Huh interesting, the Ssb wiki seemed to state that his grabs are also faster, which I didn't believe and you predictably deconfirmed.
What you didn't mention though and I like to know for certain, given that the sources the ssb wiki pulls from, don't seem as reliable as prev. thought are the following changes if you happen to know them.
Though first let me give you my take on some changes your sources failed to mention, but basically have confirmed for sure at this point.
.)F-tilt seems to be nerfed from it's base damage of 13 in Sm4sh to 12 for some reason, just use(divide by) the 1.2 no items/for glory & 1.05 fresh bonus modifier to properly calculate the true base damage which happens to be the same damage values for most moves like back in sm4sh.
.) Let me reassure you/take away your worries
(who, or what is that name based on btw?), while all of his normal grab frame data has all been nerfed by one, moved up by one frame, his grab range has indeed received a massive meaningful buff, though to which other character it's comparable I honestly couldn't tell you, but looks to be around the same as Mario, Luigi and Sm4sh Marth's grab range, I guess? Which is far more usable than it was prior at the very least.
.) His pummel like most others, is weaker down to 1.6 from prev. Sm4sh value of 3, but at the same time much faster which should result in more damage overall, which we can take/regard as a buff overall.
So now on to my questions, points of contention/uncertainty.
1) Did his Jump hight for both normal and Db jump indeed get buffed? It looks that way, but I don't trust my eyes/impression and the ssb wiki on that account.
2) Is any part of his Dash animation or Runcycle faster than before? I've heard some conflicting opinions, and while some part of his ground speed and data seems to be changed for sure, I couldn't tell you for certain, what exactly that would be, but based on the overall boons most heavies seemed to receive as a whole and that ultimate is generally more geared towards a more agressive/fast paced game play experience now, I'd wager a guess and say that dash dancing or fox-trotting at the very least was improved, which works nicely in tandem with the new run cancel option, which I'm a huge fan of!
.) You mentionned his ground dodge options being buffed, but what about his airial variants? Also glad to hear that his dodge game will also be better around this time, his rolls were generally pretty good before, due to being cloned/copied from Captain Falcon, but that's a nice buff regardless. Btw, did most other chars receive better dodge frame data as well, or is Ganon one of the few lucky canidates to receive this sort of gift?
.) Did his Warlock punch really not receive any damage changes or buffs in regards to it's super armor?
That would be all, but I wanted to throw my own opinion in, regarding his Smash attacks being taken from Ike and Cloud. Well I did some further digging and if their respective versions didn't get buffed from Sm4sh, than Ganon's counterpart version/copies are looking to be far more promising than theirs interestingly enough!!!
Both F-smash and U-smash, which are taken from Ike, have both far better damage and frame data values than I expected to.
While Ganon's D-smash only seems to look about the same as Cloud's counterpart and has the same Damage and slightly improved FAF compared to Sm4sh, it's naturally slower than Cloud's respective d-smash, however it's disproportionally a lot stronger given the frame data and also seems to have/boast(?) even better hitbox properties, when it comes to both it's range and linking into the second hit, which is far more than Cloud can claim.