Guys, he does have a point.
Pokémon is not about starters and legendaries alone.
It's about catching. Gotta have them all
Starting with your Squirtle and ending with your Mewtwo.
But the road between those isn't in Smash Bros.
Even the first couple of Pokémon you catch yourself, the crux of your entire adventure and maybe even your nostalgia for the game aren't represented.
The might the series gave you by making you able to catch a living being and using them as the cornerstone of an animal army isn't represented.
**** Starters, your adventure started when you caught your first Pokémon with your bare Pokéballs.
The basics of Pokémon is winning an army, not getting them shoved in your hands
The first battle you won is not represented
This blasphemy should stop.
This mistake should be fixed as soon as possible
This is why Pidgey should be DLC.
There's some kind of communist story about the hard workers and the everyday man is getting shafted but meh.