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GA and Florida

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Smash Lord
May 23, 2007
Space Animals, Florida
ive heard of it...

a lot of "hood" movies take place there.

Friday, Dont Be A Menace...

But that still doesnt say that you dont take **** from nobody just b/c u live there. Im sure you have at least one or 2 pushovers around there...

and vid games arent real life...so no, it doesnt make u better then someone
Completely missed the point. But no use in beating a dead horse.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
I wonder if anyone aside from CDE+DogySamich know where Alpha and I got our lines of Wittiness lol....


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
First of all. Florida started it. People like Doodah and Lambchops post whatever they want to and are outright rude to all other states, not just us. We're like the neighbors next door to a really loud dysfunctional household.

See, I always thought Doodah was cool. Then bam, Doodah starts talking sh*t about me for no reason.

Three people from Florida came into my Combo Video thread as a team to spam the sh*t. TEAM SPAM FTW.

Long story short, Doodah's not that funny. I've never seen him make a joke at his own expense, it's always someone else getting laughed at to entertain him. Sounds hilarious.

Aside from all this un-instigated hate coming from them, I have no problem with Florida. I like SpeedN and Shiz. I liked Tipman until I found out he hates me for no f*cking reason. All these people started this with us, I've never had outward intentions to make someone feel like less of a person. That all seems to be no problem for people in SWFL, though.

Georgia loves everyone. Florida hates us.

Everyone hates Florida because of the massive amount of people that are so rude. I mean, if you talk to any other state then you'll find out that aside from SpeedN, Shiz, and Chops, Florida is considered a joke. A joke where everyone thinks that spending 48 hours straight in training mode learning how to waveshine and tech will make you a god in this game. If you're from Florida and you're not one of the above 3, then trust me, NO ONE thinks you're as good as you do.

And yes, just about all other state's I've talked to seem to hate Florida. Maybe you guys should try to impress others through not only your smash ability, but your social morals. Good people and nice people don't talk sh*t to people they don't know for no reason other than they're bored. Play nice, for once.


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
First of all. Florida started it. People like Doodah and Lambchops post whatever they want to and are outright rude to all other states, not just us. We're like the neighbors next door to a really loud dysfunctional household.

See, I always thought Doodah was cool. Then bam, Doodah starts talking sh*t about me for no reason.

Three people from Florida came into my Combo Video thread as a team to spam the sh*t. TEAM SPAM FTW.

Long story short, Doodah's not that funny. I've never seen him make a joke at his own expense, it's always someone else getting laughed at to entertain him. Sounds hilarious.

Aside from all this un-instigated hate coming from them, I have no problem with Florida. I like SpeedN and Shiz. I liked Tipman until I found out he hates me for no f*cking reason. All these people started this with us, I've never had outward intentions to make someone feel like less of a person. That all seems to be no problem for people in SWFL, though.

Georgia loves everyone. Florida hates us.

Everyone hates Florida because of the massive amount of people that are so rude. I mean, if you talk to any other state then you'll find out that aside from SpeedN, Shiz, and Chops, Florida is considered a joke. A joke where everyone thinks that spending 48 hours straight in training mode learning how to waveshine and tech will make you a god in this game. If you're from Florida and you're not one of the above 3, then trust me, NO ONE thinks you're as good as you do.

And yes, just about all other state's I've talked to seem to hate Florida. Maybe you guys should try to impress others through not only your smash ability, but your social morals. Good people and nice people don't talk sh*t to people they don't know for no reason other than they're bored. Play nice, for once.


I will start off by stating I started nothing.

Daniel Gayman started everything with the FL vs GA bull.

Next, its so easy to talk **** over the internet when you know you're safe behind you're computer homie.

I thought we settled this holmes? You said we were cool and we were gonna burn and **** and now you bring this on me? I never said anything wrong about you or your state, all of my **** talk has been towrads Gayman and his 2 laggies.

Let's just hope you don't think I'm funny when we meet son.

Cuz I will fvck you up, son.

3rdly, Save for the Carolina's and maybe mississippi, you GAys are the laughing stock of the smash world.

Did anyone from GA place even top 32 at any big tournament in the past 2 years?


Our 3 best are better than 9/10s of the smash community as a whole, son.

You guys have no one.

And also, who are you?

You think you're good Chaddd? LOL.

Like it matters who you've talked to.

I just hope you're this big when we see each other, if whenever.

The computer is a great shield.

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
lol i placed top 32 at mlg orlando, top 5 at Inn 4 and smash aid where Azen won! u was there at two of those Pete but...according to FL, im not considered GA so...yeah

ok, ima stay outta this one.


Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2007
orlando, near Kissime. Vistas
I resent that. Tennessee? Arkansas? Alabama? We suck too dammit, where's our recognition for it?
LOL sorry for the lack of props we shouldn't forget about you guys. Your post made me laugh. And don't stir the pot after it settled no need to start more GA Fl stuff, it's kinda annoying, just chill and stop worrying about who's better than who, if you are truly better you shouldn't even need to prove it because everyone knows it.


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2007
Let's just hope you don't think I'm funny when we meet son.

Cuz I will fvck you up, son.
I just hope you're this big when we see each other, if whenever.

The computer is a great shield.


regardless of whether or not you think chaddd is good, he placed 9th(ninth is higher than 32nd) at EVO world like yesterday.

Our 3 best are better than 9/10s of the smash community as a whole, son.
with over 6 million copies sold, i'm sure our top 3 could take out 5,400,000 of the people who played smash

if you want to talk about just smashboards the community, i'm sure GA's best 3 could take out 9/10 people on smashboards too.


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006

I will start off by stating I started nothing.

Daniel Gayman started everything with the FL vs GA bull.

Next, its so easy to talk **** over the internet when you know you're safe behind you're computer homie.

I thought we settled this holmes? You said we were cool and we were gonna burn and **** and now you bring this on me? I never said anything wrong about you or your state, all of my **** talk has been towrads Gayman and his 2 laggies.

Let's just hope you don't think I'm funny when we meet son.

Cuz I will fvck you up, son.

3rdly, Save for the Carolina's and maybe mississippi, you GAys are the laughing stock of the smash world.

Did anyone from GA place even top 32 at any big tournament in the past 2 years?


Our 3 best are better than 9/10s of the smash community as a whole, son.

You guys have no one.

And also, who are you?

You think you're good Chaddd? LOL.

Like it matters who you've talked to.

I just hope you're this big when we see each other, if whenever.

The computer is a great shield.
Oh, didn't I get top 32 at Innsomnia V AND Smashtaclysm?

Outplaced Vidjo, Husband, Cactuar and a lot of other people you can't even come close to beating.

No one's using a computer as a shield, you're just a little too violent, dude. I'm not sure I'd want to waste my weed on you unless you chill the f*ck out and stop having a period any time anyone says something you don't like. I don't fight about everything, motherf*cker, and like I've been over with you before, if you want to sucker punch me or some **** I'll think it was way more than ****ing worth to take the hit to watch you get dragged off in cuffs in the middle of wherever just because you couldn't take a breather long enough to not sweat a video game and some game forums. You call me and my whole state trash and then pay no attention to any tournament results, and act like you know sh*t. What's this GA(y) sh*t and in the same thread wanna act like you didn't say sh*t? All this sounds like you need to calm the f*ck down. You talk trash about my state everyday and I say you're not funny once and you wanna "f*ck me up". **** dude, this doesn't sound related to Smash Brothers at all. What are these forums for again?

EDIT: I forgot about 9th at EVO World. If you'd stop talking so much blind sh*t then we'd have no problem, man. Georgia recognizes you guys are good, but you can't talk anything but sh*t about us. Leave my state the f*ck alone, we aren't all represented by daniel-zaman. If we all judged Florida based on the sh*t you say about us then there would be a lot more hate on these boards. This whole thread was asking us to stop, and you clearly only give a sh*t about trashing people and picking fights.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
@Dogy - Ha! I knew Powerthirst 2 was a CH Original! IN YO FACE! Though granted every other video they post IS old so..... props to you there foo >.<

"Powerthirst! With all new flavors like MANANA! FIZZ*****!.... and! GUN!"

EDIT: And I gotta say, I do agree with most of Chad's points. Only Daniel-Zaman has said anything of late.... he doesn't really represent the whole lot of us. Look at CDE, we're such cool people lol. : D Anyways, I'ma stay out of this one too lol. Brawl is only a month away and I'm stoked XD.


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2007
Holla at me if you need to hire a teams partner. I
First of all. Florida started it. People like Doodah and Lambchops post whatever they want to and are outright rude to all other states, not just us. We're like the neighbors next door to a really loud dysfunctional household.

See, I always thought Doodah was cool. Then bam, Doodah starts talking sh*t about me for no reason.

Three people from Florida came into my Combo Video thread as a team to spam the sh*t. TEAM SPAM FTW.

Long story short, Doodah's not that funny. I've never seen him make a joke at his own expense, it's always someone else getting laughed at to entertain him. Sounds hilarious.

Aside from all this un-instigated hate coming from them, I have no problem with Florida. I like SpeedN and Shiz. I liked Tipman until I found out he hates me for no f*cking reason. All these people started this with us, I've never had outward intentions to make someone feel like less of a person. That all seems to be no problem for people in SWFL, though.

Georgia loves everyone. Florida hates us.

Everyone hates Florida because of the massive amount of people that are so rude. I mean, if you talk to any other state then you'll find out that aside from SpeedN, Shiz, and Chops, Florida is considered a joke. A joke where everyone thinks that spending 48 hours straight in training mode learning how to waveshine and tech will make you a god in this game. If you're from Florida and you're not one of the above 3, then trust me, NO ONE thinks you're as good as you do.

And yes, just about all other state's I've talked to seem to hate Florida. Maybe you guys should try to impress others through not only your smash ability, but your social morals. Good people and nice people don't talk sh*t to people they don't know for no reason other than they're bored. Play nice, for once.
lol the blind hypocrite has spoken.you still havent beaten anyone good chadd you are about as good as eddie lol


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
lol the blind hypocrite has spoken.you still havent beaten anyone good chadd you are about as good as eddie lol
I could very easily say the same thing about you. At least I can type.

EDIT: Please try to realize how quoting me on that post, calling me a hypocrite, and then insulting me in the same sentence makes you the most hypocritical person here.


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
I wish we could all be friends.

I don't feel like responding to all those half ***** posts anyway.
Dude. Like I said, I think that in person you're funny as hell. GaWes told me stories about you for forever. I have no problem with you at all in person, I think we should both know by now that we're both a bit over the top on the boards. I don't take 90% of this seriously, so we I'm good if you're good.

Oh, and you'd be surprised to know that speaking strictly about states and not their Smash community, Georgia does indeed suck. Our weather sucks, our politics suck, and just about everything we're famous for sucks. We've seen almost eye to eye this entire time. :laugh:

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA

This all reminds me of what PB&J said the other day about Halo3's online community.



Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2007
Holla at me if you need to hire a teams partner. I
I could very easily say the same thing about you. At least I can type.

EDIT: Please try to realize how quoting me on that post, calling me a hypocrite, and then insulting me in the same sentence makes you the most hypocritical person here.
I beaten somoene who is top 10 in this US at FC in TOURNEY. you havent beaten. who have you beaten? kaiser? rofl


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
I beaten somoene who is top 10 in this US at FC in TOURNEY. you havent beaten. who have you beaten? kaiser? rofl
Actually KoreanDJ and ChuDat in Pools. That was the tourney where you spent 90 dollars on a bus ticket and lost it, remember? lolol

And no one said anything about Kaiser. lol. I also took out Chillin IN BRACKETS at Evo World.

See, you can't talk sh*t to me based on who I've beaten, because just about the entire group of top players know me by name. Drephen knew who I was at Smashtaclysm before I even saw him. You know, that guy who destroyed you at FC, I believe it was? lolololol


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2007
Holla at me if you need to hire a teams partner. I
what by beating them in one match out of the set? you lost to chudat lol you beat kdj's ganon ROFL I should use bowser and let you beat me and then let you brag to everyone how you beat my bowser rofl its ok 50 people at gigs will watch me destroy you this weekend.omg you beat chillin one match! your just too good man. the people I beaten was in a set lol. forward is better than chillin so far I beaten someone who is top 10 in a set you havent beaten anyone good so far so you still suck hahaha


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
what by beating them in one match out of the set? you lost to chudat lol you beat kdj's ganon ROFL I should use bowser and let you beat me and then let you brag to everyone how you beat my bowser rofl its ok 50 people at gigs will watch me destroy you this weekend.omg you beat chillin one match! your just too good man. the people I beaten was in a set lol. forward is better than chillin so far I beaten someone who is top 10 in a set you havent beaten anyone good so far so you still suck hahaha
You're quite obviously delusional. You get shut down every point you make and still keep talking. I knocked Chillin' into losers brackets, not "won one game out of the set". And yeah, Forward is really good, you know this because he destroyed you. Made you look like a joke with all those lasers. I hate to make you feel bad but you won't beat me this weekend. It'll be really funny when you can tell everyone that the reason you didn't go to Pound was because 'a goofy looking white kid' destroyed you in a money match. I hope that's not your only plan for making it to Baltimore. hahaha.

Oh, by the way, it was KoreanDJ's Marth, smart one. Why do you feel you can talk for days about every match you never saw? Sounds like you're in loser's denial.

EDIT: Also, Chillin' would destroy you.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA

This all reminds me of what PB&J said the other day about Halo3's online community.

Just be glad you don't talk to me about Halo communities.... >.> 5 years of the online thing (back before Halo 2 was even out <.< ) and I have a ****load of stuff I could explain about >.< I'm sorry you even had to LISTEN about that community because the Halo scene is seriously just that horrible. Like.... I know certain 14-16 yr olds that could spew **** talk and insults worse than Doodah, Chaddd, and Lambchops combined.... :(

@PB&J - We should swap hilarious/horrendous Halo community moments sometime lawlz.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2006
theres more drama in this thread than a soap opera, i would rather just beat ppl instead of trying to tell them how much better i am than them.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
WTF that movie suck something fierce
its Jason Statham not joseph >_>
This is worse than Transporter 2.
wtf did I say?

*goes to look*

Dammit I am not a name remembering guy! Especially when it comes to actors... last names only please.....

Transporter 2 was good too! This is worse than Superman Returns. That's right, it's been said.
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