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Gen 5


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
My usable Gen 5 team, after many trials and errors. Tell me what you guys think cause this is my most successful team yet.

Borutorosu @ Focus Sash
Mischievous Heart / Timid
252 SpA / 252 Spe / 6 Def
Grass Knot

This had to be put over Denchura's frail butt. His access to Taunt is a huge help for my team and his bulk lets him switch in much easier than Denchura could if he survives past the lead slot. His help with taunting is the biggest thing for this team to be truly successful. Grass Knot is used over HP Ice because it doesn't give the speed drop that HP Ice does and it deals with the Ground type leads better than HP Ice does while giving him great neutral coverage.

Ice: Politoad, Shandera, Rotom-W
Rock: Nattorei

Politoad @ Leftovers
Drizzle / Calm
252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Boil Over
Ice Beam

A great team support Pokemon. Bringing in rain allows both my Rotom to hit harder and for my Kingdra to sweep with unquestioned speed (pretty much). He can either burn or poison an opponent, which is always a plus. Resting off damage makes him even bulkier and Ice Beam is just there for a sake of another attack. He really compliments this team well.

Electric: Nattorei
Grass: Borutorosu, Nattorei

Shandera @ Choice Scarf
Shadow Tag / Timid
252 SpA / 252 Spe / 6 Def
Fire Blast
Shadow Ball
Energy Ball
HP Ground

I needed a revenge killer and Ditto wasn't really flowing well with the team. This is probably the best revenge killer for my team and his added Fire attacks really are needed. He can also help deal with some of those annoying ghosts running amok. HP Ground is so he's not boned against Heatran.

Water: Politoad, Kingdra, Nattorei, Rotom-W
Ground: Borutorosu, Rotom-W
Rock: Nattorei
Ghost: Nattorei
Dark: Nattorei

Kingdra @ Life Orb
Swift Swim / Naive
80 Atk / 176 SpA / 252 Spe
Dragon Dance
Hydro Pump

The main sweeper of my team or basically, my only sweeper. His amazing typing and good bulk let's him come in on something and set up some DDs. His type coverage is so awesome, he only needs his STABs to get by. I'm running this EV spread so his Hydro Pump is stronger but I may just change it to the conventional 252/252/6 spread because I rarely find myself firing off Hydro Pumps as it is. He is the core of this team and is pretty much what makes this team go.

Dragon: Nattorei

Nattorei @ Leftovers
Iron Barbs / Sassy
252 HP / 120 Def / 138 SpD
Stealth Rock
Power Whip
Leech Seed

This thing has an awesome typing while being awesomely bulky. Setting up rocks is always a plus but I may use Spikes (unless it's illegal with some moves or something like that). Curse lets him gain some power while making his defense pretty friggen high and pretty much makes him the gayest thing possible. Putting this over Heatran was an awesome choice.

Fire: Politoad, Shandera, Kingdra, Rotom-W
Fighting: Borutorosu, Shandera

Rotom-W @ Leftovers
Levitate / Bold
252 HP / 168 SpA / 90 Spe
Hydro Pump
Dark Pulse

Rotom-W is great for my team. He adds some physical bulk while being able to abuse the Rain. Grass and Water have great neutral coverage and Rotom is boosting two attacks with BPs over 120. Evil Eye relies too much on getting Will-o-Wisp hitting so putting in Dark Pulse helps with coverage, even though it's rarely ever needed. Much better than Breloom was for this team.

Grass: Borutorosu, Nattorei

: I hate this thing, it's seriously the only thing my team can't deal with at all. It's bulky and really strong (being able to at most 2HKO my entire team) and the fact it has Guts makes it even worse. Seriously, this thing is a beast.
: Not as bad because I know use Borutorosu but still a *****. He's annoying for my team especially since I am running a Rain team and he can abuse it. Sets with Charge are really annoying, I basically have to have a +1 DD Kingdra already out to take care of it.
: He's fast and he hits hard. For a sweeper, he's the worst one and basically the only one my team isn't too fond of. He's hard to switch into and he can take care of my team on it's own if Shandera can't revenge kill it.
: He's bulky and strong, while he's not as bad as the others, he's still a pain and has caused my team some trouble.

Those are really the only pokes my team has trouble with but Roobushin is definitely the worst out of all of them, Zapdos is 2nd, my team can get around Gengar and Goruggo with good prediction and stuff but the other two are the only thing I pretty much have to get lucky against. Any tips?

Thanks for your time


Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
I can see Garchomp wrecking some stuff. Sure, Ditto exists, but it isn't gonna want to switch in on an Outrage.

If Rain isn't setup, it's kinda hard to deal with, don't you think? Scarf Outrage 2HKOs Politoed, can get rid of Ditto (if it switches in), as well as Kingdra. Yes, I'm aware we're all intelligent and probably won't do that until it's killed something.

It also has a pretty good chance to 2HKO Rotom if rocks are up.

Don't bash me, I'm just looking and thinking badly


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Three Rivers, MI
I can see Garchomp wrecking some stuff. Sure, Ditto exists, but it isn't gonna want to switch in on an Outrage.

If Rain isn't setup, it's kinda hard to deal with, don't you think? Scarf Outrage 2HKOs Politoed, can get rid of Ditto (if it switches in), as well as Kingdra. Yes, I'm aware we're all intelligent and probably won't do that until it's killed something.

It also has a pretty good chance to 2HKO Rotom if rocks are up.

Don't bash me, I'm just looking and thinking badly
A player smart enough to use Dragon Claw for ScarfChomp's filler and also use it on the initial switch-in could prove to be a slight problem for him (he's likely to sac something just to get either Kingdra or Ditto in, so now it's granted the opportunity to switch out for later), but that's about the only way. Outrage only guarantees a single KO; probably to something weakened, and most wouldn't open up with EQ unless they know for a fact that he's going to bring in Heatran.

Have you considered using Rotom-W? Electric / Water has great coverage as well, and with STAB on Thunder and what is essentially double STAB on Hydro Pump when in the rain, it could prove to be deadly. Plus you don't cut your power. I know -C probably seems better for taking on opposing Rain teams, but when you consider the fact that most carry SurfBeam (and that STAB Thunder does a decent job of killing opposing rain Pokes anyway), it seems a little dumb. Ludicolo will be your only really big worry, and Kingdra tends to handle him anyway.

Note that they've changed the Ghost typing of the Rotom formes into each of their respectable signature moves.

EDIT: What is Bold doing for you exactly on Rotom?

EDIT2: Try running U-Turn on Denchura. It's a lot weaker, but when considering that Volt Change and U-Turn are mainly for momentum, it's a much nicer option thanks to the fact that nothing is immune to it.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
denchura doesn't get u-turn on PO

and bold let's rotom helps with taking physical hits, i went with grass to keep the FWG core but i'll try rotom-W out

also, kingdra in teh rain is there to help with garchomp


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Three Rivers, MI
denchura doesn't get u-turn on PO

and bold let's rotom helps with taking physical hits, i went with grass to keep the FWG core but i'll try rotom-W out

also, kingdra in teh rain is there to help with garchomp
Denchura not getting U-Turn makes no sense. Wtf is this ****. D:<

Due to Kingdra carrying Outrage, I'm going to have to tell you to watch out for teams with more than one Dragon. They could very easily **** you up.


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
I remember this team.

I got ***** by it forgetting Rotom's not a Ghost Type


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Three Rivers, MI
I'm not too surprised about the Heatran thing actually.

Nattorei might make a decent fit. I can't really think of anything else to put in that spot right now, so I'll try to think of something else. But I can at least tell you that Nattorei appreciates the Rain and he's bulky as hell, so he'd probably be decent?

Just try out a set you think would be good and see, I guess.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
i might try that since his fire weakness isn't really something to worry about cause i have so many pokes that resist fire and my lead is so frail that it's really only there for revenge killing and giving momentum

but i do like rotom-W for my team better and i think switching heatran with nattorei mike work well too

i'm also not really liking ditto on this team as much either, i might switch him for shanderaa too, i need a revenge killer and having a ghost type would be greatly welcomed, possibly gengar

i'm liking nattorei over heatran a lot right now, and i replaced ditto with shandera and it's awesome

updated my team and this could probably be it for this team


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
this team has gotten me to around 1150 BP on the /tr/ server so i must say, it's done me some good


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
I updated the OP with a threat list, it's not very large due to the large metagame but those are the threats I know that trouble my team.

it's also really unfortunate that nattorei can't lean toxic spikes cause that would immensely help my team

i did get a 1200+ rating with this team, it was just those pokes that slowed me down

some things i might consider though are giving nattorei shed shell so shanderaa can't rid me of it so easily and possibly giving him spikes (but using SR is a great thing too since zapdos is a pain), also i might give politoad perish song and there really isn't a need for rest outside of defeating bulky waters, in which perish song does just as well, i would put it over ice beam but that move has come up clutch a few too many times for me just to remove it, and lastly i think i'm going to give rotom shadow ball as it's more reliable since only him and politoad are really spreading status around

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
Just wondering, why Claw Sharpen over Curse on Nattorei? Curse would help you further shrug off physical damage while still giving you the attack boost, and the Accuracy boost isn't really necessary for Power Whip, is it?

Besides that, I don't know the Gen V metagame very well, so I can't say much else.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
the curse is amazing, <3

i may have to change the denchura lead into something bulkier, like the electric genie
and the electric genie makes this team better, being able to taunt stuff in the beginning really helps


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2009
Madison, WI
Do you seem to do well with that Kingdra set? I have a Kingdra on my team too and I used that set at first but it wasn't nearly as effective as the one that I use now. In my experience Kingdra is just way too frail to set up a DD, and I like just being able to fire a move and get out. I run

Kingdra@Life orb
Swift Swim / Some Sp. attack boosting nature (i haven't needed the +speed)
4 HP / 252 Sp. attack / 252 Speed
~Hydro Pump
~Dragon Pulse
~Draco Meteor

Having all 252 evs into Sp. attack really helps. Dragon pulse keeps surprising me with how hard it hits, and Hydro pump is just awesome. Surf for when I don't want to miss, and Draco Meteor when I know he's going to switch, but I don't know what to.

try it out and tell me what you think.


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2008
NC Mooresville
Don't use Hydro Pump. It sounds like you are going to be only bringing him out in the rain and a Rain boosted Surf or Waterfall with STAB is going to be enough.

I suggest another poke with Rain dance. Since Politoed is the only one.

To be honest it seems like your in the middle of a Raindance team. It's very dependent on Rain but doesn't abuse it well enough.

Either make it a rain team or not. Also honestly I'd throw in Vaporeon in there to abuse the rain. Another thing to consider is a water typed revenge killer. Fire is a needed move but its going to be doing normal damage in the rain. Choice Scarf Ttar will take care of ALL of your threats but will eliminate the rain, which i think is good, Nattorei can be a pain with it up. Using Sandstorm to wear down the opponent and when you are ready to sweep throw in Politoed and use the rain. Crunch the big ghost, pursuit gengar, Stone Edge Zapdos(make sure a sub isnt up), and just Superpower or EQ Ruupushin.

BUT, you will be susceptible to INFERNAPE!!! So I would switch out Rotom to the Ghost Jellyfish- He's water ghost and is pretty bulky and can abuse the rain as much or more than Rotom, im almost positive he learns Thunder and Rain dance(which is the second pokemon that can start rain). Rotom with his 2nd ghost typing taken away isnt as good in someways...but electric water which is yours reminds me of a super bulky Lanturn.

I would test Zapdos as a RK also. Choice Scarfed 'Dos could sweep too. Slap lightning rod on it and watch a 120 Base stat with Stab and +1 125 SpA hit perfectly from a super fast bird,...its going to rain on someone's parade(pun intended). Thunder, HP Ice, Tbolt(for when Rain isnt up), and RainDance/Baton Pass. Baton Pass is the better choice. After a Spa boost you can baton pass it to another poke and I can almost garuntee that the opponent will switch out.

Another thing is Kingdra, try a modest@choice specs Kingdra.
Surf-Draco Meteor-Hydro Pump/(some other move)-Dragon Pulse
1. In rain, stab, modest/choice specs, Surf is going to hurt. Hydro pump may be a little unnecessary.---Imagine a baton pass from a Zapdos to this set. SOMETHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN.
2. Try Special OR Physical dominant set. May work out better.
3. Who can you setup on? INFERNAPE..in the rain. Infernape is most likely going to come in on Nattorei...you eat the fire attack/fighting and then in the rain you outspeed and you have a perfect example of what the ocean would do to BP.

If this becomes crazy you have to give me credit for it.

I am the first to think of this. Here is proof. This is my post....xxmoosexx.

What your team should be from my point of view from just theorymonning:

Whatever poke that is for your lead(Which i bet can be changed out for a more effective lead)

Choice Scarf Zapdos w/Lightning Rod
252Spe 252 Spatk 6Hp Timid Nature
-HP Ice
-Baton Pass

Choice Specs Kingdra w/ Swift Swim
252 Spe 252 SpAtk 6hp Modest Nature
Dragon Pulse
Draco Meteor
Hydro Pump(I know there is a better option than this)

Nattorei*see RMT*

Ghost JellyFish
I have no EV's for this. I'd guess 252 HP 120ish SpDef and do what you want with Def and Spatk

And Politoed.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
kingdra is not the problem of this team, DD kingdra is pretty much the reason this team is good, he's not changing, stop suggesting it people

infernape is not a problem for this team as my entire team checks him (i have problems with SS teams that run hippo or bulky ttar), rain isn't that hard to get out since politoad is decently bulky

hydro pump is there in case of a physically defensive poke or if i'm not DD boosted, it's strong as hell

and rotom stays, the access to thunder is awesome


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Wait, why use Dark Pulse? Shadow Ball is better. You could even try Charge Beam, HP Ice, or Fire.


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2008
NC Mooresville
Let me say this. There isn't anything "wrong" with your team but it can be better.
That is why I suggest you explore what more you can do with Kingdra.

Here is what you should do with when you are trying to make a new team. So far this is your best result right? So why not try the thing suggested? We aren't telling you to change it because it sucks we are asking you to try these things out and see how much better or worse it works.

Hit 1400 with the team unaltered as it is and then you can tell us you aren't going to change things.

Kingdra doesn't "need" to be changed but it makes no sense in not exploring all his possible variants.

The only pokemon you have to counter Infernape is Shanderaa and it's all game over if Choice Scarf Ttar comes in. Infernape will rip your team to shreads. Your rotom isnt fast enough and in B/W doesn't have ghost type after it "evolves".

You need a second rain dancer. Just because Politoed is bulky doesnt mean squat. Toxic spikes are up and a modest choice specs Shamyin just got a -2 Seed Flare.
Jaroda will rip that Politoed apart. In fact it will setup on it. In which Shanderaa comes in on his grass move that BOOSTS his SpAtk, uses a weakened fire blast and DOES NOT OHKO just to get blasted away by a +2SpAtk move(Jaroda's ability makes all negative effects reversed and a grass move drops his SpAtk by 2 stages which therefore BOOSTS his SpAtk).

You need something to deal with all Ttar's if your going to use a ghost as your infernape counter.

The Jellyfish WILL work better than Rotom. It is a good counter to infernape and can support your team with rain dance and use thunder like Rotom.
Zapdos is a wonderful Revenge Killer/Sweeper/Baton Passer. It can handle Hippowdown and if a bulky Ttar comes in on Zapdos' attack then switch out to Kingdra and slap him with a Choice Specs STAB Hydro Pump. Or put gliscor in there somewhere lol.

There is nothing wrong with your team but there are changes that can be made to make it better.
Don't shut down what we suggest to you without trying it...if your gonna do that then don't make an RMT.

Make a new account everytime you lose twice before 1450ish. Make an adjustment and repeat. You hit 1450 and that's one heck of a team if it's offensive. I've played with Zeal Elite on Shoddy Battler, he taught me stuff so im not a complete idiot...I know what im talking about. Im not saying that im so much better but don't just cast my ideas away and tell me that its wrong.
Infernape only had ONE true counter in 4th gen, that was Gyara, a fast ghost could come in on a fighting move but that would only force him out. Now Shanderaa and the Ghost Jellyfish are here and if needs be that weird water/flying swan, How will you counter infernape after Shanderaa is gone and there is no rain?

Ttar will eat Shanderaa, get rid of Rain, and set an Infernape up to go poop on that team.
Suicune can't come in on a fire move from infernape and then survive a STAB Close Combat from that thing, how can Politoed?
Kingdra can't come in and outspeed unless he has rain and if you set that up with Politoed then Politoed is dead and once he switches Ttar back in thats game over for your Kingdra. Natorrei will die to a 4x effective Fire Blast and Rotom will be outsped for another STAB Close Combat.

With two pokemon I just beat your team. Infernape comes in early which I presume Politoed will come in to start rain and get slapped by a Close Combat...he will live. I'd switch out to Ttar to stop that rain immediately and if im Choice Scarfed I outspeed the Kingdra and 2HKO it with whatever I want. Kingdra will be lucky to get a 2HKO with the SpDef boost from SS.

If Infernape comes in on Nattorei you will probably switch to Shanderaa and then Ttar comes in and pursuits it and stops rain. Then Infernape comes in on whatever pokemon you have that can try to stop Ttar, Nape can take any hit expect from Kingdra and your Lead after that. You switch Natorrei in to wall Ttar and Nape comes in. You switch in Kingdra who can eat a Close Combat,(CC is the smart option for Infernape against Nattorei, there are more things that can come in on Fire Blast and setup then there are ones who can setup on Close Combat and it still gets the job done),and Ttar can 2HKO it at the most after a CC and with Stone Edges High Crit rate can 2HKO if Kingdra comes in on a Fire Blast. You have Rotom left...switch Infernape in who will be death fodder and let Ttar come in for the OHKO 2x Effective STAB coming off a MAX ev'd 130ish atk stat.

game over.

I know for a fact that im not wrong on that.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
@ wave: i was just playing around with it but i'm probably going back to shadow ball, the chance of a SpD drop is much better than a chance of flinching, but i do like the sound of light screen/charge beam, i rarely use the move anways, i could also try zapdos over rotom, as he is a better sweeper and still has bulk, but the problem with that is rotom has better synergy with my team (he resists ice attacks, which is really helpful)

@moosex: i hit roughly 1300 with this team

infernape doesn't do squat to my team, i've ***** every single one, every poke of mine checks him quite soundly, blaziken gives more trouble and that's only cause of speed boost and again, my entire team checks him (except for nattorei). every person that tried to sweep me with infernape got *****, all 30 of them

scarftar is dumb, politoad is my ttar remover, it's not a counter but he does his job at making sure ttar goes away cause ttar is much easier to deal with when there isn't SS

i have taken suggestions from people (hence the removal of my denchura lead, putting curse on nattorei, and other stuff)

i can't change kingdra due to the fact my team doesn't have a sweeper outside of him (i have a lead, revenge killer, supporters, and my rain) and being locked into a move is not good for the team, yes a choice specs hydro pump hurts, but having a DD kingdra also helps with dealing with opposing rain teams

i don't need another rain abuser when politoad's sets his up automatically, it stops SS teams from being completely dominant (and also stopping garchomp/doryuzuu sweeps), with drizzle, i don't need another dancer

you're using theorymon to try and out predict me, what if i have a +1 DD kingdra out there? waterfall deals a min of 75.7% to 252 HP/252 Def +Def natured ttar while also always outrunning him all the time (let alone, no one ever runs max defensive ttar), and i also have a couple of ways of limiting ttar, the main ttar that gives me troubles is tyraniboah

lastly, bandtar isn't guaranteed a OHKO with pursuit if i don't switch (it does 92% min) but if he's not banded, he deals only 66% max with pursuit (yes he can kill me with any other move, but a lot try to predict the switch)

i also think you're forgetting rotom is electric/water now, not ghost/electric

you're saying you have outpredict me, hope i don't burn your ttar/have a +1 DD kingdra out there, or hope i don't use a water attack on your switch-in

i'm not really saying you're wrong, but you're using a lot of predictions in hoping you win


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2008
NC Mooresville
@ mood4food

Once Shandera is gone Infernape DOES threaten your team. Did you even read my playthrough of how a match would go?
If you try Kingdra it's going to eat a Close Combat and will be cleaned up by something else.
If you try Politoed its going to eat a CC and cleaned up by something else, then Ttar will stop rain and Kingdra is almost useless.

Let me put it this way. Infernape is a big problem after other pokemon(Shanderaa) is gone. Politoed won't take a Close Combat good enough.

Your mixed up on what a sweeper is. A sweeper is something that kills pokemon in a row...you don't need a Stat boost to do that. Choice Specs Latias never did...Kingdra with rain at Modest and Choice Specs won't.

So you switch in Politoed after Ttar pursuits Shanderaa to death. So Politoed can just get taken out by any bulky physical attacker? Politoed seems like set up fodder to me.
Machamp can come in or Ruupushin and kills Politoed. Then Infernape comes in on whatever he wants and breaks holes in.

Okay, so Nape isn't that big of a problem but find a new Revenge Killer. Ttar or Zapdos would be good. How are Hippo's a problem? Just switch Politoed in and use boil over.

And please just TRY the kingdra set im suggesting. It may work out it may not but I've used it and it's beast. Most think it is a physical attacker or whatnot but Draco Meteor to the face and thats a big dent.

Rotom is "okay" i guess.

So the biggest problem now is basically a new Revenge Killer. I've never found a need for them but whatev's. Something that can eat Ttar and Ruupushin and other ghosts...I'd go with Scizor or Ttar or Zapdos. Scizor can deal with the ghosts okay, Ttar is out via Bullet Punch, and Ruupushin is like a Machamp to me. You need a ghost or flying poke. Which is why I say Ghost Jellyfish or a very bulky Gyara. Gyara is a great tank that can setup.

But again Kingdra doesn't have to setup. Choice Specs does that for him, and rain acts like a Dragon Dance to his water attacks. DD is stable but Choice Specs gives more reward.

Its up to how you play. I'd find a new RK in Scizor, 'Dos, Ttar and get Gyara to deal with Ruupushin. Gyara and 'Dos make great partners.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
look at my team and tell me, outside of nattorei, who is infernape switching into?

he gets 2HKO'd by everyone

you're using theorymon, it's not a safe argument, it's basically saying that you hope to out predict me

it can work but it's not a sure fire way, you're just hoping that i leave nattorei out there so infernape can come in and sweep, infernape has never been a problem for this team, only roopushin is a true counter to this team, SS teams and zapdos i can deal with

the hippo's i fight are usually specially defensive and can take 3 boil overs

also, PO seems to be really haxy, so it's like, i either burn everyone or never get a burn (does anyone else feel like PO is really haxy?)


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Dark Pulse's flinch chance is actually more useful than Shadow Ball's SpDef drop. The reason I suggested Shadow Ball is because Dark Pulse is resisted by Fighting-types, and you either outright lose to or have other means to deal with Normal-types.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
well, it helps with CM users

i like light screen, but i may go back to shadow ball


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2008
NC Mooresville
Well he can come in on any of your poke's that are nearing 50% HP and outspeed and OHKO.

I change my point of view, Nape won't sweep your team but he is going to put in a dent.
I think he is a problem pokemon after Shandera is gone. He won't sweep but a Close Combat will hurt enough to make way for something to retaliate with whatever you have left.

And change your original post. It says you hit 1130 CRE not 1300.

Whats your opinion on a bulky gyara or Ghostjellyfish thing?


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
@Moose, I run a SD Infernape on my gen 5 team, and the only pokemon I would switch him into is Nattorie, in which M4F would easily predict Flare Blitz and switch in anything but the Flying/Electric genie to soak that attack up and force me out. I really do not see where Infernape even dents this team unless Genie and Nattorie are his last pokemon.

And yes you can say I out predict and use CC, but what if he out predicts me? or I double predict him or he double triple out predict......, ect...... Stop theory-moning and Battle him, hell I'll Battle M4F.


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2008
NC Mooresville
@Wrath, It is theorymoning I know. It's not a perfect science and sadly I can't battle him right now, the only reason I even mention CC is because its theorymoning. Im trying to think of everything that can hurt his team. Infernape came first to mind because of Natorei's being there. Since Im assuming he's using Nattoeri to bait in those Fire attacks with Nattorei to let Kingdra come in and sweep.
But if rain is gone and Kingdra is weak than Kingdra is can be Revenge Killed.
Thats just my reasoning. Infernape isn't as big a threat as i thought he was but after Kingdra and Borotuso are gone then it will hurt.

@ M4F Can I have opinions on the Revenge Killers I suggested? Dos, Ttar, Scizor...heck even lucario could with Extreme Speed.

Honestly I dont think Ruupushin can exactly be countered. He seems like a worse machamp that has very strict specific counters.
What do Ruupushins generally run?
Is Borotosu Flying/water?/Ice? or what?

Scarf Ttar or Scarf Alligator seems to be the only good revenge killers. They both get crunch and pursuit. Ttar handles 'Dos better but Allligator is faster and does not start SS and can handle enemy Ttars very well.
The cost of switching it out for Shandera is the fact that Fire is gone. Fire hits Grass,Ice, and Steel 2x. Ice fang if grass is a problem, EQ for Steel and i think Rock hits Ice good?

Oh I almost forgot. What about that Vitcini? You keep the fire and get psychic to hit Ruupushin but at the cost of Ghosts. Unless you want to slap on shadow ball if you sniff a ghost coming.

Sorry about getting all in yo grill in my first couple posts I was being arrogant, blind, and hardheaded. I think it's partially due to Infernape scaring me into having a gengar or Gyarados on all my teams in Gen 4.

I used a team like this before and it revolved around a steel baiting in fire(nattorei in your case) and throwing in Kingdra to setup. But in mine I used a Choice Specs Modest Swift swim in the Rain and it destroyed everything. Blissey was the only thing that stopped my Kingdra. I used Draco Meteor to scout. A STAB Modest Choice Specs Boosted Draco Meteor hurts everything except SpDef Steels. So next time I use Surf. I used Dragon Pulse to sweep. You don't have to have a stat boosting move to sweep.
Dragon Dance boosts Atk and Spe by 1 stage(50%). Choice Specs boosts SpAtk by 50% so they are equivalent. Depends on the way you play.
I honestly want to see Blastoise w/Rain Dish pop out in a couple days. Like a Stallrein but in rain(Stallrain haha)...except it wouldnt damage them..nvm.


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
roopushin's that beat me are usually specially bulky with guts, bulk up/drain punch/mach punch/filler

after 1 bulk up, he's impossible to OHKO, i could always run gale on borutoruso

i was at 1280 with this team at one point, i've been using other teams, it's why my rating is low


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2008
NC Mooresville
I'd try out Gale on Boro and an exploder sounds like something you need.
Roopushin just seems like an annoying pokemon to me. I feel like he will definitely be a prominent pokemon with it's destructiveness. I don't think there is much you can do against it unless you have a ghost or flying. Do you know that new swan's ability?


Smash Hero
Oct 6, 2005
explode isn't good this gen, it doesn't half the opponents defense like it used to

it's not like you can status roopushin either cause of guts

that new water/flying poke is gonna suck, it's got worse stats than pellipper
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