I'll get the actual matches up soon hopefully
I can't wait to hear the commentary on all the matches. It's gonna be fun =)
Connor - This reminded me of that Santa Ana tourney where I beat you in winners then you came back and 6-1'd me in finals. As the games went on I realized I had less and less control of the match. I will figure you out though! Good stuff tho, it was also reminiscent of when we split in Chula Vista. I'll never get bored playing you =)
BeamSwordMaster - learn how to beat fawks
MacD - probably the most fun i've had playing you in a long time lol. My hands were seriously shaking all the way from game 2 - game 5. So intense.
Fly Amanita - the brackets were nice to me and i didnt have to lose to you
Little England - lol you're one of my favorite people to see at tourneys. I never know which character you main lol. But yeah you got better, you definitely saw my fox when it was playing at its best in those friendlies but I couldn't hold it down quite as well in teams. Kept tryin to rush too much, i shoulda been more patient against you but it was fun either way. I'm glad you went to the one tourney i went to in awhile haha
A Rookie/Rey/Soju - Also awesome to see you guys, I definitely didn't sandbag, I just think Puff is an underrated character so I wanted to get as much overall tourney experience as possible with her.. but later in the day my will to win took over so I went Sheik against Connor and MacD. And since it worked I kept with it lol. But yeah, Rey your Ganon is legit, Soju didn't get to see you play but you seem like a chill guy, Rookie your Mario is one of the few odd characters I enjoy watching. Your set against Stab kept my attention pretty well haha
Boss - good stuff in teams, glad you came, see you during the week!
DJ mirror - you got way better
stabbedbyatree - so did you but learn to combo harder. you play like an awkward Falcomist lol minus the unconventional combos, plus some Tofu top platform camping and some Mathos lasering. pretty gay
Deth - Learn that fancy shield breaker! It looks awesome when done right, there's no video for it cause Hugo just made it up recently (shh it's a secret technique) but yeah it'd be cool to see someone actually use it in a match. All I can say is you're a beast in teams, I remember awhile ago when you used to play more often, you always teamed with some random noob and still got top 5 at every tournament lol. And when you beat P at the arcadian tourney =P
Hyprid - good as always, you're really getting more mature as a player. I can see your patience and smarts are shaping up really well. Go to Nice Shot Hugo and after that I think your game will grow a lot. Possibly TourneyPlay 5 too, seeing as it's in Irvine. In my opinion, Marth really isn't that great of a character anymore, not nearly as good as he used to be when people had poor DI. He has very few and very situational/inconsistent ways to kill, but I'm glad to see people like you and Jkun and Strawhat doing so well with him still. freakin M2K is still overpowered with Marth... he makes him look like he's actually 2nd best on the tier list lol
Maple - kyle.. i gayed it up on the commentary lol but hopefully it's entertaining. Thanks for everything that day
Kirbyraeg - Good set, you actually caught on to my aerial movement patterns and did some really nice predictions whether you were conscious of it or not, but yeah Puff's gay spacing and superior advantage in that matchup wins overall.
signia - Hey man didn't see you play or talk much but I'm glad you could make it. We gotta chill with Okami again when he gets back in town
Boba - your peach got better.. but try to be more fair when on a friendly rotation lol
Combofest - glad you found a ride. your falcon is sick but i noticed you roll a lot near the ledge haha
Kangix - you're awesome man. make a fur coat out of that hair of yours so i can buy it
samDVDs - hmm, wish i could've played a few friendlies with you but I can tell the Midwest taught you well haha. Sorry for putting you in against one of the other crews' captain lol but we won in the end so thanks for taking his stocks away and making it easier for us
Bye - Who are you? Sometimes Bye's do better than players in bracket. It's sad for them but hilarious for everyone else. For example when E40 got 25th at a 19-man tourney LOL
Deadshot - Way to not enter singles. How are we supposed to get better as a team if you never get better as a player!? I think you had a healthy wakeup call today; I'll be waiting for you to use that to improve even more =)