As requested, I decided to make this thread. Some values are in floating point so I recommend you use a
float to hex calculator. I will put (F) next to any code that uses floating point numbers. Any floating point code that is only 2 bytes (like Up B) load that 2 byte value as the upper half and the lower half are 0's. So 429A = 429A0000 = 77.0. Some codes used signed values (meaning positive and negative numbers), like Blast Line coordinates, if you type in -3500 into your windows calculator and switch to hex, just take the last 4 digits. For example if I type in -3500 and convert it to hex, the calculator will display FFFFFFFFFFFFF254, so the value you write in is F254. Also for coordinates, going left decreases X, going right increases X, going up increases Y, going down decreases Y.
Please feel free to contribute by adding codes you know. I am also accepting requests (so long as it's not too difficult or time consuming). If you guys want to modify moveset data, let me know what stage and mode. I will do the first few, then I can teach you guys how to make your own codes.
Unfortunately, some of these codes may not be safe to use on console because they haven't thoroughly been tested. I suggest waiting until I update my guide, before using these codes on console.
If you want to use a code only at a specific event, then use activators.
D0 and D1 for checking if a value = a specific value & D2 and D3 are used for checking if a value != a specific value. The D replaces the 8. You use D0 for 1 Byte codes and D1 for 2 Byte codes (just like you do for 80 and 81).
Example, if I want to alter stage selection in VS mode. 800A4D09 is the address for VS mode stage #. The following code will make you go to Dreamland when you select Planet Zebes.
D00A4D09 0003 (3 = Planet Zebes)
800A4D09 0006 (6 = DreamLand)
Button Activator values
0000 No Buttons
0001 C-Right
0002 C-Left
0004 C-Down
0008 C-Up
0010 R
0020 L
0100 D-Pad Right
0200 D-Pad Left
0400 D-Pad Down
0800 D-Pad Up
1000 Start
2000 Z
4000 B
8000 A
If you want to use multiple buttons in 1 activator code, you can add the values. For example, if you want to make a button activator code for player 1 for holding A & B at the same time, the code will be D109EFA4 C000.
One cool trick with copying and pasting is to hold alt+shift so you can vertically highlight whatever you want. It can save you time when writing codes in a text editor like notepad++.
[collapse=Universal Codes]
Z Cancelling Frame Window (default = 0B)
80150A3F 00??
Auto Z Cancel
81150A40 1000
Teching Frame Window (default = 14)
80144773 00??
Auto Teching
81144774 1000
Hitbox Display (crashes in fighting polygon team loading screen)
810F2C04 2400
Projectile Hitbox
81167578 2400
Red Hitbox (requires Hitbox mode to be on)
810F33BC 2400
Purple Hurtbox
810F2FD0 2400
Red Projectile (requires Projectile hitbox code to be on)
81166F34 2400
Default Hurtbox Color (R = Red, G = Green, B = Blue)
810F2786 RRGG
810F279E BBFF
Player icon always shows
810E7284 2400
8013E237 0001
Stale Damage Multiplier (F) (default = 3F400000 = 0.75)
8112B820 ????
8112B822 ????
Level 1 Multiplier (F) (default = 3F51EB85 = 0.82)
8112B824 ????
8112B826 ????
Level 2 Multiplier (F) (default = 3F63D70A = 0.89)
8112B828 ????
8112B82A ????
Level 3 Multiplier (F) (default = 3F75C28F = 0.96)
8112B82C ????
8112B82E ????
Invincibility timer after spawning (default = 78)
8013D503 00??
Crouch Cancelling knockback multipler (F) (default = 3F2AAAAB = 0.666667)
8112FE8C ????
8112FE8E ????
Hitstun Divider (F) (default = 3FF0) (higher = lower hitstun)
810EA1B2 ????
Hitlag Multiplier (F) (default = 3EAAAAAB = 0.333333)
8112FF50 ????
8112FF52 ????
Shield Size Multiplier (F) (default = 3F266666 = 0.65) (doesn't work for Yoshi)
8118C1E0 ????
8118C1E2 ????
No Shield Drain
8114834C 2400
Shield Drain Rate (default = 0010) higher = slower
81148342 ????
2x Shield Recovery Rate (F)
810E6282 40A0
Max Shield Value (default = 0037)
810D7A6E ???? (this code determines your shield value after spawning)
810E624A ???? (this code determines max shield value you can recover to)
Take No Shield Damage
800E62A1 00E0
1.5x DI Movement Speed
8018C0E1 0046
0.5x DI Movement Speed
8118C0E0 3F86
Ability to DI for attackers during hitlag (you have to get hit at least once in a match before this works)
810E7A70 2400
Very Easy DI
811408BE 0100
C Button Jump Multiplier (for jumping while not moving) (F) (default = 429A = 77.0)
8113F78A ????
C Button Jump multiplier (for jumping while moving) (F) (default = 427C = 63.0)
8113F712 ????
Base Short Hop Multiplier (F) (default = 4210 = 36.0)
8113F70E ????
Short Hop Bonus Jump (F) (default = 4110 = 9.0) This # is added to Base Short hop X when you short hop while standing still
8113F79A ????
Secondary Jump Multiplier (default = 50)
8013FE3F 00??
Infinite Jumps
8113FED4 2400
8114397C 2400 (this code makes you not lose your jumps from UP B)
Ability to Fast Fall During Neutral Aerial
81129E3A 9160
Ability to Fast Fall During Forward Aerial
81129E4E 9160
Ability to Fast Fall During Back Aerial
81129E62 9160
Ability to Fast Fall During Up Aerial
81129E76 9160
Ability to Fast Fall During Down Aerial
81129E8A 9160
Abilty to fall through platform after jumping or getting hit
80128FA1 0014
81128FA2 384C
80128FC9 0014
81128FCA 384C
80128FF1 0014
81128FF2 384C
80129005 0014
81129006 384C
8112925E 384C
Ability to fall though platform during Neutral Aerial
80129E3D 0014
81129E3E 384C
Ability to fall though platform during Forward Aerial
80129E51 0014
81129E52 384C
Ability to fall though platform during Back Aerial
80129E65 0014
81129E66 384C
Ability to fall though platform during Up Aerial
80129E79 0014
81129E7A 384C
Ability to fall though platform during Down Aerial
80129E8D 0014
81129E8E 384C
Unlock Everything
800A4937 00FF
810A4938 0FF0
Unlimited Fire Flower Ammo
811760F0 2400
Unlimited Ray Gun Ammo
81175B00 2400
2x Speed for Fsmash
8115011A 4000
2x Speed for Usmash
8115060E 4000
2x Speed for Dsmash
8115077E 4000
All Players are Skeleton
810F24B0 3C03
810F24B2 0800
810E10D8 3C02
810E10DA 0800
810F2C2C 3C18
810F2C2E 0800
810F2D20 3C0F
810F2D22 0800
810F2228 3C0F
810F222A 0800
[collapse=Character Specific Codes]
Kirby's body size multiplier after doing aerial Up B (Default value = 3F80 = 1.0)
81160F5E ????
DK doesn't lose his charge punch after death
810D7DE8 2400
DK doesn't lose his charge punch after getting hit
8115AF18 2400
Rapidfire for Samus' Aerial Neutral Special (Autocancel Code)
8112A49C 8013
8112A49E F660
Double Tap B to shoot Samus' Ground Neutral Special sooner (Autocancel Code)
8112A44E D640
Rapid Mini Bombs for Samus (Autocancel Code)
8112A4D8 8013
8112A4DA F660
8112A4EC 8013
8112A4EE F660
Samus' mini bombs don't make her lose her jumps
8115E1C4 2400
8115E2F4 2400
Faster Charging for Samus
8015D5CF 0010
Samus doesn't lose her charge shot after death
810D7DEC 2400
Samus doesn't lose her charge shot after getting hit
8115D348 2400
Increased Mid Air Up B Jump for Samus (F)
8115DEC6 429A
Increased Mid Air Up B Jump for Link (F)
8116438A 42AC
Damage of Link's Boomerang while it's moving in reverse (default = 08)
8016CDD7 00??
Link, Faster boomerang throw animation
80163A27 00C0
80163AA7 00C0
Link, Pull out bombs faster
801645CF 00C0
8016462B 00C0
Ability to throw multiple Boomerangs for Link
8016375D 0060
Link's Effect for his bomb explosion (default = 01) [00 = Normal, 01 = Fire, 02 = electricity, 03 = Slash, 04 = Coin, 06 = Sleep]
80186433 00??
Ability to fast fall with Fox's aerial lasers
8112A29A 9160
Fox Up B Jump Velocity (up/down/diagonal) (F) (default = 42E6 = 115)
8115C716 ????
Fox Up B Jump Velocity (left/right) (F) (default = 42E6 = 115)
8115C6F2 ????
Smaller Startup delay in Fox's Up B (default = 23)
8015BFC3 0013
Insane Up B Recovery on Mario, Luigi, Falcon, & Kirby (also affects Yoshi & Ness' 2nd jump)
800D9335 0001
Increased Y-Velocity Acceleration for Mario & Luigi's Down B (F) [Default = 41B0 = 22.0]
811566FE 4220
Increased X-Velocity Acceleration for Mario & Luigi's Down B (F) [Default = 3CF8]
81156732 3D78
Increased Max Y-Velocity for Mario & Luigi's Down B (F) [Default = 4220 = 40.0]
8115670A 4260
Increased Max X-Velocity for Mario & Luigi's Down B (F) [Default = 4188 = 17.0]
8115672E 4238
Increased Max X-Velocity Ground for Mario & Luigi's Down B (F) [Default = 4188 = 17.0]
81156646 4238
Increased Air Up Recovery for Mario & Luigi [DannySSB]
8018C691 0096
Increased Air Up B Recovery Kirby [DannySSB]
8018C9C1 0072
Increased Air Up B Recovery DK [DannySSB]
8018C874 003A
Increased Up B Horizontal Movement Falcon [DannySSB]
8018C909 00A0
8018C90D 00A0
8018C911 00A0
Increased Up B Recovery Pikachu
801530FB 0080
Increased Up B Recovery Ness
8015500B 0068
[collapse=Stage Specific Codes]
Blast Line Coordinates Training Mode
8122D688 ???? (Up)
8122D68A ???? (Down)
8122D68C ???? (Left)
8122D68E ???? (Right)
Blast Line Coordinates 1p Mode
8121BB58 ???? (Up)
8121BB5A ???? (Down)
8121BB5C ???? (Left)
8121BB5E ???? (Right)
Blast Line Coordinates VS Mode
81216A38 ???? (Up)
81216A3A ???? (Down)
81216A3C ???? (Left)
81216A3E ???? (Right)
Training Mode Stage = 80190969 00??
VS Mode Stage = 800A4D09 00??
1 Player Mode Stage = 800A4B19 00??
00 - Peach's Castle
01 - Sector Z
02 - Congo Jungle
03 - Planet Zebes
04 - Hyrule Castle
05 - Yoshi's Island
06 - Dream Land
07 - Saffron City
08 - Classic Mushroom Kingdom
09 - Dream Land Beta 1
0A - Dream Land Beta 2
0B - Level From "How To Play SSB Demo"
0C - Yoshi's Island no clouds
0D - Metal Mario Level
0E - Fighting Polygon Team Level
0F - Race to the Finish!
10 - Final Destination
11 - mario target
12 - fox target
13 - DK target
14 - samus target
15 - luigi target
16 - link target
17 - yoshi target
18 - c. falcon target
19 - kirby target
1A - pikachu target
1B - jigglypuff target
1C - ness target
1D - mario platforms
1E - fox platforms
1F - DK platforms
20 - samus platforms
21 - luigi platforms
22 - link platforms
23 - yoshi platforms
24 - c. falcon platforms
25 - kirby platforms
26 - pikachu platforms
27 - jigglypuff platforms
28 - ness platforms
No DreamLand Wind & No Hyrule Tornado
80131410 0011
Stage Hazard Stats for Tornado, Barrel, and Acid. Damage doesn't work with Barrel
Training Mode
8122D6C2 ???? (Damage)
8122D6C6 ???? (Angle)
8122D6CA ???? (Knockback Scaling)
8122D6CE ???? (Fixed Knockback)
8122D6D2 ???? (Base Knockback)
VS Mode
81216A72 ???? (Damage)
81216A76 ???? (Angle)
81216A7A ???? (Knockback Scaling)
81216A7E ???? (Fixed Knockback)
81216A82 ???? (Base Knockback)
1P Mode
8121BB92 ???? (Damage)
8121BB96 ???? (Angle)
8121BB9A ???? (Knockback Scaling)
8121BB9E ???? (Fixed Knockback)
8121BBA2 ???? (Base Knockback)
VS Mode Spawn Coordinates
Player 1 (Default X = 0000, Y = 0006)
81218976 ???? (X)
81218978 ???? (Y)
Player 2 (Default X = FA8B, Y = 038A)
8121897C ???? (X)
8121897E ???? (Y)
Player 3 (Default X = 0001, Y = 0609)
81218982 ???? (X)
81218984 ???? (Y)
Player 4 (Default X = 058D, Y = 038D)
81218988 ???? (X)
8121898A ???? (Y)
Peach's Castle
Player 1 (Default X = FF2B, Y = 0626)
812197AC ???? (X)
812197AE ???? (Y)
Player 2 (Default X = 02FD, Y = 061B)
812197B2 ???? (X)
812197B4 ???? (Y)
Player 3 (Default X = 012C, Y = 05EB)
812197B8 ???? (X)
812197BA ???? (Y)
Player 4 (Default X = FCB8, Y = 05F6)
812197BE ???? (X)
812197C0 ???? (Y)
Yoshi's Island (with clouds)
Player 1 (Default X = 0275, Y = FFA0)
8121BBBC ???? (X)
8121BBC0 ???? (Y)
Player 2 (Default X = 005A, Y = 0969)
8121BBC4 ???? (X)
8121BBC6 ???? (Y)
Player 3 (Default X = 02F4, Y = 05E9)
8121BBCA ???? (X)
8121BBCC ???? (Y)
Player 4 (Default X = FC22, Y = 0408)
8121BBD0 ???? (X)
8121BBD2 ???? (Y)
Hyrule Castle
Player 1 (Default X = F6A0, Y = 0412)
8121C410 ???? (X)
8121C412 ???? (Y)
Player 2 (Default X = FBBA, Y = 0412)
8121C416 ???? (X)
8121C418 ???? (Y)
Player 3 (Default X = 00F0, Y = 040F)
8121C41C ???? (X)
8121C41E ???? (Y)
Player 4 (Default X = 05DC, Y = 0412)
8121C422 ???? (X)
8121C424 ???? (Y)
[collapse=Match Specific Codes]
VS Mode
Time-Stock Match (Thanks to Danny_SsB)
800A4D0B 0003
8013A789 0080 (I made this code to display correct number of stocks)
Time & Stock Modifier (T = Time, S = Stock)
Sudden Death (If you don't have equal stocks, the match ends instead)
800A4D19 0007
Player 1 Default CPU Level (CP) and Handicap(HH) 1 Player Mode
810A4B38 CPHH
Player 1 Controlled by (CT) and Character(CH) 1 Player Mode
Player 2 Default CPU Level (CP) and Handicap(HH) 1 Player Mode
Player 2 Controlled by (CT) and Character(CH) 1 Player Mode
Player 3 Default CPU Level (CP) and Handicap(HH) 1 Player Mode
810A4C20 CPHH
Player 3 Controlled by (CT) and Character(CH) 1 Player Mode
810A4C22 CTCH
Player 4 Default CPU Level (CP) and Handicap(HH) 1 Player Mode
810A4C94 CPHH
Player 4 Controlled by (CT) and Character(CH) 1 Player Mode
810A4C96 CTCH
Player 1 Default CPU Level (CP) and Handicap(HH) Training Mode
81190988 CPHH
Player 1 Controlled by (CT)? and Character(CH) Training Mode
8119098A CTCH
Player 2 Default CPU Level (CP) and Handicap(HH) Training Mode
811909FC CPHH
Player 2 Controlled by (CT) and Character(CH) Training Mode
811909FE CTCH
Player 3 Default CPU Level (CP) and Handicap(HH) Training Mode
81190A70 CPHH
Player 3 Controlled by (CT) and Character(CH) Training Mode
81190A72 CTCH
Player 4 Default CPU Level (CP) and Handicap(HH) Training Mode
81190AE4 CPHH
Player 4 Controlled by (CT) and Character(CH) Training Mode
81190AE6 CTCH
Values for Controlled by
00 = Human
01 = CPU
02 = Not Appear
Values for Character
00 Mario
01 Fox
02 DK
03 Samus
04 Luigi
05 Link
06 Yoshi
07 C. Falcon
08 Kirby
09 Pikachu
0A Jigglypuff
0B Ness
0C Master Hand
0D Metal Mario
0E Polygon Mario
0F Polygon Fox
10 Polygon DK
11 Polygon Samus
12 Polygon Luigi
13 Polygon Link
14 Polygon Yoshi
15 Polygon Falcon
16 Polygon Kirby
17 Polygon Pikachu
18 Polygon Jigglypuff
19 Polygon Ness
1A Giant Donkey Kong
80099113 00??
00 - Kirby's Dream Land
01 - Planet Zebes
02 - Classic SMB Music
03 - Classic SMB Music (Running Out Of Time)
04 - Sector Z
05 - Congo Jungle
06 - Peach's Castle
07 - Pokemon Theme
08 - Yoshi's Island
09 - Hyrule Castle
0A - Choose Your Character
0B - Odd Beta Fanfare! It's not much
0C - Mario/Luigi Wins
0D - Samus Wins
0E - DK Wins
0F - Kirby Wins
10 - Fox Wins
11 - Ness Wins
12 - Yoshi Wins
13 - C. Falcon Wins
14 - Pikachu/Jigglypuff Wins
15 - Link Wins
16 - Post VS. Battle
17 - Pre-Master Hand
18 - Pre-Master Hand #2
19 - Master Hand Battle
1A - Bonus Stage
1B - Stage Clear
1C - Bonus Stage Clear
1D - Master Hand Clear
1E - Bonus Stage Failure
1F - Continue?
20 - Game Over
21 - Intro
22 - How to Play
23 - Pre-1P Battle
24 - Fighting Polygon Team Stage
25 - Metal Mario Stage
26 - Beat the Game
27 - Credits Roll
28 - Found a Secret!
29 - Fight the Hidden Character
2A - Training Mode
2B - Data
2C - Menu Screen
2D - Hammer
2E - Invincibility
[collapse=Ultimate Auto Cancel Code]These codes are universal which means that it works on every player in every match. These codes can mess up CPU players, so keep that in mind. Player states are the values you can use as a reference for making your custom codes. The player state determines what you can do during that time period. For instance, while you are shielding (80148B84), you can only do certain actions like grab, roll, jump, etc. Auto Cancel Addresses are the addresses you use to make the gameshark codes. When it comes to picking a good player state to use, for auto cancelling codes, pick one that allows you to do what you want without introducing glitches and without it being too easy to interupt. For instance, do not use the standing state when doing up smash, use the landing state instead (so that holding up doesn't interupt your up smash).
Player States
00000000 = Waiting (can't do anything)
8013D3A4 = Standing on the spawning platform
8013E070 = Standing on Ground
8013E390 = Walking
8013E700 = Switching direction you are facing (while standing on the ground)
8013EA90 = Initial Dash
8013EE50 = Running
8013F334 = Delay while jumping off the ground (can't do anything other than Up B, afaik)
8013F660 = Jumping while Y Velocity is Positive
8013F9A0 = Jumping while Y-Velocity is Negative
8013FB2C = Jumping backwards
8014070C = While player is in Hitstun
80141D60 = Dropping through platform
80142B70 = Landing on ground
80142EFC = Beginning of ducking
80143154 = Lowest position while ducking
80143394 = Getting Up phase (when letting go of analog after ducking)
80143730 = Mario's, Samus', Falcon's Up B after it finishes
80148B84 = Shielding
80149268 = Rolling
80149FCC = In the middle of a grab
8014E91C = Jab 1
8014E9B4 = Jab 2
8014E9E4 = Jab 3
8014F388 = Infinite Jab
8014FC40 = Down Tilt
801560F4 = Mario's Up B while Y Velocity is positive
8015BBD8 = Fox's Down & Neutral Special
8015CD5C = Fox's Ground Down Special
8015D464 = Starting Delay for Samus Neutral Special
8015D640 = Samus while charging or shooting
80160370 = Falcon's Up B while Y Velocity is positive
Auto Cancel Addresses
80128F0C = Initial Dash
80128F20 = Running
80128F70 = Delay before jumping off ground
80128F84 = Jump Delay while shielding
80128FC0 = Down Special (Aerial) (Samus)
80129010 = Beginning of Ducking State (Set value to 80143154 if you want faster ducking)
80129038 = Getting Up after letting go of Analog stick while ducking
8012904C = Landing after jumping (this includes Z & Auto Cancelled attacks)
80129060 = Landing while fast falling
80129074 = Dropping through platform
80129088 = Dropping through platform while Shielding
80129268 = Mario's, Samus', Luigi's, Falcon's Up Special after it finishes
8012927C = Mario's, Samus', Luigi's, Falcon's Up Special landing
801299C0 = Shield (turning on)
801299E8 = Shield (letting go)
80129AD8 = Grabing state (before enemy is touched)
80129AEC = Grabing state (right when enemy is grabed)
80129AF8 = Grabing state (after you are able to throw enemy)
80129B14 = Delay after forward throw
80129B28 = Delay after back throw
80129CB8 = Jab 1
80129CCC = Jab 2
80129CE0 = Running Attack
80129CF4 = Forward Tilt Ang Up
80129D08 = Forward Tilt Ang Mid Up
80129D1C = Forward Tilt
80129D30 = Forward Tilt Ang Mid Down
80129D44 = Forward Tilt Ang Down
80129D6C = Up Tilt
80129D94 = Down Tilt
80129DA8 = FSmash Ang Up
80129DBC = FSmash Ang Mid Up
80129DD0 = FSmash Ang Side
80129DE4 = FSmash Ang Mid Down
80129DF8 = FSmash Ang Down
80129E0C = USmash
80129E20 = DSmash
80129E34 = Neutral Aerial
80129E48 = Forward Aerial
80129E5C = Back Aerial
80129E70 = Up Aerial
80129E84 = Down Aerial
80129EAC = Landing lag for Forward Aerial Attack (not Z/Auto Cancelled)
80129EC0 = Landing lag for Back Aerial Attack (not Z/Auto Cancelled)
80129EFC = Landing lag for Up, Down, & Neutral Aerial Attack (not Z/Auto Cancelled)
80129F10 = Frame delay after jab 3 for Mario
80129F74 = Start of Mario's Up Special
8012A280 = Fox's Ground Neutral Special
8012A294 = Fox's Aerial Neutral Special
8012A35C = Beginning of Fox's Down Special (Ground)
8012A384 = Fox's Down Special (Ground) after letting go (this is for delay)
8012A398 = Fox's Down Special (Ground)
8012A3C0 = Beginning of Fox's Down Special (Aerial)
8012A3E8 = Fox's Down Special (Aerial) after letting go (this is for delay)
8012A3FC = Fox's Down Special (Aerial)
8012A44C = Delay before Neutral Special (Ground) (Samus)
8012A474 = Delay after Neutral Special (Ground) (Samus)
8012A488 = Delay before Neutral Special (Aerial) (Samus)
8012A49C = Delay after Neutral Special (Aerial) (Samus)
8012A4B0 = Up Special (Ground) (Samus)
8012A4C4 = Up Special (Aerial) (Samus)
8012A4D8 = Down Special (Ground) (Samus)
8012A4EC = Down Special (Aerial) (Samus)
8012A53C = Neutral Special (Ground) (Luigi)
8012A550 = Neutral Special (Aerial) (Luigi)
8012A5B4 = Frame delay after jab 3 for Link
8012A62C = Link's Up Special
8012A640 = Link's Up Special landing lag (includes Link's ground Up B)
8012A654 = Link's Up Special (Aerial)
8012A668 = Link's Neutral Special (Ground)
8012A6A4 = Link's Neutral Special (Aerial)
8012AD84 = Jab 3
8012AD98 = Delay between Jab 3 and Infinite Jab
8012ADAC = Infinite Jab
8012AE24 = Neutral Special(Ground) (Falcon)
8012AE38 = Neutral Special(Aerial) (Falcon)
8012AE4C = Down Special (Ground) (Falcon)
8012AE74 = Extra lag if on ground for Falcon Kick
8012AE88 = Down Special (Aerial) (Falcon)
8012AEB0 = Up Special (Ground) (Falcon)
8012AEEC = Up Special (Aerial) (Falcon)
Here are some example codes. Say you want to reduce landing lag of all aerial attacks that aren't Z or Auto Cancelled, You take the 3 addresses and make 2 codes for each one since each address I posted represents 4 byte values and 1 code can only change 1-2 bytes.
Since we are making 2 byte codes, you use 81 instead of 80.
81129EAC 8013 ;Upper 2 Bytes
81129EAE E070 ;Lower 2 Bytes
81129EC0 8013 ;Upper 2 Bytes
81129EC2 E070 ;Lower 2 Bytes
81129EFC 8013 ;Upper 2 Bytes
81129EFE E070 ;Lower 2 Bytes
If you look at the Player States, you can see that 8013E070 is the standing state, so this code makes you skip the landing phase which is 80142B70. With this code on, you will land faster (in the middle of your aerial attack) than if you Z Cancel.
Example codes
Down Smash (uses getting up state) (doesn't work well if you're standing on a platform)
81129E20 8014
81129E22 3394
Up Smash (uses landing state)
81129E0C 8014
81129E0E 2B70
Forward Smash Ang Side (uses beginning of crouching state)
80129DD0 8014
81129DD2 2EFC
Neutral Air
81129E34 8013
81129E36 F660
Forward Air
81129E48 8013
81129E4A F660
Back Air
81129E5C 8013
81129E5E F660
Up Air
81129E70 8013
81129E72 F660
Down Air
81129E84 8013
81129E86 F660[/collapse]
I made a cheat engine table for several emulators since it's very helpful for learning about the game and hacking.
hacked version of
PJ64KVE, &
1964. [Last updated 05/03/2014]