Y'know, i never really considered G&W on any team....sausage could really mess up a team....double game&watch even more....but this is a link topic soo....
Double Game and Watch is terrible, but you can try if you really want. You have to love the sausage in team fights. ^_$ But the point is you need someone who can put in a great amount of castigation during the sausage. So another Game and Watch is not the answer. And not just when they get hit by it, but during the hassle of the spray.
In addition to that, G&W has several weaknesses that *require* a different partner to cover them up. He has some assets, though, that can make him a good partner. But for instance... two G&W vs. Falco and Fox. Even though in singles G&W may do fine against either, when represented well, Falco and Fox have more in their arsenal. But hey, that's just what I've experienced + half-guessing 'cuz I don't think of the few such experiences as great evidence.
Seriously, though, it would be of help to me if anyone could give me his opinions or experiences with a G&W partner as Link. (If you don't have any, get some good friends together and *get* some ::thumbs up:: )
As for dtilt... One of my absolute favourite combo setups: A, A, dtilt
The third hit from the combo is normally just as laggy so you're not missing out on much. Your only danger is somebody might be able to get a hit in first, but you can also stop that from happening... Otherwise, CCing is of lesser danger, opponents may actually stop the CC after the windup lag, it might eat under a shield, and altogether your success rate of landing this move increases with this long-range, swift, high-priority setup.
I swear that *someone* musta' mentioned that earlier in this thread?
Edit: Someone said something about air-grabbing being crucial against Jigglypuff. Yeah, you can shield grab a pound during the wind down lag, but do you know what happens when you miss? Hint: Starts with r, four letters, rhymes with "f***".