Based on what we know from the placeholders, we can expect 2 more characters & 1 more stage. I say one more because the other stage placeholder was between Super Mario Maker & Duck Hunt, which likely means that Sakurai & the guys at Bandai Namco tried to get Pirate Ship to work on the 3DS but couldn't. If this guess is correct, then we can expect one more newcomer from a new franchise & one character from an existing franchise in the game (could be a newcomer or a veteran). With this in mind, my best bet for the new franchise is Splatoon with the Inklings & their own stage. Granted, it could still be Shovel Knight, but Cloud's inclusion made it clear that (while the third party company being buddies with Nintendo is still important) the character's involvement with Nintendo can be minimal as long as they're iconic. And while I'm a huge Shovel Knight fan, he isn't iconic on the level of Sonic, Mega Man, Pac-Man, Ryu, or Cloud. As for the pre-existing franchise, it could go a multitude of ways. My two cents are on Wolf, but it could be King K. Rool, Dixie, Impa, or anyone else who has their respective franchise already in the game.