If someone could please help me out with some codes I would GREATLY appreciate it! I've wasted too much time going through this thread and google trying to find answers and coming up dry. Sometimes people will mention in passing but not provide the codes :/ I am using this for gameshark / console so I hope it translates over well as I know these are mostly with emulator in mind.
1.) Is there not a way to play as some of the special characters ie metal mario, giant dk, and master hand without the game crashing after the match ends or you rq?
Here are the codes I'm using for metal mario for an example if someone could tell me what i'm doing wrong (if the crashes are avoidable *fingers crossed*)
800A4D2B 000D (metal mario for player1 in vs mode)
800A4937 00FF
810A4938 0FF0 (bottom 2 codes are for "unlock everything" as I found only having the top code for some odd reason saved data on cartridge is erased while code is enabled)
2.) Someone quoted
@Danny_SsB about a night time dreamland?!?! but i didn't see any codes or anything for it. OMG I have this idea I'd LOVE to make a reality where I keep stock DL as a playable stage but swap out another one I don't use or even an activator on stage select where I could alternatively go to a night time dreamland with fd or bf music and no wind for a truly trippy experience! which brings me to my final question..
3.) I see the code for "no wind or tornado" but is there a code for just no wind and KEEP tornado? the wind in dl can be annoying sometimes but I actually like and want to keep the tornado in hyrule if possible
Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to help me with these! <3