So let me get this straight, he's banned me, can't see my posts, and that's supposed to be an ADVANTAGE?
I can trash this kid all day. It's obvious you're never going to be good because you've basically just stated that you haven't asked for advice and that you haven't been riding 'tech skillz' d*ck the entire thread...when you have. And you think because we can't quote you verbatim on that that that somehow frees you from your past statements. That shows signs of delusions by itself.
What would further show signs of delusion, is the idea that you're going to get better, but then argue with me and XIF, the state's current top 2 players. Oh yeah, you're on your way to the top. And certainly after I let all the other top players know what an unbalanced nutball you are.
But what I find second funniest of all, is the fact that in response to XIF's well organized, well thought out response to your jumble of delusional trash, you basically stated that you didn't make this thread to help yourself get better, you made it to try and explain to the Atlantic South how to get 'Beast like you.'
Oh what an incentive. Tuuuuuuuuurboscrub.
But you'll notice I said second funniest. That's simple.
It's because what I find funniest of all, is the ban feature is for little crybabies who can't handle seeing cuss words on their beloved smashboards, so by blocking me, everyone else is reading this, and you're completely clueless yet you somehow thought that would be an advantage.
Keep on scrubbin super scrub.
That game doesn't catch my interest. My friend has it on the dreamcast and I don't know it well enough to find it fun =\
Ah the mark of a turboscrub.
It wouldnt make sense at all to play the fastest and arguably most popular and complex fighting game ever released, no way, that quote "doesn't catch my interest".
I want to play Smash and Smash only, and by doing so I'll prove how I don't need to expand my knowledge of games to be good at them.
Scrubs play one game. One character.
Pros play everything, and every character.
And no one quote me on this please because he's chosen to ban me and so I wouldn't want him reading any of my tips and trying to argue with them.