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For people trying to get better at melee technically

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Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
certain things you brought up that were debated on were based on opinions, but once again this thread is sort of pointless now. It was somewhat pointless to begin with; you could have just made this a post in the GA, what are we going to do? thread since your own personal training regiment doesn't necessitate its own thread.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
certain things you brought up that were debated on were based on opinions, but once again this thread is sort of pointless now. It was somewhat pointless to begin with; you could have just made this a post in the GA, what are we going to do? thread since your own personal training regiment doesn't necessitate its own thread.
Ya true. It was like 5 am and I had a lot of energy lol

I got to go though. Got to do some manager assessment test in the morning :ohwell:



Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
There's just so many wrongs in peoples post. Maybe I should let people believe what they want to believe. Even in your last post I could fix it for you, but then that would result in another 10 pages of bs. Anyways I blocked Chaddd's new account and Tong. I'm trying to stay on the mature side of life lol
so basically you're core intention is to get better at melee, and the conversation goes something like this:

chris: hey guys i'm getting better at melee! i'm doing this this and this to get my tech skill up!

people: yes... thats cool and all but a much more effective way to get better is this way.

chris: hey! I dont need no training for mindgames! tech skill only.

people: but the point is to get better, if you just work on your tech skill alone it will not get you very far...

chris: stfu i'm right about how to get better.

people: ...


you've basically asked for advice, and completely disregarded everyone's advice (including advice from many people who are leagues upon leagues better than you). I dont follow how you ask for advice and then get angry at the people who genuinely tried to help. It's so entirely silly to concentrate on just tech skill. If you play the game against other people and just intentionally observe your own matches and develop thoughtful strategies, the tech skill will follow naturally. Thats what we are trying to say.

but no, we're just completely wrong <_<;

because all that tech skill really helped mew2king vs Mango's "Little back air that could."

get over yourself.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
so basically you're core intention is to get better at melee, and the conversation goes something like this:

chris: hey guys i'm getting better at melee! i'm doing this this and this to get my tech skill up!

people: yes... thats cool and all but a much more effective way to get better is this way.

chris: hey! I dont need no training for mindgames! tech skill only.

people: but the point is to get better, if you just work on your tech skill alone it will not get you very far...

chris: stfu i'm right about how to get better.

people: ...


you've basically asked for advice, and completely disregarded everyone's advice (including advice from many people who are leagues upon leagues better than you). I dont follow how you ask for advice and then get angry at the people who genuinely tried to help. It's so entirely silly to concentrate on just tech skill. If you play the game against other people and just intentionally observe your own matches and develop thoughtful strategies, the tech skill will follow naturally. Thats what we are trying to say.

but no, we're just completely wrong <_<;

because all that tech skill really helped mew2king vs Mango's "Little back air that could."

get over yourself.
"chris: hey! I dont need no training for mindgames! tech skill only."

quote me on that one.

"you've basically asked for advice"

quote me on that one

If you can do that then your argument is correct. If not, then your argument is wrong and you need to re-read all my posts, especially the first one where I don't ask for advice or opinions on tech skill.

Noir should play MVC2. He would ****.
That game doesn't catch my interest. My friend has it on the dreamcast and I don't know it well enough to find it fun =\


Smash Rookie
Nov 19, 2008
So let me get this straight, he's banned me, can't see my posts, and that's supposed to be an ADVANTAGE?

I can trash this kid all day. It's obvious you're never going to be good because you've basically just stated that you haven't asked for advice and that you haven't been riding 'tech skillz' d*ck the entire thread...when you have. And you think because we can't quote you verbatim on that that that somehow frees you from your past statements. That shows signs of delusions by itself.

What would further show signs of delusion, is the idea that you're going to get better, but then argue with me and XIF, the state's current top 2 players. Oh yeah, you're on your way to the top. And certainly after I let all the other top players know what an unbalanced nutball you are.

But what I find second funniest of all, is the fact that in response to XIF's well organized, well thought out response to your jumble of delusional trash, you basically stated that you didn't make this thread to help yourself get better, you made it to try and explain to the Atlantic South how to get 'Beast like you.'

Oh what an incentive. Tuuuuuuuuurboscrub.

But you'll notice I said second funniest. That's simple.

It's because what I find funniest of all, is the ban feature is for little crybabies who can't handle seeing cuss words on their beloved smashboards, so by blocking me, everyone else is reading this, and you're completely clueless yet you somehow thought that would be an advantage.

Keep on scrubbin super scrub.

That game doesn't catch my interest. My friend has it on the dreamcast and I don't know it well enough to find it fun =\
Ah the mark of a turboscrub.

It wouldnt make sense at all to play the fastest and arguably most popular and complex fighting game ever released, no way, that quote "doesn't catch my interest".

I want to play Smash and Smash only, and by doing so I'll prove how I don't need to expand my knowledge of games to be good at them.

Scrubs play one game. One character.

Pros play everything, and every character.

And no one quote me on this please because he's chosen to ban me and so I wouldn't want him reading any of my tips and trying to argue with them.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
I used to be pretty good at Melee, and I guarantee you that it was because of my mental ability, not because I could L-Cancel consistently (because I couldn't, XD).


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
I used to be pretty good at Melee, and I guarantee you that it was because of my mental ability, not because I could L-Cancel consistently (because I couldn't, XD).
Ya that's really important too. I never said it wasn't. That's not what this thread is about and it should have never got there.

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
I used to be pretty good at Melee, and I guarantee you that it was because of my mental ability, not because I could L-Cancel consistently (because I couldn't, XD).
How I got good in Melee was I learned how to do dial a combos then just wavedashed and l canceled short hop **** everywhere then chose a top tier character.

But yeah, I would suggest practicing technical stuff in friendlies instead of alone really.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
This is just dissolving into flaming each other about tech skill and mindgames and misunderstanding each other. There are countless threads in Melee Discussion about how to get better at the game and about how to practice tech, and those threads have countless points and tips and opinions already posted.

Nobody is getting infraction points or anything for the dissolving argument, but this thread should be closed.
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