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For people trying to get better at melee technically

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Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2005
lol I stopped playing D2 after some dude hacked 3 loaded accounts of mine because I stole a legit 19-19-9 anni off of him because he stole my **** when I was xfering =\

**** that lol.
i've had much worse happen. MEET ME IN DAT BLOOD MOOR SON


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
Nah, we're telling you not to focus too much on tech skill.
My friend who is brazilian japanese is really good at juggling and dribbling and whatnot, all sorts of crazy tricks with the ball
but he had no practice against defenders, and he didn't know how to deal with real people.
Soccer analogy.
Now what if your friend knew how to deal with defenders? Would his talent with a soccer ball BENEFIT or DEGRADE his game?

i've had much worse happen. MEET ME IN DAT BLOOD MOOR SON
Well in that same week my account Bite(o.O)Me got banned and all of my keys got banned for map hacking and botting.

I had over 4k games on my Bite(o.O)Me starcraft record =\

I went emo for a couple days


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
Ya, telling people to not practice is wrong and that's what your community is doing.

How that makes sense is beyond me.
You know what dood, no they're not. In some ways, you are both (yourself and "my community") are approaching this in ways i disagree with, and i'll be honest, i like your attitude of achievement, but you cant generalize entire communities. What you have done is posted something, got a somewhat disagreeable or negative response, and generalized that THAT is what the entire community holds as dogma. I along with 3-5 other guys pretty much DID start the Georgia Smash Scene, but its not "my" community, everyone has their own opinions, and being good myself, it seems that mine work, BUT. . . I will say, there are some good players whose opinions on the game and how to be good/what is good for the community is nearly the exact opposite of my own thoughts. All im saying is do things you're own way, no matter what, stick to your guns, but also look into what the top players, who have been around for years are saying, and take it into account that while you may feel they dont have the "ability to learn or improve as fast as you" that they might have some helpful information about this game specifically.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2006
Atlanta, GA (school yr), Miami, Fl (summer)
Now what if your friend knew how to deal with defenders? Would his talent with a soccer ball BENEFIT or DEGRADE his game?
You do not need to be as technical as you seem to think to be good. There is nothing wrong with practicing, just don't be surprised when you get 4 stocked a whole bunch of times when you play someone good, even if you can waveshine all day.

ffs, it doesnt mean dont practice, it just means practice other things as well, like against people.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2005
Well in that same week my account Bite(o.O)Me got banned and all of my keys got banned for map hacking and botting.

I had over 4k games on my Bite(o.O)Me starcraft record =\

I went emo for a couple days
same has happened to me. but no starcraft record.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
You know what dood, no they're not. In some ways, you are both (yourself and "my community") are approaching this in ways i disagree with, and i'll be honest, i like your attitude of achievement, but you cant generalize entire communities. What you have done is posted something, got a somewhat disagreeable or negative response, and generalized that THAT is what the entire community holds as dogma. I along with 3-5 other guys pretty much DID start the Georgia Smash Scene, but its not "my" community, everyone has their own opinions, and being good myself, it seems that mine work, BUT. . . I will say, there are some good players whose opinions on the game and how to be good/what is good for the community is nearly the exact opposite of my own thoughts. All im saying is do things you're own way, no matter what, stick to your guns, but also look into what the top players, who have been around for years are saying, and take it into account that while you may feel they dont have the "ability to learn or improve as fast as you" that they might have some helpful information about this game specifically.
lol I didn't mean it in a general sense. I know these people. I played melee with Mike and Tommy and the rest of GPC 2 years ago, but I ended up stopping because I stopped going to school for 2 semesters and just played Starcraft. I would call a lot of what I call "your community" friends, but some of them just aren't good friends to me, so I'm not calling them friends anymore. I'm not a stranger to them lol. When I say your community I didn't mean EVERYONE, just the people you know. Not trying to be offensive at all either of course.

Chaddd, Sleepy, Marty make it seem like technical play is not important and are trying to argue with me about it lol.

I don't think it is good to spread that view to the people who really DO want to improve. Their opinions aren't affecting me at all. I just don't want all these newer players coming into the melee scene thinking "Hey if I just play them without spending hours of practice on technical play, I'll stand a good chance in winning!".

I played melee with Tommy and Jim(not sure if you know him) and what really made the difference between Tommy and I is the tech stuff. He could move his character how he wanted and I couldn't do what I was thinking up in my head. I always got 1 or 2 stocked and could play smart, but the tech stuff would have made the difference. Ya, I beat Tommy once out of every 10 games, not only because lack of experience, but because I couldn't control my character how I wanted to. If I was able to do what was thinking in my head and had the techs down second nature, then I'm sure I would be at an even level as Tommy or better.

I want these higher level players in GA to give the right coaching tips to the newer players. Too much negatives and trying to be "right". They should be motivating people to work on techs AS WELL as mind games/experience. This thread was just on tech practice. Nothing more man.


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
People need to practice tech at home.

People need to obsess with simple tech, getting it right every single time, dont be trying jump shine turn around back airs with fox if you cant waveland on platforms or l-cancel every time

People need to realize that when they lose, its not because they werent technical enough, they lost becuase they werent good enough, and in most cases no amount of practice home alone will fix that
You do not need to be as technical as you seem to think to be good. There is nothing wrong with practicing, just don't be surprised when you get 4 stocked a whole bunch of times when you play someone good, even if you can waveshine all day.

ffs, it doesnt mean dont practice, it just means practice other things as well, like against people.
Done said that QT.


Also, i agree, this thread's first post should just be about tech skill. A lot of videos on advance tactics have already been made, i didnt read over the first post too hard but you may want to include those and mention HOW IMPORTANT DI IS which is a bit too complicated to explain to people that arent that familiar with the game, but they just need to know that DEFENSIVE tech skill is nearly as important as offensive. =)


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
Chaddd, Sleepy, Marty make it seem like technical play is not important and are trying to argue with me about it lol.

I don't think it is good to spread that view to the people who really DO want to improve. Their opinions aren't affecting me at all. I just don't want all these newer players coming into the melee scene thinking "Hey if I just play them without spending hours of practice on technical play, I'll stand a good chance in winning!".
I think you misinterpreted what they said, man. They know tech skill is important for new players.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
We were saying what jeff said the whole time; I brought up soma and everything ' - '


Smash Ace
May 7, 2007
Planet Earth
In game when I know what to do, but I have the inability to actually do it, then I need to go home and practice tech skill. If I can do everything I want but I am still losing then I need to play more people and watch more videos to gain expieriance and "mind games" or other stragiese.

^lots of mispelled words... I dont really care.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
We were saying what jeff said the whole time; I brought up soma and everything ' - '

Ya, but you were telling me something for no reason. I never stated that technical playing was a game winning part of the game lol. For some reason you were assuming I was saying that. TBH I thought you were saying that technical skill isn't that important and I disagreed. I don't need a pro at melee to know that lol. Either way the comments weren't needed. We need more motivating one's not talking down ones.

"I think Soma and Mike said it best in conversation
Soma: "I remember when the first time we played, I shffl nair combo'd you across the stage"
Mike: "and then I killed you."



Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
well, i dunno. You just made a reaaaaly big deal out of tech skill practice, and I guess we came on too strong about it. Sowwies.
and yeah LOL
Soma was cornel minus the metagame


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
Either way the comments weren't needed. We need more motivating one's not talking down ones.
He's right, noir made a lot statements about where he wants to be, and some arguable ones about what you can learn from videos, but he never actually said anything wrong when it comes to what tech skill can do for you, i was never arguing that, just letting you know how i personally felt about improvement, there was no argument from me except that i felt that both parties were jumping the gun.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
well, i dunno. You just made a reaaaaly big deal out of tech skill practice, and I guess we came on too strong about it. Sowwies.
and yeah LOL
Soma was cornel minus the metagame
Well, 15 hours to not even be perfect with a character is a lot of practice. I can only imagine how much practice DSW and M2K has put into technical practice. That's a harder thing to get down than mind games and experience, so I was trying to give some advice.

Soma is a beast dude. Doing anything Guitar Hero with a T.V is too much

He's right, noir made a lot statements about where he wants to be, and some arguable ones about what you can learn from videos, but he never actually said anything wrong when it comes to what tech skill can do for you, i was never arguing that, just letting you know how i personally felt about improvement, there was no argument from me except that i felt that both parties were jumping the gun.
Ya true.

Life After Death

Smash Champion
May 27, 2008
Bronx, NY
the mind and tech skills cannot be seperated. u cant do any of them without using both at the same time. tech is doign what u want. mind is knowing wehn to do it/predicting it. to be good u need knowledge/exp. tech/do what u want to do in situations when u can punish ur opponent. tech and mind is one. one cannot live without the other. knowledge helps u when to use something in situations. example of knowledge is knowing match ups. without knowledge mind and tech skills are almost useles. cuz u dont know what ur predicting in the first place. muscle memory is good example of knowledge. when u react to something ur used to but u dont really notice it cuz ur so used to it it takes little concentration.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Soma's so good at guitar hero, he doesn't even need a TV for Jordan.

Chops, how's your c0ck?


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I think I understand what Noir is saying. See, here's how it works, with estimated numbers:

Low Level - tech:mental ratio is about 5:1
Mid Level - 3:1
High Level - 2:1
Semi-Pro - 1:1
Pro - 1:3

Just an example of the idea. To elaborate:

People who have been playing for years but have never learned even the simplest tech may be able to space well and time everything properly but they have almost no options in their game and whoever in the group of players learn some basic tech skill well will instantly dominate the rest of the players. This clearly shows how technical practice improves their game by a much larger amount than mental practice. Even if the player who practiced the techs was a poorer mental player, the other non-tech guys wouldn't stand a chance because they simply can't move as fast.

At mid levels where everyone can L-cancel and people can wavedash a little bit and maybe they know some char-specific techs, learning more technical skill is still largely in favor. If you're playing a Fox that can waveshine, SHFFL, ledgehop, and combo well against a Marth who can just L-cancel and wavedash every now and then, no matter how strong Marth's mental game is, Fox is gonna win.

As the level of play gets higher and higher, putting time into technical skill loses value against practice with real players to gain experience and mental skill. Unfortunately, it's still very, very important. I was at a tournament last weekend and I played my friend in a tourney match. We both know that I'm the better smasher (more technical) but he can play very intelligently and he can beat me maybe 1 in 3 games. The whole tournament I was out of practice, not warmed up, and pretty much playing on autopilot, and I was able to win the set 2-1. He proved a surprising challenge, but afterwards talking to him about it I heard of how he carefully watched everything I did and abused my weaknesses, spaced better, and basically thought through every match for all the advantages he could get. Why didn't he win? My greater technical ability, while not even very much above his, was enough to essentially substitute for my lacking mental game and allow me to be a "better" player.

Even at a high technical level, tech skill can outweigh the mental game; for example, you may have a Fox that can waveshine, combo well, shine spike well, chain grab, and more that really isn't missing any techs and you can do all of this on the fly. You're still going to get destroyed by a Fox that does everything you can do but faster, SHFFLing everywhere, spacing better, Thunder's Comboing every chance, and capitalizing on everything. Here's where stuff gets blurry: is this actually technical skill? He's probably playing too quickly for it to be mental, because he certainly isn't contemplating the match, but what is it? It's experience (leading to muscle memory).

This is what we're getting a bit confused about. Technical skill is only built through hours of practice at lower levels. The better you get, the faster you learn muscle memory for complicated maneuvers from playing good players rather than just playing alone. The only thing you really need to do alone is practice some techs that you couldn't figure out and experiment with on the fly in a match (ex: if you don't even know what kinds of jump and laser combinations Falco has but you want to learn them). Otherwise, you just play good players and concentrate on what you're doing. Your "tech skill" is now more consisting of experience which built reflexes and muscle memory to allow you to perform everything you know on the fly more efficiently and reliably and leave your mind more free space to work new solutions and watch your opponent's playstyle. When your fingers and subconscious brain are performing fast spacing, tech chasing, and fluid combos that you've done countless times, your conscious brain can focus on a whole lot more to improve yourself even further.

To recap: the progression is "technical skill", then "experience", and finally "mental game."

If you have any questions/qualms with anything I said feel free to discuss it.


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
hat's a harder thing to get down than mind games and experience, so I was trying to give some advice.
nah, thats where you're wrong bro, whether this thread is dedicated to tech skill or not. see, the reasoning, whether its justifiable or not, for all these kids flipping their ***** on you, is because most of them have been around a little bit (not long compared to others) but long enough to see a bunch of kids pop up and talk about how beast their tech is, then they go to tourney's, get their *** handed to them, and disappear, because they never took mindgames seriously. Thats why they're doing this, and its not justified, it really isnt, but what we need is help, not belittling.

Getting any amount of tech skill down, is easier than being having the best mindgames of the best players. You see, tech skill is limited, as the game operates on a fixed-physics based engine, there is only so much that can be input, so much that can be done with the virtual character, and most of that is based around how much the character weighs/how it moves. BUT, although there are only a certain amount of moves and input (i.e. tech skill) they can be broken up to produce mindgames. Mindgames are nearly limitless, only limited by what the character can perform, this isnt a reactionary based game like some fighters, nor a pure defense or turtle game, because you can freely move about the arena, this game has an added depth to it that so far no other game has come close to touching, Mindgames are endless.

Look at it this way. Lots of people have tried to compare it to sports, and in some ways you can, but meh. For me, it makes more sense to compare it to music. Take a drum set for example. As played as it was "intended" the drum set only has, depending on your kit, 10 possibilities or so? including double bass? but look at what you can do with those ten possibilities. . . . Thats all in creative flow. Tech skill is not creative flow. Combos are to some degree, but only in invention, not in practice. MINDGAMES are the only creative flow to this game, and they are the most intricate and important aspect by miles and miles and miles and miles. True, tech skill is very very important, but if you watch azen's marth vs. ken's marth, you'll easily see what i mean, not that you can really "see" mindgames very often, its more about pressuring your opponent to see them, not your audience. I hope you get beast man, we could use more competition at the top.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
I think I understand what Noir is saying. See, here's how it works, with estimated numbers:

Low Level - tech:mental ratio is about 5:1
Mid Level - 3:1
High Level - 2:1
Semi-Pro - 1:1
Pro - 1:3

Just an example of the idea. To elaborate:

People who have been playing for years but have never learned even the simplest tech may be able to space well and time everything properly but they have almost no options in their game and whoever in the group of players learn some basic tech skill well will instantly dominate the rest of the players. This clearly shows how technical practice improves their game by a much larger amount than mental practice. Even if the player who practiced the techs was a poorer mental player, the other non-tech guys wouldn't stand a chance because they simply can't move as fast.

At mid levels where everyone can L-cancel and people can wavedash a little bit and maybe they know some char-specific techs, learning more technical skill is still largely in favor. If you're playing a Fox that can waveshine, SHFFL, ledgehop, and combo well against a Marth who can just L-cancel and wavedash every now and then, no matter how strong Marth's mental game is, Fox is gonna win.

As the level of play gets higher and higher, putting time into technical skill loses value against practice with real players to gain experience and mental skill. Unfortunately, it's still very, very important. I was at a tournament last weekend and I played my friend in a tourney match. We both know that I'm the better smasher (more technical) but he can play very intelligently and he can beat me maybe 1 in 3 games. The whole tournament I was out of practice, not warmed up, and pretty much playing on autopilot, and I was able to win the set 2-1. He proved a surprising challenge, but afterwards talking to him about it I heard of how he carefully watched everything I did and abused my weaknesses, spaced better, and basically thought through every match for all the advantages he could get. Why didn't he win? My greater technical ability, while not even very much above his, was enough to essentially substitute for my lacking mental game and allow me to be a "better" player.

Even at a high technical level, tech skill can outweigh the mental game; for example, you may have a Fox that can waveshine, combo well, shine spike well, chain grab, and more that really isn't missing any techs and you can do all of this on the fly. You're still going to get destroyed by a Fox that does everything you can do but faster, SHFFLing everywhere, spacing better, Thunder's Comboing every chance, and capitalizing on everything. Here's where stuff gets blurry: is this actually technical skill? He's probably playing too quickly for it to be mental, because he certainly isn't contemplating the match, but what is it? It's experience (leading to muscle memory).

This is what we're getting a bit confused about. Technical skill is only built through hours of practice at lower levels. The better you get, the faster you learn muscle memory for complicated maneuvers from playing good players rather than just playing alone. The only thing you really need to do alone is practice some techs that you couldn't figure out and experiment with on the fly in a match (ex: if you don't even know what kinds of jump and laser combinations Falco has but you want to learn them). Otherwise, you just play good players and concentrate on what you're doing. Your "tech skill" is now more consisting of experience which built reflexes and muscle memory to allow you to perform everything you know on the fly more efficiently and reliably and leave your mind more free space to work new solutions and watch your opponent's playstyle. When your fingers and subconscious brain are performing fast spacing, tech chasing, and fluid combos that you've done countless times, your conscious brain can focus on a whole lot more to improve yourself even further.

To recap: the progression is "technical skill", then "experience", and finally "mental game."

If you have any questions/qualms with anything I said feel free to discuss it.
Well said dude

I hope you get beast man, we could use more competition at the top.
Ya I understand the rest of your post and ya I'm going to get good.


Smash Rookie
Nov 19, 2008
Tech skill vs mind games can be summed up very simply.

They both add to the sum amount of your ability, but they don't both feed off of one another.

What Chops is saying is kind of right, but really that your mind games will depend on your tech skill in some situations, but for the most part "tech skill" is useless without mind games.

Case and point? You can double shine and drill shine infinite all you want with Fox (about 200+ hours in training mode, no matter how smart or quick you think you are.) but if I can distance my jumps and aerials out of your range by simply holding back in the air, then your thousands of hours of practice go to sh*t. You have to MAKE ME put myself into those situations. And you have to hope I'm not trying to make you make me put me in those situations, otherwise you'd be the one falling for mindgames.

And as for the 'god doesnt exist, don't go to church' analogy, you do realize that from an Atheists point of view that that's an incredibly ignorant point to make for the sake of your argument?


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
Tech skill vs mind games can be summed up very simply.

They both add to the sum amount of your ability, but they don't both feed off of one another.

What Chops is saying is kind of right, but really that your mind games will depend on your tech skill in some situations, but for the most part "tech skill" is useless without mind games.

Case and point? You can double shine and drill shine infinite all you want with Fox (about 200+ hours in training mode, no matter how smart or quick you think you are.) but if I can distance my jumps and aerials out of your range by simply holding back in the air, then your thousands of hours of practice go to sh*t. You have to MAKE ME put myself into those situations. And you have to hope I'm not trying to make you make me put me in those situations, otherwise you'd be the one falling for mindgames.

And as for the 'god doesnt exist, don't go to church' analogy, you do realize that from an Atheists point of view that that's an incredibly ignorant point to make for the sake of your argument?
If I get you into that situation and I can't do the tech, then the mind games were useless. You need both and the more masterful you are with both, the better you will be.

Not really because "god doesn't exist" is a belief, not a fact. Saying "Tech skill doesn't matter" is OBVIOUSLY a belief because tech skill does matter. If you want someone to take your beliefs into consideration, it might be smart to provide a very good explanation or argument against the latter.

In game when I know what to do, but I have the inability to actually do it, then I need to go home and practice tech skill. If I can do everything I want but I am still losing then I need to play more people and watch more videos to gain expieriance and "mind games" or other stragiese.

^lots of mispelled words... I dont really care.
Get modzilla lol


Smash Rookie
Nov 19, 2008
If I get you into that situation and I can't do the tech, then the mind games were useless. You need both and the more masterful you are with both, the better you will be.

Not really because "good doesn't exist" is a belief, not a fact. Saying "Tech skill doesn't matter" is OBVIOUSLY a belief because tech skill does matter. If you want someone to take your beliefs into consideration, it might be smart to provide a very good explanation or argument against the latter.
No one said anything about beliefs, but since your God analogy proved you are religious, I knew you'd be all about 'beliefs'.

God, or good, as you chose to spell it, not existing wouldn't actually be a belief so much as a lack there of. But whatever, you can argue with me all you want, it won't change the fact that I'm obviously right because I've based my entire Smash Career on my OPINION (not belief) and you've based your entire Smash Career on yours.

The difference shows.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
No one said anything about beliefs, but since your God analogy proved you are religious, I knew you'd be all about 'beliefs'.

God, or good, as you chose to spell it, not existing wouldn't actually be a belief so much as a lack there of. But whatever, you can argue with me all you want, it won't change the fact that I'm obviously right because I've based my entire Smash Career on my OPINION (not belief) and you've based your entire Smash Career on yours.

The difference shows.
I meant God. Typo. I'm a Deist. Belief is a word in the English dictionary. You don't have to be religious to use it LOL

You're right about what?

This is simple to comprehend bro. How you can't get this is beyond me.

You're argument was if I can't get you into a situation to combo you with mind games, then my tech skill is obviously useless.

This argument is either being stated because you think that I think mind games don't matter, you think tech skill doesn't matter, you're stupid, or you're arguing to argue(which means you are stupid as well.).

I already have stated that both matter, including mind games, so that leaves options 2, 3, and 4. You think tech skill isn't important, you are stupid, or you're arguing to argue(you're stupid.)

Pick your poison.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
this thread is now pointless. Let's stop posting about things that don't need to be posted about.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
Ya the title should be changed to "Does tech skill matter in Melee?" because that's the kind of discussion it is now. Lock it if you want mods.


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
somebody get snex in here...

(will anyone actually get the 6 year old reference i just made?) mikey g? im countin on you, unless bobby's trollin for no reason haha


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Religious debate destroy and child porn in one thread?
We'd get owned.


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
Eggz, you are wrong about d2. I'll show you tech skill in D2!
and yes, light sorce ftw. uhhh btw, mm in d2 anytime
character planning and diligence to obtain endgame perfs isn't tech skill,
im aware of the depth of dueling, but in the end, its rock paper scissors. if a build counters your build, and they know how to play, and counter your counters, they can't lose. theres only so much you can do.
also stacked auradin ftw. lol
i've played d2 on and off pretty diligently, recently the first time ive gotten any of my former wealth back.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
character planning and diligence to obtain endgame perfs isn't tech skill,
im aware of the depth of dueling, but in the end, its rock paper scissors. if a build counters your build, and they know how to play, and counter your counters, they can't lose. theres only so much you can do.
also stacked auradin ftw. lol
i've played d2 on and off pretty diligently, recently the first time ive gotten any of my former wealth back.
If you're semi wealthy on D2, get me going on it :D


Smash Rookie
Nov 19, 2008
Blah blah blah
You're as hard headed as you are relentless. You live in Georgia and want to get good at Melee, SleepyK and I are two of the best sources of information for you at this point, but us trying to send you in the right direction ends in a d*ck measuring contest. When you start losing the argument, you change the subject, put words in other people's mouths, and talk about how you don't care about the thread anymore like proving to the universe that you're both right all the time and don't care about anything is the most important thing in the universe despite you putting your AIM and Myspace in your signature. Excuse my run on sentence.

And I'm not your f*cking bro, bro.

EDIT: At some point you're going to have to face it that everyone in this state agrees: If you're arguing with SleepyK, you're pretty much straight up wrong.


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
lol, this is so pointless, why cant people just let him post a thread about improving tech skill? maybe it wasnt the best written and most comprehensive explanation for what should be conveyed to get better, but it was something, and him being a peer of those "just getting started" may actually have some advantages instead of all the best players trying to say it, trickle up theory doods. None of this is a big deal, and sadly no one here is actually trying to help new players but noir (no, im not agreeing with you on everything, at all) but everything everyone else is saying is nearly irrelevant to kids getting more technical (which, have you guys forgotten that most kids that "play" smash dont play it like us? they need to know how to at least do some stuff with a controller) and honestly, i think posting shizwiz and talking about that kind of stuff is too much, too hard, i mean ****, kids like datman look up to shizwiz for tech skill, and he's been playing falco for several years now, if you're a noob looking at ways to get better at tech skill and looking for a goal to achieve FOR NOW, a better one would be someone like bombsoldier, although his vids vs. ken were considered insane back in the day for tech skill, they're probably a good source for tech skill for those just learning how to lcancel on shields and wavedash (after they go through the advance tactics vids).

but as far as ****talk goes, it should pretty much be kept to tourney threads, so noobs and amateurs can look at this and not feel overwhelmed by hate and argument.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
You're as hard headed as you are relentless. You live in Georgia and want to get good at Melee, SleepyK and I are two of the best sources of information for you at this point, but us trying to send you in the right direction ends in a d*ck measuring contest. When you start losing the argument, you change the subject, put words in other people's mouths, and talk about how you don't care about the thread anymore like proving to the universe that you're both right all the time and don't care about anything is the most important thing in the universe despite you putting your AIM and Myspace in your signature. Excuse my run on sentence.

And I'm not your f*cking bro, bro.
Calm down Bro. I don't lose arguments.

You think because the majority of your followers ride your d*ck, that I will? I'm a leader not a follower. You want a follower, then you are talking to the wrong person. If I have an opinion that I BELIEVE is right, then I'll stick to it, until someone proves to me otherwise. You haven't done that and probably never will because to me you're a moron and for me to take advice from an ***, it would have to be advice to make a million dollars in a minute.

I'm like you except better. I'm as competitive as you, if not more. I'm far more talented than you in a lot more than just guitar and melee. I've spent far more hours practicing the **** that I do/done than you will rack up in a life time. Hop off my d*ck and don't expect others to hop on yours.

Stop being a cry baby. If you REALLY want to argue with me then take it out of the thread because I'm not going to get banned because of it and no you will not win an argument with me.

Oh and if you want to argue with me then go learn reason/logic first. If you aren't experienced with both, then you're not on my level.

lol, this is so pointless, why cant people just let him post a thread about improving tech skill? maybe it wasnt the best written and most comprehensive explanation for what should be conveyed to get better, but it was something, and him being a peer of those "just getting started" may actually have some advantages instead of all the best players trying to say it, trickle up theory doods. None of this is a big deal, and sadly no one here is actually trying to help new players but noir (no, im not agreeing with you on everything, at all) but everything everyone else is saying is nearly irrelevant to kids getting more technical (which, have you guys forgotten that most kids that "play" smash dont play it like us? they need to know how to at least do some stuff with a controller) and honestly, i think posting shizwiz and talking about that kind of stuff is too much, too hard, i mean ****, kids like datman look up to shizwiz for tech skill, and he's been playing falco for several years now, if you're a noob looking at ways to get better at tech skill and looking for a goal to achieve FOR NOW, a better one would be someone like bombsoldier, although his vids vs. ken were considered insane back in the day for tech skill, they're probably a good source for tech skill for those just learning how to lcancel on shields and wavedash (after they go through the advance tactics vids).

but as far as ****talk goes, it should pretty much be kept to tourney threads, so noobs and amateurs can look at this and not feel overwhelmed by hate and argument.
Chaddd is just trying to get me heated. Our personalities obviously clash lol...

It's obvious that you're not on my level because you're determined to bring me down to yours. You're not even arguing anymore, you're just talking about my argument strategies.

I've argued online with dozens of people exactly like you.

'Oh look, everyone likes chaddd, I'm going to prove I'm a total badass by arguing with him about everything and proving I don't care about anything'

You're such a rebel. I'm not going to respond to you anymore because it's obvious you're not equipped to discuss any one topic without flipping out and trying to 'prove' how much you 'know'. Get a life.
"I lose"

You're the one who started the personal attacks. You just chose the wrong person to personally attack =]

I should have been more mature and blocked your screen name though lol...


Smash Rookie
Nov 19, 2008
It's obvious that you're not on my level because you're determined to bring me down to yours. You're not even arguing anymore, you're just talking about my argument strategies.

I've argued online with dozens of people exactly like you.

'Oh look, everyone likes chaddd, I'm going to prove I'm a total badass by arguing with him about everything and proving I don't care about anything'

You're such a rebel. I'm not going to respond to you anymore because it's obvious you're not equipped to discuss any one topic without flipping out and trying to 'prove' how much you 'know'. Get a life.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Here's the gist of what happened
Chris: I practice my tech skill this way, i'm getting good at it, it's making me better.
5 people: Don't forget tech skill isn't the only part of getting good
then something happened and an argument developed.
Let's cut the crap and just get to improvin' people.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
There's just so many wrongs in peoples post. Maybe I should let people believe what they want to believe. Even in your last post I could fix it for you, but then that would result in another 10 pages of bs. Anyways I blocked Chaddd's new account and Tong. I'm trying to stay on the mature side of life lol


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Well, chris, your opinions are your opinions. Let's not forget that. Regardless, this thread got kinda dumb kinda fast, and i contributed to it. dix.
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