Here are some things that I saw that you could improve on:
-Work on your edgeguarding. Edgeguarding is one of Ganon's strong points. Bair is a really good edgeguarding tool as well as reverse upairs. Against Captain Falcon, you should really be converting almost every edgeguard into a kill because of Falcon's easily intercepted recovery.
-Use more tilts. I'm pretty sure you didn't use f-tilt once which is one of Ganon's best moves.
-Use more auto-cancelled nairs. Nair is really solid move now in PM. It retained its lenient auto-cancel window from Melee, but now the hitboxes stay out way longer.
-Use auto-cancelled nairs in conjunction with tilts and jabs. Auto-cancelled nairs allow you to throw out jabs, f-tilts, and d-tilts very quickly after the nair.
-Convert more off of your punishes. at
1:38 you hit him with the grounded part of your down-b which popped him up perfectly in front of you, at high percent, and off the stage. All you had to do was run up and upair him or even just f-tilt him and he would have had no chance of survival. Instead you down-smashed him (which might not have killed even if he had been hit by the second hit of it.) and launched right into the middle of the stage. Your decisions on what moves to use will improve over time as long as you try to notice how different moves work against characters with different fall speeds and weights and what followups are possible at different percents.
-Work on your movement. This is something that you can pretty much always improve on, no matter what level you're at. Work on incorporating wavelands, dash dancing, and wavedashes into your movement. Having greater control of your movement allows you to space better, bait out bad approaches better, continue combos better, and approach better. An easy time to work on your movement is to just do it after every stock you take. I don't even own a CRT so I don't practice tech skill at home, but my movement and tech skill got much better after I started to just waveland and dash dance and wavedash a bunch after every stock I took in friendlies and tournament. As of right now, you seem to taunt after every kill, which is fine and all if you're really trying to style on them, but I think you're going to be better served in improving by working on your movement mid-match. Heck, I spam wavelands whenever I knock my opponent far off stage and I'm waiting for them to recover.
Errrr... Wow. I wrote a crap ton more than I thought I would. Anyways, don't think that I'm trying to just tear down your Ganon or anything, these are just things that from my experience would help you out if you improved on them. I did see some good things. You were making some promising decisions. At
1:29 you had him offstage and you saw that he recovered high and went for the down-b, which would have been a good decision, had you not taunted and made it so you were slightly too far away. That stomp to uptilt was nasty. The ending was a really nice bit of flash as well. Damn, I'm never posting on smashboards while intoxicated again. I just wrote so much crap.