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On the topic of DLC, all I really want is Bandana Dee and then I'll be completely satisfied.
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That's really cool, everything is pretty informative in there, and while I don't agree with you at all about the representation, I'm going to give you your credit where it's due, what you listed for the pros and cons of every character is very informative and educational, this kind of stuff really helps people like me who aren't into Fire Emblem when it comes to figuring out what makes each character unique and what each character's all about, so thank youAll the Fire Emblem Representation talks makes me wrote this.
Fire Emblem Representation in Smash Ballot?
This is (mainly) and an opinion article.
Hello people, I’m Troykv, an user from SmashBoards..
I’m here to talk about something that many people either ignore or is against: the Fire Emblem’s presence in the Smash Ballot.
Maybe you ask: “Why is this exactly?” Very simple: The Representation.
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U is perhaps the game of the franchise that has benefited this franchise the most, mainly for things like a lot more trophies compared with the last entry (the 3DS version get the new ones, in the Wii U version the trophies are pretty much the same), two new stages (one for each version), being one of the few franchises that got new original characters (alongside Mario, Kid Icarus and Pokémon), and also get two extra characters for special reasons; Lucina (the most popular character in Awakening and one the most popular in the whole franchise) formerly was a Marth’s Custom and Roy (one of the Melee veterans) got massive support (Mostly in Japan).
It might seem that Fire Emblem has received a lot of things and looks bizarre that the number of characters is the same as Zelda. But actually this “special treatment” can be explained.
Fire Emblem has a lot of characters that are the main ones, unlike other franchises, FE doesn’t have an actual “main character” or a main group of characters, we can find many characters with their own personalities and abilities.
- Fire Emblem was “lucky” to get two clones for convenient reasons: Roy is like the other Melee clones, characters planned with intention to expand the game’s roster; and Lucina is practically an effortless “free dessert”. The series has technically 3.5 original characters (the “.5” are Roy’s and Lucina’s differences).
Also, Fire Emblem gets representation in a very specific way: the new character for game and the clones. Otherwise the franchise has a similar (or even in some cases, inferior) representation. For example, Zelda has in the CSS the same characters that Fire Emblem, but, unlike the latter, Zelda’s clones are particularly special (Ganondorf and Toon Link not only are the Melee Clones with more differences in the moveset, but also the ones with more differences in the aesthetics… Just look how different is the Toon Link’s model compared with the Regular Link’s), and also, Zelda get a lot of side content (specially in this game), with 4 Assist Trophy (Tingle, Skull Kid, Midna and Ghirahim), and 8 Items (5 of them are new inclusions from Smash Bros for 3DS/Wii U) and the biggest variety in the Stage’s Selections (A Castle, a Temple, a Bridge at Twilight, a Pirate Ship, a Sky Town and a Train).
Fire Emblem isn’t exactly “over-represented” is more like “represent in a weird way”. Many franchises has a specific “thing” that they can represent. Fire Emblem is one of the few franchises that is mostly focused in it’s characters and whatever to do with them (and they are many).
Now that I already explained the Fire Emblem situation with the representation, I will explain the chances for all the viable characters that could appear in the game as Smash Ballot’s options based in some special guidelines that Sakurai’s himself gave.
1. The Character must display personality in their game.
2. It’s important to have something only that character can do.
3. Potential development issues, and game balance is also taken into some consideration.
4. Distribution among the franchises is also taken into consideration.
Surely you’re thinking: “Oh! But Fire Emblem already has better representation than many other series. If you add another character would destroy the distribution’s balance”.
Again I refer to what I mentioned earlier and I'll also add… This can or can't be true depending on how much importance is given to the clone’s presence (usually I only count Roy because he is a Semi-Clone, Lucina is a free character practically). Otherwise, I will not mention the fourth criteria because it would be the same comments apply to every character; also, this criteria depends (in some extent) of personal ideas of “representation” and distribution.
In addition I will also mention other special guidelines based on popularity and other aspects that have to be mentioned (as possible “advantages and disadvantages” in their creation as playable characters).
Fire Emblem characters aren’t especially popular characters in the Smash Ballot (with a few exceptions that have descent support), but I want to explain it all the circumstances that could make or not more likeable one of these characters. In the end I will put a “Ranking” with the best chances in my opinion. If you want you can do your own ranking based on your ideas and expectations.
Now with all that said, I'll start with the second part of the article.
Discounting the Fire Emblem Characters already in Smash (and Chrom, because he was deconfirmed for actually explained reasons), we have as main characters and other recurring characters these ones:
Tiki (from Akanea’s Games)
Anna (the general cameo character)
Alm and Celica (Fire Emblem Gaiden)
Sigurd (Fire Emblem: Genealogy of Holy War)
Leif (Fire Emblem: Thraccia 776)
Lyn, Eliwood and Hector (Fire Emblem)
Eirika and Ephraim (Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn)
Micaiah (Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn
Kamui/Corrin and Azura (Fire Emblem If/Fates)
Note: I'm sure that any possible Fire Emblem newcomer is a "front-runner" (the best ones has probably "decent" support).
Note 2: I don’t see so much reason to comment Alm and Celica’s Chances since their game is so neglected that even the Japanese themselves seem to ignore them sometimes. So I automatically assume that they are at the bottom of the ranking with a somewhat abysmal difference. I also I won’t comment about Seliph and Leif because they look like potential Marth Clones (in fact, some of his moves in their games, belongs to Marth in Smash Bros, like the Dolphin Slash)
Note 3: “The Character must display personality in their game.” This Sakurai’s guideline it’is difficult for me to explain properly, because the perception of a character’s personality touches points too subjective. You can put your own opinions about this aspect.
General Pros and Cons (Applies with almost every character here):
Sakurai is a big Fire Emblem fan, this makes easier to him create fun and interesting moveset, because he has a bigger connection with this games.
Any of these characters has a particularly great Support (mainly because Robin and Roy are already in the game).
Any of these characters are great icons in the Nintendo Games (but many of the most recognizable Nintendo Characters are already in the game).
Any of these characters has a likeable future (with Anna and maybe Tiki as the only exceptions).
The majority of these character has Awakening DLC and their most recent game (except Anna and Tiki again; the Fates characters too for obvious reasons).
What can she offer exactly?
The Manaketse are a recurrent aspect in Fire Emblem franchise. She can use powers related with her Manakete form, like flames, flame orbs attacks (like the one that uses in Awakening) and other dragon-like attacks. The manakete form could be used as a summon or as an actual transformation during her attacks.
She is the playable character with the most apparences storywise in the series: Three (Five if you count the Remakes, Six if you count Genei Ibun Roku #FE), this make her one of the few Fire Emblem characters that actually has “likeable future” in the series.
She is a fan favorite, one of the most popular characters in the overall series, even was capable to get a good place in the Awakening’s Popularity Contest.
She isn’t a sword-user.
She is a female character… this always is an advantage.
Her Ballot Support was Small.
Possible issues with transformations (it depends on how exactly this works).
She could over with other dragon-like characters (Bowser/Charizard) in some moves.
The Awakening version Tiki could have a design too “sexy” for the game, because she has a big a noticeable cleavage and use garter straps (in the 3DS Trophy model isn’t really notable any of these aspects).
The Akanea/Ylisse games already has 2 characters (3 if you count Lucina)
Chances: Possible, but don’t really in the “descent” side.
Anna is a character that has appeared the most through the franchise (Except for Gaiden) with many different uses in the series, the most usually is as a merchant but also appears as a cameo, a guide, etc.. She is mysterious and loves money (Apparently there are lots of Annas which explains all her appareances in the franchise).
What can she offer exactly?
Anna is portrayed in many ways, that include using weapons out of nowhere. It’s probably the most open character to use different things.
Anna is the only Fire Emblem Character that has a confirmed future, she’s a character that will mostly come back in some way.
She has the biggest variety to use as weapons and other things.
Anna has probably the biggest Smash Ballot Support of all the Fire Emblem characters in Western Sites.
She is a female character.
It could be difficult to find a focus for her character.
She lacks relevance in the game’s story (is an optional character in Awakening and Fates).
Chances: Descent.
What can he offer exactly?
Two things, a horse-riding and a spear-user (at least in some moves).
He represented one of the greatest moments in the Fire Emblem’s Story, the SNES games and Genealogy of Holy War, one of the most popular Fire Emblem Games in Japan.
The Horse-Riders are common units in Fire Emblem, and like Manaketes, it isn’t already used in Smash (the same with Spears).
Possible issues with horse-riding.
Sigurd looks like an older Marth (this is make it worse what you know that Project M did a Marth’s Costume based in Sigurd).
Genealogy of Holy War is a Japan-Only Game.
His Smash Ballot Support was Small.
He is still mainly a sword-user.
Chances: Unlikely
What can she offer exactly?
She is usually is described as a light and fast sword-user, a rush-down style, and she is capable to use bows too.
She is one the most popular character in the overall series (in fact, she is the First Lord that Western Fire Emblem Fans met).
She was (formerly) one of the most wanted characters in Super Smash Bros Brawl and still had a decent support in the Pre-Smash 4 Speculation.
Her Smash Ballot Support was (at least) decent between the other wanted Fire Emblem Characters.
She is a female character.
Outside of the different style, she is still a character mainly focused in swordplay.
She already has a role in the game (Assist Trophy).
Chances: Unlikely (but only because of the Assist Trophy problem).
What can he offer exactly?
Eliwood, like Sigurd is a character that use a horse (in FE6 and post-promotion in FE7) and he is both a sword and spear user.
Like Lyn, he is a well known character in the Fire Emblem series.
Like Sigurd, he a horse and spears
Eliwood is heavily overshadowed by Lyn’s and Hector’s Popularity.
He looks like a red-haired Marth or an older Roy.
He is still mainly a Sword-user.
The possible horse issues.
Chances: Unlikely.
What can he offer exactly?
He is a Armor Knight-like Lord and an Axe User (one of the few lords that doesn’t have as his main weapon swords). As a curious fact, many games in the franchise has “boomerang-like” axes (Hand Axes).
Hector is a popular character in the Fire Emblem Franchises.
He could perfectly be a Heavyweight character.
He isn’t a Sword-User
He is overshadowed for Lyn’s popularity
Ike already fills a similar niche in the game.
Niche Smash Support, but probably better than other characters because his high popularity.
Chances: Possible.
What can she offer exactly?
Well… Only the horse.
She represent a different continent (Magvel)
The horse is (like I already explained with Sigurd and Eliwood) an unused element that is common in the Fire Emblem Games.
She is a female.
Everything else in her design looks like a character that could be a Marth clone (already her basic attack in Fire Emblem looks like the Marth’s).
She is a sword-user
She is overshadowed for Ephraim’s popularity (the other Magvel’s Lord)
Her Ballot Support is Small
If you count the horse, like with Sigurd and Ephraim, this could have issues.
Chances: Unlikely
What can he offer exactly?
A complete Spear-User Character (and the horse if you want)
Completely unique moveset guaranteed with the spear.
Like Eirika, he comes from a different Continent without representation (Magvel).
Ephraim is a popular Fire Emblem Lord.
He isn’t a Sword-user
Niche Smash Support, but probably better than other characters because his high popularity.
Overlap with Bandana Dee as a Spear-User, one of most wanted characters in the Japanese Smash Fanbase, and also popular in some western communities.
Chances: Possible.
What can she offer exactly?
Micaiah is an full magician character (unlike Robin that also uses swords in his/her moveset), with access to light magic and staffs, this latter is one of the most common elements in the Fire Emblem Series unused in Smash.
Micaiah is confirmed as the Fire Emblem character with the loudest (and likeably biggest) Smash Ballot Support in Japanese Media. In Western Communities she is more a niche choice, but still one of the most popular between Fire Emblem Characters.
Staffs are interesting options to a moveset, and magic isn’t still used in it’s full potential in Smash Bros.
She isn’t a Sword-user
She is a female character
She was formerly controversial character in the Western Communities, that includes Fire Emblem Discussions and Brawl’s Days Predictions (even if her game doesn’t sell a lot, this helps her popularity in some way), and also one of the few Fire Emblem Characters in the Pre-Smash 4 with some actual support (because Chrom took all of the attention in the actual Speculation).
Her game is one of the worst sellers in the series (Ironically, its main characters are popular, especially Ike).
Micaiah is one of these character that had a mixed reception with the Fire Emblem’s fanbase (already mentioned her “controversial” side in the Pros); with many lovers and many haters.
Chances: Descent
And finally left the Fire Emblem Fates/If Characters: Kamui/Corrin and Azura Maybe I could talk about a little bit about them but I don’t have enough information. They are still too new for me, and probably many of you will know them better than me.
Final Results and Conclusions
Unlikely: Sigurd, Lyn (special reasons), Eliwood, Eirika
Possible: Tiki, Hector, Ephraim
Descent: Anna, Micaiah
The Fire Emblem characters have many things against them in their run to get a possible new character in Smash, even some of them have clear similarities with other characters already playable. However, I believe that Fire Emblem still has great potential for more characters, the most significant examples are characters that I think have a better chance. Probably any of them are converted in playable character, but you should not underestimate their potential, maybe you end up being surprised.
Uff... I don't remember the last time I wrote so much xDU
What do you think?
No Kirby rep was added though, it's still from super star, dreamland,and adventure/nightmare in dreamlandI know that we specifically talk about characters, but it always irks me when people judge representation based on characters. Because if that's the case, no Kirby representation was added this time around
This is highly debatable. The important thing is that all of these things matter a lot, as stated by Sakurai.I continue to believe fun and interesting characters are more important than the series they come from.
The issue is that any character can be fun and interesting, and every individuals idea of fun and interesting are not congruent; it is not much by which to go. Nintendo spews fun and interesting characters out each year, that is too loose of a definition and criteria.I continue to believe fun and interesting characters are more important than the series they come from.
Because floral patterned dresses and Daisy tapping her ass saying 'hot stuff' is tomboyishDaisy tomboyish
I think she has both...but more on the tomboyish side.Because floral patterned dresses and Daisy tapping her *** saying 'hot stuff' is tomboyish
I don't think limb length has anything to do with it, but Waluigi is certainly a more likely choice than Daisy, who didn't even get in Mario MakerI think Waluigi has more going for him as a playable character than Daisy.
He has long limbs and a movement attribute: He can swim in the air. This translates to Smash well, while giving him some diversity from the cast.
Daisy, on the other hand, is a speed character. Toad is also a speed character, but has more going for him. He is also strong, has low jumps, and has an assortment of abilities at his disposal. He was a playable character before.
I can see Waluigi becoming a playable character in something like Mario 3D world. I cannot see Daisy in this capacity. Not yet. Her traits and stand-out abilities have not really been explored enough to flesh out a fighter.
If we're talking characters only, FE is tied with Zelda for third most represented series.
By the way everyone,is about as much of a clone as Lucas, Ganondorf, or Falco.
I mean Waluigi didn't get into Mario Kart 7, but Daisy did if we're going to play this game.I don't think limb length has anything to do with it, but Waluigi is certainly a more likely choice than Daisy, who didn't even get in Mario Maker
Waluigi for Mario Kart 7 kinda has the excuse of Time Constraints. They wanted to make sure MK7 was there for the Launch of the 3DS and unfortunately they didn't have enough time to finish Waluigi in time for the release.I mean Waluigi didn't get into Mario Kart 7, but Daisy did if we're going to play this game.
I think there may be a different reason for them being in and it probably has something to do with Sakurai favoring certain aspects of the series' characters.I think the series almost died before the most recent game, and the fact that it has the third most characters in Smash Bros as playable, is pretty despicable. The support Fire Emblem gets in Smash Bros seems to be more than the support it gets for its actual games.
I definitely agree with this, but I haven't heard anything of the sort anywhere on SB. Where are you getting this from?It quite blatantly feels that any time we discuss Fire Emblem, we start getting a bit delusional in the facts we present to make it sound more appealing, important, or in any way unique from other series; for example, why does it matter that the series has so many characters? If we want to admit they become irrelevant, lets just say that majority of the characters arent even important to their home series. Animal Crossing has an extremely large number of characters- and that left its character representation boiled down to a mere 1.
Fire Emblem isn't owned by IS...IS is merely a developer for these games and many other Nintendo titles as well...unlike Game Freak and the Pokemon Company who has a more publishing rights over the Pokemon games...I think there may be a different reason for them being in and it probably has something to do with Sakurai favoring certain aspects of the series' characters.
Marth's mechanic is something that Sakurai really liked; to the point where he made three variations of it. He used character that had major roles in the recent (or upcoming) games to make this mechanic and thus two clones were born. It's a little strange he chose this series to experiment with clones at first, but when you consider the potential of a "fencing" character it starts to make sense.
Robin's addition could have been influenced by the IP's developer (like Greninja). If I recall correctly, Sakurai has to consult with Intelligent Studios to put Fire Emblem characters in the game, similar to having to consult with GF for Pokemon. It all depends on whether IS pushed Sakurai to develop Robin to be in Smash or whether it was the other way around. Sakurai didn't strictly mention why he chose this character (or any of the other Fire Emblem reps post-Melee) for Smash characters, so we really don't know. All we have is Sakurai saying he found appeal in Ike's design as a "burly swordsman" as Robin's design a magic wielder (idk what to call this, tactician?).
I definitely agree with this, but I haven't heard anything of the sort anywhere on SB. Where are you getting this from?
Sakurai has an entire interview about why he chose Robin and why he did not chose Chrom. I reference it earlier in this post, but it is clear to me I must continue to post the speech everywhere, as it is often at the heart of my arguments regarding Sakurai's philosophy.Robin's addition could have been influenced by the IP's developer (like Greninja). If I recall correctly, Sakurai has to consult with Intelligent Studios to put Fire Emblem characters in the game, similar to having to consult with GF for Pokemon. It all depends on whether IS pushed Sakurai to develop Robin to be in Smash or whether it was the other way around. Sakurai didn't strictly mention why he chose this character (or any of the other Fire Emblem reps post-Melee) for Smash characters, so we really don't know. All we have is Sakurai saying he found appeal in Ike's design as a "burly swordsman" as Robin's design a magic wielder (idk what to call this, tactician?).
Where from am I getting what? The post of mine you quoted suggest a number of the hamartia of Fire Emblem fans, and examples I referenced are so predominant on these boards that they can be found within the last two pages of this exact thread.I definitely agree with this, but I haven't heard anything of the sort anywhere on SB. Where are you getting this from?
At the end of the day, Chrom would just end up being another plain-old-sword-wielder like Marth and Ike. Compared with [Robin]... not only did he possess characteristics unlike other fighters, he also captured the essence of the Fire Emblem series. It was perfect!
FeexI don't know, the roster feels awkward without Wolf
I guess the point of sourcing an article, with explicit and intricate detail on Sakurai's behalf, was to supercede the individual feelings of any one audience participant; we all have different aesthetics and feelings about characters- this is why it is important for characters to be made playable based on something of greater merit.I don't know, the roster feels awkward without Chrom. (At least we have the Mii costume though, so it's not really that awkward)
Yet your profile says you main IC, who had a single game for 30 years iircFor every you that feels awkward about no Chrom, there is a me that feels a one-off rerun character would bloat the roster even more unnecessarily.
I'd edited my post before you responded;Yet your profile says you main IC, who had a single game for 30 years iirc
Last edited: 6 minutes agoI'd edited my post before you responded.
I suppose so, it's just so strange not having the main character of a particular game be playable and rather have the ''sidekicks'' be playable, but the Mii Costume does a good job of compensating this, so I'm not one to complain.I guess the point of sourcing an article, with explicit and intricate detail on Sakurai's behalf, was to supercede the individual feelings of any one audience participant; we all have different aesthetics and feelings about characters- this is why it is important for characters to be made playable based on something of greater merit.
I'd argue Robin is Awakening's main character, you play as him/her and the story is more about Robin than ChromI suppose so, it's just so strange not having the main character of a particular game be playable and rather have the ''sidekicks'' be playable, but the Mii Costume does a good job of compensating this, so I'm not one to complain.
Well technically Robin is more of a sidekick to Chrom, and Chrom's bloodline does play a pivotal role in the story, not to mention,I'd argue Robin is Awakening's main character, you play as him/her and the story is more about Robin than Chrom
Nope. What you mentioned in the spoiler tag only happens if Chrom is chosen. Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't Chrom get taken out of the party unlike Robin? The second half of the story is all about RobinWell technically Robin is more of a sidekick to Chrom, and Chrom's bloodline does play a pivotal role in the story, not to mention,
and if he dies (even in casual mode) then the game is over. However this also happens to Robin, so it could be argued that it's both their story, however Chrom seems more important to the story overall.Chrom is the one who seals Grima in the Falchion
I don't think so, they both stay the whole time.Nope. What you mentioned in the spoiler tag only happens if Chrom is chosen. Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't Chrom get taken out of the party unlike Robin? The second half of the story is all about Robin
I distinctively remember taking Chrom out, if someone's willing to boot up Awakening, thank you so kindly, my 3DS has been busted for over a yearI don't think so, they both stay the whole time.
I'm pretty sure he says, however there's something that happens to him later on that I can't say because it's a spoiler for people who haven't played the game.I distinctively remember taking Chrom out, if someone's willing to boot up Awakening, thank you so kindly, my 3DS has been busted for over a year
Both can be argued to be the main characters of the game they even refer to themselves as two halves of the same whole and such...however from my memory Chrom is the only character that is required on every Map while Robin is required on a few but not all...I distinctively remember taking Chrom out, if someone's willing to boot up Awakening, thank you so kindly, my 3DS has been busted for over a year
Not exactly how posting works; but for once, please feel free to justify your feelings (backig up an opinion) and explain why you think the Ice Climbers are not viable options for characters in Smash bros, other than being against those who find Fire Emblem as unnecessary and redundant?Last edited: 6 minutes ago
My post: 7 minutes ago
Along with somebody else on the roster.Ashley:
I know she's an assist trophy but this is a want list not a will list. Ashley would be an awesome addition to Smash. She would be the only female magic user besides female Robin.