fighting eachother. It's sooo not important for me
to be playing if I could be watching them play - that's rare. I mean,
EVERYONE was there! haha. I was really glad to see everyone. It was really
good just to see the faces of what the players looked like, ya know? I
mean, I never knew what Scar looked like, but now I do! Thanks Genesis.

I like how the room was divided into 2 for brawl and melee haha - the only
time I spent on the brawl side was to get water from the DBR ladies : ) -
thank you very much - water was important.

Love of the game

I don't know what it is about this game guys : ) - you all know what I'm
talking about. I ran into Dark Mike in the bathroom sometime during the
tournament and we chatted a bit about the love of the game. Something about
melee is different than other games. You have to understand that I don't
play other games in this way haha - there's nothing that comes close. I'm
still playing this game after so many years (at least 5) and.. the craziest
part of it all.. it keeps getting better! Me and Mike nearly said it at the
same time.. "it gets better!".

You all have to understand how much of an impact that last statement has.
Other games (at least with me) have almost the exact opposite effect - you
get bored and stop playing over time. With Melee.. for me.. it's been
strictly incremental - I love the game more today than I did years ago. <--
this is so crazy : ). I love the game more today than I did yesterday.. but
the point is that has always been true, regardless of what day/year it is.

Over the years new strategies arise and takeover old ones. I'm amazed at
the standard skill level these days - it makes it so that you can't really
call anyone a noob anymore. Everyone knows standard tactics/strategies - no
one's THAT bad. Of course people are better than others (NO ****), but my
point is that 09 smash is way different than 05 smash : ), and if you're
still playing 05 smash you're gonna get *****.

It really brings back memories to think of those oldass videos haha - those
were the very first smash videos that I downloaded and really studied and
looked at, and it's what really got me into smash. Before you knew it I had
gigabytes of videos saved to my computer, and yes I did watch every last
one. Andy's PuffStuff combo video hahaha ooold ****. I just watched a few
old matches from the Andy and Grid days haha.. so slow and boring and NOT
SMART compared to today's standard Falcos :). But good ****. Remember your
first videos guys? Good ****!

As a side note, I feel honored to have played that role in some people's
lives - "the guy that got you to play smash" haha. I must say, Andy and
Grid's videos are THE reason why I started playing smash. I can say that I
have played this role to two other smashers - Mike666 and TT. I doubt
anyone who hasn't been to the NorCal biweeklies has even heard of them. I
remember my first day of school walking into the Computer Science club at
San Jose State, and ****** Mike666 hardcore. He was like, "oh you play
smash too?" haha. I was like, "**** yeah!".. guy didn't even know what a
jab reset was at the time - 4-stocked over and over. I told him there were
all kinds of videos on the net that I watch, and sure enough, he picked that
**** up, and he picked it up quick. Nowadays, I have to struggle to beat
him! haha. Til this day he keeps telling me "I never would have started
playing this game if it weren't for you - I waste so many hours now watching
videos!". hahaha don't we all? : )

I really love the culture I got to experience there too - makes us all feel
at home : ). The nerds, geeks, video game players. I LOVE how that one
trend caught on - the way people ended their matches.. resetting the game
when you KNOW that that knee is gonna end it! That happened all throughout the tournament with the pros - classic. Voluntarily resetting/ending the
game because you know you lost (be it because of an edgehog, or a strong
knee at high percent, etc.). ****in awesome.

Stealth Raptor

Smash Legend
Apr 18, 2006
Kansas City, Kansas
well, armada could have also gone 3 days without food, but obviously that wouldnt have helped him win. in the end you pretty much have to eat, and away from home it does cost money, so in the end its a cost lol


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
well, armada could have also gone 3 days without food, but obviously that wouldnt have helped him win. in the end you pretty much have to eat, and away from home it does cost money, so in the end its a cost lol
it's a cost sure, but it's not an 'extra' cost, since you'd eat if you weren't at the tournament too

if you're worried about the cost of eating not-at-home, bring food from home, or get stuff from the supermarket and prepare it yourself


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2006
Union City, CA
i was wondering if anyone from the Canadian or International crews can help

i know your crew battle was moved to the main TV after West vs Midwest

would any of you happen to know, who went before Aniolas vs Eggz

and by how many stock and character and whatnot?

if you can help or not, much appreciated


Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2007
I am pretty sure there were some people recording them from their own cameras. I will look all over youtube now

... no luck =[
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